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| <!-- ========================== --> |
| <!-- Define topics for the Tasks --> |
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| <toc label="Tasks"> |
| |
| <topic label="Creating AspectJ elements" href="doc/tasks/ajelements.htm"> |
| <topic label="Creating AspectJ projects" href="doc/tasks/ajprojects.htm"> |
| <topic label="Creating a new AspectJ project" href="doc/tasks/newajproject.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Converting a Java project to an AspectJ project" href="doc/tasks/convertjavaproject.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Converting a plug-in project to an AspectJ project" href="doc/tasks/convertpluginproject.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <topic label="Creating a new aspect" href="doc/tasks/newaspect.htm"> |
| <topic label="Creating a top-level aspect" href="doc/tasks/toplevelaspect.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Creating a nested aspect" href="doc/tasks/nestedaspect.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_createaspectjelements" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Creating JAR Files" href="doc/tasks/jarfiles.htm"> |
| <topic label="Creating a new JAR file" href="doc/tasks/newjarfile.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_createjar" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Working with AspectJ plug-in projects" href="doc/tasks/plugins.htm"> |
| <topic label="Creating a new AspectJ plug-in project" href="doc/tasks/newplugin.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Creating an Ant build file for an AspectJ plug-in" href="doc/tasks/newpluginbuildfile.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Deploying an AspectJ plug-in" href="doc/tasks/deployplugin.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_createplugin" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Creating AJdoc documentation" href="doc/tasks/ajdoc.htm"> |
| <topic label="Using the Generate AJdoc wizard" href="doc/tasks/generateajdoc.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_createajdoc" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Changing project settings" href="doc/tasks/projectsettings.htm"> |
| <topic label="Adding an outjar" href="doc/tasks/addoutjar.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Adding an inpath" href="doc/tasks/addinpath.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Adding an aspectpath" href="doc/tasks/addaspectpath.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Changing the compiler settings" href="doc/tasks/compilersettings.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_changingsettings" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Navigating the AJDT workbench" href="doc/tasks/navigating.htm" > |
| <topic label="Opening an editor on a type" href="doc/tasks/opentype.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Opening a type in the type hierarchy view" href="doc/tasks/openhierarchy.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Navigating with markers" href="doc/tasks/markers.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_navigatingajdt" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Converting file extensions" href="doc/tasks/convertingextensions.htm" > |
| <topic label="Converting the extensions for individual files" href="doc/tasks/convertfileextension.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Converting the extensions for a project" href="doc/tasks/convertprojectextensions.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_convertingfileextensions" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Using Ant in AJDT" href="doc/tasks/ant.htm"> |
| <topic label="Creating a new Ant build file" href="doc/tasks/newantfile.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_usingant" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Working with build configurations" href="doc/tasks/buildconfigs.htm"> |
| <topic label="Creating a new build configuration" href="doc/tasks/newbuildconfig.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Editing a build configuration" href="doc/tasks/editbuildconfig.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Switching build configurations" href="doc/tasks/switchbuildconfig.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Using build configurations with Ant" href="doc/tasks/buildconfigsandant.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label=".lst file support" href="doc/tasks/lstfiles.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_workingwithbuildconfigs" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Running and debugging" href="doc/tasks/runninganddebugging.htm"> |
| <topic label="Launching a program with the main method in a class" href="doc/tasks/launching.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Launching a program with the main method in an aspect" href="doc/tasks/ajlaunching.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Launching a program with an aspectpath or an outjar" href="doc/tasks/aspectpathlaunching.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Load-time weaving" href="doc/tasks/loadtimeweaving.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Debugging a program" href="doc/tasks/debugging.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_runningdebuggingajdt" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Using the Cross References view" href="doc/tasks/xrefview.htm"> |
| <topic label="Opening the Cross References view" href="doc/tasks/xrefopen.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Linking the Cross References view with the editor" href="doc/tasks/xreflinking.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Showing Cross References for an entire file" href="doc/tasks/xrefwholefile.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Navigating with the Cross References view" href="doc/tasks/xrefnavigating.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Using the inplace Cross References view" href="doc/tasks/xrefinplace.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_xrefview" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Using the Visualiser" href="doc/tasks/visualiser.htm"> |
| <topic label="Opening the Aspect Visualization perspective" href="doc/tasks/avperspective.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Visualizing the effects of aspects on a project" href="doc/tasks/visualisingproject.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="AspectJ declare error and declare warning statements in the Visualiser" href="doc/tasks/declarestatementsinvisualiser.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Navigating with the Visualiser" href="doc/tasks/navigatingwithvisualiser.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Using the Visualiser outside the Aspect Visualization perspective" href="doc/tasks/visualiserviews.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_visualiser" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Installing the AspectJ examples" href="doc/tasks/examples.htm"> |
| <topic label="Installing the examples" href="doc/tasks/installexamples.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_examples" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Using a multi-project setup" href="doc/tasks/setups.htm"> |
| <topic label="Using linked source folders" href="doc/tasks/linkedsrcfolders.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Using the inpath" href="doc/tasks/inpath.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Using the aspectpath" href="doc/tasks/aspectpath.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_setups" /> |
| |
| <topic label="Comparing crosscutting" href="doc/tasks/compare.htm"> |
| <topic label="Saving crosscutting information" href="doc/tasks/savemap.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Comparing two builds" href="doc/tasks/comparetwo.htm"></topic> |
| <topic label="Comparing with the current build" href="doc/tasks/compareone.htm"></topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="t_compare" /> |
| |
| </toc> |