blob: bb1a71b60be3defb12548770f3a44db863ae0ffd [file] [log] [blame]
h1. Introduction to APP4MC
The goal of the project is the development of a consistent, open, expandable tool platform for embedded software engineering. It is based on the model driven approach as basic engineering methodology. The main focus is the optimization of embedded multi-core systems.
Most functions in a modern car are controlled by embedded systems. Also more and more driver assistance functions are introduced. This implies a continuous increase of computing power accompanied by the request for reduction of energy and costs. To handle these requirements the multi-core technology permeates the control units in cars. This is today one of the biggest challenges for automotive systems. Existing applications can not realize immediate benefit from these multi-core ECUs because they are not designed to run on such architectures. In addition applications and systems have to be migrated into AUTOSAR compatible architectures. Both trends imply the necessity for new development environments which cater for these requirements.
The tool platform shall be capable to support all aspects of the development cycle. This addresses predominantly the automotive domain but is also applicable to telecommunication by extensions which deal with such systems in their native environment and integrated in a car.
Future extensions will add support for visualization tools, graphical editors. But not only design aspects will be supported but also verification and validation of the systems will be taken into account and support tools for optimal multi-core real-time scheduling and validation of timing requirements will be provided. In the course of this project not all of the above aspects will be addressed in the same depth. Some will be defined and some will be implemented on a prototype basis. But the basis platform and the overall architecture will be finalized as much as possible.
The result of the project is an open tool platform in different aspects. On the one hand it is published under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) and on the other hand it is open to be integrated with existing or new tools either on a company individual basis or with commercially available tools.