<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ecore="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" xmlns:mtl="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/mtl/3.0" xmlns:ocl.ecore="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/Ecore"> | |
<mtl:Module name="acceleoJavaClassGenerator" nsURI="org::eclipse::acceleo::module::sample::main::acceleoJavaClassGenerator" startHeaderPosition="412" endHeaderPosition="505"> | |
<documentation xsi:type="mtl:ModuleDocumentation" author="sbegaudeau"> | |
<body startPosition="33" endPosition="409" value="
Copyright (c) 2008, 2012 Obeo.<br/>
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

Obeo - initial API and implementation
@author sbegaudeau

"/> | |
</documentation> | |
<input> | |
<takesTypesFrom href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#/"/> | |
</input> | |
<ownedModuleElement xsi:type="mtl:Template" name="genAbstractAcceleoGenerator" visibility="Public" main="true"> | |
<body xsi:type="mtl:FileBlock" openMode="OverWrite"> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="/*******************************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2012 Obeo.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * Contributors:
 * Obeo - initial API and implementation
package "/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/8"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/basePackage"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=";

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.event.IAcceleoTextGenerationListener;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.generation.strategy.IAcceleoGenerationStrategy;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.service.AbstractAcceleoGenerator;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicMonitor;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Monitor;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;

 * Entry point of the '"/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/9"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/classShortName"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="' generation module.
 * @generated
public class "/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/10"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/classShortName"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=" extends AbstractAcceleoGenerator {
 * The name of the module.
 * @generated
 public static final String MODULE_FILE_NAME = ""/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/11"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/moduleFileShortName"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="";
 * The name of the templates that are to be generated.
 * @generated
 public static final String"/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="[]"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=" TEMPLATE_NAMES = { "/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:OperationCallExp" eType="/13/Sequence(OclAny)" referredOperation="/1/Collection(T)_Class/sep"> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:IteratorExp" name="collect" eType="/13/Sequence(String)"> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp" eType="/13/OrderedSet(String)"> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/14"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/templateNames"/> | |
</source> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:OperationCallExp" referredOperation="/1/String_Class/+"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:OperationCallExp" referredOperation="/1/String_Class/+"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="""> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</source> | |
<argument xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="str" referredVariable="/0/genAbstractAcceleoGenerator/@body.0/@body.11/collect/str"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</argument> | |
</source> | |
<argument xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="""> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</argument> | |
</body> | |
<iterator xsi:type="ocl.ecore:Variable" name="str"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</iterator> | |
</source> | |
<argument xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=", "> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</argument> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=" };
 * The list of properties files from the launch parameters (Launch configuration).
 * @generated
 private List<String> propertiesFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

 * Allows the public constructor to be used. Note that a generator created
 * this way cannot be used to launch generations before one of
 * {@link #initialize(EObject, File, List)} or
 * {@link #initialize(URI, File, List)} is called.
 * <p>
 * The main reason for this constructor is to allow clients of this
 * generation to call it from another Java file, as it allows for the
 * retrieval of {@link #getProperties()} and
 * {@link #getGenerationListeners()}.
 * </p>
 * @generated
 public "/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/15"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/classShortName"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="() {
 // Empty implementation

 * This allows clients to instantiates a generator with all required information.
 * @param modelURI
 * URI where the model on which this generator will be used is located.
 * @param targetFolder
 * This will be used as the output folder for this generation : it will be the base path
 * against which all file block URLs will be resolved.
 * @param arguments
 * If the template which will be called requires more than one argument taken from the model,
 * pass them here.
 * @throws IOException
 * This can be thrown in three scenarios : the module cannot be found, it cannot be loaded, or
 * the model cannot be loaded.
 * @generated
 public "/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/16"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/classShortName"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="(URI modelURI, File targetFolder,
 List<? extends Object> arguments) throws IOException {
 initialize(modelURI, targetFolder, arguments);

