blob: 8b25108fbbf24c01f44ecab7060bb7d400db24c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 the Eclipse BaSyx Authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.pvm.runtime.ExecutionImpl;
import org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.BpmnModelInstance;
import org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.FlowElement;
import org.camunda.bpm.model.xml.instance.ModelElementInstance;
* A process instance stub which is BPMNEngineStub for test purpose
* @author zhangzai
public class ProcessInstanceStub extends ExecutionImpl {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Id of the process instance
private String processInstanceId = "process-instance-stub-01";
* process definition id
private String getProcessDefinitionId = "process-definition-stub-01";
* Bpmn model instance
private BpmnModelInstance modelInstance;
* Get process instance Id
public String getProcessInstanceId() {
return processInstanceId;
* Get Process definition Id
public String getProcessDefinitionId() {
return getProcessDefinitionId;
* get Bpmn Model instance
public BpmnModelInstance getBpmnModelInstance() {
modelInstance = new BPMNModelFactory().create(getProcessDefinitionId);
return modelInstance;
public String getProcessBusinessKey() {
return "Process Business Key 01";
public String getCurrentActivityName() {
return "test-activity-01";
* Unused functions
public FlowElement getBpmnModelElementInstance() {
ModelElementInstance element = modelInstance.getModelElementById("t1");
return (FlowElement) element;