blob: 5abf225cecf6fb5b1f08c15594f06112d9af5085 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and Others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Hisashi MIYASHITA - initial API and implementation
* Kentarou FUKUDA - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.impl.flash;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.AnalyzedResult;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.IFlashMSAANode;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.IFlashNode;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.INodeEx;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.impl.DocumentImpl;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.flash.ASAccInfo;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.flash.IASBridge;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.flash.IASNode;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.flash.IFlashConst;
import org.eclipse.actf.util.dom.EmptyNodeListImpl;
import org.eclipse.actf.util.vocab.AbstractTerms;
import org.eclipse.actf.util.win32.comclutch.ComPlugin;
import org.eclipse.actf.util.win32.keyhook.ISendEvent;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.UserDataHandler;
class FlashNodeImpl implements IFlashNode, IFlashConst {
// final ASObject nodeASObj;
private final ASAccInfo accInfo;
private final String target;
private final IFlashNode parent;
private final boolean hasChildren;
private FlashTopNodeImpl swf;
private DocumentImpl doc;
private final IASNode flashNode;
private final IASBridge flashPlayer;
public int hashCode() {
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof FlashNodeImpl) {
FlashNodeImpl f = (FlashNodeImpl) o;
return swf.equals(f.swf) &&;
return false;
private FlashNodeImpl(IASNode node, IFlashNode parent) {
this.flashNode = node;
this.flashPlayer = node.getPlayer(); = node.getTarget();
this.accInfo = node.getAccInfo();
if (node.isOpaqueObject()) {
this.hasChildren = false;
} else {
this.hasChildren = true;
this.parent = parent;
FlashNodeImpl(FlashNodeImpl baseNode, IASNode node) {
this(node, baseNode);
this.swf = baseNode.swf;
this.doc = baseNode.doc;
FlashNodeImpl(FlashTopNodeImpl baseNode, IASNode node) {
this(node, baseNode);
this.swf = baseNode;
this.doc = (DocumentImpl) baseNode.getOwnerDocument();
private Object getProperty(String prop) {
return flashPlayer.getProperty(getTarget(), prop);
private void setProperty(String prop, Object value) {
flashPlayer.setProperty(getTarget(), prop, value);
private static ISendEvent sendEvent;
private ISendEvent getSendEvent() {
if (sendEvent == null) {
sendEvent = ComPlugin.getDefault().newSendEvent();
return sendEvent;
public String getNodeName() {
return "#flashNode:" + getTarget();
public String getNodeValue() throws DOMException {
return null;
public void setNodeValue(String nodeValue) throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public short getNodeType() {
// return FLASH_NODE;
return Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public Node getParentNode() {
return parent;
private static class NodeListImpl implements NodeList {
private final IFlashNode[] nodes;
public Node item(int index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= nodes.length))
return null;
return nodes[index];
public int getLength() {
return nodes.length;
NodeListImpl(IFlashNode[] nodes) {
this.nodes = nodes;
public NodeList getChildNodes() {
if (!hasChildren)
return EmptyNodeListImpl.getInstance();
IFlashNode[] r = getSWFChildNodes();
return new NodeListImpl(r);
public Node getFirstChild() {
if (!hasChildren)
return null;
IFlashNode[] r = getSWFChildNodes();
if (r == null)
return null;
if (r.length == 0)
return null;
return r[0];
public Node getLastChild() {
if (!hasChildren)
return null;
IFlashNode[] r = getSWFChildNodes();
if (r == null)
return null;
if (r.length == 0)
return null;
return r[r.length - 1];
public Node getPreviousSibling() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Node getNextSibling() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public NamedNodeMap getAttributes() {
return null;
public Document getOwnerDocument() {
return doc;
public Node insertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild) throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Node replaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild) throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Node removeChild(Node oldChild) throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Node appendChild(Node newChild) throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean hasChildNodes() {
// IFlashNode[] r = getInnerNodes();
if (!hasChildren)
return false;
IFlashNode[] r = getSWFChildNodes();
if (r == null)
return false;
if (r.length == 0)
return false;
return true;
public Node cloneNode(boolean deep) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void normalize() {
public boolean isSupported(String feature, String version) {
return false;
public String getNamespaceURI() {
return null;
public String getPrefix() {
return null;
public void setPrefix(String prefix) throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getLocalName() {
String target = getTarget();
int idx = target.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx < 0)
return target;
return target.substring(idx + 1);
public boolean hasAttributes() {
return false;
public String getBaseURI() {
