| <html><head> |
| <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> |
| <title>Frequently Asked Questions about AspectJ</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="aspectj-faq.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.44"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="article"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title"><a name="d0e3"></a>Frequently Asked Questions about AspectJ</h2></div><hr></div><p>Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Xerox Corporation, |
| 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated, |
| 2003-2006 Contributors. All rights reserved. |
| </p><p>Last updated November 3, 2006 |
| </p><p> |
| For a list of recently-updated FAQ entries, see <a href="#q:faqchanges">Q:What has changed since the last FAQ version?</a> |
| </p><div class="qandaset"><dl><dt>1 <a href="#overview">Overview</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:whatisaj">What is AspectJ?</a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:benefits">What are the benefits of using AspectJ?</a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:compability">Can AspectJ work with any Java program?</a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:license">How is AspectJ licensed?</a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:project">What is the AspectJ Project?</a></dt></dl></dd><dt>2 <a href="#quickstart">Quick Start</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:requirements"> |
| What Java versions does AspectJ require and support? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:install">How do I download and install AspectJ?</a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:startUsingAJ">How should I start using AspectJ?</a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:integrateWithDevTools">How does AspectJ integrate with existing Java development |
| tools? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>3 <a href="#typicalprograms">Typical AspectJ programs</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:aspectsoptional">Are aspects always optional or non-functional parts of |
| a program? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:developmentAndProductionAspects"> |
| What is the difference between development and production aspects? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:devAspects"> |
| What are some common development aspects? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:prodAspects"> |
| What are some common production aspects? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>4 <a href="#concepts">Basic AOP and AspectJ Concepts</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:crosscutting">What are scattering, tangling, and crosscutting?</a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:joinpoints">What are join points?</a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:pointcut"> |
| What is a pointcut? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:advice">What is advice?</a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:declarations">What are inter-type declarations?</a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:whatisanaspect">What is an aspect?</a></dt></dl></dd><dt>5 <a href="#whyaop">Why AOP?</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:ccfromflaws">Are crosscutting concerns induced by flaws in parts of the |
| system design, programming language, operating system, etc. Or is |
| there something more fundamental going on? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:definingaspectspercc">Does it really make sense to define aspects in terms of |
| crosscutting? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:domainspecific">Is AOP restricted to domain-specific |
| applications? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:whyaopifinterceptors">Why do I need AOP if I can use interceptors |
| (or JVMPI or ref |
| lection)? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>6 <a href="#related">Related Technology</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:comparetonewforms"> |
| How does AspectJ compare to other new forms of programming? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:compartoreflection">How do you compare the features of AspectJ with |
| reflective systems? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:comparetomixin">How do AspectJ features compare with those of mixin-based |
| inheritance? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:dynamicaop">How does AspectJ compare with more dynamic AOP? |
| </a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:aopandxp">What is the relationship between AOP and |
| XP (extreme programming AKA agile methods)? |
| </a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:aspectjandcsharp">Will you support C#?</a></dt></dl></dd><dt>7 <a href="#adoption">Deciding to adopt AspectJ</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:productplans"> |
| Is it safe to use AspectJ in my product plans? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:effectonsize">What is the effect of using AspectJ on the source code |
| size of programs? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:effectonperformance"> |
| Does AspectJ add any performance overhead? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:modularityviolations"> |
| I've heard that AspectJ leads to modularity violations. Does it? |
| </a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:encapsulation"> |
| Why does AspectJ permit aspects to access and add members of another type? |
| Isn't that violating OO encapsulation? |
| </a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:aspectjandj2ee">Can I use AspectJ with J2EE?</a></dt><dt>7. <a href="#q:aspectjandgj">Can I use AspectJ with Generic Java?</a></dt><dt>8. <a href="#q:aspectjandj2me">Can I use AspectJ with J2ME?</a></dt><dt>9. <a href="#q:aopinjava"> Are you working to put AOP into Java? |
| It seems that every AOP toolset currently uses proprietary mechanisms |
| to describe point-cuts, etc. |
| </a></dt><dt>10. <a href="#q:support">What kind of support is available?</a></dt><dt>11. <a href="#q:mailingLists">What mailing lists are there?</a></dt></dl></dd><dt>8 <a href="#compiler">Using the AspectJ compiler</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:compilerRequired"> |
| Do I have to use the AspectJ compiler? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:requiredsources"> |
| What files do I need to include when compiling AspectJ programs? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:listingsources">I have to list many files in the command line to |
| compile with ajc. Is there any other way to |
| provide the file names to ajc? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:compilerVM">What Java virtual machine (JVM) do I use to run the |
| AspectJ compiler? |
| </a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:compilingForDifferentVMs">How can I use ajc to compile |
| programs for a JVM that is different from the one used to run it? |
| </a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:assert">Does the ajc compiler support |
| the assert keyword in Java 1.4? |
| </a></dt><dt>7. <a href="#q:generics">Does the ajc compiler support |
| generics and the other new language features of Java 5? |
| </a></dt><dt>8. <a href="#q:versionCompatibility">Will aspects work with different versions of the compiler/weaver and runtime? |
| </a></dt><dt>9. <a href="#q:msjvm">Are there any issues using AspectJ with the Microsoft |
| JVM? |
| </a></dt><dt>10. <a href="#q:javacbytecode">Does ajc rely |
| on javac for generating Java bytecode |
| (.class) files? |
| </a></dt><dt>11. <a href="#q:parsergenerators"> |
| I noticed the AspectJ compiler doesn't use a parser generator. Why is that? |
| </a></dt><dt>12. <a href="#q:howIncrementalWorks">How does incremental mode work? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>9 <a href="#devtools">Integrating AspectJ into your development environment</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:knowWhenAspectsAffectClasses">How do I know which aspects affect a class when looking |
| at that class's source code? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:idesupport">What kind of IDE support is available for developing |
| AspectJ programs? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:idesupportplans">What plans are there to support my IDE?</a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:portingajde">Can I port AJDE support to my development environment?</a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:hybridbuilds">I want the aspects for development builds but |
| remove them for production builds. How can I set up the build |
| system so they are unpluggable? And so I use javac |
| in my production build? |
| </a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:stepwiseBuilds"> |
| We compile module jars and then assemble them. Can we continue this with AspectJ? |
| </a></dt><dt>7. <a href="#q:incrementalModuleCompiles">We use modules and would like to use incremental compilation. |
| Is that possible? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>10 <a href="#notes">Programming notes and tips</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:methodsignatures">Is it possible to change methods by introducing keywords (like |
| synchronized), adding parameters, |
| or changing the "throws" clause? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:seeingjoinpoints"> |
| I don't understand what join points exist. How can I see them? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:comparecallandexecution"> |
| What is the difference between call and execution join points? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:comparecflowandcflowbelow"> |
| What is the difference between cflow and cflowbelow? |
| </a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:recursiveentrypoints">How do I say that I want the topmost entrypoint in a |
| recursive call? How about the most-recent prior entrypoint? |
| </a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:initializationjoinpoints">What is the difference between constructor call, |
| constructor execution, initialization, and static |
| initialization join points? |
| </a></dt><dt>7. <a href="#q:adviseconstructors">How do I work with an object right when it is created? |
| </a></dt><dt>8. <a href="#q:andingpointcuts"> |
| I want advice to run at two join points, but it doesn't run at all. What gives? |
| </a></dt><dt>9. <a href="#q:staticfieldreferences"> |
| How do I refer to a static field when my advice crosscuts multiple classes? |
| </a></dt><dt>10. <a href="#q:interfacesastypepatterns">I would like to reuse a type pattern, e.g., to |
| write advice that is limited to a certain set of classes. |
| Do I have to retype it each time? |
| </a></dt><dt>11. <a href="#q:exampleprograms">Where do I find example programs and how-to's?</a></dt><dt>12. <a href="#q:aspectlibraries">Are aspect libraries available?</a></dt><dt>13. <a href="#q:serialversionuid">How does ajc interact with the |
| serialVersionUID? |
| </a></dt><dt>14. <a href="#q:applets">How can I use AspectJ with applets?</a></dt><dt>15. <a href="#q:typeoblivious">How can I specify types for advice that captures primitives, void, etc.?</a></dt><dt>16. <a href="#q:versioninfo">How do I detect which version I am running?</a></dt><dt>17. <a href="#q:synchronizedAdvice">How do I write synchronized advice?</a></dt></dl></dd><dt>11 <a href="#problems">Common Problems</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:infiniterecursion">When I run, I get a StackOverflowError |
| (or a long stack trace or no output whatsoever) |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:typelessdeclarations">I've declared a field on every class in |
| my package; how do I use it in advice? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:ajcoom">The AspectJ compiler aborts with an OutOfMemoryError when |
| compiling many classes. How can I fix this? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:duplicateclass"> |
| Why do I get a message that my class is already defined? |
| </a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:ajcrecompile"> |
| ajc recompiles all files every time. |
| How can I make it recompile only the files that have changed? |
| </a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:ajcjvm"> |
| ajc is using the wrong JVM. How do I |
| fix it? |
| </a></dt><dt>7. <a href="#q:idebalkingataspects">My IDE is trying to parse AspectJ files which makes my project unusable. |
| What can I do? |
| </a></dt><dt>8. <a href="#q:idememory">I used to be able to compile my program in my IDE, but when I |
| use AJDE, I run out of memory (or it goes really slow). |
| </a></dt><dt>9. <a href="#q:noaspectbound"> |
| When I run, I get a NoAspectBoundException or a |
| ClassNotFound message for NoAspectBoundException. |
| </a></dt><dt>10. <a href="#q:stacktraces"> |
| My stack traces don't make sense. What gives? |
| </a></dt><dt>11. <a href="#q:advicenotrunning"> |
| My advice is not running (or running twice), and I don't know why. |
| </a></dt><dt>12. <a href="#q:adviceOnOveriddenMethods"> |
| My advice runs for each overridden method! |
| </a></dt><dt>13. <a href="#q:tejpsp"> |
| I don't understand when thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart is available. |
| </a></dt><dt>14. <a href="#q:packagedeclares"> |
| I declared a member on a class with package access, but other classes in the package cannot see it. |
| </a></dt><dt>15. <a href="#q:interfaceDeclarations">I declared a member on a interface, but javac does not see it. |
| </a></dt><dt>16. <a href="#q:cantfindjavac"> |
| ajc 1.0 complains that it can't find |
| javac. What's wrong? |
| </a></dt><dt>17. <a href="#q:ajdocneeds13"> |
| I'm running under 1.4, but ajdoc asks for 1.3 |
| (or throws IllegalAccessError for HtmlWriter.configuration) |
| </a></dt><dt>18. <a href="#q:compileunits">I set up different files to my compiles to change what |
| the aspects see, but now I don't |
| understand how the aspects are working. |
| </a></dt><dt>19. <a href="#q:readingpreprocessedcode">I'm reading the code generated by ajc 1.0 |
| in -preprocess mode, and it seems like it would not |
| work (or "like it works this way"). |
| </a></dt><dt>20. <a href="#q:injection">I've heard AspectJ can generate or inject code into my code. |
| Is this true? |
| </a></dt><dt>21. <a href="#q:newjoinpoints">Why can't AspectJ pick out local variables (or array elements or ...)? |
| </a></dt><dt>22. <a href="#q:reflectiveCalls">Why doesn't AspectJ pick out reflective calls? |
| The pointcut call(void run()) |
| won't pick out a call using reflection, like |
| ((Method)run).invoke(null, args). |
| </a></dt><dt>23. <a href="#q:currentbugs">What are the bugs now most affecting users?</a></dt><dt>24. <a href="#q:runtimeMemory">What extra memory is required at runtime? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>12 <a href="#aj11">AspectJ 1.1 and eclipse.org</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:whyeclipse">Why did the AspectJ project move to eclipse.org? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:eclipserequired">Do I have to download Eclipse to use AspectJ? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:eclipseetc">What are the relationships between AspectJ, JDT, |
| Eclipse, AJDT, and IDE support generally? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:aspectj5features"> |
| What are the new features of AspectJ 5? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:codeversusannotationstyles"> |
| Should I use code- or annotation-style aspects? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:aspectj5ltw"> |
| What's new about the load-time weaving support in AspectJ 5? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>14 <a href="#Technology">Understanding AspectJ Technology</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:implementation">Do I need to know how the compiler or weaver works? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:whitepapers">How does the compiler/weaver work? Are there any white papers? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:reflection">Does AspectJ use reflection at runtime? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:loadtimeWeaving">What about load-time weaving? Can I weave aspects at runtime? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>15 <a href="#Developers">AspectJ Project Development</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:howitworks">I'm interested in the code implementing AspectJ. |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:contributions">How can I get involved with developing the AspectJ project? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:buildingsource">How do I get and compile the source code for AspectJ? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:buildingAspectJAndAJDT">How do I build AspectJ and integrate it into AJDT? |
| </a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:devDocs">Where do I find developer documentation on building and testing AspectJ source code? |
| </a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:harnesstestcases">How should I submit test cases for bugs? |
| </a></dt><dt>7. <a href="#q:testharness">I'd like to run my test case. How do I get the test harness? |
| </a></dt><dt>8. <a href="#q:bcel">BCEL is used by AspectJ but it's not actively developed. Will you change? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>16 <a href="#help">Getting Help</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:moreaboutaj"> |
| How do I find out more about AspectJ? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:bugreports">How do I submit a bug report?</a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:talktousers"> |
| How do I communicate with other AspectJ users? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:searchingsite"> |
| How can I search the email archives or the web site? |
| </a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:writingbugsandemails"> |
| How should I write email queries? |
| </a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:idebugs"> |
| How do I write bugs for IDE support? |
| </a></dt><dt>7. <a href="#q:ajcbugs"> |
| How do I write bugs for the AspectJ compiler? |
| </a></dt><dt>8. <a href="#q:teachingmaterials"> |
| Can you recommend reading or teaching material for AspectJ? |
| </a></dt><dt>9. <a href="#q:consulting"> |
| Where can our group get consulting and support? |
| </a></dt><dt>10. <a href="#q:faqchanges"> |
| What has changed since the last FAQ version? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd><dt>17 <a href="#project">About the AspectJ Project</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1. <a href="#q:opensource">What does the fact that AspectJ is an Open Source |
| Project mean to me? |
| </a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#q:standardization">What are your plans to make AspectJ a general feature |
| of Java supported by Sun and the other key players in the Java |
| Industry? |
| </a></dt><dt>3. <a href="#q:bytecodeweaving">When will AspectJ work from class files? |
| When will it work at class-loading time? |
| </a></dt><dt>4. <a href="#q:differences">What are the differences between the current and |
| previously released versions of AspectJ? |
| </a></dt><dt>5. <a href="#q:schedule"> |
| What is the AspectJ development schedule? |
| </a></dt><dt>6. <a href="#q:java5"> |
| Will AspectJ support Java 5? |
| </a></dt></dl></dd></dl><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="overview"></a>1 Overview</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:whatisaj"></a><b>1. </b>What is AspectJ?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e23"></a><b></b> |
| AspectJ(tm) is a simple and practical extension to the |
| Java(tm) programming |
| language that adds to Java aspect-oriented programming (AOP) |
| capabilities. AOP allows developers to reap the benefits of |
| modularity for concerns that cut across the natural units of |
| modularity. In object-oriented programs like Java, the natural unit |
| of modularity is the class. In AspectJ, aspects modularize concerns that |
| affect more than one class. |
| </p><p>You compile your program using the AspectJ compiler |
| (perhaps using the supported development environments) |
| and then run it, |
| supplying a small (< 100K) runtime library. |
| </p><p>The AspectJ technologies include |
| a compiler (<tt>ajc</tt>), |
| a debugger (<tt>ajdb</tt>), |
| a documentation generator (<tt>ajdoc</tt>), |
| a program structure browser (<tt>ajbrowser</tt>), |
| and integration with |
| Eclipse, Sun-ONE/Netbeans, GNU Emacs/XEmacs, |
| JBuilder, and Ant. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:benefits"></a><b>2. </b>What are the benefits of using AspectJ?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e46"></a><b></b>AspectJ can be used to improve the modularity of software |
| systems. |
| </p><p> Using ordinary Java, it can be difficult to modularize design |
| concerns such as |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e52"></a>system-wide error-handling</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e55"></a>contract enforcement</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e58"></a>distribution concerns</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e61"></a>feature variations</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e64"></a>context-sensitive behavior</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e67"></a>persistence</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e70"></a>testing</p></li></ul></div><p>The code for these concerns tends to be spread out across the |
