blob: 29793b25d1ce6dc9d8ab29df246f71be9f962f1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2013 Obeo.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.acceleo.internal.traceability.engine;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.IAcceleoConstants;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.internal.utils.workspace.AcceleoWorkspaceUtil;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.AcceleoNonStandardLibrary;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.AcceleoStandardLibrary;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.CircularArrayDeque;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.CompactHashSet;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.CompactLinkedHashSet;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.Deque;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.AcceleoEngineMessages;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.AcceleoEvaluationCancelledException;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.AcceleoEvaluationException;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitor;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.QueryCache;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.internal.traceability.AcceleoTraceabilityMessages;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.internal.traceability.AcceleoTraceabilityPlugin;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.Block;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.FileBlock;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.ForBlock;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.IfBlock;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.MtlPackage;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.ProtectedAreaBlock;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.Query;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.QueryInvocation;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.Template;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.TemplateInvocation;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.GeneratedFile;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.GeneratedText;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.InputElement;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.ModelFile;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.ModuleElement;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.ModuleFile;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.TraceabilityFactory;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.TraceabilityModel;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.EMFPlugin;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnum;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnumLiteral;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EOperation;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.CallOperationAction;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.Constraint;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.SendSignalAction;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.AssociationClassCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.BooleanLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionItem;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.EnumLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.ExpressionsPackage;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IfExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IntegerLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IterateExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IteratorExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.LetExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OCLExpression;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OperationCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.PropertyCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.RealLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.StateExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.StringLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.Variable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.VariableExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.util.OCLStandardLibraryUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.PredefinedType;
* This implementation of an evaluation visitor will record traceability information as the evaluation
* processes. All actual evaluations and generations will be delegated to the standard Acceleo evaluation
* visitor.
* @author <a href="">Laurent Goubet</a>
* @param <PK>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <C>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <O>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <P>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <EL>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <PM>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <S>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <COA>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <SSA>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <CT>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <CLS>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
* @param <E>
* see {@link #org.eclipse.ocl.AbstractEvaluationVisitor}.
public class AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> extends AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> {
/** Initial size of our "cache" maps. */
private static final int INITIAL_CACHE_SIZE = 128;
/** Initial size of our recorded traces collection. */
private static final int RECORDED_TRACE_SIZE = 32;
* As we add and remove the "scope" object for templates at a different times, we need to remember whether
* the template actually had a scope or not.
private boolean addedTemplateScope;
/** This will be used to keep pointers towards the input elements created for the current trace. */
private Map<EObject, Set<InputElement>> cachedInputElements = new HashMap<EObject, Set<InputElement>>(
/** This will be used to keep pointers towards the module elements created for the current trace. */
private Map<EObject, ModuleElement> cachedModuleElements = new HashMap<EObject, ModuleElement>(
/** Traceability needs to know what expression is being processed at all times. */
private OCLExpression<C> currentExpression;
/** This will hold the stack of generated files. */
private Deque<GeneratedFile> currentFiles = new CircularArrayDeque<GeneratedFile>();
/** Caches the result of searching for the plugin URL of the metamodels. */
private final Map<String, String> ecoreURLCache = new HashMap<String, String>();
/** This will be set to <code>true</code> whenever we begin the evaluation of an iterator's set. */
private boolean evaluatingIterationSet;
* This boolean will allow us to ignore Template Invocation traces when they're nested in Operation Calls.
private boolean evaluatingOperationCall;
/** This will be set to <code>true</code> whenever we begin the evaluation of a template post-invocation. */
private boolean evaluatingPostCall;
/** All traceability information for this session will be saved in this instance. */
private final TraceabilityModel evaluationTrace;
/** Keeps track of the variable currently being initialized. */
private Variable<C, PM> initializingVariable;
/** This will be used to keep pointers towards the latest template invocation traces. */
private Deque<ExpressionTrace<C>> invocationTraces;
/** This will allow us to determine when we finish the evaluation of an iteration. */
private OCLExpression<C> iterationBody;
* This allows us to infer the current iteration trace offsets.
private Deque<Integer> iterationCount = new CircularArrayDeque<Integer>();
/** This will be used to record the trace information for the current iteration's source. */
private Deque<IterationTrace<C, PM>> iterationTraces = new CircularArrayDeque<IterationTrace<C, PM>>();
* This will allow us to restore generated files' offsets in the case where traceability information is
* wrong in any way.
private int lastInvocationTracesLength;
* We'll use this to record accurate trace information for the library's traceability-impacting
* operations.
private ExpressionTrace<C> operationArgumentTrace;
* Along with {@link #operationCallSourceExpression}, this allows us to retrieve the source value of an
* operation call.
private Object operationCallSource;
/** This will allow us to retrieve the proper source value of a given operation call. */
private OCLExpression<C> operationCallSourceExpression;
/** Our delegate operation visitor. */
private AcceleoTraceabilityOperationVisitor<C, PM> operationVisitor = new AcceleoTraceabilityOperationVisitor<C, PM>(
(AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor<EPackage, C, EOperation, EStructuralFeature, EEnumLiteral, PM, EObject, CallOperationAction, SendSignalAction, Constraint, EClass, EObject>)this);
* Along with {@link #propertyCallSourceExpression}, this allows us to retrieve the source value of a
* property call.
private EObject propertyCallSource;
/** This we'll allow us to retrieve the proper source value of a given property call. */
private OCLExpression<C> propertyCallSourceExpression;
* This will be set as soon as we enter the evaluation of a protected area, and reset to <code>null</code>
* as soon as we exit this area. it will be used as the source for the two hard-coded strings
* "start of user code" and "end of user code".
private ModuleElement protectedAreaModuleElement;
* This will be set as soon as we enter the evaluation of a protected area, and reset to <code>null</code>
* as soon as we exit this area. It will be used to shortcut all input recorded inside of such an area.
private InputElement protectedAreaSource;
/** Query results are cached, thus we need to cache their traces too. */
private QueryTraceCache<C> queryTraceCache = new QueryTraceCache<C>();
/** This will be used internally to prevent trace recording for set expressions. */
private boolean record = true;
/** This will hold the stack of all created traceability contexts. */
private Deque<ExpressionTrace<C>> recordedTraces = new CircularArrayDeque<ExpressionTrace<C>>(
/** This will be updated each time we enter a for/template/query/... with the scope variable. */
private Deque<EObject> scopeEObjects = new CircularArrayDeque<EObject>();
* Records all variable traces for this session. Note that only primitive type variables will be recorded.
private final Map<Variable<C, PM>, VariableTrace<C, PM>> variableTraces = new HashMap<Variable<C, PM>, VariableTrace<C, PM>>();
* The evaluation visitor.
private AcceleoEvaluationVisitor<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> evaluationVisitor;
* Default constructor.
* @param decoratedVisitor
* The evaluation visitor this instance will decorate.
* @param trace
* Model in which evaluation traces are to be recorded.
public AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor(
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> decoratedVisitor,
TraceabilityModel trace) {
this.evaluationVisitor = decoratedVisitor;
evaluationTrace = trace;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#append(java.lang.String,
* org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.Block, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, boolean)
public void append(String string, Block sourceBlock, EObject source, boolean fireEvent) {
// Check whether we should consider these traces
boolean considerTrace = true;
// If we don't need an event or if the generated String is empty, no need to carry on
considerTrace = considerTrace && string.length() > 0;
// No need to go any further either if anything of our trace information is empty
considerTrace = considerTrace && currentFiles != null && !currentFiles.isEmpty();
considerTrace = considerTrace && recordedTraces != null && !recordedTraces.isEmpty();
// Lastly, we need to ignore those events corresponding to TemplateInvocation nested in OperationCalls
// We will look for the root source block to ensure the same condition for nested if/let/for.
Block rootSourceBlock = sourceBlock;
if (!(rootSourceBlock instanceof Template) && !(rootSourceBlock instanceof FileBlock)) {
while (rootSourceBlock.eContainer() instanceof Block
&& !(rootSourceBlock.eContainer() instanceof FileBlock)) {
rootSourceBlock = (Block)rootSourceBlock.eContainer();
// If we have a template call in an evaluation call we don't consider it
// If this template call contains a template, we will consider it
boolean isTemplateInOperationCall = (rootSourceBlock instanceof Template || rootSourceBlock instanceof FileBlock)
&& evaluatingOperationCall;
considerTrace = considerTrace && (rootSourceBlock instanceof FileBlock || !isTemplateInOperationCall);
if (considerTrace && fireEvent) {
GeneratedFile generatedFile = currentFiles.getLast();
ExpressionTrace<C> trace;
boolean disposeTrace = !(sourceBlock instanceof IfBlock) && !(sourceBlock instanceof ForBlock);
if (disposeTrace) {
trace = recordedTraces.removeLast();
} else {
trace = recordedTraces.getLast();
if (trace.getReferredExpression() instanceof ProtectedAreaBlock && trace.getTraces().isEmpty()) {
createProtectedAreaTrace(string, sourceBlock, trace);
final int fileLength = generatedFile.getLength();
int addedLength = 0;
// We no longer need to refer to the same trace instance, copy its current state.
if (invocationTraces != null) {
invocationTraces.add(new ExpressionTrace<C>(trace));
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
Iterator<GeneratedText> textIterator = entry.getValue().iterator();
while (textIterator.hasNext()) {
GeneratedText text =;
addedLength += text.getEndOffset() - text.getStartOffset();
text.setStartOffset(fileLength + text.getStartOffset());
text.setEndOffset(fileLength + text.getEndOffset());
int stringLength = string.length();
if (addedLength != stringLength && lastInvocationTracesLength != stringLength
&& !(sourceBlock instanceof ProtectedAreaBlock)) {
* We might have had an error with traceability information on this expression. Force the
* length of the file to grow the length of the String. Should we log anything? This
* information would be interesting if a user encounters such a failure.
