blob: 88a632f571eff72f67eeb74ae7ac8718b0506af8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and Others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Hisashi MIYASHITA - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.impl;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.AnalyzedResult;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.INodeEx;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.impl.html.HTMLElementFactory;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.impl.object.ObjectElementFactory;
import org.eclipse.actf.util.vocab.IEvalTarget;
import org.eclipse.actf.util.vocab.Vocabulary;
import org.eclipse.actf.util.win32.comclutch.IDispatch;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.UserDataHandler;
public class NodeImpl implements Node {
protected final IDispatch inode;
IDispatch getIDispatch() {
return inode;
protected final short nodeType;
private NodeImpl parentNode;
private DocumentImpl doc;
String uniqueName;
private static String getUniqueName(IDispatch inode) {
return (String) Helper.get(inode, "uniqueID");
private NodeImpl newNodeByType(IDispatch inode, short type) {
switch (type) {
return new AttrImpl(this, inode);
// return new DocumentImpl(inode);
// We would like to keep object identity of DocumentImpl.
// Thus returns the base DocumentImpl that must be the same as the
// document of "inode".
return doc;
return new NodeImpl(this, inode, type);
if (Helper.hasProperty(inode, "contentWindow")) {
return HTMLElementFactory.create(this, inode, "FrameNode");
String name = (String) Helper.get(inode, "nodeName");
if ("OBJECT".equals(name) || "EMBED".equals(name)) {
NodeImpl newNode = ObjectElementFactory.create(this, inode);
if (newNode != null)
return newNode;
return HTMLElementFactory.create(this, inode, name);
case Node.ENTITY_NODE:
return new NodeImpl(this, inode, type);
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
return HTMLElementFactory.create(this, inode, "Text");
return new NodeImpl(this, inode, type);
NodeImpl newNode(IDispatch inode) {
if (inode == null)
return null;
String uniqueName = getUniqueName(inode);
if (uniqueName != null) {
NodeImpl anode = doc.lookupNode(uniqueName);
if (anode != null) {
return anode;
Integer val = (Integer) Helper.get(inode, "nodeType");
if (val == null)
return null;
short type = (short) val.intValue();
NodeImpl node = newNodeByType(inode, type);
if (uniqueName != null) {
node.uniqueName = uniqueName;
doc.regNode(uniqueName, node);
return node;
protected NodeImpl newNode(IDispatch inode, short type) {
if (inode == null)
return null;
String uniqueName = getUniqueName(inode);
if (uniqueName != null) {
NodeImpl anode = doc.lookupNode(uniqueName);
if (anode != null) {
return anode;
NodeImpl node = newNodeByType(inode, type);
node.uniqueName = uniqueName;
doc.regNode(uniqueName, node);
return node;
} else {
return newNodeByType(inode, type);
protected NodeImpl newNode(IDispatch inode, short type, NodeImpl parent) {
NodeImpl node = newNode(inode, type);
node.parentNode = parent;
return node;
public IDispatch getINode() {
return inode;
// Special constructor for Document Node.
NodeImpl(IDispatch inode) {
this.doc = (DocumentImpl) this;
this.inode = inode;
this.nodeType = Node.DOCUMENT_NODE;
protected NodeImpl(NodeImpl baseNode, IDispatch inode, short nodeType) {
this.doc = baseNode.doc;
this.inode = inode;
this.nodeType = nodeType;
private String cachedNodeName = null;
public String getNodeName() {
if (cachedNodeName == null) {
cachedNodeName = (String) Helper.get(inode, "nodeName");
return cachedNodeName;
public String getNodeValue() throws DOMException {
Object text = Helper.get(inode, "nodeValue");
if (text == null)
return null;
if (text instanceof String)
return (String) text;
if (text instanceof IDispatch) {
return (String) Helper.get((IDispatch) text, "data");
return null;
public void setNodeValue(String nodeValue) throws DOMException {
Helper.put(inode, "nodeValue", nodeValue);
public short getNodeType() {
return nodeType;
public Node getParentNode() {
if (parentNode == null) {
IDispatch parent = (IDispatch) Helper.get(inode, "parentNode");
parentNode = newNode(parent);
return parentNode;
private NodeListNextSiblingImpl cachedChildNodes;
public NodeList getChildNodes() {
if (cachedChildNodes != null) {
} else {
if (false) {
// Caution!
// Due to IE's problem, "childNodes" property may have wrong
// value
// unless the document is well-formed. We avoid using this
// property,
// and use "nextSibling" instead of that.
