blob: 854701abe3a2623434f1bd8d1d84b302e2fb7e1e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
MenuConst.&Font_2 = Font Size(&X)
MenuConst.Largest_3 = Largest\t(&G)
MenuConst.Large_4 = Large\t(&L)
MenuConst.Medium_5 = Medium\t(&M)
MenuConst.Small_6 = Small\t(&S)
MenuConst.Smallest_7 = Smallest\t(&A)
MenuConst.F&avorites_8 = F&avorites
MenuConst.AddFavorites = &Add to Favorites
MenuConst.ArrangeFavorites = &Organize Favorites
WebBrowser.Address = A&ddress
WebBrowser.Backward_4 = &Back
WebBrowser.Forward_5 = &Forward
WebBrowser.Stop = &Stop
WebBrowser.Refresh = &Refresh
WebBrowser.Script = &Omit Script Debug Messages
WebBrowser.Go = Go
WebBrowser.Backward_4_tp = Back
WebBrowser.Forward_5_tp = Forward
WebBrowser.Stop_tp = Stop
WebBrowser.Refresh_tp = Refresh
WebBrowser.Script_tp = Omit script debug messages
WebBrowser.Go_tp = Go
DialogArrangeFavorite.Title = Arrange Favorites
DialogArrangeFavorite.Modify_Name = &Rename
DialogArrangeFavorite.Delete = &Delete
DialogAddFavorite.Title = Edit Name
DialogAddFavorite.Name_Label = Name:
DialogAddFavorite.Text_Empty_Alert = The name can not be empty.
DialogAddFavorite.Text_Exist_Alert = The name has existed in the favorites.
DialogConst.Name_Label = Name
ImageCreator.ImageTooLarge = Image size is too large. The simulation image is shortened.\n\n -Please adjust the display size of target content.\n or\n -Please turn off "whole page" check box.