// generatedFile.setLength(fileLength + stringLength);
addedLength = stringLength;
} else {
generatedFile.setLength(fileLength + addedLength);
if (invocationTraces != null) {
lastInvocationTracesLength += addedLength;
} else {
lastInvocationTracesLength = 0;
if (disposeTrace) {
} else {
} else if (considerTrace && invocationTraces != null && !isProtectedAreaContent(sourceBlock)
&& invocationTraces.contains(recordedTraces.getLast())) {
* We are here to handle the cases of nested template invocations. If we have template1 that calls
* template2 that calls template3... and there are multiple post(trim()) along the way, we might
* end up trying to trim [[0,4], [0,7], [0,2]] with each of these three traces being results of a
* different template. We would not be able to determine which is the first of the three, and how
* they are related. We need to "advance" the region to reflect the actual positions, so that we
* will end up with regions [[0,4], [4,11], [11,13]].
final int fileLength = currentFiles.getLast().getLength();
final ExpressionTrace<C> trace = recordedTraces.removeLast();
invocationTraces.add(new ExpressionTrace<C>(trace));
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
Iterator<GeneratedText> textIterator = entry.getValue().iterator();
while (textIterator.hasNext()) {
GeneratedText text =;
text.setStartOffset(fileLength + text.getStartOffset());
text.setEndOffset(fileLength + text.getEndOffset());
super.append(string, sourceBlock, source, fireEvent);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#cacheResult(Query, List, Object)
public void cacheResult(Query query, List<Object> arguments, Object result) {
queryTraceCache.cacheTrace(query, arguments, new ExpressionTrace<C>(recordedTraces.getLast()));
super.cacheResult(query, arguments, result);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#createFileWriter(,
* org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.Block, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, boolean, java.lang.String)
public void createFileWriter(File generatedFile, Block fileBlock, EObject source, boolean appendMode,
String charset) throws AcceleoEvaluationException {
boolean fileExisted = generatedFile.exists();
GeneratedFile file = getGeneratedFile(generatedFile, appendMode, charset);
// Remove the traceability information of the path of the file
ExpressionTrace<C> traceContext = recordedTraces.removeLast();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : traceContext.getTraces().entrySet()) {
if (appendMode && fileExisted) {
file.setLength(file.getLength() + 1);
super.createFileWriter(generatedFile, fileBlock, source, appendMode, charset);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#fitIndentationTo(java.lang.String,
* java.lang.String)
public String fitIndentationTo(String source, String indentation) {
boolean shouldBeIndented = source.trim().contains("\r\n") || source.trim().contains("\r") //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
|| source.trim().contains("\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if ("".equals(indentation) || !shouldBeIndented) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return source;
String regex = "\r\n|\r|\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String replacement = "$0" + indentation; //$NON-NLS-1$
EObject scopeEObject = retrieveScopeEObjectValue();
InputElement input = getInputElement(scopeEObject);
if (protectedAreaSource != null) {
input = protectedAreaSource;
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(currentExpression);
ExpressionTrace<C> indentationTrace = new ExpressionTrace<C>(currentExpression);
indentationTrace.addTrace(input, text, indentation);
String result = operationVisitor.visitReplaceOperation(source, regex, replacement, indentationTrace,
true, true);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#getCachedResult(Query, List)
public Object getCachedResult(Query query, List<Object> arguments) {
ExpressionTrace<C> cachedTraces = queryTraceCache.getCachedTrace(query, arguments);
if (cachedTraces != null) {
// The query was already in cache, replace all of its invocation traces by the cached ones
recordedTraces.add(new ExpressionTrace<C>(cachedTraces));
return super.getCachedResult(query, arguments);
// We don't have traces for this query, force its reevaluation (bypass cache once)
return QueryCache.NO_CACHED_RESULT;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitAcceleoFileBlock(org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.FileBlock)
public void visitAcceleoFileBlock(FileBlock fileBlock) {
Deque<ExpressionTrace<C>> oldInvocationTraces = invocationTraces;
invocationTraces = new CircularArrayDeque<ExpressionTrace<C>>();
invocationTraces = oldInvocationTraces;
GeneratedFile file = currentFiles.removeLast();
List<GeneratedText> regions = new ArrayList<GeneratedText>(file.getGeneratedRegions());
int offset = 0;
boolean hasProblems = false;
for (GeneratedText region : regions) {
if (region.getStartOffset() != offset) {
hasProblems = true;
offset += region.getEndOffset() - region.getStartOffset();
if (hasProblems) {
if (!recordedTraces.isEmpty() && recordedTraces.getLast().getReferredExpression() == fileBlock
&& recordedTraces.getLast().getTraces().isEmpty()) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitAcceleoForBlock(org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.ForBlock)
public void visitAcceleoForBlock(ForBlock forBlock) {
if (forBlock.getLoopVariable() != null) {
iterationTraces.add(new IterationTrace<C, PM>((Variable<C, PM>)forBlock.getLoopVariable(),
OCLExpression<C> oldIterationBody = iterationBody;
if (!forBlock.getBody().isEmpty()) {
iterationBody = (OCLExpression<C>)forBlock.getBody().get(forBlock.getBody().size() - 1);
try {
} finally {
iterationBody = oldIterationBody;
if (forBlock.getLoopVariable() != null) {
if (!recordedTraces.isEmpty() && recordedTraces.getLast().getReferredExpression() == forBlock
&& recordedTraces.getLast().getTraces().isEmpty()) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitAcceleoIfBlock(org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.IfBlock)
public void visitAcceleoIfBlock(IfBlock ifBlock) {
if (!recordedTraces.isEmpty() && recordedTraces.getLast().getReferredExpression() == ifBlock
&& recordedTraces.getLast().getTraces().isEmpty()) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitAcceleoProtectedArea(org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.ProtectedAreaBlock)
public void visitAcceleoProtectedArea(ProtectedAreaBlock protectedArea) {
protectedAreaSource = getInputElement(retrieveScopeEObjectValue());
protectedAreaModuleElement = getModuleElement(protectedArea);
protectedAreaModuleElement = null;
protectedAreaSource = null;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitAcceleoQueryInvocation(org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.QueryInvocation)
public Object visitAcceleoQueryInvocation(QueryInvocation invocation) {
if (invocation.getDefinition().getParameter().size() > 0) {
// If this invocation isn't cached yet, we'll need to record all of its traces
OCLExpression<C> expression = (OCLExpression<C>)invocation.getDefinition().getExpression();
if (!isInitializingVariable()) {
recordedTraces.add(new ExpressionTrace<C>(expression));
final Object result = super.visitAcceleoQueryInvocation(invocation);
* Query traces are cached, but the cache contains the traces of the very first invocation of this
* query. We need to change the cached instances of GeneratedText to the current GeneratedFile.
