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<TITLE>Exploring the GUI Accessibility mode</TITLE>
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<H1>Exploring the GUI Accessibility mode</H1>
<li><a href="#switchMode">Switch Modes</a>
<li><a href="#targetMenu">Target Window menu</a>
<li><a href="#guiSummary">GUI Summary view</a>
<li><a href="#guiReport">GUI Report view</a>
<li><a href="#guiOutline">GUI Outline view</a>
<li><a href="#guiProperty">GUI Properties view</a>
<li><a href="#guiEvent">GUI Event view</a>
<li><a href="#guiList">GUI List view</a>
<H2 id="switchMode">Switch Modes</H2>
Select the <B>File &gt; Switch Modes...</B> menu to open the <B>Select a mode</B> dialog.
Then select the <B>GUI Accessibility</B> option to switch to the GUI Accessibility mode.
<DIV class="figure">
<IMG src="images/gui/switchMode.png" alt=""><BR>
<SPAN>Figure 1. Mode selection dialog</SPAN>
The <A href="#targetMenu">Target Window menu</A>, <A href="#guiSummary">GUI Summary view</A>, <A href="#guiOutline">GUI Outline view</A>, <A href="#guiProperty">GUI Properties view</A>, <A href="#guiEvent">GUI Event view</A>, <A href="#guiReport">GUI Report view</A>, and <A href="#guiList">GUI Siblings view</A> are shown in the GUI Accessibility mode.
<H2 id="targetMenu">Target Window menu</H2>
You need to specify a target application window for the GUI accessibility check.
<DL>Target windows are classified into and shown in the following three menu categories.
Please select a window for the GUI accessibility check.<DL>
<DT>(Title of the Browser view)</DT>
<DD>The title of the webpage currently opened in the aDesigner Browser view is displayed.
An accessibility check for this webpage will be performed if this item is selected.</DD>
<DT>External Browsers</DT>
<DD>Webpages currently open in external Web browsers (Microsoft&#174; Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) are displayed.
Any one of these webpages can be selected for an accessibility check.</DD>
<DT>External Windows</DT>
<DD>A list of other Windows&#174; applications (besides browsers) with checkable windows appears.
Any one of these windows can be selected for the Accessibility check.</DD>
<DIV class="figure">
<IMG src="images/gui/targetMenu.png" alt=""><BR>
<SPAN>Figure 2. Target Window menu</SPAN>
<H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3>
<DT>Always on Top</DT>
<DD>Show aDesigner on top of external applications.
The aDesigner window is visible even if another application window is being used.</DD>
<DT>Hide Embedded Browser Automatically</DT>
<DD>If the Hide aDesigner Browser view option is selected, then aDesigner will automatically hide itself when an external window is selected and in use.</DD>
The GUI Accessibility views will start updating after a target window is selected.
The GUI Summary view will be the last one to be updated.
<DIV class="figure">
<IMG src="images/gui/guiMode.png" alt="" width="800 "><BR>
<SPAN>Figure 3. GUI Accessibility mode</SPAN>
After GUI Accessibility views are ready, the following views of the accessibility check of the application are available.
<H2 id="guiSummary">GUI Summary view</H2>
The GUI Summary view shows accessible objects in a simple text page.
This view looks similar to the output of a screen reader.
The listenability of the application can be checked with synthesized speech using this text.<BR>
(Note: A Text-to-Speech engine supporting the Microsoft&#174; Speech API 5.0 is required.)
<DIV class="figure">
<IMG src="images/gui/guiSummary.png" alt=""><BR>
<SPAN>Figure 4. GUI Summary view</SPAN>
<H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Refresh the view to an up-to-date state.</DD>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/speak.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Read Entire Text (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Read the entire page using speech synthesis.</DD>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/stop.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Stop Reading (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Stop reading the page.</DD>
<DT>Show Off-Screen Items (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>Show all items, including items that are not displayed on the screen.</DD>
<DT>Show Flash Items Only (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>Show only the items that are Flash applications.</DD>
<DT>Preferences... (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>Show <A href="viewsGui.html#guiSettings">GUI Accessibility preferences</A>.</DD>
<DT>Read from Here (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Start reading from the current line.</DD>
<H2 id="guiReport">GUI Report view</H2>
This view automatically checks the accessibility problems of the application, and then shows a list of the problems.
This view investigates accessibility of application by checking the properties of MSAA to see whether or not alterative texts are defined, and shows appropriate Error, Warning, or Information messages.
For details of the automatic checking, please refer to <A href="checkGui.html#guiProblems">Problems detected with GUI Accessibility mode</A>.