| system. Because these concerns won't stay inside of any one module |
| boundary, we say that they <span class="emphasis"><i>crosscut</i></span> the |
| system's modularity. |
| </p><p>AspectJ adds constructs to Java that enable the modular |
| implementation of crosscutting concerns. This ability is |
| particularly valuable because crosscutting concerns tend to be both |
| complex and poorly localized, making them hard to deal with. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:compability"></a><b>3. </b>Can AspectJ work with any Java program?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e85"></a><b></b>AspectJ has been designed as a <span class="emphasis"><i>compatible</i></span> |
| extension to Java. By compatible, we mean |
| </p><div class="informaltable" id="d0e91"><a name="d0e91"></a><table border="0"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><tbody><tr><td align="right"><span class="emphasis"><i>upward compatible</i></span></td><td>All legal Java programs are legal AspectJ |
| programs. |
| </td></tr><tr><td align="right"><span class="emphasis"><i>platform |
| compatible |
| </i></span></td><td>All legal AspectJ programs run on standard Java |
| virtual machines. |
| </td></tr><tr><td align="right"><span class="emphasis"><i>tool |
| compatible |
| </i></span></td><td>Existing tools can be extended to work with |
| AspectJ. |
| </td></tr><tr><td align="right"><span class="emphasis"><i>programmer compatible</i></span></td><td>Programming in AspectJ feels natural to Java |
| programmers. |
| </td></tr></tbody></table></div><p>The AspectJ tools run on any Java 2 Platform compatible |
| platform. The AspectJ compiler produces classes that run |
| on any Java 1.1 (or later) compatible platform. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:license"></a><b>4. </b>How is AspectJ licensed?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e124"></a><b></b>Since AspectJ 1.5.2, source code and documentation is available under the |
| <a href="http://eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html" target="_top">Eclipse Public License 1.0</a>. |
| </p><p>AspectJ 1.1 through 1.5.1 source code and documentation is available under the |
| <a href="http://eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html" target="_top">Common Public License 1.0</a>. |
| </p><p>The AspectJ 1.0 tools are open-source software available under the |
| <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1" target="_top">Mozilla Public License 1.1</a>. |
| That documentation is available under a separate license |
| that precludes for-profit or commercial |
| redistribution. |
| </p><p>Most users only want to use AspectJ to build programs they distribute. |
| There are no restrictions here. When you distribute your program, be sure to |
| include all the runtime classes from the aspectjrt.jar for that version of AspectJ. |
| When distributing only the runtime classes, you need not provide any notice that |
| the program was compiled with AspectJ or includes binaries from the AspectJ project, |
| except as necessary to preserve the warranty disclaimers in our license. |
| </p><p> |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:project"></a><b>5. </b>What is the AspectJ Project?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e148"></a><b></b>AspectJ is based on over ten years of research at |
| <a href="http://www.parc.xerox.com" target="_top"> |
| Xerox Palo Alto Research Center |
| </a> |
| as funded by Xerox, a U.S. Government grant (NISTATP), and a |
| DARPA contract. |
| </p><p>It has evolved through open-source releases |
| to a strong user community and now operates as an |
| open source project at |
| <a href="http://eclipse.org/aspectj" target="_top"> |
| http://eclipse.org/aspectj</a> |
| The AspectJ team works closely with the community |
| to ensure AspectJ continues to evolve as an effective |
| aspect-oriented programming language and tool set. |
| </p><p> |
| The latest release is 1.2 |
| which can be downloaded from the |
| <a href="http://eclipse.org/aspectj" target="_top">AspectJ project page</a>, |
| including sources as described |
| <a href="#q:buildingsource">Q:How do I get and compile the source code for AspectJ?</a>. |
| Development is focused on supporting applications, |
| improving quality and performance, |
| enhancing integration with IDE's, |
| and building the next generations of the language. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="quickstart"></a>2 Quick Start</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:requirements"></a><b>1. </b> |
| What Java versions does AspectJ require and support? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e175"></a><b></b> |
| The AspectJ compiler produces programs for any released version of the |
| Java platform (jdk1.1 and later). When running, your program classes must |
| be able to reach classes in the |
| small (< 100K) runtime library (aspectjrt.jar) from the distribution. |
| The tools themselves require J2SE 1.3 or later to run, |
| but the compiler can produce classes for any 1.1-compliant |
| version of the Java platform. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:install"></a><b>2. </b>How do I download and install AspectJ?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e182"></a><b></b>From AspectJ's |
| <a href="http://eclipse.org/aspectj" target="_top">web page |
| </a>, download the AspectJ distribution. |
| The <tt>jar</tt> file is installed by executing |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| java -jar <span class="emphasis"><i>jar file name</i></span> |
| </pre><p>Do <span class="bold"><b>not</b></span> try to extract the |
| <tt>jar</tt> file contents and then attempt to execute |
| <tt>java org.aspectj.tools.Main</tt>. (A |
| <tt>NoClassDefFoundError</tt> exception will be |
| thrown.) The AspectJ distribution is not designed to be installed |
| this way. Use the <tt>java -jar</tt> form shown above. |
| </p><p>To uninstall, remove the files the installer wrote in your |
| file system. In most cases, you can delete the top-level install |
| directory (and all contained files), after you remove any |
| new or updated files you want to keep. On Windows, no |
| registry settings were added or changed, so nothing needs to be |
| undone. Do not install over prior versions, which might have |
| different files. Delete the prior version first. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:startUsingAJ"></a><b>3. </b>How should I start using AspectJ?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e219"></a><b></b>Many users adopt AspectJ in stages, first using it |
| to understand and validate their systems (relying on it only in |
| development) and then using it to implement crosscutting concerns |
| in production systems. AspectJ has been designed to make each |
| step discrete and beneficial. |
| </p><p> |
| In order of increasing reliance, you may use AspectJ: |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e225"></a> |
| <span class="bold"><b> In the development |
| process |
| </b></span> Use AspectJ to trace or log |
| interesting information. You can do this by adding |
| simple AspectJ code that performs logging or tracing. |
| This kind of addition may be removed ("unplugged") for |
| the final build since it does not implement a design |
| requirement; the functionality of the system is unaffected by |
| the aspect. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e231"></a> |
| <span class="bold"><b>As an ancillary part of your |
| system |
| </b></span> Use AspectJ to more completely and |
| accurately test the system. |
| Add sophisticated code that can check contracts, |
| provide debugging support, or implement test strategies. |
| Like pure development aspects, this code may also be |
| unplugged from production builds. However, the same code |
| can often be helpful in diagnosing failures in deployed |
| production systems, so you may design the functionality |
| to be deployed but disabled, and enable it when debugging. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e237"></a> |
| <span class="bold"><b>As an essential part of your |
| system |
| </b></span> Use AspectJ to modularize |
| crosscutting concerns in your system by design. |
| This uses AspectJ to implement logic integral to a system |
| and is delivered in production builds. |
| </p></li></ul></div><p>This adoption sequence works well in practice and has been |
| followed by many projects. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:integrateWithDevTools"></a><b>4. </b>How does AspectJ integrate with existing Java development |
| tools? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e249"></a><b></b>AspectJ products are designed to make it easy to integrate |
| AspectJ into an existing development process. |
| Each release includes |
| Ant tasks for building programs, |
| the AspectJ Development Environment (AJDE) for writing |
| aspects inside popular IDE's, and |
| command-line tools for compiling and documenting Java and AspectJ code. |
| </p><p>AspectJ provides replacements for standard Java tools: |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e256"></a><tt>ajc</tt>, the AspectJ compiler, |
| runs on any Java 2 compatible platform, and produces classes |
| that run on any Java 1.1 (or later) compatible platform. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e261"></a><tt>ajdoc</tt> produces API documentation like |
| javadoc, with additional crosscutting links. For example, |
| it shows advice affecting |
| a particular method or all code affected by a given aspect. |
| At present, <tt>ajdoc</tt> is only supported in AspectJ 1.0. |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p><p>For debugging, AspectJ supports JSR-45, which provides a mechanism for |
| debugging .class files that have multiple source files. |
| Debugger clients and VM's are beginning to support this; |
| see Sun's J2SE 1.4.1 VM and jdb debugger |
| and recent versions of JBuilder. |
| </p><p>The AspectJ Development Environment (AJDE) |
| enables programmers to view and navigate the crosscutting structures |
| in their programs, integrated with existing support in |
| popular Java IDE's for viewing and navigating object-oriented |
| structures. For many programmers this provides a deeper understanding |
| of how aspects work to modularize their concerns and permits them |
| to extend some of their development practices without |
| having to abandon their existing tools. |
| </p><p> |
| AJDE is a set of API's providing the basis for the following |
| development tool integrations: |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e278"></a>Eclipse (version 2.0) |
| in the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools project |
| <a href="http://eclipse.org/ajdt" target="_top"> |
| http://eclipse.org/ajdt |
| </a> |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e284"></a>Emacs (GNU version 20.3) |
| and XEmacs (version 21.1 on Unix and 21.4 on Windows), |
| in the SourceForge AspectJ for Emacs project |
| <a href="http://aspectj4emacs.sourceforge.net" target="_top"> |
| http://aspectj4emacs.sourceforge.net |
| </a> |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e290"></a>JBuilder (versions 4 through 7) from Borland |
| in the SourceForge AspectJ for JBuilder project |
| <a href="http://aspectj4jbuildr.sourceforge.net" target="_top"> |
| http://aspectj4jbuildr.sourceforge.net |
| </a> |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e296"></a>Netbeans up to 3.4 |
| (and Sun Microsystems' Forte for Java (versions 2 and 3), Sun/One) |
| in the SourceForge AspectJ for NetBeans project |
| <a href="http://aspectj4netbean.sourceforge.net" target="_top"> |
| http://aspectj4netbean.sourceforge.net |
| </a> |
| </p></li></ul></div><p> |
| The common functionality of AJDE is also available in |
| the stand-alone source code browser <tt>ajbrowser</tt>, |
| included in the tools distribution. |
| </p><p>Finally, as mentioned above, |
| AspectJ also supports building with Ant by providing |
| task interfaces to the ajc and ajdoc tools. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="typicalprograms"></a>3 Typical AspectJ programs</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aspectsoptional"></a><b>1. </b>Are aspects always optional or non-functional parts of |
| a program? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e316"></a><b></b>No. Although AspectJ can be used in a way that allows AspectJ |
| code to be removed for the final build, aspect-oriented code is not |
| <span class="emphasis"><i>always</i></span> optional or non-functional. Consider |
| what AOP really does: it makes the modules in a program correspond |
| to modules in the design. In any given design, some modules are |
| optional, and some are not. |
| </p><p>The examples directory included in the AspectJ distribution |
| contains some examples of the use aspects that are not optional. |
| Without aspects, |
| </p><div class="informaltable" id="d0e324"><a name="d0e324"></a><table border="0"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><tbody><tr><td align="right"><span class="strong"><i>bean</i></span></td><td>Point objects would not be JavaBeans.</td></tr><tr><td align="right"><span class="strong"><i>introduction</i></span></td><td>Point objects would not be cloneable, comparable or |
| serializable. |
| </td></tr><tr><td align="right"><span class="strong"><i>spacewar</i></span></td><td>Nothing would be displayed.</td></tr><tr><td align="right"><span class="strong"><i>telecom</i></span></td><td>No calls would be billed.</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:developmentAndProductionAspects"></a><b>2. </b> |
| What is the difference between development and production aspects? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e355"></a><b></b> |
| Production aspects are delivered with the finished product, |
| while development aspects are used during the development process. |
| Often production aspects are also used during development. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:devAspects"></a><b>3. </b> |
| What are some common development aspects? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e362"></a><b></b>Aspects for logging, tracing, debugging, profiling |
| or performance monitoring, or testing. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:prodAspects"></a><b>4. </b> |
| What are some common production aspects? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e369"></a><b></b> |
| Aspects for performance monitoring and diagnostic systems, |
| display updating or notifications generally, security, |
| context passing, and error handling. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="concepts"></a>4 Basic AOP and AspectJ Concepts</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:crosscutting"></a><b>1. </b>What are scattering, tangling, and crosscutting?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e379"></a><b></b> |
| "Scattering" is when similar code is distributed throughout many |
| program modules. This differs from a component being used by |
| many other components since |
| it involves the risk of misuse at each point and of inconsistencies |
| across all points. Changes to the implementation may require |
| finding and editing all affected code. |
| </p><p>"Tangling" is when two or more concerns are implemented in |
| the same body of code or component, making it more difficult to understand. |
| Changes to one implementation may cause unintended changes |
| to other tangled concerns. |
| </p><p>"Crosscutting" is how to characterize a concern than spans |
| multiple units of OO modularity - classes and objects. Crosscutting |
| concerns resist modularization using normal OO constructs, but |
| aspect-oriented programs can modularize crosscutting concerns. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:joinpoints"></a><b>2. </b>What are join points?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e390"></a><b></b>Join points are well-defined points in the execution of a |
| program. Not every execution point is a join point: only those |
| points that can be used in a disciplined and principled manner are. |
| So, in AspectJ, the execution of a method call is a join point, but |
| "the execution of the expression at line 37 in file Foo.java" is |
| not. |
| </p><p>The rationale for restricting join points is similar to the |
| rationale for restricting access to memory (pointers) or |
| restricting control flow expressions (<tt>goto</tt>) in |
| Java: programs are easier to understand, maintain and extend |
| without the full power of the feature. |
| </p><p>AspectJ join points include reading or writing a field; calling |
| or executing an exception handler, method or constructor. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:pointcut"></a><b>3. </b> |
| What is a pointcut? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e404"></a><b></b>A pointcut picks out |
| <a href="#q:joinpoints"> |
| join points |
| </a>. These join points are described by the pointcut |
| declaration. Pointcuts can be defined in classes or in aspects, |
| and can be named or be anonymous. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:advice"></a><b>4. </b>What is advice?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e414"></a><b></b>Advice is code that executes at each |
| <a href="#q:joinpoints">join point</a> picked out by a |
| <a href="#q:pointcut">pointcut</a>. There are three |
| kinds of advice: before advice, around advice and after advice. As |
| their names suggest, before advice runs before the join point |
| executes; around advice executes before and after the join point; |
| and after advice executes after the join point. The power of |
| advice comes from the advice being able to access values in the |
| execution context of a pointcut. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:declarations"></a><b>5. </b>What are inter-type declarations?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e427"></a><b></b>AspectJ enables you to declare members and supertypes of another class |
| in an aspect, subject to Java's type-safety and access rules. These are |
| visible to other classes only if you declare them as accessible. |
| You can also declare compile-time errors and warnings based on pointcuts. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:whatisanaspect"></a><b>6. </b>What is an aspect?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e434"></a><b></b>Aspects are a new class-like language element that has been |
| added to Java by AspectJ. Aspects are how developers encapsulate |
| concerns that cut across classes, the natural unit of modularity in |
| Java. |
| </p><p>Aspects are similar to classes because... |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e440"></a>aspects have type</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e443"></a> |
| aspects can extend classes and other aspects |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e446"></a> |
| aspects can be abstract or concrete |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e449"></a> |
| non-abstract aspects can be instantiated |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e452"></a>aspects can have static and non-static state and |
| behavior |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e455"></a>aspects can have fields, methods, and types |
| as members |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e458"></a>the members of non-privileged aspects follow the |
| same accessibility rules as those of classes |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p><p>Aspects are different than classes because... |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e465"></a>aspects can additionally include as members pointcuts, |
| advice, and inter-type declarations; |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e468"></a>aspects can be qualified by specifying the |
| context in which the non-static state is available |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e471"></a>aspects can't be used interchangeably with |
| classes |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e474"></a>aspects don't have constructors or finalizers, |
| and they cannot be created with the new operator; |
| they are automatically available as needed. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e477"></a>privileged aspects can access private members of |
| other types |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="whyaop"></a>5 Why AOP?</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:ccfromflaws"></a><b>1. </b>Are crosscutting concerns induced by flaws in parts of the |
| system design, programming language, operating system, etc. Or is |
| there something more fundamental going on? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e488"></a><b></b>AOP's fundamental assumption is that in any sufficiently |
| complex system, there will inherently be some crosscutting |
| concerns. |
| </p><p>So, while there are some cases where you could re-factor a |
| system to make a concern no longer be crosscutting, the AOP idea |
| is that there are many cases where that is not possible, or where |
| doing so would damage the code in other ways. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:definingaspectspercc"></a><b>2. </b>Does it really make sense to define aspects in terms of |
| crosscutting? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e497"></a><b></b>Yes.</p><p>The short summary is that it is right to define AOP in terms of |