if (!isInitializingVariable()) {
final AbstractTrace queryTrace = recordedTraces.removeLast();
if (!iterationTraces.isEmpty()
&& EcoreUtil.isAncestor(iterationTraces.getLast().getReferredExpression(), invocation)) {
} else {
ExpressionTrace<C> currentTrace = recordedTraces.getLast();
if (invocation.getDefinition().getParameter().size() > 0) {
if (isPropertyCallSource((OCLExpression<C>)invocation)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource((OCLExpression<C>)invocation)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitAcceleoTemplate(org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.Template)
public String visitAcceleoTemplate(Template template) {
if (template.getParameter().size() > 0) {
addedTemplateScope = true;
return super.visitAcceleoTemplate(template);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitAcceleoTemplateInvocation(org.eclipse.acceleo.model.mtl.TemplateInvocation)
public Object visitAcceleoTemplateInvocation(TemplateInvocation invocation) {
Deque<ExpressionTrace<C>> oldTraces = invocationTraces;
boolean oldTemplateHadScope = addedTemplateScope;
addedTemplateScope = false;
invocationTraces = new CircularArrayDeque<ExpressionTrace<C>>();
Object result = null;
final boolean oldRecordState = switchRecordState((OCLExpression<C>)invocation);
try {
result = super.visitAcceleoTemplateInvocation(invocation);
} finally {
record = oldRecordState;
if (oldTraces != null && invocationTraces != null) {
for (ExpressionTrace<C> trace : invocationTraces) {
if (!oldTraces.contains(trace)) {
invocationTraces = oldTraces;
if (addedTemplateScope) {
addedTemplateScope = oldTemplateHadScope;
if (isPropertyCallSource((OCLExpression<C>)invocation)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource((OCLExpression<C>)invocation)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitAssociationClassCallExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.AssociationClassCallExp)
public Object visitAssociationClassCallExp(AssociationClassCallExp<C, P> callExp) {
final Object result = super.visitAssociationClassCallExp(callExp);
if (isPropertyCallSource(callExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(callExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitBooleanLiteralExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.BooleanLiteralExp)
public Object visitBooleanLiteralExp(BooleanLiteralExp<C> literalExp) {
final Object result = super.visitBooleanLiteralExp(literalExp);
recordLiteral(literalExp, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitCollectionLiteralExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.CollectionLiteralExp)
public Object visitCollectionLiteralExp(CollectionLiteralExp<C> literalExp) {
final Object result = super.visitCollectionLiteralExp(literalExp);
if (isPropertyCallSource(literalExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(literalExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitEnumLiteralExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.EnumLiteralExp)
public Object visitEnumLiteralExp(EnumLiteralExp<C, EL> literalExp) {
final Object result = super.visitEnumLiteralExp(literalExp);
recordLiteral(literalExp, result);
if (isPropertyCallSource(literalExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(literalExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitExpression(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OCLExpression)
public Object visitExpression(OCLExpression<C> expression) {
OCLExpression<C> oldExpression = currentExpression;
currentExpression = expression;
// We are evaluating a main template's guard
boolean isEvaluatingMainTemplateGuard = scopeEObjects.isEmpty() && expression != null
&& expression.eContainer() instanceof Template
&& expression.eContainingFeature() == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getTemplate_Guard();
if (isEvaluatingMainTemplateGuard) {
for (org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.Variable var : ((Template)expression.eContainer()).getParameter()) {
Object value = getEvaluationEnvironment().getValueOf(var.getName());
if (value instanceof EObject) {
// Very first call of a template comes from IAcceleoEngine#doEvaluate()
if (scopeEObjects.isEmpty() && expression instanceof Template) {
for (org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.Variable var : ((Template)expression).getParameter()) {
Object value = getEvaluationEnvironment().getValueOf(var.getName());
if (value instanceof EObject) {
Deque<OCLExpression<C>> expressionStack = this.evaluationVisitor.getContext().getExpressionStack();
if ((expression instanceof TemplateInvocation || expression instanceof org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.StringLiteralExp)
&& expressionStack.getLast() instanceof FileBlock) {
ExpressionTrace<C> trace = new ExpressionTrace<C>(expression);
if (expression.eContainer() instanceof FileBlock
&& expression.eContainingFeature().equals(MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getBlock_Body())
&& ((FileBlock)expression.eContainer()).getBody().indexOf(expression) == 0) {
// If we have the first expression of a block, let's create a trace
ExpressionTrace<C> trace = new ExpressionTrace<C>(expression);
boolean oldRecordingValue = switchRecordState(expression);
boolean oldIterSet = evaluatingIterationSet;
evaluatingIterationSet = expression.eContainingFeature() == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE
boolean oldEvaluatingPostCall = evaluatingPostCall;
evaluatingPostCall = evaluatingPostCall
|| expression.eContainingFeature() == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getTemplate_Post();
final EReference containingFeature = (EReference)expression.eContainingFeature();
boolean isOperationArgumentTrace = evaluatingOperationCall && shouldRecordOperationTrace(expression);
if (isOperationArgumentTrace || !evaluatingOperationCall && shouldRecordTrace(containingFeature)) {
ExpressionTrace<C> trace = new ExpressionTrace<C>(expression);
if (invocationTraces != null) {
} else if (shouldRecordTrace(containingFeature) && invocationTraces != null
&& recordedTraces.size() > 0) {
final ExpressionTrace<C> trace = recordedTraces.getLast();
if (!invocationTraces.contains(trace)) {
Object result = null;
try {
// Intercept OCL iterator bodies
if (iterationBody == expression
&& expression.eContainingFeature() != MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getBlock_Body()) {
result = visitIteratorBody(expression);
} else {
result = getDelegate().visitExpression(expression);
} catch (AcceleoEvaluationCancelledException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
record = oldRecordingValue;
evaluatingIterationSet = oldIterSet;
evaluatingPostCall = oldEvaluatingPostCall;
// move back the argument trace into its corresponding operation's
if (isOperationArgumentTrace && recordedTraces.size() > 1) {
ExpressionTrace<C> argTrace = recordedTraces.removeLast();
if (invocationTraces != null
&& (!(expression instanceof OperationCallExp<?, ?>) || invocationTraces.size() > 1)) {
// Advance Acceleo iterator (for loops) iteration count
if (iterationBody == expression
&& expression.eContainingFeature() == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getBlock_Body()) {
final Integer current = iterationCount.removeLast();
iterationCount.add(Integer.valueOf(current.intValue() + 1));
// protected area markers will be evaluated twice. The first traces must be ignored
if (expression.eContainingFeature() == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getProtectedAreaBlock_Marker()
&& recordedTraces.size() >= 2) {
if (recordedTraces.get(recordedTraces.size() - 2).getReferredExpression() instanceof ProtectedAreaBlock) {
final ExpressionTrace<C> firstMarkerTrace = recordedTraces.removeLast();
if (invocationTraces != null) {
if (isPropertyCallSource(expression)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(expression)) {
operationCallSource = result;
if (expression.eContainingFeature() == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getProtectedAreaBlock_Marker()
&& recordedTraces.getLast().getReferredExpression() == expression) {
ExpressionTrace<C> trace = recordedTraces.getLast();
int gap = -1;
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
for (GeneratedText text : entry.getValue()) {
if (gap == -1 || text.getStartOffset() < gap) {
gap = text.getStartOffset();
operationVisitor.visitTrimOperation((String)result, gap);
currentExpression = oldExpression;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitIfExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IfExp)
public Object visitIfExp(IfExp<C> ifExp) {
final Object result = super.visitIfExp(ifExp);
if (isPropertyCallSource(ifExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(ifExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitIntegerLiteralExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IntegerLiteralExp)
public Object visitIntegerLiteralExp(IntegerLiteralExp<C> literalExp) {
final Object result = super.visitIntegerLiteralExp(literalExp);
recordLiteral(literalExp, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitIterateExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IterateExp)
public Object visitIterateExp(IterateExp<C, PM> callExp) {
final Object result = super.visitIterateExp(callExp);
if (isPropertyCallSource(callExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(callExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* We'll delegate all calls to an iterator body's evaluation to this method in order to intercept and
* modify the trace information as needed.
* @param iteratorBody
* Body of the iterator which is to be evaluated.
* @return The result of this iterator body, after we've taken care of modifying the trace.
