This is the Hugo based development and build environment to create a static webpage for the Eclipse Automotive project. The build environment enables to create content and adjust the styling of the website, and it includes a Grunt based deployment job creating the subdirectory build/dev that contains all the necessary files to deploy the website. The work is based on Christopher Guidon's Solstice Hugo Starter Kit
Bootstrap, Fontawesome, Yamm3
Hugo is a static site generator. This means that, unlike systems like WordPress, Ghost and Drupal, which run on your web server expensively building a page every time a visitor requests one, Hugo does the building when you create your content.
Please refer to the Installing Hugo documentation.
Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications.
You can install a pre-built version of node.js via the downloads page.
npm install cd site hugo or hugo server --watch See the results at The edit task includes a local server with live reload on
npm run grunt
Otherwise, please invoke the hugo command directly:
hugo --source=site --destination=../build/dist --baseUrl=$BASE_URL_OF_HUGO_SITE