Bug 533444 - Add Container Build support to CMake Projects

- fix CMakePropertyPage to check if the active config is
  a Container build in which case dynamically build the page
  using the results of a cmake -LAH call which will give
  the various configuration values that can be changed
- add new CMakePropertyCombo, CMakePropertyText, CMakeUtils
  and ICMakePropertyPageControl classes
- change CMakeBuildConfiguration build methods to use
  startBuildProcess to run commands similar to
  what StandardBuildConfiguration does now
- change CMakeBuildConfigurationProvider to use a container image
  name to form a build directory so that differnt image targets
  are differentiated and easy for the user to figure out what they
  are for
- fix main.cpp sample CMake program to actually be a hello
  world program

Change-Id: Iea9e2b5cc6895bc95194e28b131a3fb7e3b670ca
12 files changed