blob: 09815e514faded715827769c856fd6ff2f5ee326 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file contains local settings for the build
# Location of org.eclipse.ajdt.releng project.
# Also, if nofetch is specified (ie- not extracting from cvs),
# specify the local directory to find the AJDT and EA sources from
# Location of org.eclipse.ajdt.releng project.
# The directory where the build takes place. This directory WILL BE (mostly) DELETED before every build.
# The build eclipse will not be deleted
# place to download and to find pre-downloaded items
# consider moving to
# place to cache the git repositories for building equinox aspects
# set this property if you want to use a different build eclipse
# from your target eclipse. This is useful for kicking off the
# build process on a new version of Eclipse. Since a build
# of AJDT is required to be installed in the build eclipse
# uncomment to prevent cleans
# uncomment if the target eclipse should not be re-provisioned
# in general, this should be commented out in order to ensure old configurations
# do not affect new builds, but during testing the build process, it may be
# useful to uncomment if you want to speed things up.