| crosscutting, because well-written AOP programs have clear |
| crosscutting structure. It would be a mistake to define AOP in |
| terms of "cleaning up tangling and scattering", because that isn't |
| particular to AOP, and past programming language innovations also |
| do that, as will future developments. |
| </p><p>(Slides for a long talk on this topic were once available at |
| http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~gregor/vinst-2-17-01.zip.) |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:domainspecific"></a><b>3. </b>Is AOP restricted to domain-specific |
| applications? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e508"></a><b></b>No. Some implementations of AOP are domain-specific, but |
| AspectJ was specifically designed to be general-purpose. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:whyaopifinterceptors"></a><b>4. </b>Why do I need AOP if I can use interceptors |
| (or JVMPI or ref |
| lection)? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e515"></a><b></b>There are many mechanisms people use now to implement |
| some crosscutting concerns. But they don't have a way to express |
| the actual structure of the program so you (and your tools) |
| can reason about it. Using a language enables you to express the |
| crosscutting in first-class constructs. You can not only avoid the |
| maintenance problems and structural requirements of some other |
| mechanisms, but also combine forms of crosscutting so that all |
| the mechanisms for a particular concern are one piece of code. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="related"></a>6 Related Technology</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:comparetonewforms"></a><b>1. </b> |
| How does AspectJ compare to other new forms of programming? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e525"></a><b></b>There are many recent proposals for programming languages that |
| provide control over crosscutting concerns. Aspect-oriented |
| programming is an overall framework into which many of these |
| approaches fit. AspectJ is one particular instance of AOP, |
| distinguished by the fact that it was designed from the ground up |
| to be compatible with Java. |
| </p><p>For more alternatives for aspect-oriented programming, see |
| <a href="http://aosd.net" target="_top">http://aosd.net</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:compartoreflection"></a><b>2. </b>How do you compare the features of AspectJ with |
| reflective systems? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e537"></a><b></b>Reflective and aspect-oriented languages have an important |
| similarity: both provide programming support for dealing with |
| crosscutting concerns. In this sense reflective systems proved |
| that independent programming of crosscutting concerns is |
| possible. |
| </p><p>But the control that reflection provides tends to be low-level |
| and extremely powerful. In contrast, AspectJ provides more |
| carefully controlled power, drawing on the rules learned from |
| object-oriented development to encourage a clean and understandable |
| program structure. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:comparetomixin"></a><b>3. </b>How do AspectJ features compare with those of mixin-based |
| inheritance? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e546"></a><b></b>Some features of AspectJ, such as introduction, are related to |
| <span class="emphasis"><i>mixin-based inheritance</i></span>. But, in order to |
| support crosscutting, a core goal for AspectJ, AspectJ goes beyond |
| mixin-based inheritance. |
| </p><p>Firstly, an aspect imposes behavior on a class, rather than a |
| class requesting behavior from an aspect. An aspect can modify a |
| class without needing to edit that class. This property is |
| sometimes called <span class="emphasis"><i>reverse inheritance</i></span>. |
| </p><p>Secondly, a single aspect can affect multiple classes in |
| different ways. A single paint aspect can add different paint |
| methods to all the classes that know how to paint, unlike mixin |
| classes. |
| </p><p> |
| So mixin-based inheritance doesn't have the reverse inheritance |
| property, and mixins affect every class that mixes them in the same. |
| If I want to do something like SubjectObserverProtocol, I need two |
| mixins, SubjectPartofSubjectObserverProtocol and ObserverPartof... |
| In AspectJ, both halves of the protocol can be captured in a single |
| aspect. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:dynamicaop"></a><b>4. </b>How does AspectJ compare with more dynamic AOP? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e565"></a><b></b> |
| Some AOP techniques are presented as "dynamic" because the weaving |
| occurs when classes are loaded, because aspects can be configured |
| in a separate XML file before launch, or because some advice |
| depends on runtime reflection. They are said to be more flexible |
| than AspectJ. |
| </p><p> |
| This is a misconception. First, the AspectJ 1.1 weaver has always |
| supported weaving at compile-time or class-load-time. Weaving at |
| compile-time reduces application launch and running time, and it helps |
| IDE's offer support for tracking down weaving errors and understanding |
| the impact of aspects on a system. |
| On the other hand, weaving at load-time simplifies build and deployment. |
| Before AspectJ 1.2, the user had to write a class loader that used the |
| weaver API to weave at load time; since 1.2, AspectJ comes with a |
| command-line launcher to support weaving at class-load-time without |
| any other changes to a build configuration. In AspectJ 5, we expect |
| to get a similar level of support as AspectWerkz, and to exploit |
| the class bytecode weaving hook available in Java 5 VM's. |
| </p><p> |
| Second, AspectJ programs, like Java programs generally, can be |
| written to support any level of XML configuration or to depend on |
| runtime reflection. There are some benefits to using AspectJ; |
| e.g., the proceed() form within around advice simplifies a lot of |
| the work that otherwise would go into writing a generalized |
| interceptor, without introducing many of the runtime errors that can |
| result from interceptors. |
| For AspectJ examples of configurable or reflection-dependent programs, |
| see the sample code linked off the AspectJ documentation page |
| or the examples discussed on the mailing list, e.g., |
| <a href="http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/aspectj-users/msg02151.html" target="_top"> |
| Incremental and runtime weaving support?</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aopandxp"></a><b>5. </b>What is the relationship between AOP and |
| XP (extreme programming AKA agile methods)? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e579"></a><b></b>From a question on the user list: |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| > Anyone know the connections between AOP and Extreme Programming? |
| > I am really confused. It seems AOP is a programming paradigm, which |
| > is the next level of abstraction of OOP. Extreme Programming, however, |
| > this is a lightweight software development process. One of the common |
| > motivations of AOP and XP is designed to adopt to the requirement |
| > changes, so that it can save the cost of software development. |
| </pre> |
| </p><p> |
| This is Raymond Lee's answer: |
| </p><p> |
| You're not really that confused. AOP and XP are orthogonal concepts, |
| although AOP can be used to help accomplish XP goals. |
| One of the goals of XP is to respond to changing requirements. |
| Another is to reduce the overall cost of development. These are |
| not necessarily the same thing. |
| </p><p> |
| One of the principles of XP that contribute to meeting those goals |
| is to maintain clean, simple designs. One of the criteria for clean, |
| simple designs is to factor out duplication from the code. Benefits |
| of removing duplication include the code being easier to understand, |
| better modularity of the design, lower costs of code changes, less |
| chance of conflicting changes when practicing collective code |
| ownership, etc. |
| </p><p> |
| Different types of duplication lend themselves to being addressed by |
| different design paradigms and language features. Duplicate snippets |
| of code can be factored out into methods. Duplicate methods can be |
| factored out to common classes, or pushed up to base classes. |
| Duplicate patterns of methods and their use can be factored out to |
| mechanisms of classes and methods (i.e. instantiations of design |
| patterns). |
| </p><p> |
| AOP addresses a type of duplication that is very difficult to handle |
| in the other common paradigms, namely cross-cutting concerns. By |
| factoring out duplicate cross-cutting code into aspects, the target |
| code becomes simpler and cleaner, and the cross-cutting code becomes |
| more centralized and modular. |
| </p><p> |
| So, AOP as a paradigm, and the associated tools, gives an XPer, or |
| anyone wanting to remove duplication from the code base, a powerful |
| way to remove a form of duplication not easily addressed until now. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aspectjandcsharp"></a><b>6. </b>Will you support C#?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e601"></a><b></b>Not at this time. Although the resemblances between C# and Java |
| means it would probably be a fairly straightforward matter to take |
| the AspectJ language design and produce AspectC#, our current focus |
| is only on supporting effective uses of AspectJ. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="adoption"></a>7 Deciding to adopt AspectJ</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:productplans"></a><b>1. </b> |
| Is it safe to use AspectJ in my product plans? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e611"></a><b></b>You may use AspectJ in your product or project with little |
| risk. Several factors play a role in reducing the risk of adopting |
| this new technology: |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e615"></a>AspectJ is an <span class="emphasis"><i>addition</i></span> to |
| Java, and can be introduced into a project |
| in a way that limits risk. |
| See <a href="#q:startUsingAJ">Q: How should I start using AspectJ?</a> for |
| some suggestions on how to do this. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e623"></a>The AspectJ compiler accepts standard Java as |
| input and produces standard Java bytecode as output. |
| In 1.0, an optional mode produces standard Java source code |
| which may then be compiled with any compliant Java compiler |
| (e.g. Sun's <tt>javac</tt> compiler |
| or IBM's <tt>jikes</tt> compiler). |
| In 1.1, an optional mode accepts standard Java bytecode |
| from any compliant Java compiler |
| and weaves in the aspects to produce new bytecode. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e632"></a>AspectJ is available under a non-proprietary, open source license, |
| either the |
| <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1" target="_top"> |
| Mozilla Public License 1.1</a> |
| for 1.0 or the |
| <a href="http://eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html" target="_top"> |
| Common Public License 1.0</a> for 1.1. |
| AspectJ will continue to evolve and be available, regardless |
| of the fate of any particular organization involved with |
| AspectJ. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e641"></a>Removing AspectJ from your program is not |
| difficult, although you will lose the flexibility and |
| economy that AspectJ provided. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e644"></a>A number of significant open-source projects and industry |
| products use AspectJ successfully. One list is kept on |
| <a href="http://www.aosd.net/wiki/index.php?title=FAQ" target="_top"> |
| the AOSD FAQ</a>, and more appear on the mailing |
| lists (search for, e.g., "AspectJ in real world", as |
| described in <a href="#q:searchingsite">Q:How can I search the email archives or the web site?</a>). |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:effectonsize"></a><b>2. </b>What is the effect of using AspectJ on the source code |
| size of programs? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e657"></a><b></b>Using aspects reduces, as a side effect, the number of source |
| lines in a program. However, the major benefit of using aspects |
| comes from <span class="emphasis"><i>improving</i></span> the modularity of a |
| program, not because the program is smaller. Aspects gather into a |
| module concerns that would otherwise be scattered across or |
| duplicated in multiple classes. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:effectonperformance"></a><b>3. </b> |
| Does AspectJ add any performance overhead? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e667"></a><b></b>The issue of performance overhead is an important one. It is |
| also quite subtle, since knowing what to measure is at least as |
| important as knowing how to measure it, and neither is always |
| apparent. |
| </p><p>We aim for the performance of our implementation of AspectJ to |
| be on par with the same functionality hand-coded in Java. Anything |
| significantly less should be considered a bug. |
| </p><p>There is currently no benchmark suite for AOP languages in |
| general or for AspectJ in particular. It is probably too early to |
| develop such a suite because AspectJ needs more maturation of the |
| language and the coding styles first. Coding styles really drive |
| the development of the benchmark suites since they suggest what is |
| important to measure. |
| </p><p>Though we cannot show it without a benchmark suite, we believe |
| that code generated by AspectJ has negligible performance overhead. |
| Inter-type member and parent introductions should have very little |
| overhead, and advice should only have some indirection which |
| could be optimized away by modern VM's. |
| </p><p>The <tt>ajc</tt> compiler will use static typing information |
| to only insert the advice and dynamic pointcut tests that are absolutely necessary. |
| Unless you use 'thisJoinPoint' or 'if', the main dynamic checks will be |
| 'instanceof' checks which are generally quite fast. |
| These checks will only be inserted when they can not be inferred from |
| the static type information. |
| </p><p>When measuring performance, write AspectJ code |
| fragments and compare them to the performance of the |
| corresponding code written without AspectJ. For example, don't |
| compare a method with before/after advice that grabs a lock to just |
| the method. That would be comparing apples and oranges. Also be |
| sure to watch out for JIT effects that come from empty method |
| bodies and the like. Our experience is that they can be quite |
| misleading in understanding what you've measured. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:modularityviolations"></a><b>4. </b> |
| I've heard that AspectJ leads to modularity violations. Does it? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e687"></a><b></b> |
| Well I haven't yet seen a language in which you can't write bad code! |
| </p><p> |
| But seriously, most AspectJ users find that just like when they learned |
| OO, it takes a while to really get the hang of it. They tend to start |
| in the usual way, by copying canonical examples and experimenting with |
| variations on them. |
| </p><p> |
| But users also find that rather than being dangerous, AspectJ helps them |
| write code that is more clear and has better encapsulation -- once they |
| understand the kind of modularity AspectJ supports. There are several |
| good papers that talk about this (see below), but here's a basic point |
| to keep in mind: when properly used, AspectJ makes it possible program |
| in a modular way, something that would otherwise be spread throughout |
| the code. Consider the following code, adapted from the AspectJ tutorial: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| aspect PublicErrorLogging { |
| Log log = new Log(); |
| |
| pointcut publicInterface(Object o): |
| call(public * com.xerox.*.*(..)) && target(o); |
| |
| after(Object o) throwing (Error e): publicInterface(o) { |
| log.write(o, e); |
| } |
| } |
| </pre><p> |
| The effect of this code is to ensure that whenever any public method of |
| an interface or class in the <tt>com.xerox</tt> package |
| throws an error, that error is logged before being thrown to its caller. |
| </p><p> |
| Of course in the alternative implementation a large number of methods |
| have a try/catch around their body. |
| </p><p> |
| The AspectJ implementation of this crosscutting concern is clearly |
| modular, whereas the other implementation is not. As a result, if you |
| want to change it, its easier in the AspectJ implementation. For |
| example, if you also want to pass the name of the method, or its |
| arguments to <tt>log.write</tt>, you only have to edit |
| one place in the AspectJ code. |
| </p><p> |
| This is just a short example, but I hope it shows how what happens |
| with AOP and AspectJ is that the usual benefits of modularity are |
| achieved for crosscutting concerns, and that leads to better code, |
| not more dangerous code. |
| </p><p> |
| One paper someone else just reminded me of that talks some more |
| about this is: |
| <a href="http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~kdvolder/Workshops/OOPSLA2001/submissions/12-nordberg.pdf" target="_top"> |
| http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~kdvolder/Workshops/OOPSLA2001/submissions/12-nordberg.pdf |
| </a> |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:encapsulation"></a><b>5. </b> |
| Why does AspectJ permit aspects to access and add members of another type? |
| Isn't that violating OO encapsulation? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e719"></a><b></b>In the spirit of Smalltalk, we have decided to give more power |
| to the language in order to let the user community experiment and |
| discover what is right. To date this has proven to be a successful |
| strategy because it has permitted the construction of many useful |
| aspects that crosscut the internal state of an object, and as such |
| need access the its private members. However, we are not |
| discounting that some sort of restrictions are useful, rather, we |
| are seeking input from the community in order to decide on what |
| these restrictions should be. |
| </p><p> |
| In that light, our position on encapsulation is : |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e725"></a>we respect Java's visibility rules</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e728"></a>we also provide open-classes, a mature OO technology</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e731"></a>we provide "privileged" access if you really need it.</p></li></ul></div><p> |
| Introducing parents or members to classes is a well-studied OO technique |
| known as open classes. |
| </p><p> |
| Open classes have been used in many languages prior to AspectJ, |
| including CLOS, Python, Smalltalk, Objective-C, and others. |
| Building from Java, introduction in AspectJ provides better |
| name hygiene and access control than prior languages. |
| Introduced code obeys all of Java's normal accessibility rules |
| for its lexical location in the aspect that it is introduced from. |
| Such code can not even see, much less access, private members of |
| the class it is introduced into. Further, introductions can be |
| declared private to the aspect, so they are not visible to |
| other clients of the class. |
| </p><p> |
| Privileged aspects do permit access to private members of another |
| class. They are a response to the very few cases where developers |
| genuinely need such access (typically for testing purposes where it |
| access is necessary), but it would be more risky to open access by |
| putting the aspect in the same package, adding test code, or changing |
| access in the target class. We recommend using privileged aspects |
| only as necessary, and believe that marking them "privileged" makes |
| any potential misuse apparent. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aspectjandj2ee"></a><b>6. </b>Can I use AspectJ with J2EE?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e744"></a><b></b> |
| Consider the component types in J2EE: |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e748"></a> |
| Servlet: AspectJ works well within servlets |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e751"></a> |
| JSP: It is possible to use AspectJ to affect code in JSPs by precompiling |
| them into Java sources and compiling these with ajc. This can be used, e.g., to |
| customize displays by turning on and off custom JSP taglibs. The mapping from a |
| given jsp source to java package and class name is not standardized, which means |
| doing this imposes dependencies on specific container versions. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e754"></a> |
| EJB: AspectJ supports a wide variety of aspects for EJBs. It can be used for |
| logging, tracing, debugging, error handling by layers, correlated method-level |
| interception (e.g., chargebacks), metering, fine-grained transactions, etc. |
| Indeed, it can be used to enforce adherence to coding restrictions within an |
| EJB (e.g., not using java.io, creating a class loader, or listening on |
| sockets) using <tt>declare error</tt>. |
| </p></li></ul></div><p> |
| The basic limitations are that there is no built-in support for writing J2EE |
| analogs for AspectJ extensions to Java, like distributed aspects, distributed |
