blob: ab1a13cd3c857bbb70822c956c34a2d203b0aec2 [file] [log] [blame]
h3. Democar Example
The so called Democar model presented in the AMALTHEA example files describe a simple engine management system.
h4. Origin
The Democar example is loosely based on the publicly available information taken from
*A Timing Model for Real-Time Control-Systems and its Application*
*on Simulation and Monitoring of AUTOSAR Systems*
_Author: Patrick Frey_
A version of the dissertation can be downloaded from University of Ulm: "pdf":
h4. Files
contains the complete model, consisting of a hardware model, a model of the operating system, a stimulation model and a model that describes the software system.
is an AMALTHEA Trace Database and it contains a trace that is the result of a simulation of this example.