This content is produced and maintained by the Eclipse APP4MC project.
Eclipse APP4MC, and APP4MC are trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation.
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The project maintains the following source code repositories:
This project leverages the following third party content.
Apache Commons Lang (2.6)
Apache Commons Lang (3.1.0)
Apache Commons Math (2.1.0)
Apache Commons Math (3.5.0)
Apache Jena-ARQ (2.10.0)
Apache Jena-Core (2.7.1)
Apache jena-iri (0.9.2)
Apache Jena-TDB (0.10.0)
ArduiPi Adafruit SSD1306 OLED Driver SHA Commit 37956b16aa8514dde5b6ecba04a20cc0babe39f1 (n/a)
BCEL.Jar (5.2)
choco (4.0.6)
choco-cutoffseq (1.0.4)
choco-graph (4.2.0)
choco-sat (1.0.2)
choco-solver (4.0.9)
cpprof-java (1.3.0)
dk.brics.automaton (18.01.2018)
easymock (3.3.1)
Google Guava (15.0.0)
Google Guava (21.0)
INCHRON Realtime System Model (2.98.2)
Inchron Realtime System model (2.98.5)
java_cup runtime Version: 10k (n/a)
javassist (3.19.0)
jaxen (1.1.6)
jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.10.jar (1.7.10)
jdom (2.0.6)
jenetics (3.0.1)
Jenetics (3.8.0)
jgrapht (0.9.0)
jgrapht-core (1.1.0)
JHHC-SR04 (n/a)
JHPWMDriver (n/a)
JUnit (4.12)
log4j (1.2.15)
log4j over slf4j 1.7.10.jar (1.7.10)
mxGraph (
net.sf.trove4j:trove4j (3.0.3)
ojalgo (39.0)
openjfx (n/a)
org.chocosolver.cutoffseq:cutoffseq:1.0.5 (1.0.5)
org.jgrapht:jgrapht-core:1.4.0 (1.4.0)
org.jheaps:jheaps:0.14 (0.14)
org.xerial.sqlite (3.7.2)
pf4cs (1.0.5)
plantUML (2018.8)
PlantUML Eclipse Plugin (1.1.23)
PlantUML Eclipse Plugin (1.1.24)
PlantUML EPL Version: 8000 (n/a)
protobuf-java (3.2.0)
resolver.jar (1.2)
RTC Toolbox (1.2)
serializer.jar (2.7.1)
SLF4J API Module (slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar) (1.7.10)
xalan 2.7.1 top level jar (2.7.1)
Xerces (2.9.0)
xml-apis.jar (1.3.04)
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