| cflow, or managing state between invocations. These don't prevent one from using |
| AspectJ to do useful intra-container implementation, nor need they prevent one |
| from building distributed support, state management, and inter-component |
| implementations that leverage AspectJ. It just takes some work. In more detail: |
| </p><p> |
| All AspectJ implementations may define "code the implementation controls". |
| The AspectJ 1.0 implementation defines this as the files passed to the compiler |
| (AspectJ 1.1 will also support bytecode weaving). |
| </p><p> |
| Some advice on EJB operations will generate methods that confuse ejb compilers. |
| To avoid this problem, you can use the -XaddSafePrefix flag when compiling with ajc. |
| </p><p> |
| EJB components may be invoked remotely, and containers may passivate and |
| pool EJB's. Servlets have similar limitations, and in both cases the |
| lifespan of the defining class loader is implementation-dependent |
| (though it must span the operation of a particular request). |
| </p><p> |
| Being limited by lifecycle and namespace, the AspectJ 1.0 implementation |
| supports aspects that operate through non-remote invocations during the lifetime |
| of the namespace for a particular |
| deployment unit compiled in its entirety by the ajc compiler. |
| This means AspectJ supports common aspects only within a single local runtime |
| namespace (usually implemented as a class loader hierarchy). |
| </p><p> |
| Further, AspectJ recognizes language-level join points (object initialization, |
| method calls, etc.), not their EJB analogs (ejb find or create methods...). |
| These lead to the following consequences: |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e773"></a> |
| Issingleton aspects (the default) are limited to the lifetime of |
| the defining class loader, which in some implementations may not span |
| multiple invocations of the same application or EJB component. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e776"></a> |
| EJB lifecycles are different from object lifecycles, so perthis |
| and pertarget aspects will make little sense. They do not work |
| in the current implementation, which uses synchronized methods |
| to ensure a correct association in threaded environments |
| (EJB's may not have synchronized methods). |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e779"></a> |
| Percflow or percflowbelow aspects are restricted to a chain of |
| non-remote invocations. While EJB 2.0 permits declaring an interface |
| local, this information is not available to the AspectJ compiler today. |
| For same reasons as stated above fore perthis, these will not work even |
| in the EJB container. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e782"></a> |
| Evaluation of cflow or cflowbelow pointcuts will be valid only |
| with respect to a chain of non-remote invocations. |
| </p></li></ul></div><p> |
| In addition, any AspectJ code should respect EJB operations: |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e788"></a> |
| The EJB container accesses EJB component fields directly, i.e., |
| in code outside the control of the compiler. There is no join point for |
| these accesses, and hence no way to write a pointcut to advise that access. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e791"></a> |
| The EJB container may pool EJB components, so any initialization |
| join points may run once per component constructed, not once per |
| component initialized for purposes of a client call. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e794"></a> |
| The EJB container is permitted to change class loaders, even |
| between invocations of a particular EJB component (by passivating and |
| activating with a new class loader). In this case, instances of singleton |
| aspects will not operate over multiple invocations of the component, or that |
| static initialization join point recur for a given class as it is re-loaded. |
| This behavior depends on the container implementation. |
| </p></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aspectjandgj"></a><b>7. </b>Can I use AspectJ with Generic Java?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e801"></a><b></b>We plan to support Generics when Java 1.5 is available. |
| </p><p>But at this time, unfortunately not. The two compilers are just not |
| at all compatible. In an ideal world, there would be a wonderful |
| Open Source extensible compiler framework for Java that both GJ and |
| AspectJ would be built on top of, and they would seamlessly |
| interoperate along with all other extensions to Java that you might |
| be interested in, but that's not the case (yet?). |
| </p><p>However, on 09 October 2000, the Java Community Process |
| approved a proposal to add generic types to Java that is largely |
| based on GJ (JSR 14). A draft specification was submitted for |
| public review, which closed on 01 August 2001, and a |
| prototype implementation has been released by Sun. |
| </p><p>We are committed to moving very rapidly to add support for |
| generic types in AspectJ when generic types become part of the Java |
| language specification. Everyone on the AspectJ team is looking |
| forward to this, because we too would really like to be able to |
| write code that includes both aspects and generic types. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aspectjandj2me"></a><b>8. </b>Can I use AspectJ with J2ME?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e814"></a><b></b>The J2ME platform has several different components. |
| The diagram below shows how the different profiles |
| build on top of the two configurations CDC (Connected Device |
| Configuration) and CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration): |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| -------------- |
| | Personal | |
| -------------- -------- |
| | Foundation | | MIDP | |
| ------------------ ------------------ |
| | CDC | | CLDC | |
| ------------------------------------------ |
| | Java | |
| ------------------------------------------ |
| </pre> |
| Which configuration you have dictates the restrictions when |
| running AspectJ compiled programs. |
| </p><p> |
| If you're running with a profile which sits on top of CDC then |
| there are not, as far as we are aware, any restrictions when |
| running AspectJ compiled code on this flavour of J2ME. |
| </p><p> |
| If you're running with a profile sitting on top of CLDC 1.1 |
| you are currently unable to use the <tt>thisJoinPoint, |
| thisJoinPointStaticPart</tt> and <tt> |
| thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart</tt> variables, the |
| <tt>cflow</tt> and <tt>cflowbelow</tt> |
| pointcuts and the <tt>percflow</tt> and <tt> |
| percflowbelow</tt> perClauses. |
| </p><p> |
| Finally, if you're running with a profile which sits on top |
| of CLDC 1.0 you have all the restrictions of CLDC 1.1. There may |
| be further restrictions due to the lack of types corresponding |
| to the primitive types (e.g. Integer.TYPE), however, at the |
| time of writing we have been unable to do any extensive testing |
| on this. |
| </p><p> |
| Note that the aspectj runtime jar is now (as of AspectJ5) quite |
| large but only a small subset is required for executing code |
| in J2ME environments. We plan to ship a second aspectjrt.jar |
| built for the J2ME environment at some point. |
| </p><p> |
| For more discussion and to raise any issues you have with |
| AspectJ and J2ME, refer to |
| <a href="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=92933" target="_top"> |
| bugzilla entry 92933</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aopinjava"></a><b>9. </b> Are you working to put AOP into Java? |
| It seems that every AOP toolset currently uses proprietary mechanisms |
| to describe point-cuts, etc. |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e855"></a><b></b> |
| We are working on standardization, but it's |
| a question of timing/ripeness (imagine going from thousands of users |
| to millions). (See <a href="#q:standardization">Q:What are your plans to make AspectJ a general feature of Java supported by Sun and the other key-players in the Java Industry?</a>.) We believe |
| AspectJ addresses this question in the best way possible now: |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e861"></a> |
| It's open-source. Rather than being proprietary or controlled by a |
| vendor, it's available for anybody to use and build upon, forever. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e864"></a> |
| AspectJ is not a set of mechanisms, it's a language. It is currently |
| implemented using certain techniques, but there's nothing that prevents |
| it from being implemented with other techniques. That means users can |
| adopt the language with confidence that implementations will get better. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e867"></a> |
| There is no engineering need to change Java. The AspectJ language uses |
| the join point model already in Java, so there is no need to extend the |
| programming model. Our implementation produces valid Java bytecode, which |
| runs in any compliant J2SE VM and supports standard debuggers for those VM's |
| that support JSR-45 (debugging support for multi-language/multi-file sources). |
| This is a huge benefit to Sun since Sun must be extremely cautious |
| about extensions to the language or VM; before adopting AOP, Sun should |
| demand the kind of actual-proof that AspectJ implementations offer. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e870"></a> |
| On the issue of "proprietary mechanisms to describe pointcuts, etc.": Any AOP |
| has to have some language to describe pointcuts and the like ("pointcuts" |
| of course being the AspectJ term). Users would like to have one language |
| (to avoid having to learn or transform between many languages) and the |
| choice of multiple implementations (tailored for a configuration, subject |
| to competitive pressure, etc.). That's what AspectJ offers. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e873"></a> |
| That said, we believe the AspectJ extensions to Java could form the basis |
| for bringing AOP to Java; when that happens, there will be engineering |
| opportunities to make the implementation and tool support better. |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:support"></a><b>10. </b>What kind of support is available?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e881"></a><b></b> |
| The mailing lists provide the primary support for everyone |
| in the community |
| (See <a href="#q:mailingLists">Q: What mailing lists are there?</a>). |
| To request commercial support, tutorials, or presentations, |
| use the developer mailing list, |
| <tt>aspectj-dev@eclipse.org</tt>. |
| </p><p> |
| To find out about known issues, see the |
| <a href="progguide/implementation.html" target="_top"> |
| AspectJ Programming Guide Appendix, "Implementation Notes"</a> |
| and the AspectJ bugs in the database at |
| <a href="http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs" target="_top">http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs</a> |
| (using the product <tt>AspectJ</tt>). Here are direct links to |
| <a href="http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?product=AspectJ&component=Compiler&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED" target="_top"> |
| view open compiler bugs</a>, |
| <a href="http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?product=AspectJ" target="_top"> |
| view all Aspectj bugs (open or closed)</a>, or |
| <a href="http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/enter_bug.cgi?product=AspectJ" target="_top"> |
| add new bugs</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:mailingLists"></a><b>11. </b>What mailing lists are there?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e913"></a><b></b> |
| The AspectJ users mailing list |
| (<tt>aspectj-users@eclipse.org</tt>) |
| provides an informal network of AspectJ language users who |
| can answer usage questions about AspectJ programs |
| and the AspectJ tools. |
| This is the place to ask how to code something in AspectJ |
| or how to write Ant or shell scripts to invoke the tools. |
| </p><p> |
| The AspectJ developers mailing list |
| (<tt>aspectj-dev@eclipse.org</tt>) |
| provides an informal network of AspectJ technology experts who |
| aim to understand the technology behind AspectJ. |
| The committers to the AspectJ project use this list |
| for open technical and planning discussions. |
| Developers can answer questions about what's possible and about |
| integrating AspectJ technology with other technologies. |
| </p><p> |
| For both mailing lists, only subscribed members may post messages. |
| To subscribe, visit the |
| <a href="http://eclipse.org/aspectj" target="_top">AspectJ web site</a>. |
| </p><p> |
| There you can also subscribe to |
| <tt>aspectj-announce@eclipse.org</tt>, |
| a low-traffic list containing only announcements |
| about significant AspectJ events and product releases. |
| To get on a similar list for aspect-oriented software |
| development generally, see |
| <a href="http://aosd.net" target="_top">http://aosd.net</a>. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="compiler"></a>8 Using the AspectJ compiler</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:compilerRequired"></a><b>1. </b> |
| Do I have to use the AspectJ compiler? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e944"></a><b></b> The AspectJ compiler or weaver is required at some point, but |
| many people can use AspectJ without changing their build or |
| deployment process significantly. For aspects that are not |
| required to compile, you can use the AspectJ binary weaver, run |
| at build-time or class-load-time. You can write aspects using |
| the original code style (which must be compiled with the AspectJ |
| compiler) or using the annotation style new in AspectJ 5 (which |
| may be compiled with Javac or the AspectJ compiler). </p><p> |
| For more information, see |
| <a href="#q:codeversusannotationstyles">Q:Should I use code- or annotation-style aspects?</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:requiredsources"></a><b>2. </b> |
| What files do I need to include when compiling AspectJ programs? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e955"></a><b></b>You need to specify to the compiler the files that |
| contain your aspects and the files that contain the |
| types affected by your aspects. |
| See <a href="#q:knowWhenAspectsAffectClasses">Q: How do I know which aspects affect a class when looking at that class's source code?</a>. |
| The AspectJ compiler will not search the source path for types |
| that may be affected (unlike Javac and Jikes). |
| In AspectJ 1.0, ajc requires all code to be in source form; |
| in AspectJ 1.1, Java and AspectJ code may be in either source |
| or binary form. |
| </p><p>In some cases you should compile your entire system all at once. |
| If this is too slow, then you can try to make reasonable divisions |
| between sets of source files whose aspects do not interact to |
| achieve a shorter compile cycle (particularly for development |
| aspects). If you have aspects that apply to different modules, |
| you can try compiling them into a binary form and using them |
| to weave each module. However, if you get any problems |
| or if you wish to run tests or do a release, you should recompile |
| the entire system. |
| </p><p> |
| For more information, see the |
| <a href="devguide/index.html" target="_top"> |
| Development Environment Guide</a> |
| <a href="devguide/ajc-ref.html" target="_top"> |
| Reference for ajc</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:listingsources"></a><b>3. </b>I have to list many files in the command line to |
| compile with <tt>ajc</tt>. Is there any other way to |
| provide the file names to <tt>ajc</tt>? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e980"></a><b></b> |
| Yes, use the argfile option to ajc. List source |
| files in a line-delimited text file and direct ajc to that |
| file using <tt>-argfile</tt> or <tt>@</tt>: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting">ajc @sources.lst |
| ajc -argfile sources.lst |
| </pre><p>Another way in AspectJ 1.1 is to use the |
| <tt>-sourceroots</tt> options, which reads all |
| source files in a given set of directories: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting">ajc -sourceroots "src;testsrc" |
| </pre><p> |
| For more information, see the |
| <a href="devguide/index.html" target="_top"> |
| Development Environment Guide</a> |
| <a href="devguide/ajc-ref.html" target="_top"> |
| Reference for ajc</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:compilerVM"></a><b>4. </b>What Java virtual machine (JVM) do I use to run the |
| AspectJ compiler? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1010"></a><b></b>Use the latest, greatest, fastest JVM you can get your hands on |
| for your platform. The compiler's performance is dependent on the |
| performance of the JVM it is running on, so the faster a JVM you |
| can find to run it on, the shorter your compile times will be. At a |
| minimum you need to use a Java 2 or later JVM to run the compiler |
| (J2SE 1.3 for AspectJ 1.1). |
| We realize that this constraint can be a problem for users who |
| don't currently have a Java 2 JVM available. We're sorry for the |
| inconvenience, but we had to make the hard decision that the |
| advantages of being able to rely on Java 2 were worth the cost of |
| losing a number of developers who are working on platforms without |
| Java 2 support. Here is a list of starting places where you might |
| find support for your system. |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e1014"></a> |
| <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/" target="_top">Java 2 |
| Platform, Standard Edition |
| </a> |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1020"></a> |
| <a href="http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/" target="_top"> |
| developerWorks : Java technology : Tools and products - Developer kits |
| </a> |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1026"></a> |
| <a href="http://www-124.ibm.com/developerworks/oss/jikes/" target="_top"> |
| developerWorks : Open Source - Jikes Project |
| </a> |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1032"></a> |
| <a href="http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/java-ports.cgi" target="_top">Java |
| Platform Ports |
| </a> |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p><p>The requirement of Java 2 support is only for |
| <span class="emphasis"><i>running</i></span> the AspectJ compiler. The AspectJ |
| compiler can be used to build programs that will run on Java 1.1 |
| (or probably even on Java 1.0) systems. This means that it can |
| build programs that will run on Macintosh, FreeBSD, and applets |
| that will run in Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator that are |
| still not yet Java 2 compliant. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:compilingForDifferentVMs"></a><b>5. </b>How can I use <tt>ajc</tt> to compile |
| programs for a JVM that is different from the one used to run it? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1051"></a><b></b> |
| <tt>ajc</tt> can be used to develop programs that are |
| targeted at the Java 1.1 platform, even though the |
| <tt>ajc</tt> compiler won't run on that platform. Here's |
| an example of using <tt>ajc</tt> in this sort of |
| cross-compilation mode (assuming a Windows platform with all the |
| default installation directories): |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| ajc -target 1.1 -bootclasspath c:\jdk1.1.7\lib\classes.zip \ |
| -classpath c:\aspectj1.0\lib\aspectjrt.jar -extdirs "" \ |
| -argfile jdk11system.lst |
| </pre><p>This same technique can be used if you want to run |
| <tt>ajc</tt> on a JDK 1.3 JVM (highly recommended) but |
| need to generate code for JDK 1.2. That would look something |
| like: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| ajc -bootclasspath c:\jdk1.2\jre\lib\rt.jar \ |
| -classpath c:\aspectj1.0\lib\aspectjrt.jar \ |
| -extdirs c:\jdk1.2\jre\lib\ext |
| -argfile jdk12system.lst |
| </pre></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:assert"></a><b>6. </b>Does the <tt>ajc</tt> compiler support |
| the <tt>assert</tt> keyword in Java 1.4? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1082"></a><b></b>Yes. As with <tt>Javac</tt>, |
| use the <tt>-source 1.4</tt> option as described |
| in the |
| <a href="devguide/index.html" target="_top"> |
| Development Environment Guide</a> |
| <a href="devguide/ajc-ref.html" target="_top"> |
| Reference for ajc</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:generics"></a><b>7. </b>Does the <tt>ajc</tt> compiler support |
| generics and the other new language features of Java 5? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1104"></a><b></b>Yes. As with <tt>Javac</tt>, |
| use the <tt>-1.5</tt> option as described |
| in the |
| <a href="devguide/index.html" target="_top"> |
| Development Environment Guide</a> |
| <a href="devguide/ajc-ref.html" target="_top"> |
| Reference for ajc</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:versionCompatibility"></a><b>8. </b>Will aspects work with different versions of the compiler/weaver and runtime? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1123"></a><b></b>Yes. Both <tt>ajc</tt> and |
| <tt>aspectjrt.jar</tt> should work with versions |
| of aspect code and libraries back to AspectJ 1.2.1. |
