blob: 7b35f0a3edca2f01d334f5fbcc4f1117a1e799f4 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2007, 2009, SpringSource, and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Andrew Eisenberg - modified for AJDT 2.2.3
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Custom targets called from a project's generated build.xml -->
<!-- Set customBuildCallbacks=<path/to/this/file> in your>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<project name="Build specific targets and properties" default="noDefault">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Default target -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="noDefault">
<echo message="This file must be called with explicit targets" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before the target build.jars -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- build.result.folder - folder to contain the build results -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after the target build.jars -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- build.result.folder - folder to contain the build results -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before the target build.sources -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- build.result.folder - folder to contain the build results -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after the target build.sources -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- build.result.folder - folder to contain the build results -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before the compilation target <name> -->
<!-- Substitute "name" with the name of the compilation target, eg @dot -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- source.foldern : n = 1 ... N, the source folders -->
<!-- target.folder : where the results of the compilation go -->
<!-- <name>.classpath : name = name of the compilation target. A -->
<!-- reference to the classpath structure. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before the target -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- build.result.folder - folder containing the build results -->
<!-- target.folder - destination folder -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after the target -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- build.result.folder - folder containing the build results -->
<!-- target.folder - destination folder -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="">
<!-- move the classes to the root of the plugin -->
<copy todir="${target.folder}">
<fileset dir="classes" />
<!-- remove the classes folder of the manifest -->
<replace file="${target.folder}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
token="Bundle-ClassPath: .,classes" value="Bundle-ClassPath: ."/>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before the target gather.sources -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- destination.temp.folder - destination folder -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="pre.gather.sources">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after the target gather.sources -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- destination.temp.folder - destination folder -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="post.gather.sources">
<copy todir="${destination.temp.folder}">
<fileset dir="source" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before the target gather.logs -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- destination.temp.folder - destination folder -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="pre.gather.logs">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after the target gather.logs -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- destination.temp.folder - destination folder -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="post.gather.logs">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before the target clean -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- destination.temp.folder - destination folder -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="pre.clean">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after the target clean -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- plugin.destination - final destination of the build -->
<!-- build.result.folder - results of the compilation -->
<!-- temp.folder - temporary folder -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="post.clean">