public Object visitIteratorBody(OCLExpression<C> iteratorBody) {
int opCode = OCLStandardLibraryUtil.getOperationCode(((IteratorExp<?, ?>)iteratorBody.eContainer())
if (opCode == PredefinedType.COLLECT || opCode == PredefinedType.COLLECT_NESTED) {
* Add another trace for these so that we can avoid modifying them as a whole if the iteration
* body has an iterator expression
recordedTraces.add(new ExpressionTrace<C>(iteratorBody));
Object result = null;
try {
result = getDelegate().visitExpression(iteratorBody);
} finally {
switch (opCode) {
case PredefinedType.COLLECT:
case PredefinedType.COLLECT_NESTED:
// Merge the iteration body trace with the remainder of the iteration traces
if (recordedTraces.size() > 1) {
ExpressionTrace<C> last = recordedTraces.removeLast();
case PredefinedType.SELECT:
if (result instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean)result).booleanValue()
&& !iterationTraces.isEmpty()
&& iterationTraces.getLast().getTracesForIteration() != null) {
ExpressionTrace<C> trace = recordedTraces.getLast();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : iterationTraces.getLast()
.getTracesForIteration().entrySet()) {
trace.mergeTrace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
case PredefinedType.REJECT:
if (result instanceof Boolean && !((Boolean)result).booleanValue()
&& !iterationTraces.isEmpty()
&& iterationTraces.getLast().getTracesForIteration() != null) {
ExpressionTrace<C> trace = recordedTraces.getLast();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : iterationTraces.getLast()
.getTracesForIteration().entrySet()) {
trace.mergeTrace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
case PredefinedType.ANY:
if (result instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean)result).booleanValue()
&& !iterationTraces.isEmpty()
&& iterationTraces.getLast().getTracesForIteration() != null) {
ExpressionTrace<C> trace = recordedTraces.getLast();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : iterationTraces.getLast()
.getTracesForIteration().entrySet()) {
trace.mergeTrace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// FIXME handle the other iterators
final Integer current = iterationCount.removeLast();
iterationCount.add(Integer.valueOf(current.intValue() + 1));
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitIteratorExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.IteratorExp)
public Object visitIteratorExp(IteratorExp<C, PM> callExp) {
boolean oldOperationEvaluationState = evaluatingOperationCall;
evaluatingOperationCall = true;
iterationTraces.add(new IterationTrace<C, PM>(callExp.getIterator().get(0), callExp.getSource()));
OCLExpression<C> oldIterationBody = iterationBody;
iterationBody = callExp.getBody();
// Iterator expressions should have their own traces in case they are themselves an iterator source
recordedTraces.add(new ExpressionTrace<C>(callExp));
Object result = null;
try {
result = super.visitIteratorExp(callExp);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Yeah, I know it's dirty
throw new AcceleoEvaluationException(AcceleoTraceabilityMessages.getString(
"AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor.NullEvaluation", callExp), t); //$NON-NLS-1$
} finally {
evaluatingOperationCall = oldOperationEvaluationState;
if (recordedTraces.size() > 0) {
ExpressionTrace<C> traces = recordedTraces.removeLast();
IterationTrace<C, PM> iterTrace = iterationTraces.removeLast();
if (!iterationTraces.isEmpty()
&& (iterationTraces.getLast().getReferredExpression() == callExp || iterationTraces
.getLast().getReferredExpression() == callExp.eContainer())) {
} else if (recordedTraces.size() > 0) {
iterationBody = oldIterationBody;
if (isPropertyCallSource(callExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(callExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitLetExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.LetExp)
public Object visitLetExp(LetExp<C, PM> letExp) {
final Object result = super.visitLetExp(letExp);
if (isPropertyCallSource(letExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(letExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitOperationCallExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.OperationCallExp)
public Object visitOperationCallExp(OperationCallExp<C, O> callExp) {
OCLExpression<C> oldOperationCallSourceExpression = operationCallSourceExpression;
operationCallSourceExpression = callExp.getSource();
boolean oldOperationEvaluationState = evaluatingOperationCall;
boolean oldRecordingValue = switchRecordState(callExp);
evaluatingOperationCall = true;
final Object result;
boolean isGuard = callExp.eContainingFeature().getFeatureID() == MtlPackage.TEMPLATE__GUARD;
isGuard = isGuard && callExp.eContainer() instanceof Template;
try {
if (record && !isGuard && isTraceabilityImpactingOperation(callExp)) {
// Boolean and Integer returning operations evaluation won't be intercepted
// But we'll alter their trace information
if (isBooleanReturningOperation(callExp)) {
result = super.visitOperationCallExp(callExp);
// for non-primitive sources, we'll need to create our own trace
ModuleElement moduleElement = getModuleElement(callExp);
Object source = operationCallSource;
if (source instanceof Collection<?> || source == null) {
source = retrieveScopeEObjectValue();
source, moduleElement);
} else if (isNumberReturningOperation(callExp)) {
result = super.visitOperationCallExp(callExp);
// for non-primitive sources, we'll need to create our own trace
ModuleElement moduleElement = getModuleElement(callExp);
Object source = operationCallSource;
if (source instanceof Collection<?> || source == null) {
source = retrieveScopeEObjectValue();
operationVisitor.changeTraceabilityIndicesNumberReturn((Number)result, source,
} else {
result = internalVisitOperationCallExp(callExp);
} else {
// getProperty is special as it "creates" new traces, and the argument traces should be
// ignored.
boolean isGetProperty = AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_OCLANY_GETPROPERTY
final boolean oldRecord = record;
if (isGetProperty) {
record = false;
result = super.visitOperationCallExp(callExp);
if (isGetProperty) {
record = oldRecord;
if (record && !isGuard && isGetProperty) {
recordLiteral(callExp, result);
} finally {
record = oldRecordingValue;
evaluatingOperationCall = oldOperationEvaluationState;
operationCallSource = null;
operationCallSourceExpression = oldOperationCallSourceExpression;
if (isPropertyCallSource(callExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(callExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitPropertyCallExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.PropertyCallExp)
public Object visitPropertyCallExp(PropertyCallExp<C, P> callExp) {
OCLExpression<C> oldPropertyCallSourceExpression = propertyCallSourceExpression;
propertyCallSourceExpression = callExp.getSource();
Object result = null;
boolean oldRecordingValue = switchRecordState(callExp);
try {
result = getDelegate().visitPropertyCallExp(callExp);
} finally {
if (propertyCallSource != null && result != null && TraceabilityVisitorUtil.isPrimitive(result)) {
InputElement propertyCallInput = getInputElement(propertyCallSource,
propertyCallSource = null;
if (protectedAreaSource != null) {
propertyCallInput = protectedAreaSource;
if (operationArgumentTrace != null) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(callExp);
operationArgumentTrace.addTrace(propertyCallInput, text, result);
} else if (isInitializingVariable()) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(callExp);
variableTraces.get(initializingVariable).addTrace(propertyCallInput, text, result);
} else if (record && !recordedTraces.isEmpty() && shouldRecordTrace(callExp)) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(callExp);
recordedTraces.getLast().addTrace(propertyCallInput, text, result);
} else if (!iterationTraces.isEmpty() && shouldRecordTrace(callExp)) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(callExp);
iterationTraces.getLast().addTrace(propertyCallInput, text, result);
propertyCallSourceExpression = oldPropertyCallSourceExpression;
record = oldRecordingValue;
if (isPropertyCallSource(callExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(callExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitRealLiteralExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.RealLiteralExp)
public Object visitRealLiteralExp(RealLiteralExp<C> literalExp) {
final Object result = super.visitRealLiteralExp(literalExp);
recordLiteral(literalExp, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitStateExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.StateExp)
public Object visitStateExp(StateExp<C, S> stateExp) {
final Object result = super.visitStateExp(stateExp);
if (isPropertyCallSource(stateExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(stateExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitStringLiteralExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.StringLiteralExp)
public Object visitStringLiteralExp(StringLiteralExp<C> literalExp) {
final Object result = super.visitStringLiteralExp(literalExp);
recordLiteral(literalExp, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitVariable(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.Variable)
public Object visitVariable(Variable<C, PM> variable) {
final boolean isPrimitive = TraceabilityVisitorUtil.isPrimitive(variable.getType())
|| TraceabilityVisitorUtil.isPrimitiveCollection((EClassifier)variable.getType());
Variable<C, PM> oldVar = null;
if (isPrimitive) {
variableTraces.put(variable, new VariableTrace<C, PM>(variable));
oldVar = initializingVariable;
initializingVariable = variable;
final Object result = getDelegate().visitVariable(variable);
if (scopeEObjects.getLast() == variable) {
if (result instanceof EObject) {
} else {
* we won't remove the "variable" scope object; it'll be removed when we exit the current
* scope.