IDispatch nodeCollection = (IDispatch) Helper.get(inode,
if (nodeCollection == null)
return null;
// cachedChildNodes = new NodeListImpl(this, nodeCollection);
} else {
cachedChildNodes = new NodeListNextSiblingImpl(this);
return cachedChildNodes;
public Node getFirstChild() {
IDispatch firstChild = (IDispatch) Helper.get(inode, "firstChild");
return newNode(firstChild);
public Node getLastChild() {
IDispatch lastChild = (IDispatch) Helper.get(inode, "lastChild");
return newNode(lastChild);
public Node getPreviousSibling() {
IDispatch previousSibling = (IDispatch) Helper.get(inode,
return newNode(previousSibling);
public Node getNextSibling() {
IDispatch nextSibling = (IDispatch) Helper.get(inode, "nextSibling");
return newNode(nextSibling);
public NamedNodeMap getAttributes() {
IDispatch attributes = (IDispatch) Helper.get(inode, "attributes");
if (attributes == null)
return null;
return new NamedNodeMapImpl(this, attributes);
public Document getOwnerDocument() {
return doc;
public Node insertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild) throws DOMException {
if (!((newChild instanceof NodeImpl) && (refChild instanceof NodeImpl))) {
NodeImpl nci = (NodeImpl) newChild;
NodeImpl rci = (NodeImpl) refChild;
IDispatch i = (IDispatch) inode.invoke("insertBefore", new Object[] {
nci.getINode(), rci.getINode() });
return newNode(i);
public Node replaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild) throws DOMException {
if (!((newChild instanceof NodeImpl) && (oldChild instanceof NodeImpl))) {
NodeImpl nci = (NodeImpl) newChild;
NodeImpl oci = (NodeImpl) oldChild;
IDispatch i = (IDispatch) inode.invoke("replaceChild", new Object[] {
nci.getINode(), oci.getINode() });
return newNode(i);
public Node removeChild(Node oldChild) throws DOMException {
if (!(oldChild instanceof NodeImpl)) {
NodeImpl oci = (NodeImpl) oldChild;
IDispatch i = (IDispatch) inode.invoke1("removeChild", oci.getINode());
return newNode(i);
public Node appendChild(Node newChild) throws DOMException {
if (!(newChild instanceof NodeImpl)) {
NodeImpl nci = (NodeImpl) newChild;
IDispatch i = (IDispatch) inode.invoke1("appendChild", nci.getINode());
return newNode(i);
public boolean hasChildNodes() {
Boolean b = (Boolean) inode.invoke0("hasChildNodes");
if (b == null)
return false;
return b.booleanValue();
public Node cloneNode(boolean deep) {
IDispatch i = (IDispatch) inode.invoke1("cloneNode", Boolean
return newNode(i);
public void normalize() {
// Do nothing.
public boolean isSupported(String feature, String version) {
// TODO: Currently we regard all features are not supported.
return false;
public String getNamespaceURI() {
String r = (String) Helper.get(inode, "namespaceURI");
if (r == null)
return "";
// Treat the local namespace as null for XPath 1.0 data model.
if (r.length() == 0)
return "";
return r;
public String getPrefix() {
String r = getNodeName();
if (r == null)
return "";
int pos = r.indexOf(":");
if (pos < 0)
return "";
return r.substring(0, pos);
public void setPrefix(String prefix) throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getLocalName() {
String r = getNodeName();
if (r == null)
return "";
int pos = r.indexOf(":");
if (pos < 0)
return r;
return r.substring(pos + 1);
public boolean hasAttributes() {
IDispatch attributes = (IDispatch) Helper.get(inode, "attributes");
if (attributes == null)
return false;
return true;
public String getBaseURI() {
// No way to obtain base URI!
return null;
public short compareDocumentPosition(Node other) throws DOMException {
// We do not support compareDocumentPosition
return 0;
public String getTextContent() throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void setTextContent(String textContent) throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean isSameNode(Node other) {
if (this == other)
return true;
return false;
public String lookupPrefix(String namespaceURI) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean isDefaultNamespace(String namespaceURI) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String lookupNamespaceURI(String prefix) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean isEqualNode(Node arg) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Object getFeature(String feature, String version) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Object getUserData(String key) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Object setUserData(String key, Object data, UserDataHandler handler) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// INodeEx interface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public String getLinkURI() {
String uri = (String) Helper.get(inode, "href");
if (uri == null) {
Node p = getParentNode();
if (p instanceof INodeEx) {
return ((INodeEx) p).getLinkURI();
return null;
return uri;
public short getHeadingLevel() {
Node parent = getParentNode();
if (parent instanceof INodeEx) {
return ((INodeEx) parent).getHeadingLevel();
return (short) 0;
public AnalyzedResult analyze(AnalyzedResult ar) {
if (!Vocabulary.isValidNode().eval((IEvalTarget) this))
return ar;
Node n = getFirstChild();
while (n != null) {
if (n instanceof INodeEx) {
ar = ((INodeEx) n).analyze(ar);
n = n.getNextSibling();
return ar;
public void setText(String text) {
if (Helper.hasProperty(inode, "value")) {
Helper.put(inode, "value", text);
} else {
NodeImpl element = (NodeImpl) getParentNode();
if ("TEXTAREA".equals(element.getLocalName())) {
IDispatch tr = (IDispatch) element.inode
Helper.put(tr, "text", text);
public String getText() {
String ret = "";
if (Helper.hasProperty(inode, "value")) {
Object obj = Helper.get(inode, "value");
if (obj instanceof String) {
return (String) obj;
} else if (null != obj) {
// TODO check other case
// System.err.println(obj+" "+obj.toString());
return obj.toString();
} else {
NodeImpl element = (NodeImpl) getParentNode();
if ("TEXTAREA".equals(element.getLocalName())) {
IDispatch tr = (IDispatch) element.inode
ret = (String) Helper.get(tr, "text");
if (ret == null)
return "";
return ret;
public int getNth() {
IDispatch current = inode;
int i;
for (i = 1; current != null; i++) {
current = (IDispatch) Helper.get(current, "previousSibling");
return i;
public String getUniqueID() {
return (String) Helper.get(inode, "uniqueID");
// !FN!
public String[] getStillPictureData() {
String[] ret = new String[3];
ret[1] = (String) Helper.get(inode, "src");
ret[2] = "";
String mt = (String) Helper.get(inode, "mimeType");
if (mt == null) {
ret[0] = "";
} else {
mt = mt.toUpperCase();
if (mt.contains("GIF")) {
ret[0] = "image/gif";
} else if (mt.contains("JPEG")) {
ret[0] = "image/jpeg";
} else if (mt.contains("PNG")) {
ret[0] = "image/png";
} else {
ret[0] = "";
return ret;