| Any aspects should be deployed |
| with the same version of <tt>aspectjrt.jar</tt> |
| they were compiled with. For more information, see the |
| <a href="devguide/index.html" target="_top"> |
| Development Environment Guide</a> |
| <a href="devguide/ajc-ref.html" target="_top"> |
| Reference for ajc</a> |
| and |
| <a href="devguide/deployment.html" target="_top"> |
| Deployment notes</a> section on |
| <a href="devguide/versionCompatibility.html" target="_top"> |
| Version compatibility</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:msjvm"></a><b>9. </b>Are there any issues using AspectJ with the Microsoft |
| JVM? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1151"></a><b></b>Since AspectJ requires Java 2 or later, it will not run on the |
| Microsoft JVM, which does not support Java 2. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:javacbytecode"></a><b>10. </b>Does <tt>ajc</tt> rely |
| on <tt>javac</tt> for generating Java bytecode |
| (<tt>.class</tt>) files? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1167"></a><b></b> No. Some previous versions of AspectJ had this requirement. |
| In AspectJ 1.0, <tt>javac</tt> can still be used as |
| <tt>ajc</tt> back end by using the |
| <tt>-usejavac</tt> flag. You can also run <tt>ajc</tt> |
| in preprocessor mode to generate Java source |
| (<tt>.java</tt>) files to be compiled using |
| <tt>javac</tt> or another java compiler. |
| Neither option is supported in AspectJ 1.1. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:parsergenerators"></a><b>11. </b> |
| I noticed the AspectJ compiler doesn't use a parser generator. Why is that? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1192"></a><b></b>In AspectJ 1.0, |
| the PARSER for ajc is written by hand. This choice was made with full |
| awareness of the generator tools out there. (Jim had for example used |
| the excellent javacc tool for building the parser for JPython (now Jython)). |
| One of the reasons that AspectJ uses a hand-written parser is that using |
| javacc taught Jim about the LL-k design for parsers (pioneered by antlr). |
| As opposed to the state-machine parsers produced by yacc, these parsers are |
| very readable and writable by humans. |
| </p><p> |
| Antlr and javacc did not really suit the project: |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e1198"></a> |
| Antlr's support for unicode in the lexer is still immature and this makes |
| using it with Java challenging. This was an even bigger issue 3 years ago |
| when we started on the Java implementation of ajc. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1201"></a> |
| While javacc is freely available, it is not Open Source. Depending on a |
| closed-source tool to build an Open Source compiler would reduce some |
| of the transparency and control of open-source. |
| </p></li></ul></div><p> |
| There were also several things that were easier to implement with |
| a hand-written parser than with any of the exiting tools. |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e1207"></a> |
| Semi-keywords -- it's important to us that |
| "every legal Java program is also a legal AspectJ program." |
| This wouldn't be true if we made 'before' and 'call' full keywords in |
| AspectJ. It is easier to support these sorts of semi-keywords with a |
| hand-written parser. (Note: ajc-1.0.x handles 'aspect' and 'pointcut' |
| slightly specially which can break a few unusual pure Java programs. |
| This is a compiler limitation that will be fixed in a future release.) |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1210"></a> |
| Deprecated syntax warnings -- the syntax of AspectJ |
| changed many times from version 0.2 to the 1.0 release. It was easier |
| to provide helpful warning messages for these changes with our |
| hand-written parser. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1213"></a> |
| Grammar modularity -- We like being able to have |
| AspectJParser extend JavaParser. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1216"></a> |
| Part of the grammar for AspectJ is extremely hard for existing tools to |
| capture. This is the type pattern syntax, i.e. "com.xerox..*.*(..)". |
| The sort of case that gives standard parser generators fits is something |
| like "*1.f(..)" which no one would ever write, but which must be |
| supported for a consistent language. |
| </p><p> |
| In AspectJ 1.1, the parser was written as it is for the underlying |
| Eclipse compiler, |
| with some hand-coding of the sort that avoids adding keywords to |
| the language. |
| </p></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:howIncrementalWorks"></a><b>12. </b>How does incremental mode work? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1225"></a><b></b>In incremental mode, ajc minimizes the files that need |
| to be recompiled after another file has changed. In Java, |
| only the changed files need to be recompiled, but in AspectJ, |
| other files might also need to be recompiled or re-woven. |
| </p><p> Depending on what is modified, we may need to re-weave |
| code. If you change a pointcut and save it, we currently have |
| to check everywhere in case a new match is occurring or an old |
| match is no longer correct. However, if you simply change |
| the body of an advice in an aspect, there is (usually) no need |
| to reweave as the affected classes call the advice and the |
| advice (by design) maintains its name in the recompiled |
| aspect. </p><p> If you make a change to a class (as opposed to an aspect) and |
| save it, we usually can get away with merely having to |
| compile that class then weave the existing aspects with it - |
| rather than doing a full recompile of the entire system. |
| </p><p> There are a lot of possible optimizations to the |
| algorithms we use, by performing more complete analysis of |
| the change made to a file that will enable us to know more |
| accurately whether we need to reweave and if we do then what |
| we need to reweave - we just haven't gotten around to |
| implementing them yet. </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="devtools"></a>9 Integrating AspectJ into your development environment</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:knowWhenAspectsAffectClasses"></a><b>1. </b>How do I know which aspects affect a class when looking |
| at that class's source code? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1241"></a><b></b>When you are working with the IDE support, you can get an |
| understanding of which aspects affect any class. |
| This enables AspectJ programmers to get the benefits of |
| modularizing crosscutting concerns while still having immediate |
| access to what aspects affect a class. |
| </p><p>For example, the |
| <a href="devguide/index.html" target="_top"> |
| Development Environment Guide</a> |
| <a href="devguide/ajbrowser.html" target="_top"> |
| ajbrowser section</a>. |
| shows that you can list or navigate |
| between method and advice affecting that method and between a type |
| and declarations in an aspect on that type. (The IDE support may |
| have more features than <tt>ajbrowser</tt>, depending |
| on the IDE. |
| See <a href="#q:integrateWithDevTools">Q: How well does AspectJ integrate with existing Java development tools?</a> for more |
| information on which Java development environments are |
| supported.) |
| </p><p> |
| When you are looking at documentation for AspectJ 1.0 programs, |
| <tt>ajdoc</tt> will provide links from aspects and |
| advice to the affected code, but it provides less information |
| than the IDE support because it only parses declarations. |
| </p><p> |
| When you are compiling your program, pointcuts that are |
| statically-determinable can be used in declare statements |
| to identify the code picked out by the pointcut. |
| (A pointcut is statically determinable if it only uses |
| the pointcut designators |
| <tt>within</tt>, |
| <tt>withincode</tt>, |
| <tt>execution</tt>, |
| <tt>call</tt>, |
| <tt>get</tt>, |
| <tt>set</tt>, |
| <tt>initialiation</tt>, and |
| <tt>staticinitialiation</tt>.) |
| The compiler will list the static code points which will be |
| affected by any advice specifying the same pointcut. |
| For example, the following will print a warning |
| whereever some code in class Bar gets a field value from Foo: |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| declare warning: get(* Foo.*) && within(Bar) |
| : "reading Foo state from Bar"; |
| </pre> |
| </p><p> |
| When you are running your program, |
| you can trace advice as it executes. This |
| enables you to identify advice on join points picked out |
| dynamically, which cannot be reflected precisely by IDE support. |
| For a related tracing question, |
| see <a href="#q:seeingjoinpoints">Q:I don't understand what join points exist. How can I see them?</a> |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:idesupport"></a><b>2. </b>What kind of IDE support is available for developing |
| AspectJ programs? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1299"></a><b></b>See <a href="#q:integrateWithDevTools">Q: How well does AspectJ integrate with existing Java development tools?</a></p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:idesupportplans"></a><b>3. </b>What plans are there to support my IDE?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1307"></a><b></b> |
| The AspectJ team directly provided components for JBuilder, Forte, |
| and Emacs and supported the open-source AspectJ plugin project |
| at <a href="http://eclipse.org/ajdt" target="_top">http://eclipse.org/ajdt</a> |
| which uses the AJDE API support for IDE's. |
| Supporting new IDE's is a matter of building on the AJDE API's, |
| mostly likely adopting one of the existing open-source IDE |
| extensions as a design template. |
| Here are the IDE's where we know people have expressed interest, |
| so interested developer may want to join with others in their |
| developer communities to build the integration. |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><p><b></b></p><ul><li><p><a name="d0e1315"></a>IDEA/IntelliJ has an enthusiastic community and |
| the developers are working on an extensibility API |
| - <a href="http://intellij.com" target="_top">http://intellij.com</a> |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1321"></a>jEdit comes from a very active open-source community.</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1324"></a> |
| Oracle JDeveloper is supported at |
| <a href="https://jdeveloperaop.dev.java.net/" target="_top"> |
| https://jdeveloperaop.dev.java.net/</a>. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1330"></a>Some have suggested Codeguide from Omnicore |
| <a href="http://www.omnicore.com" target="_top">http://www.omnicore.com/</a> |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p><p> |
| For questions on AJDE, join the developer's list |
| <tt>aspectj-dev@eclipse.org</tt>. |
| For questions on the current IDE integrations, contact those projects. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:portingajde"></a><b>4. </b>Can I port AJDE support to my development environment?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1346"></a><b></b>Yes. The core AJDE API is extensible and the source code is |
| available for download. Start by studying the sources |
| for the existing IDE support linked off the AspectJ site |
| <a href="http://eclipse.org/aspectj" target="_top">http://eclipse.org/aspectj</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:hybridbuilds"></a><b>5. </b>I want the aspects for development builds but |
| remove them for production builds. How can I set up the build |
| system so they are unpluggable? And so I use <tt>javac</tt> |
| in my production build? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1359"></a><b></b> |
| If you are using development-time-only aspects - aspects that only |
| exist when you are developing the code, not when you ship it - |
| you can use implement a hybrid build process by listing |
| the production source files into a javac-compliant argfile, |
| and the development source files in another ajc argfiles: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| -- file "production.lst": |
| One.java |
| two/Three.java |
| ... |
| |
| -- file "tracing.lst": |
| trace/Library.java |
| Trace.java |
| |
| -- file "development.lst": |
| @production.lst |
| @tracing.lst |
| </pre><p> |
| Then your development build can use <tt>ajc</tt>: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| ajc @development.lst |
| </pre><p> |
| And your development build can use |
| <tt>ajc</tt> or <tt>javac</tt> |
| or <tt>jikes</tt>: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| jikes @production.lst |
| </pre></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:stepwiseBuilds"></a><b>6. </b> |
| We compile module jars and then assemble them. Can we continue this with AspectJ? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1388"></a><b></b> |
| Aspects apply to everything in a namespace, as if everything is |
| compiled together. |
| Sometimes you can break the build down into separate steps without breaking |
| this model, but we haven't stated exactly where it could break |
| because it depends on the interactions between all types. |
| You can try the approaches below, but remember to rebuild |
| everything in one go if there are problems. |
| </p><p> |
| The simplest scenario is when the aspects apply to all modules |
| and the modules compile without the aspects. In that case, |
| weaving in the aspects is just the final assembly step for |
| the build. |
| </p><p> |
| Next is the case where the aspects make changes to a common |
| library that are visible to other clients, which themselves |
| are otherwise unaffected by the aspects. In this case, the |
| common library can be built using ajc, and used on the |
| classpath for the module builds: |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| ajc -outjar common.jar -sourceroots "aspectj-src:src" ... |
| cd ../otherProject |
| javac -classpath "../common/common.jar:${aspectjrt.jar}" {src} |
| |
| </pre> |
| </p><p> |
| Combining these last two, |
| there's the case where a common set of aspects should |
| affect two or more modules that are in a dependency relationship |
| to one another. It should work to reuse the aspects |
| in binary form for each compile, in dependency order: |
| |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| ajc -outjar common-aspects.jar |
| -sourceroots "aspectj-src" ... |
| |
| ajc -outjar common.jar |
| -sourceroots "src" |
| -aspectpath common-aspects.jar ... |
| |
| cd ../module1 |
| ajc -outjar module1.jar |
| -sourceroots "src" |
| -classpath common.jar |
| -aspectpath ../common-aspects.jar ... |
| |
| cd ../module2 |
| ajc -outjar module2.jar |
| -sourceroots "src" |
| -classpath "common.jar;../module1.jar" |
| -aspectpath ../common-aspects.jar ... |
| |
| </pre> |
| </p><p> |
| If two modules are visibly affected by aspects and |
| mutually-dependent, the only thing to do is compile |
| them together. |
| </p><p> |
| It's safest to assume that all aspects can affect all |
| types in a namespace; using build boundaries to effect |
| crosscutting limits causes a dangerous dependency on |
| the build process and might cause problems. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:incrementalModuleCompiles"></a><b>7. </b>We use modules and would like to use incremental compilation. |
| Is that possible? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1411"></a><b></b> |
| Just incrementally-compile the whole system. |
| Specify to ajc the modules as multiple source roots |
| (or input jars if you are weaving libraries). |
| </p><p> |
| In Eclipse's AJDT, you can create a top-level project with symbolic |
| links out to the sources: |
| |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| app-assembly/ |
| {link common/aspects} |
| {link common/src} |
| {link module1/src} |
| ... |
| |
| </pre> |
| |
| Then everything is part of one huge incremental compile. Also, you |
| can close this master project and work the others using the Java |
| compiler or AJDT. |
| </p><p> |
| The links make incremental development possible without affecting |
| the modularized Ant builds. (Our practice runs along those lines.) |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="notes"></a>10 Programming notes and tips</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:methodsignatures"></a><b>1. </b>Is it possible to change methods by introducing keywords (like |
| <tt>synchronized</tt>), adding parameters, |
| or changing the "throws" clause? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1431"></a><b></b>AspectJ does not enable you to change the signature of a method, |
| but you can (by express declaration) work around some |
| limits imposed by the signature. You can convert a checked exception to |
| unchecked using <tt>declare soft</tt>, privileged aspects |
| have access to private methods, and you can use a percflow aspect to |
| ferry additional state to a callee without changing intervening |
| signatures. For more details, see |
| <a href="progguide/index.html" target="_top">The AspectJ Programming Guide</a>. |
| In the case of <tt>synchronized</tt>, |
| we have what we consider a better solution that uses |
| around advice instead of introduction. This solution is described |
| in |
| <a href="http://aspectj.org/pipermail/users/2000/000534.html" target="_top"> |
| this thread (no longer available) |
| </a> on the AspectJ users list, with some |
| <a href="http://aspectj.org/pipermail/users/2000/000536.html" target="_top"> |
| additional comments (no longer available) |
| </a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:seeingjoinpoints"></a><b>2. </b> |
| I don't understand what join points exist. How can I see them? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1453"></a><b></b> |
| You can trace them using using an aspect. |
| For example, you can start logging at a particular method call and |
| see what join points occur after the call and before it returns. |
| </p><p> |
| Here's some code Jim Hugunin wrote to trace join points |
| and posted to the users list. To reuse the aspect, |
| define a subaspect and implement the pointcuts, for example: |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| aspect JoinPointSampleAspect extends aj.TraceJoinPoints { |
| protected pointcut entry() : |
| execution(static void JoinPointSample.main(String[])); |
| protected pointcut exit() : |
| call(static void JoinPointSampleAspect.exit()); |
| |
| public static void main (String[] args) { |
| JoinPointSample.main(args); |
| JoinPointSampleAspect.exit(); |
| } |
| public static void exit() {} |
| } |
| |
| class JoinPointSample { |
| public static void main(String[] args) {} |
| } |
| </pre> |
| </p><p>Here's the aspect: |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| /* TraceJoinPoints.java */ |
| |
| package aj; |
| |
| import org.aspectj.lang.*; |
| import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.*; |
| import java.io.*; |
| |
| public abstract aspect TraceJoinPoints { |
| protected abstract pointcut entry(); |
| protected pointcut exit(): call(* java..*.*(..)); |
| // this line is for AspectJ 1.1; for 1.0, use "dominates" |
| declare precedence : TraceJoinPoints, *; |
| final pointcut start(): entry() && !cflowbelow(entry()); |
| |
| final pointcut trace(): |
| cflow(entry()) && !cflowbelow(exit()) && !within(TraceJoinPoints+); |
| |
| before(): start() { makeLogStream(); } |
| |
| before(): trace() { logEnter(thisJoinPointStaticPart); } |
| after(): trace() { logExit(thisJoinPointStaticPart); } |
| |
| after(): start() { closeLogStream(); } |
| |
| //------------ added |
| /** |
| * Emit a message in the log, e.g., |
| * <pre>TraceJoinPoints tjp = TraceJoinPoints.aspectOf(); |
| * if (null != tjp) tjp.message("Hello, World!");</pre> |
| */ |
| public void message(String s) { |
| out.println("<message>" + prepareMessage(s) + "</message>"); |
| } |
| public void message(String sink, String s) { |
| if (null == sink) { |
| message(s); |
| } else { |
| out.println("<message sink=" + quoteXml(sink) |
| + " >" + prepareMessage(s) + "</message>"); |
| } |
| } |
| protected String prepareMessage(String s) { return s; } // XXX implement |
| |
| //--------- end of added |
| |
| PrintStream out; |
| int logs = 0; |
| protected void makeLogStream() { |
| try { |
| out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("log" + logs++ + ".xml")); |
| } catch (IOException ioe) { |
| out = System.err; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| protected void closeLogStream() { |
| out.close(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| int depth = 0; |
| boolean terminal = false; |
| protected void logEnter(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp) { |
| if (terminal) out.println(">"); |
| indent(depth); |
| out.print("<" + jp.getKind()); |
| writeSig(jp); |
| writePos(jp); |
| |
| depth += 1; |
| terminal = true; |
| } |
| |
| void writeSig(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp) { |
| out.print(" sig="); |
| out.print(quoteXml(jp.getSignature().toShortString())); |
| } |
| |
| void writePos(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp) { |
| SourceLocation loc = jp.getSourceLocation(); |
| if (loc == null) return; |
| |
| out.print(" pos="); |
| out.print(quoteXml(loc.getFileName() + |
| ":" + loc.getLine() + |
| ":" + loc.getColumn())); |
| } |
| |
| String quoteXml(String s) { |
| return "\"" + s.replace('<', '_').replace('>', '_') + "\""; |
| } |
| |
| protected void logExit(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp) { |