if (isPrimitive) {
initializingVariable = oldVar;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.ocl.EvaluationVisitorDecorator#visitVariableExp(org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.VariableExp)
public Object visitVariableExp(VariableExp<C, PM> variableExp) {
final Object result = super.visitVariableExp(variableExp);
boolean recordOperationArgument = operationArgumentTrace != null && result instanceof String;
boolean recordVariableInitialization = isInitializingVariable()
&& shouldRecordTrace(variableExp)
&& (variableTraces.get(variableExp.getReferredVariable()) != null || initializingVariable
.getInitExpression() == variableExp);
boolean recordTrace = !isInitializingVariable() && !recordedTraces.isEmpty()
&& TraceabilityVisitorUtil.isPrimitive(result) && result.toString().length() > 0;
// Whether we'll record them or not, advance the iterator traces if needed
VariableTrace<C, PM> referredVarTrace = variableTraces.get(variableExp.getReferredVariable());
final ListIterator<IterationTrace<C, PM>> iterator = iterationTraces.listIterator(iterationTraces
final boolean isSelf = "self".equals(variableExp.getReferredVariable().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
boolean tracesFound = false;
while (!tracesFound && iterator.hasPrevious()) {
final IterationTrace<C, PM> trace = iterator.previous();
if (isSelf || variableExp.getReferredVariable() == trace.getVariable()) {
tracesFound = true;
if (trace.getLastIteration() != iterationCount.getLast().intValue() && result != null) {
referredVarTrace = new VariableTrace<C, PM>(variableExp.getReferredVariable());
if (trace.getTracesForIteration() != null) {
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTracesForIteration()
.entrySet()) {
referredVarTrace.getTraces().put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (recordVariableInitialization || (record && recordTrace) || recordOperationArgument) {
if (referredVarTrace != null) {
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : referredVarTrace.getTraces()
.entrySet()) {
InputElement input = entry.getKey();
if (protectedAreaSource != null) {
input = protectedAreaSource;
for (GeneratedText text : entry.getValue()) {
// 3.4 compatibility : EcoreUtil.copy() wasn't generic. The cast is necessary
GeneratedText copy = (GeneratedText)EcoreUtil.copy(text);
int regionLength = copy.getEndOffset() - copy.getStartOffset();
if (recordOperationArgument) {
operationArgumentTrace.addTrace(input, copy, regionLength);
} else if (recordTrace) {
recordedTraces.getLast().addTrace(input, copy, regionLength);
} else if (recordVariableInitialization) {
variableTraces.get(initializingVariable).addTrace(input, copy, regionLength);
} else {
final InputElement input;
if (protectedAreaSource == null) {
input = getInputElement(retrieveScopeEObjectValue(0));
} else {
input = protectedAreaSource;
if (recordOperationArgument) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(variableExp);
operationArgumentTrace.addTrace(input, text, result);
} else if (recordTrace && !isEvaluatingPostCall()) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(variableExp);
recordedTraces.getLast().addTrace(input, text, result);
} else if (recordVariableInitialization) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(variableExp);
variableTraces.get(initializingVariable).addTrace(input, text, result);
if (isPropertyCallSource(variableExp)) {
propertyCallSource = (EObject)result;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(variableExp)) {
operationCallSource = result;
return result;
* Returns the stack of generated files.
* @return The stack of generated files.
Deque<GeneratedFile> getCurrentFiles() {
return currentFiles;
public Deque<ExpressionTrace<C>> getRecordedTraces() {
return recordedTraces;
* Returns the traces of the current variable initialization.
* @return The traces of the current variable initialization.
AbstractTrace getInitializingVariableTrace() {
return variableTraces.get(initializingVariable);
* This will return an InputElement contained within {@link #evaluationTrace} corresponding to the given
* model element and neither structural feature nor operation linked. Note that it will be created if
* needed.
* @param modelElement
* Model element we seek the corresponding InputElement of.
* @return {@link InputElement} contained in the {@link #evaluationTrace} model.
InputElement getInputElement(EObject modelElement) {
ModelFile soughtModel = getModelFile(modelElement);
Set<InputElement> candidateInputs = cachedInputElements.get(modelElement);
if (candidateInputs == null) {
candidateInputs = new CompactHashSet<InputElement>();
cachedInputElements.put(modelElement, candidateInputs);
for (InputElement input : candidateInputs) {
if (input.getFeature() == null && input.getOperation() == null) {
return input;
// If we're here, such an InputElement does not already exist
InputElement soughtElement = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createInputElement();
return soughtElement;
* Returns the last invocation's recorded traces.
* @return The last invocation's recorded traces.
Deque<ExpressionTrace<C>> getInvocationTraces() {
return invocationTraces;
* Returns the last recorded expression trace.
* @return The last recorded expression trace.
AbstractTrace getLastExpressionTrace() {
return recordedTraces.getLast();
* Returns the value of {@link #evaluatingPostCall}. Package visibility as this is only meant for the
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityOperationVisitor} to know which traces to consider.
* @return The value of {@link #evaluatingPostCall}.
boolean isEvaluatingPostCall() {
return evaluatingPostCall;
* Returns the value of {@link #initializingVariable}. Package visibility as this is only meant for the
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityOperationVisitor} to know which traces to consider.
* @return The value of {@link #initializingVariable}.
boolean isInitializingVariable() {
return initializingVariable != null;
* Retrieve the scope value of the currently evaluated expression.
* @return The scope value of the currently evaluated expression.
EObject retrieveScopeEObjectValue() {
return retrieveScopeEObjectValue(scopeEObjects.size() - 1);
* This will be used to create the evaluation trace for a given protected area's content.
* @param content
* Full content of the protected area, starting/ending strings and marker included.
* @param protectedArea
* The {@link ProtectedAreaBlock} from which we're generating <em>content</em>.
* @param trace
* The execution trace for this area.
private void createProtectedAreaTrace(String content, Block protectedArea, ExpressionTrace<C> trace) {
final String actualContent = AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.removeProtectedMarkers(content);
final String areaStart = AcceleoEngineMessages.getString("usercode.start") + ' '; //$NON-NLS-1$
final String areaEnd = AcceleoEngineMessages.getString("usercode.end"); //$NON-NLS-1$
final int markerIndex = actualContent.indexOf(areaStart) + areaStart.length();
final int areaEndIndex = actualContent.indexOf(areaEnd);
int markerEndIndex = actualContent.indexOf("\r\n", markerIndex); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (markerEndIndex == -1) {
markerEndIndex = actualContent.indexOf('\n', markerIndex);
if (markerEndIndex == -1) {
markerEndIndex = actualContent.indexOf('\r', markerIndex);
int endOffset = -1;
final GeneratedText markerRegion = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
// Create a region containing all text preceding the marker
final GeneratedText startRegion = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
// Create traces for the content of the area
GeneratedText contentRegion = null;
if (endOffset != areaEndIndex) {
contentRegion = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
// Then a region containing the "end of user code"
final GeneratedText endRegion = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
// Create the region set
Set<GeneratedText> set = new CompactLinkedHashSet<GeneratedText>();
trace.getTraces().put(protectedAreaSource, set);
if (contentRegion != null) {
* This will be called when the evaluation has been cancelled somehow.
private void cancel() {
currentExpression = null;
if (currentFiles != null) {
currentFiles = null;
initializingVariable = null;
if (invocationTraces != null) {
for (ExpressionTrace<C> trace : invocationTraces) {
invocationTraces = null;
if (operationArgumentTrace != null) {
operationArgumentTrace = null;
operationCallSource = null;
operationCallSourceExpression = null;
propertyCallSource = null;
propertyCallSourceExpression = null;
protectedAreaSource = null;
record = true;
for (ExpressionTrace<C> trace : recordedTraces) {
if (scopeEObjects != null) {
for (VariableTrace<C, PM> trace : variableTraces.values()) {
for (IterationTrace<C, PM> trace : iterationTraces) {
* Creates both the {@link ModuleElement} instance and a {@link GeneratedText} for the given
* <em>moduleElement</em>.
* @param moduleElement
* Element from the Acceleo module for which we need a GeneratedText created.
* @return A new {@link GeneratedText} for the given <em>moduleElement</em>.
private GeneratedText createGeneratedTextFor(EObject moduleElement) {
ModuleElement modElement = getModuleElement(moduleElement);
GeneratedText text = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
return text;
* Returns an existing GeneratedFile in the trace model, creating it if needed.
* @param generatedFile
* File that is to be created.
* @param appendMode
* If <code>true</code>, we need to retrieve the current file length if it exists.
* @param charset
* Charset of the file.
* @return {@link GeneratedFile} contained in the {@link #evaluationTrace} model.
private GeneratedFile getGeneratedFile(File generatedFile, boolean appendMode, String charset) {
GeneratedFile soughtFile = evaluationTrace.getGeneratedFile(generatedFile.getPath());
if (soughtFile == null) {
soughtFile = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedFile();
if (appendMode && generatedFile.exists() && generatedFile.canRead()) {
int length = 0;
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
if (charset == null) {
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(generatedFile));
} else {
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(generatedFile),
String line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null) {
// add 1 for the carriage return
length += line.length() + 1;
line = reader.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
// traceability may not be good on this one
AcceleoTraceabilityPlugin.log(e, false);
} finally {
try {
if (reader != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
AcceleoTraceabilityPlugin.log(e, false);
return soughtFile;
* This will return an InputElement contained within {@link #evaluationTrace} corresponding to the given
* model element and structural feature. Note that it will be created if needed.
* @param modelElement
* Model element we seek the corresponding InputElement of.
* @param feature
* Structural feature of this input element. Can be <code>null</code>.
* @return {@link InputElement} contained in the {@link #evaluationTrace} model.
private InputElement getInputElement(EObject modelElement, EStructuralFeature feature) {
ModelFile soughtModel = getModelFile(modelElement);
Set<InputElement> candidateInputs = cachedInputElements.get(modelElement);
if (candidateInputs == null) {
candidateInputs = new CompactHashSet<InputElement>();
cachedInputElements.put(modelElement, candidateInputs);
for (InputElement input : candidateInputs) {
if (input.getFeature() == feature) {
return input;
// If we're here, such an InputElement does not already exist
InputElement soughtElement = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createInputElement();
return soughtElement;
* Returns an existing ModelFile for the given model element, creating it if needed.