 * This allows clients to instantiates a generator with all required information.
 * @param model
 * We'll iterate over the content of this element to find Objects matching the first parameter
 * of the template we need to call.
 * @param targetFolder
 * This will be used as the output folder for this generation : it will be the base path
 * against which all file block URLs will be resolved.
 * @param arguments
 * If the template which will be called requires more than one argument taken from the model,
 * pass them here.
 * @throws IOException
 * This can be thrown in two scenarios : the module cannot be found, or it cannot be loaded.
 * @generated
 public "/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/17"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/classShortName"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="(EObject model, File targetFolder,
 List<? extends Object> arguments) throws IOException {
 initialize(model, targetFolder, arguments);
 * This can be used to launch the generation from a standalone application.
 * @param args
 * Arguments of the generation.
 * @generated
 public static void main(String"/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="[]"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=" args) {
 try {
 if (args.length < 2) {
 System.out.println("Arguments not valid : {model, folder}.");
 } else {
 URI modelURI = URI.createFileURI(args"/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="[0]"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=");
 File folder = new File(args"/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="[1]"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=");
 List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>();
 * If you want to change the content of this method, do NOT forget to change the "@generated"
 * tag in the Javadoc of this method to "@generated NOT". Without this new tag, any compilation
 * of the Acceleo module with the main template that has caused the creation of this class will
 * revert your modifications.

 * Add in this list all the arguments used by the starting point of the generation
 * If your main template is called on an element of your model and a String, you can
 * add in "arguments" this "String" attribute.
 "/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/21"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/classShortName"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=" generator = new "/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/22"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/classShortName"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="(modelURI, folder, arguments);
 * Add the properties from the launch arguments.
 * If you want to programmatically add new properties, add them in "propertiesFiles"
 * You can add the absolute path of a properties files, or even a project relative path.
 * If you want to add another "protocol" for your properties files, please override 
 * "getPropertiesLoaderService(AcceleoService)" in order to return a new property loader.
 * The behavior of the properties loader service is explained in the Acceleo documentation
 * (Help -> Help Contents).
 for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
 generator.addPropertiesFile(args"/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="[i]"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=");
 generator.doGenerate(new BasicMonitor());
 } catch (IOException e) {

 * Launches the generation described by this instance.
 * @param monitor
 * This will be used to display progress information to the user.
 * @throws IOException
 * This will be thrown if any of the output files cannot be saved to disk.
 * @generated
 public void doGenerate(Monitor monitor) throws IOException {
 * TODO if you wish to change the generation as a whole, override this. The default behavior should
 * be sufficient in most cases. If you want to change the content of this method, do NOT forget to
 * change the "@generated" tag in the Javadoc of this method to "@generated NOT". Without this new tag,
 * any compilation of the Acceleo module with the main template that has caused the creation of this
 * class will revert your modifications. If you encounter a problem with an unresolved proxy during the
 * generation, you can remove the comments in the following instructions to check for problems. Please
 * note that those instructions may have a significant impact on the performances.


 * If you want to check for potential errors in your models before the launch of the generation, you
 * use the code below.

 //if (model != null && model.eResource() != null) {
 // List<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource.Diagnostic> errors = model.eResource().getErrors();
 // for (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource.Diagnostic diagnostic : errors) {
 // System.err.println(diagnostic.toString());
 // }