| depth -= 1; |
| if (terminal) { |
| out.println("/>"); |
| } else { |
| indent(depth); |
| out.println("</" + jp.getKind() + ">"); |
| } |
| terminal = false; |
| } |
| |
| void indent(int i) { |
| while (i-- > 0) out.print(" "); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| </pre> |
| </p><p>Note that if you are using AspectJ 1.0, |
| the line starting with <tt>declare precedence</tt> |
| would be removed, and the aspect declaration would look like |
| <tt>aspect TraceMyJoinPoints dominates *</tt>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:comparecallandexecution"></a><b>3. </b> |
| What is the difference between call and execution join points? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1478"></a><b></b> |
| Briefly, there are two interesting times when a constructor or method is |
| run. Those times are when it is called, and when it actually |
| executes. |
| </p><p> |
| The main difference is that a call join point happens outside of |
| the target object (for non-static methods) or class (for static methods |
| and constructors), and that an execution join point happens inside |
| the object or class. This means that the <tt>within</tt> |
| and <tt>withincode</tt> pointcuts pick them out |
| differently: A call join point is picked out within the caller, |
| while an execution join point is picked |
| out where it is actually defined. |
| </p><p> |
| A call join point is the ``outermost'' join point for a particular |
| call. Once a call join point proceeds, then a number of different |
| things happen. For non-static methods, for example, method |
| dispatch happens, which will cause one method execution join point |
| -- perhaps more, if there are super calls. For constructors, the |
| super constructor is called, and fields are initialized, and then |
| various constructor execution join points will occur. |
| </p><p> |
| A call join point matches only the ``external'' calls of a method |
| or constructor, based on a signature, and it does not pick out |
| calls made with <tt>super</tt>, or |
| <tt>this</tt> constructor calls. |
| </p><p>Here's more detail: |
| </p><p>Consider method execution in Java as (1) the initial call from |
| this object to some method on the target object with a |
| particular signature; and (2) the execution of the actual code |
| in the particular method dispatched in the target object. |
| The call join point starts with the initial call and ends |
| when control returns to the call (by return or perhaps |
| thrown exception). The execution join point starts with |
| the method body and ends when the body completes (again |
| by return or throwing an exception), so the execution join |
| point always happens within the bounds of the corresponding |
| call join point. You can see this if you use the |
| join-point tracing aspect in see <a href="#q:seeingjoinpoints">Q:I don't understand what join points exist. How can I see them?</a>. |
| </p><p>As you would expect, the context differs |
| in advice on pointcuts picking out execution and call join |
| points; for call, <tt>this</tt> refers to the caller, whereas |
| for execution <tt>this</tt> refers to the called |
| (executing) object. |
| </p><p> |
| There are some subtle interactions with other AspectJ semantics. |
| First, the meaning of the signature in the |
| <tt>execution()</tt> and <tt>call()</tt> |
| pointcut designators (PCD's) differ: the call type depends upon |
| the type of the reference making the call, while the execution |
| type depends on the enclosing class. |
| Second, you may choose one over another if you cannot bring all |
| your sources within the code the compiler controls |
| (described in the <a href="progguide/semantics.html" target="_top">appendix</a> |
| to the <tt>Programming Guide</tt>). |
| For example, to trace calls into a |
| method from classes which are outside the code the compiler controls |
| at compile time, then using <tt>execution()</tt> will work |
| while using <tt>call()</tt>may not. Finally, since |
| <tt>super</tt> invocations are not considered method calls, |
| to trace <tt>super.foo()</tt> would require using |
| <tt>execution</tt>. |
| </p><p> |
| Because of differences in the way AspectJ 1.0 and 1.1 |
| are implemented, in 1.0 |
| you should use the <tt>call()</tt> |
| pointcut designator unless you have a good reason to use |
| <tt>execution()</tt>; in AspectJ 1.1, the |
| reverse is true. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:comparecflowandcflowbelow"></a><b>4. </b> |
| What is the difference between cflow and cflowbelow? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1554"></a><b></b> |
| Both pick out all the join points in the control flow of |
| the specified join points. |
| They differ only in that the <tt>cflowbelow()</tt> |
| pointcut designator does not pick out the join points |
| specified, while <tt>cflow()</tt> does. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:recursiveentrypoints"></a><b>5. </b>How do I say that I want the topmost entrypoint in a |
| recursive call? How about the most-recent prior entrypoint? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1567"></a><b></b>This is best seen by way of example. |
| Given a recursive call to <tt>int factorial(int)</tt> |
| you can print the arguments for |
| (a) the current and most-recent recursive call |
| or (b) the current and original recursive call: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| aspect LogFactorial { |
| pointcut f(int i) : call(int factorial(int)) && args(i); |
| |
| // most-recent |
| before(int i, final int j) : f(i) && cflowbelow(f(j)) { |
| System.err.println(i + "-" + j); |
| } |
| |
| // original |
| before(int i, final int j) : f(i) |
| && cflowbelow(cflow(f(j)) && !cflowbelow(f(int))) { |
| System.err.println(i + "@" + j); |
| } |
| } |
| </pre></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:initializationjoinpoints"></a><b>6. </b>What is the difference between constructor call, |
| constructor execution, initialization, and static |
| initialization join points? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1579"></a><b></b>Static initialization pertains to initialization of |
| a class or interface type. Constructor call and execution |
| are akin to method call, and initialization generalizes this and |
| picks out the first constructor called. |
| </p><p>Their relations are best |
| demonstrated by tracing the join points. Below is the class |
| Test which implements an interface and extends a class |
| along with a trace of the join points below and including |
| the constructor call obtained using |
| <tt>TraceJointPoints.java</tt> |
| from <a href="#q:seeingjoinpoints">Q:I don't understand what join points exist. How can I see them?</a>. |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| public class Init { |
| public static void main (String[] args) { |
| new Test(); |
| end(); |
| } |
| static void end() {} |
| } |
| class Super {} |
| interface I {} |
| class Test extends Super implements I { |
| Test() {} |
| } |
| |
| |
| </pre><p>For a program compiled with AspectJ 1.0, |
| the result is this:</p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| <constructor-call sig="Test()" > |
| <staticinitialization sig="Super._init_" /> |
| <staticinitialization sig="Test._init_" /> |
| <initialization sig="Super()" > |
| <instanceinitializer-execution sig="Super._init_" /> |
| <constructor-execution sig="Super()" /> |
| </initialization> |
| <initialization sig="I()" > |
| <instanceinitializer-execution sig="I._init_" /> |
| <constructor-execution sig="I()" /> |
| </initialization> |
| <initialization sig="Test()" > |
| <instanceinitializer-execution sig="Test._init_" /> |
| <constructor-execution sig="Test()" /> |
| </initialization> |
| </constructor-call> |
| |
| </pre><p> |
| Ordinarily, using a <tt>call</tt> pointcut designator |
| is best because the call join point surrounds the others, but in |
| the case of constructors there is no target object for |
| the call (because it has not been constructed yet), so you |
| might prefer to use the <tt>initialization</tt> |
| pointcut designator. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:adviseconstructors"></a><b>7. </b>How do I work with an object right when it is created? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1607"></a><b></b> |
| You can advise some form of constructor join point. |
| Constructors are tricky in Java, and that's exposed in AspectJ. |
| Here are some rules of thumb: |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e1611"></a>If you want the join point on the "outside" of object creation, |
| use after returning from call to the constructor: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| after() returning (Foo newlyCreatedObject): call(Foo.new(..)) { ... } |
| </pre><p> |
| You might be tempted to use "this" or "target" to expose the new object, but remember |
| that if you're on the "outside" of object creation, the object itself might not be |
| created yet... it only exists "on the way out", when you return the object. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1618"></a>If you want the join point inside a particular constructor, use: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| after(Foo newlyCreatedObject) returning: this(newlyCreatedObject) && execution(Foo.new(..)) { ... } |
| </pre><p> |
| Remember, though, that if you use "before" advice here, the body of the constructor |
| will not have run, and so the object may be somewhat uninitialized. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1625"></a> |
| In the rare case that there are all sorts of constructors for the object that call |
| each other with <tt>this(...)</tt> and you want exactly one join point |
| for each initialization of <tt>Foo</tt>, regardless of the path of |
| constructors it takes, then use: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| after(Foo f) returning: this(f) && initialization(Foo.new(..)) { ... } |
| </pre></li></ul></div> |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:andingpointcuts"></a><b>8. </b> |
| I want advice to run at two join points, but it doesn't run at all. What gives? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1641"></a><b></b> |
| This usually reflects both a conceptual error and a programming mistake. |
| Most likely you want to do something like "run the advice for all |
| public and private calls," and the code looks something like this: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| within(com.xerox.printing..*) && call(public * *(..)) && call(private * *(..)) |
| </pre><p> |
| But a pointcut is evaluated at *each* join point. |
| The expression above would never pick out any call join point, |
| because no method signature has both public and private access. |
| In a pointcut, <tt>pc1() && pc2()</tt> means both |
| must be true at a given join point for advice to run at that join point. |
| The correct pointcut would use <tt>||</tt> as follows: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| within(com.xerox.printing..*) && (call(public * *(..)) || call(private * *(..))) |
| </pre><p> |
| Then the advice will run at the join point. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:staticfieldreferences"></a><b>9. </b> |
| How do I refer to a static field when my advice crosscuts multiple classes? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1662"></a><b></b>There is no way in advice to refer to the type of the |
| code executing in a static context except by specification. |
| This makes it impossible to refer to static members using |
| runtime information. |
| </p><p>However, AspectJ can determine the class for something |
| in the join point context, which you can use as a per-class key. |
| Then you can actually declare an instance field to contain |
| the per-class value (see the next question). This comes at |
| the cost of an extra reference, but the field can be final. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:interfacesastypepatterns"></a><b>10. </b>I would like to reuse a type pattern, e.g., to |
| write advice that is limited to a certain set of classes. |
| Do I have to retype it each time? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1671"></a><b></b>No. You can declare that all the types implement |
| an interface you define, and then use the interface type in |
| your program. For example: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| /** |
| * Example of using an interface to represent a type pattern. |
| * sub-aspects use declare parents to add to traced types, e.g., |
| * declare parents: com.mycompany.whatever..* implements Marked; |
| */ |
| abstract aspect MarkerExample { |
| /** marker interface for types that we want to trace */ |
| interface Marked {} |
| |
| /** calls to an instance of Marked not from an instance of Marked */ |
| pointcut dynamicCallsIn(): call(* *(..)) && target(Marked) && !this(Marked); |
| |
| /** calls to methods defined by a subtype of Marked |
| * that don't come from the body of a subtype of Marked |
| */ |
| pointcut staticCallsIn(): call(* Marked+.*(..)) && !within(Marked+); |
| |
| /** print dynamic calls */ |
| before(): dynamicCallsIn() { System.out.println("before " + thisJoinPoint); } |
| } |
| |
| aspect MyMarker extends MarkerExample { |
| declare parents: com.mycompany.whatever..* implements Marked; |
| } |
| </pre></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:exampleprograms"></a><b>11. </b>Where do I find example programs and how-to's?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1680"></a><b></b>There are a number of places to find sample code |
| and instructions for using AspectJ with other programming tools. |
| <div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1"><li><p><a name="d0e1684"></a> |
| The AspectJ release includes examples in its |
| <tt>doc</tt> directory. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1690"></a> |
| There is a community repository of sample code and tutorials |
| in the AspectJ CVS tree |
| <tt>docs</tt> module <tt>sandbox</tt> directory. |
| These are extracted and published (online only) |
| <a href="http://dev.eclipse.org/viewcvs/indextech.cgi/~checkout~/aspectj-home/sample-code.html" target="_top"> |
| here |
| </a>. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1702"></a> |
| The <tt>teaching</tt> directory of the |
| <tt>docs</tt> module contains public materials |
| the AspectJ committers use for presentations, some of |
| which include example code. To access CVS, see |
| <a href="#q:buildingsource">Q:How do I get and compile the source code for AspectJ?</a>. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e1713"></a> |
| The archives for the user and developer mailing lists |
| contain many good examples. To search the archives, see |
| <a href="#q:searchingsite">Q:How can I search the email archives or the web site?</a>. |
| </p></li></ol></div> |
| This code can vary in quality. |
| Code that we publish or include with AspectJ is generally |
| correct. However, code found in our CVS tree might not have |
| been tested thoroughly, and code from the mailing lists might |
| be untested or use older versions of the language. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aspectlibraries"></a><b>12. </b>Are aspect libraries available?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1723"></a><b></b>Some libraries are distributed in the release under the |
| examples folder in the distribution. |
| These are "libraries" in the sense that they are reusable, |
| but they are delivered in source form. |
| Similarly, some of the sample code is reusable; for that, |
| see <a href="#q:exampleprograms">Q:Where do I find example programs and how-to's?</a>. |
| If you develop such a library and want to make it available to |
| other users, feel to send it to the users mailing list |
| <tt>aspectj-users@eclipse.org</tt>. |
| </p><p>In AspectJ 1.1, ajc supports binary aspects, so |
| you can distribute aspect libraries without distributing the |
| source. For more information, see the |
| <tt>-aspectpath</tt> |
| option in the |
| <a href="devguide/ajc-ref.html" target="_top"> |
| Reference for ajc</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:serialversionuid"></a><b>13. </b>How does <tt>ajc</tt> interact with the |
| <tt>serialVersionUID</tt>? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1749"></a><b></b>The current version of <tt>ajc</tt> can change the |
| <tt>serialVersionUID</tt> of generated |
| <tt>.class</tt> files as a result of weaving in advice. |
| This is an important fact that developers using both aspects and |
| serialization should be aware of. It is likely that a future |
| version of the compiler will be better behaved regarding the |
| <tt>serialVersionUID</tt>. |
| </p><p>However, changes to the <tt>serialVersionUID</tt> |
| attribute are typically only important when using serialization for |
| the long-term persistence of objects. Using standard Java |
| serialization for long-term persistence has a number of drawbacks |
| and many developers already use alternative solutions. For one |
| possibly standard solution, see |
| <a href="http://jcp.org/jsr/detail/057.jsp" target="_top"> |
| Long-Term Persistence for JavaBeans Specification |
| </a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:applets"></a><b>14. </b>How can I use AspectJ with applets?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1776"></a><b></b> |
| Just include the aspectjrt.jar as a required archive. |
| For example, here is the HTML code for an HTML editor |
| applet that contains some debugging aspects: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| CODE='com.company.swing.applets.EditorApplet' |
| WIDTH='700' |
| HEIGHT='525'> |
| <PARAM NAME="CODE" VALUE="com.company.swing.applets.EditorApplet" > |
| VALUE ="../company-applets.jar,../aspectjrt.jar,../xmlrpc-applet.jar" > |
| <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4"> |
| <PARAM NAME="scriptable" VALUE="false"> |
| </APPLET> |
| |
| </pre><p> |
| The above markup has worked reliably with the Java Plugin |
| (included in the JRE 1.4.x) in IE 6, Mozilla 1.1 (Win32), |
| and Mozilla 1.0.1 (Red Hat Linux 8.0). |
| The following link describes how to configure Mozilla/Netscape |
| 6.x/7.x to use the Java Plugin from a JRE/SDK installation: |
| <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/manual_install_linux.html" target="_top"> |
| http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/manual_install_linux.html</a>. |
| (Thanks to Chris Bartling for this answer.) |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:typeoblivious"></a><b>15. </b>How can I specify types for advice that captures primitives, void, etc.?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1790"></a><b></b> |
| In some cases, AspectJ allows conversion from values of primitive types to Object, |
| so that highly polymorphic advice may be written. This works if an advice parameter |
| or the return type for around is typed to Object. So: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| class Test { |
| static int i; |
| public static void main(String[] args) { |
| i = 37; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| aspect TraceSet { |
| before(Object val): set(* Test.*) && args(val) { |
| System.err.println(val); |
| System.err.println(val.class); |
| } |
| } |
| </pre><p> |
| will print out |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| 37 |
| java.lang.Integer |
| </pre><p> |
| For more information, see the Programming Guide |
| <a href="progguide/semantics-pointcuts.html" target="_top"> |
| semantics section "Context Exposure" |
| </a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:versioninfo"></a><b>16. </b>How do I detect which version I am running?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1808"></a><b></b>The <tt>ajc</tt> |
| compiler emits the version when passed the |
| <tt>-version</tt> flag as an argument. |
| </p><p>To programmatically |
| detect the version of the AspectJ runtime while running |
| under Java 1.4 or later, get the version from the package: |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| Package lang = org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint.class.getPackage(); |
| String version = lang.getImplementationVersion(); |
| </pre> |
| </p><p>When running under Java 1.3 or earlier, read the manifest |
| directly. For example code, see the source for |
| <tt>AjBuildManager.checkRtJar(AjBuildConfig)</tt> |
| in the <tt>org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder</tt> |
| package of the <tt>org.aspectj.ajdt.core</tt> module, |
| available as described in |
| <a href="#q:buildingsource">Q:How do I get and compile the source code for AspectJ?</a>. |
| </p><p>Note that the version of AspectJ for the tools in |
| <tt>aspectjtools.jar</tt> is in |
| <tt>org.aspectj.bridge.Version</tt>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:synchronizedAdvice"></a><b>17. </b>How do I write synchronized advice?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1847"></a><b></b>The only modifier advice can take is <tt>strictfp</tt>. |
| However, you can enclose the body of the advice in a synchronized |
| clause: |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| before() : pc() { |
| synchronized (this) { |
| // advice code here |
| } |
| } |
| </pre> |
| </p><p>It should not be necessary to synchronize a percflow aspect, |
| but you might do this for perthis, pertarget, or issingleton (default) |
| aspects. To serialize advice in multiple aspects, synchronize on a |