* @param modelElement
* Model element we need the {@link ModelFile} of.
* @return {@link ModelFile} contained in the {@link #evaluationTrace} model.
private ModelFile getModelFile(EObject modelElement) {
final URI modelURI;
if (modelElement.eResource() != null) {
modelURI = modelElement.eResource().getURI();
} else if (modelElement.eIsProxy()) {
modelURI = ((InternalEObject)modelElement).eProxyURI().trimFragment();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(AcceleoTraceabilityMessages
.getString("AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor.MissingResource")); //$NON-NLS-1$
final String name = modelURI.lastSegment();
String path = modelURI.toString();
if (path.startsWith("http://") && EMFPlugin.IS_ECLIPSE_RUNNING) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (ecoreURLCache.containsKey(path)) {
path = ecoreURLCache.get(path);
} else {
String nsURI = path;
EPackage pack = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(nsURI);
try {
URL ecoreURL = AcceleoWorkspaceUtil.getResourceURL(pack.getClass(), "*.ecore"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (ecoreURL != null) {
path = ecoreURL.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
AcceleoTraceabilityPlugin.log(e, false);
ecoreURLCache.put(nsURI, path);
ModelFile soughtModel = evaluationTrace.getInputModel(path);
if (soughtModel == null) {
soughtModel = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createModelFile();
return soughtModel;
* This will return a {@link ModuleElement} contained within {@link #evaluationTrace} corresponding to the
* given module element. Note that it will be created if needed.
* @param moduleElement
* The module element we need a {@link ModuleElement} instance for.
* @return {@link ModuleElement} contained in the {@link #evaluationTrace} model.
private ModuleElement getModuleElement(EObject moduleElement) {
if (moduleElement instanceof StringLiteralExp<?> && moduleElement.eContainer().eContainer() == null) {
return protectedAreaModuleElement;
ModuleFile soughtModule = getModuleFile(moduleElement);
ModuleElement element = cachedModuleElements.get(moduleElement);
if (element == null) {
// If we're here, such a ModuleElement does not already exist
element = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createModuleElement();
cachedModuleElements.put(moduleElement, element);
return element;
* Returns an existing ModuleFile for the given module element, creating it if needed.
* @param moduleElement
* Module element we need the {@link ModuleFile} of.
* @return {@link ModuleFile} contained in the {@link #evaluationTrace} model.
private ModuleFile getModuleFile(EObject moduleElement) {
final URI moduleURI = moduleElement.eResource().getURI();
String path = moduleURI.toString();
if (path.startsWith("http://") && EMFPlugin.IS_ECLIPSE_RUNNING) { //$NON-NLS-1$
EPackage pack = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(path);
try {
URL emtlURL = AcceleoWorkspaceUtil.getResourceURL(pack.getClass(), stripPathFrom(path));
if (emtlURL != null) {
path = emtlURL.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
AcceleoTraceabilityPlugin.log(e, false);
ModuleFile soughtModule = evaluationTrace.getGenerationModule(path);
if (soughtModule == null) {
soughtModule = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createModuleFile();
return soughtModule;
* Returns the list of all operations that will impact traceability information.
* @return The list of all operations that will impact traceability information.
private List<String> getTraceabilityImpactingCollectionOperationNames() {
List<String> operationNames = new ArrayList<String>();
// Operations returning Integer or Boolean values are handled otherwise
// non standard library
// OCL
return operationNames;
* Returns the list of all operations that will impact traceability information.
* @return The list of all operations that will impact traceability information.
private List<String> getTraceabilityImpactingStringOperationNames() {
List<String> operationNames = new ArrayList<String>();
// Operations returning Integer or Boolean values are handled otherwise
// standard library
// non standard library
// OCL
return operationNames;
* Handles the call to a non-standard MTL operation that impacts traceability.
* @param callExp
* The operation call to visit.
* @param source
* Source of the call.
* @return Result of the call.
private Object internalVisitNonStandardOperation(OperationCallExp<C, O> callExp, Object source) {
final String operationName = ((EOperation)callExp.getReferredOperation()).getName();
final Object result;
final List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<Object>(callExp.getArgument().size());
for (OCLExpression<C> expression : callExp.getArgument()) {
// FIXME handle invalid and null
boolean oldRecordingValue = record;
record = false;
record = oldRecordingValue;
if (operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_TRIM)) {
result = operationVisitor.visitTrimOperation((String)source);
} else if (operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_SUBSTRING)) {
int startIndex = Integer.valueOf(((Integer)arguments.get(0)).intValue() - 1).intValue();
result = operationVisitor.visitSubstringOperation((String)source, startIndex);
} else if (operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_COLLECTION_REVERSE)) {
result = operationVisitor.visitReverseOperation((Collection<Object>)source);
} else if (operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_TOKENIZE)) {
String delims = (String)arguments.get(0);
result = operationVisitor.visitTokenizeOperation((String)source, delims);
} else if (operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_OCLANY_TOSTRING)) {
// toString on non-primitives will need to create its own trace.
ModuleElement moduleElement = getModuleElement(callExp);
result = operationVisitor.visitTostringOperation(source, moduleElement);
} else {
// Note that we'll never be here : isTraceabilityImpactingOperation limits us to known operations
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return result;
* Handles the call to a standard OCL operation that impacts traceability.
* @param callExp
* The operation call to visit.
* @param source
* Source of the call.
* @return Result of the call.
private Object internalVisitOCLOperation(OperationCallExp<C, O> callExp, Object source) {
final Object result;
final List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<Object>(callExp.getArgument().size());
for (OCLExpression<C> expression : callExp.getArgument()) {
// FIXME handle invalid and null
boolean oldRecordingValue = record;
record = false;
record = oldRecordingValue;
switch (callExp.getOperationCode()) {
case PredefinedType.SUBSTRING:
int startIndex = ((Integer)arguments.get(0)).intValue() - 1;
int endIndex = ((Integer)arguments.get(1)).intValue();
result = operationVisitor.visitSubstringOperation((String)source, startIndex, endIndex);
case PredefinedType.FIRST:
result = operationVisitor.visitFirstOperation((Collection<?>)source);
case PredefinedType.LAST:
result = operationVisitor.visitLastOperation((Collection<?>)source);
// Note that we'll never be here : isTraceabilityImpactingOperation limits us to known
// operations
if (callExp.eResource() != null) {
URI uri = callExp.eResource().getURI();
int startPosition = callExp.getStartPosition();
int endPosition = callExp.getEndPosition();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(AcceleoTraceabilityMessages.getString(
"AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor.OperationNotFound", callExp.toString(), source, uri, //$NON-NLS-1$
Integer.valueOf(startPosition), Integer.valueOf(endPosition)));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(callExp.toString());
return result;
* We'll intercept each and every calls to traceability-impacting operations as returned by
* {@link #isTraceabilityImpactingOperation(OperationCallExp)} and reroute them here. We'll then
* specialize the evaluation of that given operation call so as to record evaluation traces.
* @param callExp
* Operation that is to be evaluated.
* @return result of the invocation.
private Object internalVisitOperationCallExp(OperationCallExp<C, O> callExp) {
final String operationName = ((EOperation)callExp.getReferredOperation()).getName();
final Object result;
Object sourceObject = visitExpression(callExp.getSource());
* All four "substitute" type operations will be handled the same, yet they require that argument
* traces be recorded. We'll handle them apart from the rest.
if (operationName.equals(AcceleoStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_SUBSTITUTE)
|| operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_SUBSTITUTEALL)
|| operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_REPLACE)
|| operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_REPLACEALL)) {
boolean substituteAll = false;
boolean substituteRegexes = false;
if (operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_SUBSTITUTEALL)) {
substituteAll = true;
} else if (operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_REPLACE)) {
substituteRegexes = true;
} else if (operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_REPLACEALL)) {
substituteAll = true;
substituteRegexes = true;
boolean oldRecordingValue = record;
record = false;
Object substring = super.visitExpression(callExp.getArgument().get(0));
record = oldRecordingValue;
ExpressionTrace<C> oldArgTrace = operationArgumentTrace;
operationArgumentTrace = new ExpressionTrace<C>(callExp.getArgument().get(1));
Object substitution = super.visitExpression(callExp.getArgument().get(1));
if (!substituteRegexes) {
// substitute replaces Strings, not regexes.
