| ###################################################################### |
| #Copyright (c) 2002, 2006 IBM Corporation and others. |
| #All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| #are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| #which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| #http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| #Contributors: |
| #Adrian Colyer, Andy Clement, Tracy Gardner - initial version |
| #Matt Chapman, Sian January - updates |
| ###################################################################### |
| |
| pluginName=AspectJ Development Tools UI |
| providerName=Eclipse.org |
| |
| ajNature=AspectJ Nature |
| ajPerspective=AspectJ |
| |
| AspectJ=AspectJ |
| org.eclipse.ajdt.ui.tools=Aspect&J Tools |
| |
| ajBuilder=AspectJ Builder |
| |
| # Actions |
| # -------- |
| ajActions=AspectJ Actions |
| ajBuildAction=AspectJ Build Button |
| ajelementCreation=AspectJ Element Creation |
| ajnavigation=AspectJ Navigation |
| ajcrosscutting=AspectJ Crosscutting |
| |
| convertToAJP=Con&vert to AspectJ Project |
| removeAJNature=&Remove AspectJ Capability |
| manageBreakpointActionInRulerContextMenu=Toggle Breakpoint |
| convertExt=&Convert File Extensions... |
| convertExtToAJ=Convert File Extension to .&aj |
| convertExtToJava=Convert File Extension to .&java |
| Refactoring.menu.label= Refac&tor |
| CreateAntBuildFile=Create Ant Build File with &AspectJ Support |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.label=Open AspectJ Type in &Hierarchy.. |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.tooltip=Open AspectJ Type in Hierarchy |
| OpenTypeAction.label=Open &AspectJ Type.. |
| OpenTypeAction.tooltip=Open AspectJ Type |
| ActionDefinition.openType.name=Open AspectJ Type |
| ActionDefinition.openType.description=Open a type in a Java or AspectJ editor |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeInHierarchy.name=Open AspectJ Type in Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeInHierarchy.description=Open a type in the type hierarchy view |
| renameAJFiles=Re&name... |
| ConfigureAdviceMarkersAction=Con&figure Advice Markers... |
| AddtoInpath=Add to &Inpath |
| RemoveFromInpath=Remove from &Inpath |
| RemoveFromAspectpath=Remove from &Aspectpath |
| |
| AddtoAspectpath=Add to &Aspectpath |
| ConfigureBuildPath=Configure AspectJ &Build Path... |
| |
| |
| # Ruler context menu - Actions copied from JDT |
| # ---------------------------------------------- |
| AddBookmark.label=Add Boo&kmark |
| AddBookmark.tooltip=Add Bookmark... |
| AddTask.label=Add &Task |
| AddTask.tooltip=Add Task... |
| Folding.label= F&olding |
| JavaBreakpointProperties.label=Breakpoint P&roperties... |
| EnableBreakpoint.label=&Toggle Breakpoint Enabled |
| |
| # Views |
| # ------ |
| ajOutline=AspectJ Outline |
| eventTraceView=AJDT Event Trace |
| |
| # Editors |
| # ------- |
| buildConfigEditor=Build Configuration File Editor |
| ajEditor=AspectJ/Java Editor |
| ajPropertiesEditor=AspectJ Properties Editor |
| propertiesFileEditor=Properties File Editor |
| jarDescriptionEditor=AJ JAR Description Editor |
| |
| openJarPackager.label=Open Jar Packager (AspectJ)... |
| openJarPackager.tooltip=Opens the JAR Package Wizard with AspectJ Support Based on the Selected JAR Description File |
| createJarAction.label=Create &JAR (AspectJ) |
| createJarAction.tooltip=Creates the JAR with AspectJ support Based on the Selected JAR Description File |
| |
| |
| pointcutSourceHover=Pointcut Definition |
| pointcutSourceHoverDescription=Shows the definition of the selected AspectJ pointcut. |
| |
| # This doesn't seem to be shown to the user anywhere |
| AJEditorActionsLabel=AspectJ editor action |
| |
| # Filters |
| # ------- |
| ajsymFilter=Ajsym Filter |
| ajFileFilter=Duplicate .aj file filter |
| ajFileFilterDesc=Prevents .aj files from appearing twice |
| |
| pointcutFilter.name=Pointcuts |
| pointcutFilter.description=Hides AspectJ pointcuts |
| adviceFilter.name=Advice |
| adviceFilter.description=Hides AspectJ advice |
| introductionFilter.name=Introductions |
| introductionFilter.description=Hides AspectJ introductions |
| declarationFilter.name=Declarations |
| declarationFilter.description=Hides AspectJ declarations |
| |
| # Resources |
| # --------- |
| ajProject=AspectJ Project |
| |
| # Wizards |
| # -------- |
| ajAspect=Aspect |
| ajExportWizard=Deployable plug-ins and fragments with AspectJ support |
| ajExportWizard.description=Export the selected plug-ins and/or fragments in a form suitable for deploying in an Eclipse product. Includes support for AspectJ. |
| ajJarExportWizard=JAR file with AspectJ support |
| ajJarExportWizard.description=Package resources into a JAR file in the local file system. Includes support for AspectJ projects. |
