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| PointcutExpression (AspectJ(tm) weaver API) |
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| <H2> |
| <FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| org.aspectj.weaver.tools</FONT> |
| <BR> |
| Interface PointcutExpression</H2> |
| <HR> |
| <DL> |
| <DT><PRE>public interface <B>PointcutExpression</B></DL> |
| </PRE> |
| |
| <P> |
| Represents an AspectJ pointcut expression and provides convenience methods to determine |
| whether or not the pointcut matches join points specified in terms of the |
| java.lang.reflect interfaces. |
| <P> |
| |
| <P> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <P> |
| |
| <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== --> |
| |
| <A NAME="method_summary"><!-- --></A> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> |
| <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2"> |
| <B>Method Summary</B></FONT></TH> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> boolean</CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#couldMatchJoinPointsInType(java.lang.Class)">couldMatchJoinPointsInType</A></B>(java.lang.Class aClass)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut could ever match a join point in the given class.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> java.lang.String</CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#getPointcutExpression()">getPointcutExpression</A></B>()</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Return a string representation of this pointcut expression.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesAdviceExecution(java.lang.reflect.Method)">matchesAdviceExecution</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Method anAdviceMethod)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given piece of advice.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesConstructorCall(java.lang.reflect.Constructor, java.lang.Class)">matchesConstructorCall</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor, |
| java.lang.Class callerType)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given constructor, made outside |
| of the scope of any method or constructor, but within the callerType.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesConstructorCall(java.lang.reflect.Constructor, java.lang.reflect.Member)">matchesConstructorCall</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given constructor, made during |
| the execution of the given method or constructor.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesConstructorExecution(java.lang.reflect.Constructor)">matchesConstructorExecution</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given constructor.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesFieldGet(java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.Class)">matchesFieldGet</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Field aField, |
| java.lang.Class withinType)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a get of the given field outside of the |
| scope of any method or constructor, but within the given type (for example, during |
| static initialization).</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesFieldGet(java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.reflect.Member)">matchesFieldGet</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Field aField, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a get of the given field from within the given |
| method or constructor.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesFieldSet(java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.Class)">matchesFieldSet</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Field aField, |
| java.lang.Class withinType)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a set of the given field outside of the |
| scope of any method or constructor, but within the given type (for example, during |
| static initialization).</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesFieldSet(java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.reflect.Member)">matchesFieldSet</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Field aField, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a set of the given field from within the given |
| method or constructor.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesHandler(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class)">matchesHandler</A></B>(java.lang.Class exceptionType, |
| java.lang.Class handlingType)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given exception |
| handler outside of the scope of any method or constructor, but within the handling type.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesHandler(java.lang.Class, java.lang.reflect.Member)">matchesHandler</A></B>(java.lang.Class exceptionType, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given exception |
| handler within the given method or constructor</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesInitialization(java.lang.reflect.Constructor)">matchesInitialization</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the initialization of an |
| object initiated by a call to the given constructor.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesMethodCall(java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Class)">matchesMethodCall</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Method aMethod, |
| java.lang.Class callerType)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given method, made outside |
| of the scope of any method or constructor, but within the callerType (for example, during |
| static initialization of the type).</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesMethodCall(java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.reflect.Member)">matchesMethodCall</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Method aMethod, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given method, made during |
| the execution of the given method or constructor.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesMethodExecution(java.lang.reflect.Method)">matchesMethodExecution</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Method aMethod)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given method.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesPreInitialization(java.lang.reflect.Constructor)">matchesPreInitialization</A></B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the pre-initialization of an |
| object initiated by a call to the given constructor.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#matchesStaticInitialization(java.lang.Class)">matchesStaticInitialization</A></B>(java.lang.Class aClass)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the static initialization |
| of the given class.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> boolean</CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#mayNeedDynamicTest()">mayNeedDynamicTest</A></B>()</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Returns true iff this pointcut contains any expression that might necessitate a dynamic test |
| at some join point (e.g.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> void</CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/PointcutExpression.html#setMatchingContext(org.aspectj.weaver.tools.MatchingContext)">setMatchingContext</A></B>(<A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/MatchingContext.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">MatchingContext</A> aMatchContext)</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Set the matching context to be used for |
| subsequent calls to match.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| </TABLE> |
| |
| <P> |
| |
| <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== --> |
| |
| <A NAME="method_detail"><!-- --></A> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> |
| <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="1"><FONT SIZE="+2"> |
| <B>Method Detail</B></FONT></TH> |
| </TR> |
| </TABLE> |
| |
| <A NAME="setMatchingContext(org.aspectj.weaver.tools.MatchingContext)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| setMatchingContext</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| void <B>setMatchingContext</B>(<A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/MatchingContext.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">MatchingContext</A> aMatchContext)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Set the matching context to be used for |
| subsequent calls to match. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>See Also:</B><DD><A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/MatchingContext.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools"><CODE>MatchingContext</CODE></A></DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="couldMatchJoinPointsInType(java.lang.Class)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| couldMatchJoinPointsInType</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| boolean <B>couldMatchJoinPointsInType</B>(java.lang.Class aClass)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut could ever match a join point in the given class. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aClass</CODE> - the candidate class |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>true iff this pointcut <i>may</i> match a join point within(aClass), and false otherwise</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="mayNeedDynamicTest()"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| mayNeedDynamicTest</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| boolean <B>mayNeedDynamicTest</B>()</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Returns true iff this pointcut contains any expression that might necessitate a dynamic test |
| at some join point (e.g. args) |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| </DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesMethodExecution(java.lang.reflect.Method)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesMethodExecution</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesMethodExecution</B>(java.lang.reflect.Method aMethod)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given method. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aMethod</CODE> - the method being executed |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matches join points representing the execution of the method.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesConstructorExecution(java.lang.reflect.Constructor)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesConstructorExecution</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesConstructorExecution</B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given constructor. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aConstructor</CODE> - the constructor being executed |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matches join points representing the execution of the constructor.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesStaticInitialization(java.lang.Class)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesStaticInitialization</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesStaticInitialization</B>(java.lang.Class aClass)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the static initialization |