<DIV class="figure">
<IMG src="images/gui/guiReport.png" alt=""><BR>
<SPAN>Figure 5. GUI Report view</SPAN>
<H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Refresh the view to an up-to-date state.</DD>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/overlay.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Show Report Icons on Screen</DT>
<DD>Add error icons to the application screen.</DD>
<DT>Show Error Report (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>The error report is displayed in the view.</DD>
<DT>Show Warning Report (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>The warning report is displayed in the view.</DD>
<DT>Show Information Report (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>The information report is displayed on the view.</DD>
<H2 id="guiOutline">GUI Outline view</H2>
The GUI Outline view explores the structure of an MSAA object as a tree.
Application developers can inspect MSAA objects by using this view.
Selecting any tree item in this view highlights the actual position of the object.
<DIV class="figure">
<IMG src="images/gui/guiOutline.png" alt=""><BR>
<SPAN>Figure 6. GUI Outline view</SPAN>
<H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/expandall.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Expand All</DT>
<DD>Expand all items in the entire branch of the tree.
This may take a few moments.</DD>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/collapseall.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Collapse All</DT>
<DD>Collapse all items in that branch of the tree.</DD>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Refresh the view to an up-to-date state.</DD>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/checker.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Go to GUI Report (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Execute the GUI accessibility check and go to the GUI Report view.</DD>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/overlay.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Show Icons on Screen</DT>
<DD>Add the tree icons for the current selection and its siblings to the application screen.</DD>
<DT>Show Off-Screen Items (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>Show all items, including the items that are not displayed on the screen.</DD>
<DT>Show Flash Items Only (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>Show only the items that are Flash applications.</DD>
<DT>Expand All Children (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Expand all children under the current selection. This may take a few moments.</DD>
<H2 id="guiProperty">GUI Properties view</H2>
The GUI Properties view shows detailed information for the selected object in the GUI Outline view.
The information for the IAccessible2 interface will be shown in addition to the MSAA(IAccessible) interface information.
Application developers may analyze accessibility problems in detail by using this view.
<DL>The following properties are displayed in the GUI Properties view.<DL>
<DD>The properties of the MSAA interface are listed.</DD>
<DD>The properties of the IAccessible2 interface are listed if the object supports an IAccessible2 interface.
In addition, the properties for the following IAccessible2 interfaces will be listed.</DD>
<DIV class="figure">
<IMG src="images/gui/guiProperty.png" alt=""><BR>
<SPAN>Figure 7. GUI Properties view</SPAN>
<H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Refresh view up-to-date state.</DD>
<DT>Show null Properties (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>Show property even if value is null.</DD>
<DT>Show Value Change with Color (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>When property value is different from last value, property value is displayed with blue color text. </DD>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/copy_edit.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Copy (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Copy the text of selected line into the clipboard.</DD>
<DT>Invoke Method (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Invoke some method. Parameter input dialog will be displayed as necessary.</DD>
<H2 id="guiEvent">GUI Event view</H2>
The GUI Event view displays the MSAA/IAccessible2 events that have been triggered by the application.
<BR>When the <B>Read Event Messages</B> option is turned on, the text information for the event object will be spoken.
The listenability of the event can be verified using this function.
(Note: A Text-to-Speech engine supporting the Microsoft&#174; Speech API 5.0 is required.)
<DIV class="figure">
<IMG src="images/gui/guiEvent.png" alt=""><BR>
<SPAN>Figure 7. GUI Event view</SPAN>
<H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/clear.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Clear (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Clears the event log.</DD>
<DT>Filter... (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>Shows the <A href="viewsGui.html#eventFilter">GUI Event Filters dialog</A>.</DD>
<DT>Read Event Messages (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>Read the accessible text when the event is triggered.</DD>
<DT>Preferences... (Ctrl+F10)</DT>
<DD>Show the <A href="viewsGui.html#guiSettings">GUI Accessibility preferences</A>.</DD>
<H2 id="guiList">GUI List view</H2>
The GUI List view displays a list of the sibling objects currently selected in the GUI Outline view.
<DIV class="figure">
<IMG src="images/gui/guiList.png" alt=""><BR>
<SPAN>Figure 8. GUI List view</SPAN>
<H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3>
<DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT>
<DD>Refresh the view to an up-to-date state.</DD>
<H1 class="related">Related topics</H1>
<UL class="related">
<LI><A href="checkGui.html">Checking the accessibility of an application in the GUI Accessibility mode</A>
<LI><A href="viewsGui.html">GUI Accessibility mode</A>
<A href="index.html">Go to Index</A>
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