 * If this generator needs to listen to text generation events, listeners can be returned from here.
 * @return List of listeners that are to be notified when text is generated through this launch.
 * @generated
 public List<IAcceleoTextGenerationListener> getGenerationListeners() {
 List<IAcceleoTextGenerationListener> listeners = super.getGenerationListeners();
 * TODO if you need to listen to generation event, add listeners to the list here. If you want to change
 * the content of this method, do NOT forget to change the "@generated" tag in the Javadoc of this method
 * to "@generated NOT". Without this new tag, any compilation of the Acceleo module with the main template
 * that has caused the creation of this class will revert your modifications.
 return listeners;
 * If you need to change the way files are generated, this is your entry point.
 * <p>
 * The default is {@link org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.generation.strategy.DefaultStrategy}; it generates
 * files on the fly. If you only need to preview the results, return a new
 * {@link org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.generation.strategy.PreviewStrategy}. Both of these aren't aware of
 * the running Eclipse and can be used standalone.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If you need the file generation to be aware of the workspace (A typical example is when you wanna
 * override files that are under clear case or any other VCS that could forbid the overriding), then
 * return a new {@link org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.generation.strategy.WorkspaceAwareStrategy}.
 * <b>Note</b>, however, that this <b>cannot</b> be used standalone.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * All three of these default strategies support merging through JMerge.
 * </p>
 * @return The generation strategy that is to be used for generations launched through this launcher.
 * @generated
 public IAcceleoGenerationStrategy getGenerationStrategy() {
 return super.getGenerationStrategy();
 * This will be called in order to find and load the module that will be launched through this launcher.
 * We expect this name not to contain file extension, and the module to be located beside the launcher.
 * @return The name of the module that is to be launched.
 * @generated
 public String getModuleName() {
 * If the module(s) called by this launcher require properties files, return their qualified path from
 * here.Take note that the first added properties files will take precedence over subsequent ones if they
 * contain conflicting keys.
 * @return The list of properties file we need to add to the generation context.
 * @see java.util.ResourceBundle#getBundle(String)
 * @generated
 public List<String> getProperties() {
 * If you want to change the content of this method, do NOT forget to change the "@generated"
 * tag in the Javadoc of this method to "@generated NOT". Without this new tag, any compilation
 * of the Acceleo module with the main template that has caused the creation of this class will
 * revert your modifications.

 * TODO if your generation module requires access to properties files, add their qualified path to the list here.
 * Properties files can be located in an Eclipse plug-in or in the file system (all Acceleo projects are Eclipse
 * plug-in). In order to use properties files located in an Eclipse plugin, you need to add the path of the properties
 * files to the "propertiesFiles" list:
 * final String prefix = "platform:/plugin/";
 * final String pluginName = "org.eclipse.acceleo.module.sample";
 * final String packagePath = "/org/eclipse/acceleo/module/sample/properties/";
 * final String fileName = "default.properties";
 * propertiesFiles.add(prefix + pluginName + packagePath + fileName);
 * With this mechanism, you can load properties files from your plugin or from another plugin.
 * You may want to load properties files from the file system, for that you need to add the absolute path of the file:
 * propertiesFiles.add("C:\Users\MyName\MyFile.properties");
 * If you want to let your users add properties files located in the same folder as the model:
 * if (EMFPlugin.IS_ECLIPSE_RUNNING && model != null && model.eResource() != null) { 
 * propertiesFiles.addAll(AcceleoEngineUtils.getPropertiesFilesNearModel(model.eResource()));
 * }
 * To learn more about Properties Files, have a look at the Acceleo documentation (Help -> Help Contents).
 return propertiesFiles;
 * Adds a properties file in the list of properties files.
 * @param propertiesFile
 * The properties file to add.
 * @generated
 * @since 3.1
 public void addPropertiesFile(String propertiesFile) {
 * This will be used to get the list of templates that are to be launched by this launcher.
 * @return The list of templates to call on the module {@link #getModuleName()}.
 * @generated
 public String"/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol="[]"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=" getTemplateNames() {
 * This can be used to update the resource set's package registry with all needed EPackages.
 * @param resourceSet
 * The resource set which registry has to be updated.
 * @generated
 public void registerPackages(ResourceSet resourceSet) {
"/> | |
<body xsi:type="mtl:ForBlock"> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=" if (!isInWorkspace("/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="aPackage" referredVariable="/0/genAbstractAcceleoGenerator/@body.0/@body.33/aPackage"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoPackage"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoPackage/class"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=".class)) {
 resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put("/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="aPackage" referredVariable="/0/genAbstractAcceleoGenerator/@body.0/@body.33/aPackage"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoPackage"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoPackage/class"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=".eINSTANCE.getNsURI(), "/> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="aPackage" referredVariable="/0/genAbstractAcceleoGenerator/@body.0/@body.33/aPackage"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoPackage"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoPackage/class"/> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=".eINSTANCE);
"/> | |
<loopVariable name="aPackage"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoPackage"/> | |
</loopVariable> | |
<iterSet xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PropertyCallExp" eType="/13/OrderedSet(AcceleoPackage)"> | |
<source xsi:type="ocl.ecore:VariableExp" name="self" referredVariable="/25"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</source> | |
<referredProperty xsi:type="ecore:EReference" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass/packages"/> | |
</iterSet> | |
</body> | |
<body xsi:type="ocl.ecore:StringLiteralExp" stringSymbol=" 
 * If you want to change the content of this method, do NOT forget to change the "@generated"
 * tag in the Javadoc of this method to "@generated NOT". Without this new tag, any compilation
 * of the Acceleo module with the main template that has caused the creation of this class will
 * revert your modifications.
 * If you need additional package registrations, you can register them here. The following line
 * (in comment) is an example of the package registration for UML.
 * You can use the method "isInWorkspace(Class c)" to check if the package that you are about to
 * register is in the workspace.
 * To register a package properly, please follow the following conventions:
 * If the package is located in another plug-in, already installed in Eclipse. The following content should
 * have been generated at the beginning of this method. Do not register the package using this mechanism if
 * the metamodel is located in the workspace.
 * if (!isInWorkspace(UMLPackage.class)) {
 * // The normal package registration if your metamodel is in a plugin.
 * resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(UMLPackage.eNS_URI, UMLPackage.eINSTANCE);
 * }
 * If the package is located in another project in your workspace, the plugin containing the package has not
 * been register by EMF and Acceleo should register it automatically. If you want to use the generator in
 * stand alone, the regular registration (seen a couple lines before) is needed.
 * To learn more about Package Registration, have a look at the Acceleo documentation (Help -> Help Contents).