| of the given class. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aClass</CODE> - the class being statically initialized |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matchs join points representing the static initialization of the given type</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesAdviceExecution(java.lang.reflect.Method)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesAdviceExecution</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesAdviceExecution</B>(java.lang.reflect.Method anAdviceMethod)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given piece of advice. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>anAdviceMethod</CODE> - a method representing the advice being executed |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matches join points representing the execution of the advice.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesInitialization(java.lang.reflect.Constructor)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesInitialization</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesInitialization</B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the initialization of an |
| object initiated by a call to the given constructor. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aConstructor</CODE> - the constructor initiating the initialization |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matches join points representing initialization via the given constructor.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesPreInitialization(java.lang.reflect.Constructor)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesPreInitialization</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesPreInitialization</B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the pre-initialization of an |
| object initiated by a call to the given constructor. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aConstructor</CODE> - the constructor initiating the initialization |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matches join points representing pre-initialization via the given constructor.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesMethodCall(java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.reflect.Member)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesMethodCall</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesMethodCall</B>(java.lang.reflect.Method aMethod, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given method, made during |
| the execution of the given method or constructor. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aMethod</CODE> - the method being called<DD><CODE>withinCode</CODE> - the Method or Constructor from within which the call is made |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matches join points representing a call to this method during the execution of the given member.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesMethodCall(java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Class)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesMethodCall</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesMethodCall</B>(java.lang.reflect.Method aMethod, |
| java.lang.Class callerType)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given method, made outside |
| of the scope of any method or constructor, but within the callerType (for example, during |
| static initialization of the type). |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aMethod</CODE> - the method being called<DD><CODE>callerType</CODE> - the declared type of the caller<DD><CODE>receiverType</CODE> - the declared type of the recipient of the call |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matches join points representing a call to this method during the execution of the given member.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesConstructorCall(java.lang.reflect.Constructor, java.lang.reflect.Member)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesConstructorCall</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesConstructorCall</B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given constructor, made during |
| the execution of the given method or constructor. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aConstructor</CODE> - the constructor being called<DD><CODE>withinCode</CODE> - the Method or Constructor from within which the call is made |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matches join points representing a call to this constructor during the execution of the given member.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesConstructorCall(java.lang.reflect.Constructor, java.lang.Class)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesConstructorCall</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesConstructorCall</B>(java.lang.reflect.Constructor aConstructor, |
| java.lang.Class callerType)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given constructor, made outside |
| of the scope of any method or constructor, but within the callerType. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aConstructor</CODE> - the cosstructor being called<DD><CODE>callerType</CODE> - the declared type of the caller |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never |
| matches join points representing a call to this constructor during the execution of the given member.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesHandler(java.lang.Class, java.lang.reflect.Member)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesHandler</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesHandler</B>(java.lang.Class exceptionType, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given exception |
| handler within the given method or constructor |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>exceptionType</CODE> - the static type of the exception being handled<DD><CODE>withinCode</CODE> - the method or constructor in which the catch block is declared |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or |
| never matches join points representing the handling of the given exception</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesHandler(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesHandler</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesHandler</B>(java.lang.Class exceptionType, |
| java.lang.Class handlingType)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given exception |
| handler outside of the scope of any method or constructor, but within the handling type. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>exceptionType</CODE> - the static type of the exception being handled<DD><CODE>handlingType</CODE> - the type in which the handler block is executing |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or |
| never matches join points representing the handling of the given exception</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesFieldSet(java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.reflect.Member)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesFieldSet</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesFieldSet</B>(java.lang.reflect.Field aField, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a set of the given field from within the given |
| method or constructor. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aField</CODE> - the field being updated<DD><CODE>withinCode</CODE> - the Method or Constructor owning the call site |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or |
| never matches field set join points for the given field and call site.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesFieldSet(java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.Class)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesFieldSet</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesFieldSet</B>(java.lang.reflect.Field aField, |
| java.lang.Class withinType)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a set of the given field outside of the |
| scope of any method or constructor, but within the given type (for example, during |
| static initialization). |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aField</CODE> - the field being updated<DD><CODE>withinType</CODE> - the type owning the call site |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or |
| never matches field set join points for the given field and call site.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesFieldGet(java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.reflect.Member)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesFieldGet</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesFieldGet</B>(java.lang.reflect.Field aField, |
| java.lang.reflect.Member withinCode)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a get of the given field from within the given |
| method or constructor. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aField</CODE> - the field being updated<DD><CODE>withinCode</CODE> - the Method or Constructor owning the call site |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or |
| never matches field get join points for the given field and call site.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="matchesFieldGet(java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.Class)"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| matchesFieldGet</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../org/aspectj/weaver/tools/ShadowMatch.html" title="interface in org.aspectj.weaver.tools">ShadowMatch</A> <B>matchesFieldGet</B>(java.lang.reflect.Field aField, |
| java.lang.Class withinType)</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a get of the given field outside of the |
| scope of any method or constructor, but within the given type (for example, during |
| static initialization). |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>aField</CODE> - the field being accessed<DD><CODE>withinType</CODE> - the type owning the call site |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or |
| never matches field get join points for the given field and call site.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="getPointcutExpression()"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| getPointcutExpression</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| java.lang.String <B>getPointcutExpression</B>()</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Return a string representation of this pointcut expression. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| </DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
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