// Surrounding the regex with \Q [...] \E allows just that
substring = "\\Q" + substring + "\\E"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// We also need to escape backslashes and dollar signs in the replacement (scary!)
substitution = ((String)substitution).replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\").replaceAll("\\$", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
"\\\\\\$"); //$NON-NLS-1$
result = operationVisitor.visitReplaceOperation((String)sourceObject, (String)substring,
(String)substitution, operationArgumentTrace, substituteAll, false);
operationArgumentTrace = oldArgTrace;
return result;
EOperation operation = (EOperation)callExp.getReferredOperation();
// Collection::sep also requires that its separator traces be recorded
if (operationName.equals(AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_COLLECTION_SEP)) {
if (sourceObject instanceof Collection) {
if (callExp.getArgument().size() == 1) {
ExpressionTrace<C> oldArgTrace = operationArgumentTrace;
operationArgumentTrace = new ExpressionTrace<C>(callExp.getArgument().get(0));
Object separator = super.visitExpression(callExp.getArgument().get(0));
result = operationVisitor.visitSepOperation((Collection<Object>)sourceObject,
(String)separator, operationArgumentTrace);
operationArgumentTrace = oldArgTrace;
} else {
// collection->sep(start, separator, end)
result = visitSepThreeOperation(callExp, sourceObject);
} else {
result = null;
} else if (operation.getEAnnotation("MTL") != null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
result = internalVisitStandardOperation(callExp, sourceObject);
} else if (operation.getEAnnotation("MTL non-standard") != null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
result = internalVisitNonStandardOperation(callExp, sourceObject);
} else {
// Only OCL operations remain
result = internalVisitOCLOperation(callExp, sourceObject);
return result;
* Runs the operation sep(start, separator, end) on the given source object. Traceability information will
* not be computed here.
* @param callExp
* The operation
* @param sourceObject
* The source object
* @return The result of the operation.
private Object visitSepThreeOperation(OperationCallExp<C, O> callExp, Object sourceObject) {
final Object result;
Object start = super.visitExpression(callExp.getArgument().get(0));
Object separator = super.visitExpression(callExp.getArgument().get(1));
Object end = super.visitExpression(callExp.getArgument().get(2));
Collection<?> source = (Collection<?>)sourceObject;
final Collection<Object> temp = new ArrayList<Object>();
final List<String> stringSource = new ArrayList<String>();
final Iterator<?> sourceIterator = source.iterator();
while (sourceIterator.hasNext()) {
Object nextSource =;
if (sourceIterator.hasNext()) {
result = temp;
return result;
* Handles the call to a standard MTL operation that impacts traceability.
* @param callExp
* The operation call to visit.
* @param source
* Source of the call.
* @return Result of the call.
private Object internalVisitStandardOperation(OperationCallExp<C, O> callExp, Object source) {
final String operationName = ((EOperation)callExp.getReferredOperation()).getName();
final Object result;
final List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<Object>(callExp.getArgument().size());
for (OCLExpression<C> expression : callExp.getArgument()) {
// FIXME handle invalid and null
boolean oldRecordingValue = record;
record = false;
record = oldRecordingValue;
if (operationName.equals(AcceleoStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_FIRST)) {
int charCount = ((Integer)arguments.get(0)).intValue();
result = operationVisitor.visitFirstOperation((String)source, charCount);
} else if (operationName.equals(AcceleoStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_LAST)) {
int charCount = ((Integer)arguments.get(0)).intValue();
result = operationVisitor.visitLastOperation((String)source, charCount);
} else if (operationName.equals(AcceleoStandardLibrary.OPERATION_STRING_STRTOK)) {
String delimiters = (String)arguments.get(0);
Integer flag = (Integer)arguments.get(1);
result = operationVisitor.visitStrtokOperation((String)source, delimiters, flag);
} else {
// Note that we'll never be here : isTraceabilityImpactingOperation limits us to known operations
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return result;
* This will return <code>true</code> if the given operation call returns a boolean.
* @param operationCall
* The operation call which return type is to be checked.
* @return <code>true</code> if the given operation call returns a boolean.
private boolean isBooleanReturningOperation(OperationCallExp<C, O> operationCall) {
final EClassifier operationReturnEType = (EClassifier)operationCall.getType();
final EClassifier booleanClassifier = (EClassifier)getEnvironment().getOCLStandardLibrary()
return booleanClassifier == operationReturnEType;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given expression is the source of an iteration.
* @param expression
* Expression to compare.
* @return <code>true</code> if <code>expression</code> is the source of an iteration call,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean isIteratorCallSource(OCLExpression<?> expression) {
boolean isSource = false;
EObject eContainer = expression.eContainer();
if (eContainer instanceof IteratorExp) {
IteratorExp<?, ?> iteratorExp = (IteratorExp<?, ?>)eContainer;
OCLExpression<?> source = iteratorExp.getSource();
isSource = (source == expression) || isIteratorCallSource(iteratorExp);
} else if (eContainer instanceof CollectionItem) {
CollectionItem<?> collectionItem = (CollectionItem<?>)eContainer;
eContainer = collectionItem.eContainer();
if (eContainer instanceof CollectionLiteralExp<?>) {
CollectionLiteralExp<?> collectionLiteralExp = (CollectionLiteralExp<?>)eContainer;
isSource = isIteratorCallSource(collectionLiteralExp);
} else if (eContainer instanceof ForBlock) {
isSource = EcoreUtil.isAncestor(iterationTraces.getLast().getReferredExpression(), expression);
return isSource;
* This will return <code>true</code> if the given operation call returns a Number.
* @param operationCall
* The operation call which return type is to be checked.
* @return <code>true</code> if the given operation call returns a Number.
private boolean isNumberReturningOperation(OperationCallExp<C, O> operationCall) {
final EClassifier operationReturnEType = (EClassifier)operationCall.getType();
final EClassifier integerClassifier = (EClassifier)getEnvironment().getOCLStandardLibrary()
final EClassifier realClassifier = (EClassifier)getEnvironment().getOCLStandardLibrary().getReal();
return integerClassifier == operationReturnEType || realClassifier == operationReturnEType;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given expression is the source of the operation call we seek.
* @param expression
* Expression to compare.
* @return <code>true</code> if <code>expression</code> is the source of the current operation call,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean isOperationCallSource(OCLExpression<C> expression) {
return expression == operationCallSourceExpression;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given expression is located directly under a protected area block.
* @param expression
* The expression to consider.
* @return <code>true</code> if <code>expression</code> is located in the content tree of a
* {@link ProtectedAreaBlock}, <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean isProtectedAreaContent(EObject expression) {
boolean isProtectedAreaContent = expression instanceof ProtectedAreaBlock;
EObject container = expression.eContainer();
while (container != null && !isProtectedAreaContent) {
isProtectedAreaContent = container instanceof ProtectedAreaBlock;
container = container.eContainer();
return isProtectedAreaContent;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given expression is the source of the property call we seek.
* @param expression
* Expression to compare.
* @return <code>true</code> if <code>expression</code> is the source of the current property call,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean isPropertyCallSource(OCLExpression<C> expression) {
return expression == propertyCallSourceExpression;
* This will return <code>true</code> if the given operation call refers to a String operation which
* invocation will result in an alteration of the traceability information for the source.
* @param operationCall
* Operation call that is to be considered.
* @return <code>true</code> if calling this operation would alter the traceability information.
private boolean isTraceabilityImpactingOperation(OperationCallExp<C, O> operationCall) {
boolean isImpacting = false;
final EClassifier operationReceiverEType = (EClassifier)operationCall.getSource().getType();
final EClassifier stringType = (EClassifier)getEnvironment().getOCLStandardLibrary().getString();
final EClassifier collectionType = (EClassifier)getEnvironment().getOCLStandardLibrary()
// Any operation that returns a Primitive impacts the traceability
if (isBooleanReturningOperation(operationCall) || isNumberReturningOperation(operationCall)) {
isImpacting = true;
} else {
final String operationName = ((EOperation)operationCall.getReferredOperation()).getName();
if (operationReceiverEType == stringType
|| AcceleoStandardLibrary.PRIMITIVE_STRING_NAME.equals(operationReceiverEType.getName())) {
isImpacting = getTraceabilityImpactingStringOperationNames().contains(operationName);
} else if (collectionType.eClass().isInstance(operationReceiverEType)) {
isImpacting = getTraceabilityImpactingCollectionOperationNames().contains(operationName);
} else if (AcceleoNonStandardLibrary.OPERATION_OCLANY_TOSTRING.equals(operationName)
&& !TraceabilityVisitorUtil.isPrimitive(operationReceiverEType)
&& !(operationReceiverEType instanceof EEnum)) {
// toString() applied on non-primitive will need to create its own traceability information.
isImpacting = true;
return isImpacting;
* Records information for the evaluation of literal expressions. This will be used both for
* {@link org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.LiteralExp} and calls to "getProperty".
* @param expression
* The expression literal we've evaluated.