return null;
public short compareDocumentPosition(Node other) throws DOMException {
return 0;
public String getTextContent() throws DOMException {
return extractString();
public void setTextContent(String textContent) throws DOMException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean isSameNode(Node other) {
return false;
public String lookupPrefix(String namespaceURI) {
return null;
public boolean isDefaultNamespace(String namespaceURI) {
return false;
public String lookupNamespaceURI(String prefix) {
return null;
public boolean isEqualNode(Node arg) {
return false;
public Object getFeature(String feature, String version) {
return null;
public Object setUserData(String key, Object data, UserDataHandler handler) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Object getUserData(String key) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// INodeEx interface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private String decodeString(String input) {
if (input == null)
return "";
try {
return URLDecoder.decode(input, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return input;
public String extractString() {
String r = null;
if (null != accInfo) {
if (r == null) {
r = flashNode.getText(false);
if (r == null)
return "";
// return decodeString(r);
return r;
public short getHeadingLevel() {
return 0;
public String getLinkURI() {
return null;
public void setText(String text) {
setProperty(ASNODE_TEXT, text);
public String getText() {
Object o = getProperty(ASNODE_TEXT);
if (o instanceof String)
return (String) o;
return "";
private boolean doHardwareClick() {
long hwnd = swf.getHWND();
int ix = (int) flashNode.getX();
int iy = (int) flashNode.getY();
int iw = (int) flashNode.getWidth();
int ih = (int) flashNode.getHeight();
int x = ix + iw / 4;
int y = iy + ih / 4;
// System.err.println("Click to:" + x + "," + y);
// getSendEvent().postMouse(x, y, false);
getSendEvent().postMouse(x, y, false);
boolean result = getSendEvent().postMouse(x, y, true);
return result;
String getClickableTarget(String current) {
while (current.length() > 0) {
String tryOnRelease = current + PATH_ON_RELEASE;
if (swf.getNodeFromPath(tryOnRelease) != null) {
return current;
String tryOnPress = current + PATH_ON_PRESS;
if (swf.getNodeFromPath(tryOnPress) != null) {
return current;
int idx = current.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx <= 0)
current = current.substring(0, idx);
return null;
public boolean doClick() {
String current = getTarget();
while (current.length() > 0) {
String tryOnRelease = current + PATH_ON_RELEASE;
if (swf.getNodeFromPath(tryOnRelease) != null) {
flashPlayer.callMethod(flashNode, M_ON_RELEASE);
return true;
String tryOnPress = current + PATH_ON_PRESS;
if (swf.getNodeFromPath(tryOnPress) != null) {
flashPlayer.callMethod(flashNode, M_ON_PRESS);
return true;
if (true)
int idx = current.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx <= 0)
current = current.substring(0, idx);
if (doHardwareClick())
return true;
return false;
public boolean highlight() {
flashPlayer.callMethod(flashNode, M_ON_ROLL_OVER);
boolean ret1 = swf.highlight();
boolean ret2 = flashNode.setMarker();
return ret1 && ret2;
public boolean unhighlight() {
flashPlayer.callMethod(flashNode, M_ON_ROLL_OUT);
boolean ret1 = swf.unhighlight();
boolean ret2 = flashPlayer.unsetMarker();
return ret1 && ret2;
public boolean setFocus() {
if (!swf.setFocus())
return false;
return flashPlayer.setFocus(getTarget());
public int getNth() {
// TODO!
return 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IFlashNode interface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public String getTarget() {
return target;
public IFlashNode getNodeFromPath(String path) {
return swf.getNodeFromPath(path);
public IFlashNode getNodeAtDepth(int depth) {
IASNode result = flashPlayer.getNodeAtDepthWithPath(getTarget(), depth);
if (result == null)
return null;
return new FlashNodeImpl(swf, result);
private IFlashNode[] createIFlashNodeArray(IASNode[] nodes) {
IFlashNode[] results = new IFlashNode[nodes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
results[i] = new FlashNodeImpl(this, nodes[i]);
return results;
public IFlashNode[] getInnerNodes() {
return createIFlashNodeArray(flashNode.getChildren(true));
public IFlashNode[] getSWFChildNodes() {
return createIFlashNodeArray(flashNode.getChildren(false));
public int getDepth() {
return flashNode.getDepth();
public int getCurrentFrame() {
return flashNode.getCurrentFrame();
public IFlashNode[] translate() {
return createIFlashNodeArray(flashPlayer.translateWithPath(getTarget()));
public INodeEx getBaseNode() {
return swf;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// extensions.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean isInputable() {
return flashNode.isInputable();
boolean isSilent() {
return accInfo.isSilent();
public AnalyzedResult analyze(AnalyzedResult ar) {
return ar;
public AbstractTerms getTerms() {
return FlashTerms.getInstance();
public Rectangle getLocation() {
return swf.getLocation();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dummy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public IFlashMSAANode getMSAA() {
return null;
public void repairFlash() {
// !FN!
public String[] getStillPictureData() {
return new String[3];
public char getAccessKey() {
return 0;