Add a new target to specify the API baseline

Eclipse 4.5 now offers specifying API baselines using target files.
This is much more simple than having to install and maintain a
separate Eclipse installation. This patch adds a new containing all the CDT features from the CDT
project update site.

To use the baseline target:
1. Go to preferences, Plug-in Development, API Baselines
2. Add Baseline...
3. Select "A target platform"
4. Enter a name, "cdt-baseline" for example
5. Select cdt-baseline in the list (
6. Click refresh, Finish
7. Make sure you select the newly created baseline as the new default
8. Press OK

Change-Id: Id953b1719a41e2e4e64245c011d01e391305859c
Signed-off-by: Marc-Andre Laperle <>
1 file changed