| |
| OpenAJProjectWizardAction.label=AspectJ Project... |
| OpenAJProjectWizardAction.tooltip=New AspectJ Project |
| |
| ajProjectWizard.description=Create an AspectJ Project |
| ajAspectWizard.description=Create an Aspect |
| |
| ajProductExportWizard.label=Eclipse product with AspectJ support |
| ajProductExportWizard.description=Export an Eclipse product with AspectJ support. |
| |
| # Decorators |
| # ---------- |
| ajElementDecorator.label=AspectJ elements |
| ajElementDecorator.description=Shows the structure of aspects |
| advisesDecorator.label=Advice decorator |
| advisesDecorator.description=Shows advised elements |
| |
| |
| # AspectJ Menu |
| # ------------- |
| buildConfig=Display build configuration choice |
| runTestSuite=Run Test Suite |
| about=About |
| |
| # Visualiser |
| # ------------ |
| aspectVisualizationPerspective=Aspect Visualization |
| |
| Visualiser=Visualiser |
| |
| Aspect_Visualiser=Aspect Visualiser |
| Aspect_Visualiser_Menu=Aspect Visualiser Menu |
| |
| ajdtProvider=AJDT Provider |
| aspectJProvider=AspectJ Provider |
| aspectJProvider.description=Provider that shows where AspectJ advice applies on Java packages and classes. |
| aspectJProvider.emptyMessage=Nothing to display. Select a project, package, or class from the Package Explorer. |
| |
| ajdtPalette=AJDT palette |
| |
| # Cross-Reference |
| # ---------------- |
| pointcutMatches=pointcut matches |
| adviceXRef=advises / advised by |
| ajXRefProvider=AspectJ XReference Provider |
| |
| # Preferences |
| # ------------ |
| ajCompilerOptionsPrefName=AspectJ Compiler |
| |
| # Markers |
| # ---------- |
| aspectjproblem=AspectJ Problem |
| sourceAndTargetMarker=Source and Target Marker |
| dynamicSourceAndTargetMarker=Dynamic Source and Target Marker |
| beforeAdviceMarker=Before Advice Marker |
| aroundAdviceMarker=Around Advice Marker |
| sourceOfAdviceMarker=Source of Advice Marker |
| sourceOfAroundAdviceMarker=Source of Around Advice Marker |
| sourceOfBeforeAdviceMarker=Source of Before Advice Marker |
| sourceOfAfterAdviceMarker=Source of After Advice Marker |
| |
| ajdtErrors=AJDT Errors |
| ajdtWarnings=AJDT Warnings |
| |
| dynamicAdviceMarker=Dynamic Advice Marker |
| dynamicBeforeAdviceMarker=Dynamic Before Advice Marker |
| dynamicAfterAdviceMarker=Dynamic After Advice Marker |
| dynamicAroundAdviceMarker=Dynamic Around Advice Marker |
| sourceDynamicAdviceMarker=Source Dynamic Advice Marker |
| sourceDynamicBeforeAdviceMarker=Source Dynamic Before Advice Marker |
| sourceDynamicAfterAdviceMarker=Source Dynamic After Advice Marker |
| sourceDynamicAroundAdviceMarker=Source Dynamic Around Advice Marker |
| declarationMarker=Declaration Marker |
| intertypeDeclarationMarker=Intertype Declaration Marker |
| intertypeDeclarationSourceMarker=Intertype Declaration Source Marker |
| |
| advice=AspectJ Advice |
| customAdvice=AspectJ Advice (Custom Image) |
| aspectDeclaration=Aspect Declaration |
| changedAdvice=AspectJ change in crosscutting |
| |
| # ajdoc |
| # ----- |
| generateajdoc=G&enerate AJdoc... |
| |
| # Launching |
| # --------- |
| launcherDescription=Create a configuration that will launch a Java virtual machine. Supports aspect paths and main methods in aspects. |
| launcherName=AspectJ/Java Application |
| AspectJApplicationShortcut.label=AspectJ/Java Application |
| AspectJApplicationShortcut.description.debug=Debug AspectJ/Java Application |
| AspectJApplicationShortcut.description.run=Run AspectJ/Java Application |
| ltwLauncherDescription=Create a configuration that will launch a Java virtual machine with support for AspectJ load-time weaving. |
| ltwLauncherName=AspectJ Load-Time Weaving Application |
| |
| # Crosscutting Comparison |
| # ----------------------- |
| AJMapEditor=AspectJ Crosscutting Map File Editor |
| CompareCrosscutting.submenu.eachOther=Compare Crosscutting With &Each Other |
| CompareCrosscutting.submenu.currentBuild=Compare Crosscutting With &Current Build |
| CompareCrosscutting.context.with=Compare Crosscutting With |
| CompareCrosscutting.context.eachOther=Each Other |
| CompareCrosscutting.view=Crosscutting Comparison |
| SaveCrosscuttingMapAction=&Save Crosscutting Map As... |
| SaveCrosscuttingMapActionGroup=Crosscutting Comparison |
| |
| # Property Pages |
| # -------------- |
| aspectj=AspectJ Build |
| javaBuildPath=Java Build Path |
| aspectJInpath=AspectJ InPath |
| aspectJAspectPath=AspectJ Aspect Path |
| aspectJCompiler=AspectJ Compiler |
| aspectjMarkers=AspectJ Markers |
| |
| |
| # Build Configurations |
| # -------------------- |
| activateConfig=&Apply Build Configuration |
| saveConfig=&Save Build Configuration As... |
| |
| buildConfigFile=Build Configuration |