| lock object available (only) to the aspects. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="problems"></a>11 Common Problems</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:infiniterecursion"></a><b>1. </b>When I run, I get a <tt>StackOverflowError</tt> |
| (or a long stack trace or no output whatsoever) |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1868"></a><b></b>Most likely this is a case of infinite recursion, |
| where advice is advising itself. It presents as a |
| <tt>StackOverflowError</tt> |
| or silence as the VM exhausts itself in the recursion. |
| </p><p>Of course, infinite recursion is possible in Java:</p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| public class Main { |
| public static void main(String[] args) { |
| try { |
| main(args); |
| } finally { |
| main(args); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| </pre><p>If you compile and run this program, and it will fail silently, trying |
| to process the finally clause even after throwing the StackOverflowError. |
| </p><p>Here's a similar AspectJ program where the recursion is |
| not so obvious: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| aspect A { |
| after(): call(* *(..)) { System.out.println("after " + thisJoinPoint); } |
| } |
| </pre><p>This re-invokes itself because it advises any call. |
| It invokes itself even after an exception is thrown, since |
| <tt>after</tt> advice, like a finally clause, runs even |
| after exceptions are thrown. You can fix this by following two practices: |
| </p><p>In AspectJ 1.1, the String concatenation operator (+) is |
| advised in its StringBuffer form, so if your advise uses |
| String + in a way that is picked out by your pointcut, |
| you will get infinite recursion.</p><p> |
| (1) Use <tt>after returning</tt> to advise normal completions |
| or <tt>after throwing</tt> to advise abrupt completions. |
| If you use <tt>after</tt> or <tt>after throwing</tt>, |
| write the advice with the same care you would a finally clause, |
| understanding that it may run after some failure. |
| </p><p>(2) Avoid writing advice that advises itself. One simple way to |
| do so is to exclude the code within the current aspect: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| aspect A { |
| after() returning: !within(A) && call(* *(..)) { |
| System.out.println("after " + thisJoinPoint); |
| } |
| } |
| </pre><p>A better way is often to re-write the pointcut. |
| If the advice is advising itself accidentally, that's a sign that |
| the pointcut is not saying what you mean. |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| aspect A { |
| pointcut withinTargetClasses() : within(A+) || within(B+); |
| after() returning: withinTargetClasses() && call(* *(..)) { |
| System.out.println("after " + thisJoinPoint); |
| } |
| } |
| </pre></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:typelessdeclarations"></a><b>2. </b>I've declared a field on every class in |
| my package; how do I use it in advice? |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| aspect A { |
| boolean com.xerox..*.dirtyFlag; |
| after (Object target) returning |
| : target(target) && call(* com.xerox..*.set*(..)) { |
| target.dirtyFlag = true; // compile fails here |
| } |
| } |
| </pre></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1919"></a><b></b>You need a type to refer to any member, field or method. |
| It's generally better to introduce onto an interface and |
| declare classes to implement the interface, which permits you |
| to use the interface type in advice formals. |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| aspect A { |
| interface TrackingSets {} |
| boolean TrackingSets.dirtyFlag; |
| declare parents : com.xerox..* implements TrackingSets; |
| |
| after (TrackingSets target) returning |
| : target(target) && call(* com.xerox..*.set*(..)) { |
| target.dirtyFlag = true; |
| } |
| } |
| </pre></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:ajcoom"></a><b>3. </b>The AspectJ compiler aborts with an OutOfMemoryError when |
| compiling many classes. How can I fix this? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1928"></a><b></b><tt>ajc</tt> can use more memory than a javac |
| compile of the corresponding pure-java sources when aspects |
| are added to the mix. You'll need to increase the memory |
| available. |
| </p><p>The command <tt>ajc</tt> is actually a script that |
| launches a Java virtual machine with the correct classpath. You |
| should make a copy of this script, rename it, and then edit it. |
| Change the -Xmx option, size of memory allocation pool (heap). You |
| might try <tt>-Xmx128M</tt> or even |
| <tt>-Xmx256M</tt>. |
| </p><p>When running under Ant, give Ant more memory or |
| use the <tt>fork</tt> option together with |
| the <tt>Xmaxmem</tt> option. |
| </p><p>When running under an IDE, look to the documentation |
| for the IDE to determine how to increase available memory. |
| </p><p>In either case, doing incremental compilations can hold on to |
| more memory than a one-shot compile process, as the compiler |
| trades space for time in recompiles. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:duplicateclass"></a><b>4. </b> |
| Why do I get a message that my class is already defined? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1960"></a><b></b> |
| Most commonly, a source file was specified twice on the command line |
| (e.g., directly and by a *.java entry in a .lst file). |
| However, sometimes you have defined a class in two files in the |
| same package, and you need to rename the class or change its |
| scope. You should get this message from any Java compiler. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:ajcrecompile"></a><b>5. </b> |
| <tt>ajc</tt> recompiles all files every time. |
| How can I make it recompile only the files that have changed? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1970"></a><b></b> |
| <tt>ajc</tt> 1.0 does not support incremental |
| compilation, but since 1.1 <tt>ajc</tt> does when passed the |
| <tt>-incremental</tt> option. It may still recompile |
| files that have not changed, if they could be affected by aspects |
| in particular ways, but the files compiled should be fewer |
| and result in faster compiles. |
| Further, the 1.1 release supports binary weaving, so you |
| need not recompile if you already have .class files. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:ajcjvm"></a><b>6. </b> |
| <tt>ajc</tt> is using the wrong JVM. How do I |
| fix it? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e1989"></a><b></b>The easiest way to fix this is to re-install |
| <tt>ajc</tt> (using the same <tt>.class</tt> or |
| <tt>.exe</tt> file that you originally downloaded) and |
| this time make sure to tell it to use the desired JDK (typically |
| the JDK versions 1.2 or 1.3 from Sun). |
| </p><p>If you are familiar with DOS batch files or shell programming, |
| you could also fix this by simply editing the |
| <tt>bin\ajc.bat</tt> or <tt>bin/ajc</tt> |
| script. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:idebalkingataspects"></a><b>7. </b>My IDE is trying to parse AspectJ files which makes my project unusable. |
| What can I do? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2013"></a><b></b> |
| When working with an unsupported IDE that objects to the syntax of |
| AspectJ source files (and, e.g., automatically gathers them |
| in a source tree as Java files based on the .java extension), |
| you can use the .aj extension for your AspectJ files. |
| The ajc compiler accepts both .java and .aj files, and you can |
| set up your build scripts to include the correct list of |
| source files. (You will have to find another editor for |
| editing AspectJ files; you can use the ajbrowser to view |
| edit your AspectJ files and navigate the crosscutting structure.) |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:idememory"></a><b>8. </b>I used to be able to compile my program in my IDE, but when I |
| use AJDE, I run out of memory (or it goes really slow). |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2020"></a><b></b> |
| The ajc compiler does more analysis than (e.g.,) javac, |
| and AJDE may in some IDE's hold a copy of the structure tree until the |
| next tree is available from the compile process. Both mean that you may |
| need extra memory to compile the same program. However, increasing |
| available memory to the point that you are swapping to disk can |
| slow the process considerably. |
| </p><p> |
| If you are having problems and would like to find the optimal memory |
| allocation, iteratively decrease the amount of memory available until |
| AJDE or ajc signals out-of-memory errors, and then increase that |
| amount by 5-10%. |
| </p><p> |
| To increase memory for the ajc compiler, see <a href="#q:ajcoom">Q:The AspectJ compiler aborts with an OutOfMemoryError when compiling many classes. How can I fix this?</a>. |
| For your IDE, do something similar or follow the provider's instructions. |
| For example, to increase memory in JBuilder, edit the |
| <tt>jbuilderX/bin/jbuilder.config</tt> |
| file to have an entry like: |
| <pre class="programlisting"> |
| vmparam -Xmx384m |
| </pre> |
| </p><p> |
| If it turns out that your project is too big to use with AJDE, your IDE |
| may nonetheless support external commands or Ant build processes, which |
| run outside the IDE memory space. For a JBuilder Ant plugin, some |
| people have directed us to <a href="http://antrunner.sourceforge.net" target="_top">http://antrunner.sourceforge.net</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:noaspectbound"></a><b>9. </b> |
| When I run, I get a <tt>NoAspectBoundException</tt> or a |
| ClassNotFound message for <tt>NoAspectBoundException</tt>. |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2049"></a><b></b>This happens when an aspect is not associated with an object |
| that is being advised. We have seen this happen two ways: |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e2053"></a>You get a ClassNotFound message for |
| <tt>NoAspectBoundException</tt> when loading a |
| class affected by aspects if <tt>aspectjrt.jar</tt> |
| classes are not on the runtime classpath. |
| To fix this, put the classes on the classpath. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2062"></a> |
| You can get a <tt>NoAspectBoundException</tt> when |
| there is a cycle in aspect initialization or static |
| initialization, most commonly when an aspect advises |
| its own initializer. To fix this, first find the class that |
| fails to load by running java in debug mode or looking |
| at the <tt>NoAspectBoundException</tt> trace, |
| and then fix the offending (probably unintended) dependency. |
| Most often, it comes from a pointcut like |
| <tt>staticinitialization(com.company..*)</tt> |
| or <tt>within(com.company..*)</tt>, which |
| can include any aspects in the same subpackages. |
| You can avoid advising most join points associated with |
| the aspect <tt>TheAspect</tt> |
| by adding <tt>&& !within(TheAspect)</tt> |
| to your pointcut. |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:stacktraces"></a><b>10. </b> |
| My stack traces don't make sense. What gives? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2088"></a><b></b>In 1.0, unless you are using the <tt>ajdb</tt> debugger, |
| stack traces may |
| have synthetic methods in the stack, and the line numbers may |
| not track your source code. The |
| <a href="devguide/index.html" target="_top"> |
| Development Environment Guide</a> |
| discusses how to interpret stack at the end of the |
| <a href="devguide/ajc-ref.html" target="_top"> |
| Reference for ajc</a>. |
| </p><p>In 1.1, line numbers should work correctly. |
| The only difference from a normal stack might be the addition |
| of extra stack frames for call-backs. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:advicenotrunning"></a><b>11. </b> |
| My advice is not running (or running twice), and I don't know why. |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2106"></a><b></b> |
| When advice is not running, |
| there is probably a problem in the pointcut. |
| Sometimes users specify pointcuts that |
| do not mean what they intend - |
| most often when they misspell a type name. Run the compiler in |
| <tt>-Xlint</tt> mode, which will flag some likely mistakes, |
| like the type name. |
| If that does not work, and your pointcut is staticly-determinable, |
| use a declare statement to identify affected code. (For more |
| information, see <a href="#q:knowWhenAspectsAffectClasses">Q: How do I know which aspects affect a class when looking at that class's source code?</a>.) |
| If that does not work and your pointcut is dynamically determined, |
| see if your join points are executing at all by using |
| TraceJoinPoints.java from <a href="#q:seeingjoinpoints">Q:I don't understand what join points exist. How can I see them?</a>. |
| </p><p>When advice is running more than it should, either |
| (1) your advice is in an abstract aspect and the pointcut picks |
| out the same join point for more than one concrete instantiation |
| of the aspect, or |
| (2) your pointcut picks out more join points than you intend. |
| </p><p> |
| In the case of advice in abstract aspects, the advice will run once |
| for each concrete instance of the aspect. |
| If the pointcut for that advice picks out the same join point for two |
| concrete aspects, then the correct behavior is for the advice to run |
| the advice twice at that join point. |
| </p><p> |
| To see if your pointcut picks out the join points you intend, you |
| can use IDE support, logging, or declare-warnings. |
| If you are using IDE support, you should be able to trace back from |
| the pointcut or advice to the join points which can be statically |
| determined to be affected. |
| Without IDE support, you can write |
| declare-warning statements to identify code affected by staticly- |
| determinable pointcuts. |
| To identify advised dynamic join points, |
| you can try using <tt>TraceJoinPoints.java</tt> as above, |
| or update the advice to print the source location of the join point. |
| Doing any of these should show if the advice applies to code that |
| you did not expect. |
| </p><p>If you've done this and convinced yourself it's not working, |
| it may be a bug. See <a href="#q:bugreports">Q:How do I submit a bug report?</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:adviceOnOveriddenMethods"></a><b>12. </b> |
| My advice runs for each overridden method! |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2133"></a><b></b>Most likely you are advising the method execution join |
| point and specifying the defining signature. |
| Since all overriding methods share this signature, |
| the advice runs for each method executed. |
| (This happens, e.g., when one method invokes the same method |
| in the superclass using <tt>super.{method}(..)</tt>). |
| This is the correct behavior. |
| </p><p>To avoid this, use the <tt>call(..)</tt> pointcut |
| designator, or use <tt>!cflow(..)</tt> to pick |
| out only the initial method-execution. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:tejpsp"></a><b>13. </b> |
| I don't understand when thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart is available. |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2151"></a><b></b> |
| <tt>thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart</tt> is a special |
| variable available in the context of advice to refer to the |
| join point, if any, lexically enclosing the current join point: |
| <div class="table"><p><a name="d0e2157"></a><b>Table 1. thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart</b></p><table summary="thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart" border="1"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><tbody><tr><td>One of these...</td><td>will be tEJSP for each of these:</td></tr><tr><td> |
| constructor-execution, method-execution, |
| advice execution, initialization, |
| pre-initialization, static initialization |
| </td><td> |
| constructor-call, method-call, handler, |
| field-set, field-get |
| </td></tr></tbody></table></div> |
| Expressions in the body of handlers have the same |
| <tt>thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart</tt> |
| as the handler itself. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:packagedeclares"></a><b>14. </b> |
| I declared a member on a class with package access, but other classes in the package cannot see it. |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2180"></a><b></b>When declaring parents on other types from an aspect, package access only |
| applies to code the implementation controls. For AspectJ 1.0, that is the set of files |
| passed to the compiler. That means other classes not compiled with the aspect will not |
| be able to access the aspect-declared members even if they are in the same package. |
| The only way for classes outside the control of the implementation to access aspect-declared |
| members is to declare them public. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:interfaceDeclarations"></a><b>15. </b>I declared a member on a interface, but javac does not see it. |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2187"></a><b></b> |
| You have to compile all the top-level implementating |
| classes of the interface using <tt>ajc</tt>. |
| From an email by Jim Hugunin on the requirements for AspectJ 1.1 to |
| implement members declared by an aspect on an interface: |
| </p><p> |
| If you introduce non-static fields or non-abstract methods on an interface |
| from an aspect, then all of the top-most implementors of that interface must |
| be woven by that same aspect. |
| (A class C is a top-most implementor of an interface I if C implements I |
| and the superclass of C does not implement I.) |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:cantfindjavac"></a><b>16. </b> |
| <tt>ajc</tt> 1.0 complains that it can't find |
| <tt>javac</tt>. What's wrong? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2205"></a><b></b> |
| <tt>ajc</tt> 1.0 does not try to locate |
| <tt>javac</tt> in your path: it uses the |
| <tt>javac</tt> classes directly. In JDK 1.2 and 1.3 these |
| classes are found in <tt>tools.jar</tt> (in the |
| <tt>lib</tt> directory of the JDK distribution), which |
| must be on your classpath to make |
| <tt>ajc</tt> work with <tt>javac</tt>. |
| Inspect the java command that launches ajc to make sure that |
| <tt>tools.jar</tt> is on the classpath for ajc; |
| the -classpath option only applies to the sources compiled. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:ajdocneeds13"></a><b>17. </b> |
| I'm running under 1.4, but <tt>ajdoc</tt> asks for 1.3 |
| (or throws IllegalAccessError for HtmlWriter.configuration) |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2239"></a><b></b> |
| The 1.0 implementation of <tt>ajdoc</tt> uses |
| specific javadoc classes in the J2SE 1.3 tools.jar. |
| We are working on addressing this limitation, but in the interim |
| it is best to run ajdoc under 1.3. |
| </p><p> |
| When running from the command-line scripts, edit the scripts directly |
| to put the 1.3 tools.jar first on the classpath. (The installer does |
| not know about this limitation of ajdoc.) |
| </p><p> |
| When running from Ant, users often have tools.jar in ${ant.classpath} |
| (to make javac, et al work). That makes it impossible to run the ajdoc |
| taskdef (which does not currently support forking), so you'll need to |
| run a separate ant process, either from the command-line or via Ant's |
| exec task (the Ant task will propagate the classpath). |
| If the wrong tools.jar is not on the ant classpath, then it should work |
| to put the 1.3 tools.jar in the taskdef classpath. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:compileunits"></a><b>18. </b>I set up different files to my compiles to change what |
| the aspects see, but now I don't |
| understand how the aspects are working. |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2253"></a><b></b>It is a bad practice to use the compilation unit |
| to control crosscutting. Aspects and pointcuts especially |
| should be written to specify crosscutting precisely. |
| Aspects will behave the same when you add files if |
| you initially included all files affected by your aspects. |
| If you use the compilation unit, then your code will behave |
| differently in AspectJ implementations that do not limit |
| themselves to specified files. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:readingpreprocessedcode"></a><b>19. </b>I'm reading the code generated by <tt>ajc</tt> 1.0 |
| in <tt>-preprocess</tt> mode, and it seems like it would not |
| work (or "like it works this way"). |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2266"></a><b></b>The generated code can be difficult for a human to read and |
| understand. The compiler uses implementation techniques which might |
| not be apparent. To determine if the code is behaving correctly, you |
| should write and run a program that attempts to provoke the error you |
| suspect. Similarly, you should not rely on invariants you infer from |
| the generated code (especially naming conventions for generated members). |
| Please rely only on the semantics stated in the appendix of the |
| AspectJ <a href="progguide/index.html" target="_top">Programming Guide</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:injection"></a><b>20. </b>I've heard AspectJ can generate or inject code into my code. |
| Is this true? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2276"></a><b></b> |
| This is a misconception spawned from the early implementation. |