* @param result
* The result of the evaluation.
private void recordLiteral(OCLExpression<C> expression, Object result) {
InputElement input = getInputElement(retrieveScopeEObjectValue());
if (protectedAreaSource != null) {
input = protectedAreaSource;
// We do not create traceability information for the charset of the file block (ex: UTF-8)
boolean isFileBlockCharset = expression.eContainingFeature() == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE
if (record && !isFileBlockCharset) {
if (operationArgumentTrace != null) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(expression);
operationArgumentTrace.addTrace(input, text, result);
} else if (isInitializingVariable()) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(expression);
variableTraces.get(initializingVariable).addTrace(input, text, result);
} else if (!recordedTraces.isEmpty() && result.toString().length() > 0
&& shouldRecordTrace(expression)) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(expression);
recordedTraces.getLast().addTrace(input, text, result);
} else if (isOperationCallSource(expression)) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(expression);
recordedTraces.getLast().addTrace(input, text, result);
} else if (!iterationTraces.isEmpty()) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(expression);
iterationTraces.getLast().addTrace(input, text, result);
} else if (!record && operationArgumentTrace != null) {
GeneratedText text = createGeneratedTextFor(expression);
operationArgumentTrace.addTrace(input, text, result);
* Returns the scope value of the n-th scope of this evaluation. 0 being the EObject passed as argument of
* the generation, <em>{@link #scopeEObjects}.size() - 1</em> the scope of the current expression.
* @param index
* Index of the scope EObject value we wish to fetch.
* @return The scope value of the n-th scope of this evaluation.
private EObject retrieveScopeEObjectValue(int index) {
EObject scopeValue = null;
for (int i = index; i >= 0 && scopeValue == null; i--) {
EObject scope = scopeEObjects.get(i);
if (scope instanceof Variable<?, ?>) {
final Object value = getEvaluationEnvironment()
.getValueOf(((Variable<C, PM>)scope).getName());
if (value instanceof EObject) {
scopeValue = (EObject)value;
} else if (scope instanceof VariableExp<?, ?>) {
final Object value = getEvaluationEnvironment().getValueOf(
(((VariableExp<C, PM>)scope).getReferredVariable()).getName());
if (value instanceof EObject) {
scopeValue = (EObject)value;
} else {
scopeValue = scope;
if (scope instanceof OCLExpression<?>) {
Object self = getEvaluationEnvironment().getValueOf(IAcceleoConstants.SELF);
if (self instanceof EObject) {
scopeValue = (EObject)self;
return scopeValue;
* This check is specifically designed in order for us to separately record the traces of traceability
* impacting operations.
* <p>
* For example, for the call <code>'string' + 'anotherString'.last(6)</code>, the traces for the "last"
* operation call <b>must</b> be recorded separately (otherwise, the call itself would alter the
* traceability information of the whole "+" operation).
* </p>
* @param expression
* The expression we are to check.
* @return <code>true</code> if this specific expression matches the above, <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean shouldRecordOperationTrace(OCLExpression<C> expression) {
boolean recordTrace = false;
if (expression instanceof OperationCallExp<?, ?>) {
final OperationCallExp<C, O> call = (OperationCallExp<C, O>)expression;
recordTrace = call.eContainingFeature() != MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getTemplate_Post()
&& isTraceabilityImpactingOperation(call);
} else if (expression instanceof Template
&& ((Template)expression).getPost() instanceof OperationCallExp<?, ?>) {
final OperationCallExp<C, O> call = (OperationCallExp<C, O>)((Template)expression).getPost();
recordTrace = isTraceabilityImpactingOperation(call);
return recordTrace;
* This will check if the given reference should cause trace recording. More specifically, it will return
* <code>false</code> for any reference that isn't one of the following :
* <table>
* <tr>
* <td>Metaclass</td>
* <td>Reference</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Block</td>
* <td>body</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>FileBlock</td>
* <td>fileURL</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>ForBlock</td>
* <td>before</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>ForBlock</td>
* <td>each</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>ForBlock</td>
* <td>after</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>TemplateInvocation</td>
* <td>before</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>TemplateInvocation</td>
* <td>each</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>TemplateInvocation</td>
* <td>after</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* @param reference
* The reference for which we need to know if text is to be generated.
* @return <code>True</code> if we need to generate text for the given reference, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
private boolean shouldRecordTrace(EReference reference) {
// Note : sort this by order of frequency to allow shot-circuit evaluation
boolean generate = reference == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getBlock_Body();
generate = generate || reference == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getForBlock_Each();
generate = generate || reference == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getFileBlock_FileUrl();
generate = generate || reference == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getProtectedAreaBlock_Marker();
generate = generate || reference == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getForBlock_Before();
generate = generate || reference == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getForBlock_After();
generate = generate || reference == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getTemplateInvocation_Each();
generate = generate || reference == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getTemplateInvocation_Before();
generate = generate || reference == MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getTemplateInvocation_After();
return generate;
* For a given expression, we'll check whether execution traces must be recorded. This involves checking
* whether the expression is the source of a property or operation call, then looking at which operation
* will be called on the result if needed.
* @param expression
* Expression we're currently evaluating.
* @return <code>true</code> if traces are to be recorded, <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean shouldRecordTrace(OCLExpression<C> expression) {
boolean result = true;
if (evaluatingIterationSet || !record) {
return false;
if (isPropertyCallSource(expression)) {
result = false;
} else if (isOperationCallSource(expression)) {
OperationCallExp<C, O> call = (OperationCallExp<C, O>)expression.eContainer();
EOperation op = (EOperation)call.getReferredOperation();
if (isTraceabilityImpactingOperation(call)
&& TraceabilityVisitorUtil.isPrimitive((EClassifier)call.getType())) {
result = true;
} else if (op.getEType() != getEnvironment().getOCLStandardLibrary().getString()) {
result = false;
} else if (isIteratorCallSource(expression)) {
result = !(recordedTraces.getLast().getReferredExpression() instanceof IteratorExp<?, ?> && EcoreUtil
.isAncestor(recordedTraces.getLast().getReferredExpression(), expression));
} else if (expression.eContainingFeature() == ExpressionsPackage.eINSTANCE
&& isTraceabilityImpactingOperation((OperationCallExp<C, O>)expression.eContainer())) {
result = false;
return result;
* This will return only the "name" section of a given path. This excludes any parent directory and file
* extension info.
* <p>
* For example, this will return <code>"MyClass"</code> from path <code>c:\dev\java\</code>.
* </p>
* @param filePath
* Path that is to be stripped.
* @return The extracted file name.
private String stripFileNameFrom(String filePath) {
String fileName = filePath;
if (fileName.indexOf(File.separator) != -1) {
fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1);
if (fileName.indexOf('.') > 0) {
fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
return fileName;
* This will return the "path" section of a given uri, ignoring the protocol as well as the project name
* if said protocol is "platform".
* @param fileURI
* The URI from which to retrieve a path.
* @return The path section of the given URI.
private String stripPathFrom(String fileURI) {
URI fileEMFURI = URI.createURI(fileURI);
String filePath = fileEMFURI.path();
if (fileEMFURI.isPlatform()) {
int slashIndex = filePath.indexOf('/');
if (slashIndex > 0) {
slashIndex = filePath.indexOf('/', slashIndex + 1);
if (slashIndex > 0) {
filePath = filePath.substring(slashIndex + 1);
return filePath;
* Switches the "record" boolean to false if the given expression shouldn't record any trace information.
* The old value of the record boolean will be returned.
* @param expression
* Expression for which we need to check whether traces should be recorded.
* @return The old value of the record boolean.
private boolean switchRecordState(OCLExpression<C> expression) {
// Do not switch on the recording state if it was previously switched off (avoids recording
// information for nested expressions)
if (!record) {
return record;
boolean oldRecordingValue = record;
EStructuralFeature containingFeature = expression.eContainingFeature();
EObject container = expression.eContainer();
// If this is an "if" condition
record = containingFeature != MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getIfBlock_IfExpr();
record = record && containingFeature != ExpressionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getIfExp_Condition();
// If this is a guard expression
record = record && containingFeature != MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getForBlock_Guard();
record = record && containingFeature != MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getTemplate_Guard();
// If this is a let initialization
record = record
&& (containingFeature != ExpressionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getVariable_InitExpression() || container
.eContainingFeature() != MtlPackage.eINSTANCE.getLetBlock_LetVariable());
// Similarly, bodies of all iterators except for collect shouldn't record any trace
if (record && container instanceof IteratorExp<?, ?>) {
int opCode = OCLStandardLibraryUtil.getOperationCode(((IteratorExp<?, ?>)container).getName());
if (opCode != PredefinedType.COLLECT && opCode != PredefinedType.COLLECT_NESTED) {
record = containingFeature != ExpressionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getLoopExp_Body();
// We won't record any trace information either for the traceability impacting operations' arguments
if (record && containingFeature == ExpressionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getOperationCallExp_Argument()) {
record = !isTraceabilityImpactingOperation((OperationCallExp<C, O>)container);
return oldRecordingValue;