blob: a97488931819eae054d75c25689e2ae7e4af4756 [file] [log] [blame]
h1. AMALTHEA Trace Database
The AMALTHEA Trace Database stores traces in a way that - especially for graphical user interfaces - information can be extracted efficiently.
h2. General information
The Database is stored as "SQLite Database": with extension *.atdb*.
All numbers are stored as integer values.
h2. Database structure
The Database contains a mixture of statically and dynamically defined tables, which are described in more detail below:
* Static
** MetaInformation
** Entity
** EntityInstance
** EntitySource
** EntityType
** EventType
* Dynamic
** EventTable
h3. MetaInformation
MetaInformation contains a simple key-value list of information about the Trace:
* Fields
** Name: Text - Primary Key
** Value: Text
By now, the following list of keys is defined:
* *db_version*: version of the AMALTHEA Trace Database scheme with syntax "v#.#.#". Current version is "v0.2.0"
* *events_written*: The amount of events stored in the database
* *input*: path to the file, from which the information was produced
* *time_base*: The base time in which time-values are stored
h3. Entity
Entity contains information about the Entities used in the database.
* Fields
** Id: Number - Primary Key
** Name: Text - *Case-Sensitive* Unique
** EntityType: Number - 1:n Reference to EntityType-Table
** HasEvents: Number - possible values
*** 1: Events for that Entity were produced
*** _null_: No Events for that Entity were produced
** EventTableName: Text - The name of the table in which, the events for that entity are stored
h3. EntityType
EntityType contains information about the EntityTypes used in the database.
* Fields
** Id: Number - Primary Key
** Name: Text
By now, the following EntityTypes are defined:
* Core
* EventChain
* Interrupt
* InstructionBlock
* Process
* Runnable
* Scheduler
* SemaphoreAccess
* Semaphore
* Signal
* Stimulus
* Task
h3. EventType
* Fields
** Id: Number - Primary Key
** Name: Text
The list of EventTypes which may occur can be retrieved from "AMALTHEA_BTF_Specification".
h3. EntitySource
EntitySource contains information about which Entity has events caused by which other Entities.
* Fields
** EntityId: Number - Primary Key; EntityId references the Entity events occurred for
** SourceEntityId: Number - Primary Key; SourceId references the Entity, which caused the event
h3. EntityInstance
EntityInstance contains information about the time span an instance of an entity was active.
* Fields
** Id: Number - Primary Key
** EntityId: Number - Reference to an entity
** EntityInstanceId: Number - Instance number for that entity
** TimeFrom: Number - Start-Time of the instance
** TimeTo: Number - End-Time of the instance
h3. EventTables
There is a dynamic amount of EventTables. An EventTable contains events of 1 or more entities. The information which entity is part of which EventTable is stored in Entity-Table.
* Fields
** Id: Number - Primary Key, ascending id-number for each EventTable
** TimeStamp: Number - Time at which the event occurred in base_unit defined at MetaInformation
** Remainder: Number - Time modulo 1000 to get a more precise value in cases it is required
** SQCNR: Number - A strictly ascending sequential number telling the order of event at same time stamp
** EntityId: Number - Reference to entity, for which the event occurred
** EntityInstanceId: Number - Instance of the entity
** SourceEntityId: Number - Reference to entity, which caused the event
** SourceEntityInstanceId: Number - Instance of the source entity
** EventTypeId: Number - Reference to EventType
** Value: String - Additional unstructured data for an event like e.g. the written value in case of a Signal Write event