 * This can be used to update the resource set's resource factory registry with all needed factories.
 * @param resourceSet
 * The resource set which registry has to be updated.
 * @generated
 public void registerResourceFactories(ResourceSet resourceSet) {
 * If you want to change the content of this method, do NOT forget to change the "@generated"
 * tag in the Javadoc of this method to "@generated NOT". Without this new tag, any compilation
 * of the Acceleo module with the main template that has caused the creation of this class will
 * revert your modifications.
 * TODO If you need additional resource factories registrations, you can register them here. the following line
 * (in comment) is an example of the resource factory registration for UML.
 * If you want to use the generator in stand alone, the resource factory registration will be required.
 * To learn more about the registration of Resource Factories, have a look at the Acceleo documentation (Help -> Help Contents). 
 // resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(UMLResource.FILE_EXTENSION, UMLResource.Factory.INSTANCE);
"/> | |
<fileUrl xsi:type="ocl.ecore:OperationCallExp" referredOperation="/1/String_Class/+"> | |
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</source> | |
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</source> | |
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</charset> | |
</body> | |
<parameter name="acceleoMainClass"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</parameter> | |
</ownedModuleElement> | |
</mtl:Module> | |
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</eParameters> | |
</eOperations> | |
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</eClassifiers> | |
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</eAnnotations> | |
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<eParameters name="acceleoMainClass"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/ui/acceleowizardmodel/3.1#//AcceleoMainClass"/> | |
</eParameters> | |
</eOperations> | |
</eClassifiers> | |
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</eClassifiers> | |
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<references href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/Collection(T)"/> | |
</eAnnotations> | |
<eOperations name="sep"> | |
<eAnnotations source="MTL non-standard"/> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:SequenceType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/mtl/3.0/mtlnonstdlib.ecore#//Sequence(OclAny)"/> | |
<eParameters name="separatorString"> | |
<eType xsi:type="ocl.ecore:PrimitiveType" href="http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/1.1.0/oclstdlib.ecore#/0/String"/> | |
</eParameters> | |
</eOperations> | |
</eClassifiers> | |
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</eClassifiers> | |
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</eAnnotations> | |
</eClassifiers> | |
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</eClassifiers> | |
</ecore:EPackage> | |
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</ocl.ecore:Variable> | |
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</ocl.ecore:Variable> | |
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</ocl.ecore:Variable> | |
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