| </p><p> |
| AspectJ does not "inject" or "generate" code. In AspectJ the |
| pointcut constructs allow the programmer to identify join points, |
| and the advice constructs define additional code to run at those |
| join points. |
| </p><p> |
| So the semantic model of advice is like the semantic model of a |
| method -- it says "when any of these things happen, do this". |
| </p><p> |
| People who worked with earlier versions of AspectJ, in which ajc |
| was very explicitly a pre-processor, sometimes thought of AspectJ |
| as injecting code. But that was an artifact of the implementation, |
| not the underlying language semantics. |
| </p><p> |
| This distinction is important for two reasons. One is that thinking |
| about it this way will make more sense at the implementation continues |
| to evolve towards load-time or runtime weaving. The other is that |
| it makes it much easier to understand the semantics of advice on |
| cflow pointcuts. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:newjoinpoints"></a><b>21. </b>Why can't AspectJ pick out local variables (or array elements or ...)? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2291"></a><b></b>Users have sometimes wanted AspectJ to pick out |
| many more join points, including |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e2295"></a>method-local field access</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2298"></a>array-element access</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2301"></a>loop iteration</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2304"></a>method parameter evaluation</p></li></ul></div> |
| Most of these have turned out not to make sense, |
| for a variety of reasons: |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e2309"></a>it is not a commonly-understood unit for Java programmers</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2312"></a>there are very few use-cases for advice on the join point</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2315"></a>a seemingly-insignificant change to the underlying program |
| causes a change in the join point</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2318"></a>pointcuts can't really distinguish the join point in question</p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2321"></a>the join point would differ too much for different |
| implementations of AspectJ, or would only be implementable |
| in one way |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| We prefer to be very conservative in the join point model for the language, |
| so a new join point would have to be useful, sensible, and implementable. |
| The most promising of the new join points proposed are for exception |
| throws clauses and for synchronized blocks. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:reflectiveCalls"></a><b>22. </b>Why doesn't AspectJ pick out reflective calls? |
| The pointcut <tt>call(void run())</tt> |
| won't pick out a call using reflection, like |
| <tt>((Method)run).invoke(null, args)</tt>. |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2335"></a><b></b>The pointcut |
| <tt>execution(void run())</tt> will |
| work. The call pointcut doesn't work because |
| <tt>Method.invoke(..)</tt> is the Java method-call, |
| and AspectJ cannot delve into the Java reflection library to |
| implement call semantics. To advise a reflective call |
| (e.g., because the compiler does not control the code for the |
| method execution), test the context for <tt>invoke(..)</tt>. |
| Here's a pointcut that tests only if the method name is |
| correct: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| aspect A { |
| pointcut runReflectiveCall(Method run) : target(run) && |
| call(Object Method.invoke(..)) && if("run".equals(run.getName())); |
| before() : runReflectiveCall(Method) { |
| System.out.println("before reflective call " + thisJoinPoint); |
| } |
| } |
| </pre></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:currentbugs"></a><b>23. </b>What are the bugs now most affecting users?</p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2353"></a><b></b>The bugs affecting the semantics of the language |
| are marked with the "info" keyword. Find them with |
| the query |
| <a href="http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?product=AspectJ&keywords=info" target="_top"> |
| http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?product=AspectJ&keywords=info |
| </a> |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:runtimeMemory"></a><b>24. </b>What extra memory is required at runtime? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2363"></a><b></b>When running classes produced by the AspectJ weaver or compiler, |
| there are no significant hidden uses of memory. As would be expected, |
| each aspect is instantiated. The per-object aspects (like |
| <tt>pertarget</tt> or <tt>perthis</tt>) |
| in some implementations |
| use a map to link aspects and the associated object. When using |
| <tt>cflow</tt>-related pointcuts, a <tt>ThreadLocal</tt> |
| is used to track control flow for each affected thread. |
| </p><p>Of course, the size and code in an aspect can require memory. |
| Aside from normal Java practices, take care with join point references. |
| When referencing the static part of a join point (e.g., |
| <tt>thisJoinPointStaticPart</tt>), only one object is |
| created. However, if you reference the join point itself |
| (e.g., <tt>thisJoinPoint</tt>), then one |
| <tt>JoinPoint</tt> object will be created for each |
| join point running advice. |
| </p><p>Aspect instances will be garbage collected just like regular objects |
| after there are no more strong references to them. For the default |
| aspect instantiation model, <tt>issingleton</tt>, the aspect |
| class retains a reference to the singleton instance, in order to |
| implement <tt>static {AspectClass} aspectOf()</tt>, so |
| singleton instances will not be garbage collected until the class is. |
| For long-running or memory-critical programs, consider using weak |
| references in singleton aspects for state that should be garbage collected. |
| </p><p>Finally, when using load-time weaving, the weaver can require |
| memory in its own right. Because the class loader never can |
| know when it is done loading classes, the weaver can hold on |
| to the aspects required to weave for some time. There are |
| strategies for minimizing this (with different trade-off's), |
| so the time and memory required for load-time weaving will |
| vary as load-time weaving evolves. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="aj11"></a>12 AspectJ 1.1 and eclipse.org</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:whyeclipse"></a><b>1. </b>Why did the AspectJ project move to eclipse.org? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2406"></a><b></b>From the message sent to users: |
| </p><p> |
| AspectJ has come a long way -- the language has |
| stabilized; there are a rapidly growing number of |
| commercial users; the 1.1 release is imminent and will |
| include byte-code weaving and incremental compilation; |
| and the tool support is now well integrated with several |
| major IDEs. |
| </p><p> |
| This growth of the community and the technology means |
| that the original research and prototype development of |
| AspectJ is complete. As such it is time for ongoing |
| development and support of AspectJ to move outside of |
| PARC. This has already started to happen; the Eclipse |
| AJDT plug-in and the several books in preparation are |
| examples. |
| </p><p> |
| To encourage the growth of the AspectJ technology and |
| community, PARC is transferring AspectJ to an |
| openly-developed eclipse.org project. This project will |
| include documentation, web site, mailing lists, bug |
| database, and sources for the compiler. The |
| command-line AspectJ compiler is still the primary tool |
| produced by this project, in addition to APIs that support |
| integration with a variety of IDEs. The Eclipse plug-in will |
| remain at eclipse.org, while the NetBeans, JBuilder and |
| Emacs support will move to SourceForge.net projects. |
| We look forward to your involvement with and |
| contribution to those projects. |
| </p><p> |
| We see Eclipse as an excellent new home for core |
| AspectJ technology development -- it is an active |
| community of Open Source development and innovation |
| in the Java space. Once development moves to |
| Eclipse.org, others will be able to contribute more easily. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:eclipserequired"></a><b>2. </b>Do I have to download Eclipse to use AspectJ? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2421"></a><b></b>No. The AspectJ tools download is completely self-contained |
| and does not require that you work in Eclipse. |
| For information on IDE support, see |
| <a href="#q:integrateWithDevTools">Q: How well does AspectJ integrate with existing Java development tools?</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:eclipseetc"></a><b>3. </b>What are the relationships between AspectJ, JDT, |
| Eclipse, AJDT, and IDE support generally? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2430"></a><b></b>Eclipse is a software platform. |
| </p><p>JDT is an eclipse project to support Java development. |
| JDT has a Java compiler. |
| </p><p>AspectJ 1.1 is built on Eclipse/JDT's Java compiler |
| but is distributed standalone and can run standalone. |
| With the AspectJ distribution, you can compile and run |
| AspectJ programs and use the AspectJ structure browser. |
| </p><p>AJDT is an eclipse project to integrate AspectJ |
| into Eclipse/JDT so you can use Eclipse to develop |
| AspectJ programs. AJDT aims to support the full Eclipse |
| experience - searching, compiler-error tasks, etc. |
| AJDT will use the AspectJ Development Environment (AJDE) |
| API's for creating IDE integrations, as well as hooking |
| in to the model underlying the Java compiler. |
| </p><p>Similarly, Sourceforge has projects integrating |
| AspectJ into other development environments |
| using the AJDE API's: |
| <a href="http://aspectj4emacs.sourceforge.net" target="_top"> |
| AspectJ for Emacs</a>, |
| <a href="http://aspectj4jbuildr.sourceforge.net" target="_top"> |
| AspectJ for JBuilder</a>, and |
| <a href="http://aspectj4netbean.sourceforge.net" target="_top"> |
| AspectJ for NetBeans</a>. |
| </p><p>This is the right level of separation/integration. |
| AspectJ is available standalone, leverages an existing open-source |
| compliant Java compiler, and supports external projects |
| doing IDE integrations in Eclipse, Emacs, JBuilder, and NetBeans |
| through a common API, AJDE. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aspectj5features"></a><b>1. </b> |
| What are the new features of AspectJ 5? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2457"></a><b></b> |
| All the new features are documented in the |
| <a href="adk15notebook/index.html" target="_top"> |
| AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook</a> |
| and the |
| <a href="devguide/index.html" target="_top"> |
| AspectJ Development Environment Guide</a>. |
| To summarize: |
| </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e2467"></a> |
| Java 5 support: as an extension to Java, AspectJ supports |
| all the new language features of Java 5, including generics |
| (parameterized types), autoboxing, covariant return types, |
| enhanced for-loops, enums, varargs, and of course |
| annotations. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2470"></a> |
| Java 5 extensions: the AspectJ language has been extended |
| to make use of Java 5 language features. |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e2474"></a> |
| Generic aspects: an abstract aspect can be declared |
| with a generic type parameter which can be used |
| in pointcuts and when declaring members on the aspect |
| (but not when declaring members on other types). |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2477"></a> |
| Annotations: pointcuts can now pick out join points |
| based on the associated annotations, annotation |
| values can be bound in the same way that other |
| context variables are bound at the join point, |
| and annotations may be declared on other types in |
| an aspect. |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2481"></a> |
| Annotation-style aspects: AspectJ 5 integrates AspectWerkz-style |
| aspects declared in annotations. This permits aspects to |
| be written and compiled in pure-java code and woven using |
| build-time or load-time weaving with the AspectJ weaver. |
| (The original AspectJ language aspects are distinguished |
| as "code-style" aspects.) |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2484"></a> |
| AspectWerkz load-time weaving: Load-time weaving is |
| greatly improved for all versions of Java, and now supports |
| an XML configuration file which can declare concrete aspects. |
| This means developers can deploy binary abstract aspects |
| that deployers configure using only XML. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2487"></a> |
| pertypewithin instantiation model: aspects may now be instantiated |
| on a per-class basis. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2490"></a> |
| Reflection and runtime support: AspectJ 5 supports reflection |
| on aspects using the Aspect class, and also support runtime |
| evaluation of pointcuts using a pointcut parser. |
| </p></li></ul></div><p> |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:codeversusannotationstyles"></a><b>2. </b> |
| Should I use code- or annotation-style aspects? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2499"></a><b></b> |
| To use AspectJ, you can use the original code-style aspects |
| or the annotation-style aspects new in AspectJ 5. |
| </p><p> |
| The original code-style is a small extension of the Java language |
| designed to express crosscutting as clearly as possible |
| in ways familiar to most Java programmers. |
| To use the original code-style aspects, |
| compile them with the AspectJ compiler or weave |
| pre-compiled binary aspects using the AspectJ binary (.class) |
| weaver, either at build-time or at class-load-time. |
| Code-style aspects have excellent IDE support, allowing |
| you to navigate to and from affected source code. |
| </p><p> |
| Annotation-style |
| aspects are written (not surprisingly) using annotations. |
| They use the subset of the AspectJ language that works |
| when aspects are woven after the code is compiled. |
| The source files are compiled with Javac, which simply saves the |
| annotations in the .class files. The resulting .class files |
| must be woven using |
| the AspectJ weaver, which reads the annotations from the |
| .class file and uses them to define aspects. |
| Annotation-style aspects have the benefit of being compilable |
| by Javac, but you can't use the full AspectJ language, |
| and you don't enjoy the same level of IDE support |
| for viewing crosscutting structure. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:aspectj5ltw"></a><b>3. </b> |
| What's new about the load-time weaving support in AspectJ 5? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2510"></a><b></b> |
| While the AspectJ weaver could be used at load-time in previous |
| releases, the AspectJ 5 release supports much better integration |
| with the Java 5 VM and the BEA JRocket JVM. It also supports |
| an XML file for configuration that allows deployers to declare |
| concrete aspects using only XML. This means aspect developers |
| can write abstract aspects, and deployers need only configure |
| <tt>aop.xml</tt> and run using the AspectJ weaver in Java 5. |
| For example, to run Java 5 VM with load-time weaving, |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| java -javaagent:aspectjweaver.jar -classpath "aspects.jar:${CLASSPATH}" .. |
| |
| </pre><p> |
| To declare a concrete aspect, add a a |
| concrete-aspect XML entity to <tt>META-INF/aop.xml</tt>. |
| This example extends a tracing aspect to apply to |
| every type in the application: |
| </p><pre class="programlisting"> |
| |
| <concrete-aspect |
| name="com.company.tracing.ConcreteTracing" |
| extends="tracing.AbstractTracing"> |
| <pointcut |
| name="tracingScope" |
| expression="within(com.company.app..*)"/> |
| </concrete-aspect> |
| |
| </pre><p> |
| For more information, see the |
| <a href="devguide/index.html" target="_top"> |
| AspectJ Development Environment Guide</a>. |
| </p></div></div></div><div class="qandadiv"><h3 class="title"><a name="Technology"></a>14 Understanding AspectJ Technology</h3><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:implementation"></a><b>1. </b>Do I need to know how the compiler or weaver works? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2537"></a><b></b>Writing AspectJ programs only requires understanding the |
| <a href="progguide/index.html" target="_top">Programming Guide</a>. |
| However, current implementations do not control everything in |
| a system, so AspectJ program semantics may be limited to code |
| the implementation controls. For our implementation, these |
| limitations are stated in |
| <a href="progguide/implementation.html" target="_top"> |
| Programming Guide Appendix: Implementation Notes</a>. |
| Aside from understanding the use and limitations of the |
| implementation, there is no need to understand the underlying |
| technology when writing AspectJ programs. |
| </p><p> |
| The technology that implements AspectJ interests |
| some academic researchers and some developers |
| who want new features or new ways to weave. |
| These extensions are not discussed in the documentation. |
| Some are being developed already, |
| others are on the drawing board (or perhaps were left off |
| long ago), and still others haven't been considered. |
| If you are interested in a certain extension, |
| check the bug database for feature requests |
| and the mailing list archives for any past discussions. |
| Then email the list to see if it's been considered. |
| For more information, see |
| <a href="#Developers">AspectJ Project Development</a>. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:whitepapers"></a><b>2. </b>How does the compiler/weaver work? Are there any white papers? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a name="d0e2554"></a><b></b> |
| There are currently no documents describing this process in detail. |
| You can compile programs and inspect the generated source or bytecode, |
| or view the source code (see <a href="#Developers">AspectJ Project Development</a>). |
| We hope to write papers on the bytecode weaving model used in |
| AspectJ-1.1 if we can find the time. |
| Erik Hilsdale and Jim Hugunin did draft a paper for AOSD 2004, |
| now available on Jim's web site: |
| <a href="http://hugunin.net/papers.html" target="_top"> |
| http://hugunin.net/papers.html</a> |
| Jim summarized advice weaving in the AspectJ 1.1 implementation in the |
| <a href="http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/aspectj-dev/msg00519.html" target="_top"> |
| following mailing-list reply</a>: |
| </p><p> |
| Each piece of advice in an aspect is associated with a pointcut. |
| This pointcut is stored in an attribute on the methods |
| corresponding to each piece of advice. |
| Before weaving, all of these pieces of advice are gathered |
| into one large list. |
| </p><p> |
| Each .class file is woven independently. |
| A .class file is woven by the following steps: |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e2570"></a> |
| Collect all of the joinpoint shadows in the .class file. |
| For every dynamic joinpoint in the AspectJ language model, |
| there is a corresponding static shadow of that joinpoint |
| in the bytecode. |
| For example, every method call joinpoint has an INVOKE |
| bytecode as its static shadow. Some joinpoints |
| (such as initialization) have much more |
| complicated static shadows. |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2573"></a> |
| Each piece of advice is matched to each static shadow. |
| There are three results possible from this match. |
| <div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li><p><a name="d0e2577"></a> |
| Never matches, |
| in which case nothing is done to the shadow |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2580"></a> |
| Always matches, |
| in which case the advice is woven into this joinpoint shadow |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2583"></a> |
| Sometimes matches, |
| in which case the advice is woven into the shadow |
| along with the minimal dynamic tests to determine |
| if any particular joinpoint in the actual running |
| program matches the advice. |
| The simplest example of sometimes matches is |
| when the pointcut uses if(test()). |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| </p></li><li><p><a name="d0e2587"></a> |
| If any advice matched any static shadows in the .class file, |
| then the transformed .class file is written out, |
| otherwise it is left unchanged. |
| </p></li></ul></div> |
| See <tt>BcelClassWeaver</tt> and |
| <tt>BcelShadow</tt> in the |
| <tt>org.aspectj.weaver.bcel</tt> package |
| for the two primary classes involved in this process. |
| |
| </p><p> |
| Note: This explanation ignores the implementations of inter-type |
| declarations completely. |
| It also ignores performance optimizations such as fast-match |
| or pipelining that speed up the process. |
| </p></div></div><div class="qandaentry"><div class="question"><p><a name="q:reflection"></a><b>3. </b>Does AspectJ use reflection at runtime? |
| </p></div><div class="answer"><p><a