blob: 4ed782ab0d694d6fc7fe6d348a01b2eed5d4fc09 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Mohamed Azab (Mentor Graphics) - Bug 438549. Add mechanism for parameter guessing.
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.text.contentassist;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.DOMException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression.ValueCategory;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTranslationUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ICompositeType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumeration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumerator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IFunction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IPointerType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ITypedef;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IVariable;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBase;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassTemplate;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPField;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionTemplate;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMember;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethod;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespace;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPUsingDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.CModelException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IField;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.ASTAccessVisibility;
import org.eclipse.cdt.ui.CUIPlugin;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.Conversions;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.Conversions.Context;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.Conversions.UDCMode;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.Cost;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.viewsupport.CElementImageProvider;
* This class is based on
* This class produces a logically-ordered list of applicable variables for later use as parameter guessing
* proposals for a function parameter.
public class ParameterGuesser {
private IASTTranslationUnit fTranslationUnit;
private static final char[] NO_TRIGGERS = new char[0];
private final Set<String> fAlreadyMatchedNames;
private final static class Variable {
* Variable type. Used to choose the best guess based on scope (Local beats instance beats inherited
* beats global).
public static final int LOCAL = 0;
public static final int FIELD = 1;
public static final int GLOBAL = 3;
public final IType qualifiedTypeName;
public final String name;
public final int variableType;
public final int positionScore;
public final char[] triggerChars;
public final ImageDescriptor descriptor;
public boolean alreadyMatched;
public Variable(IType qualifiedTypeName, String name, int variableType, int positionScore,
char[] triggerChars, ImageDescriptor descriptor) {
this.qualifiedTypeName = qualifiedTypeName; = name;
this.variableType = variableType;
this.positionScore = positionScore;
this.triggerChars = triggerChars;
this.descriptor = descriptor;
this.alreadyMatched = false;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append(' ');
buffer.append(" ("); //$NON-NLS-1$
return buffer.toString();
* Creates a parameter guesser
public ParameterGuesser(IASTTranslationUnit translationUnit) {
fAlreadyMatchedNames = new HashSet<String>();
fTranslationUnit = translationUnit;
private List<Variable> evaluateVisibleMatches(IType expectedType, ArrayList<IBinding> suggestions)
throws CModelException {
ArrayList<Variable> res = new ArrayList<>();
int size = suggestions.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Variable variable = createVariable(suggestions.get(i), expectedType, i);
if (variable != null) {
if (fAlreadyMatchedNames.contains( {
variable.alreadyMatched = true;
return res;
private boolean isAnonymousBinding(IBinding binding) {
char[] name = binding.getNameCharArray();
return name.length == 0 || name[0] == '{';
protected IType getType(IBinding binding) {
if (!isAnonymousBinding(binding)) {
if (binding instanceof IVariable) {
return ((IVariable) binding).getType();
} else {
return null;
return null;
public Variable createVariable(IBinding element, IType enclosingType, int positionScore)
throws CModelException {
IType elementType = getType(element);
String elementName = element.getName();
if (elementType != null
&& (elementType.toString().equals(enclosingType.toString())
|| elementType.isSameType(enclosingType) || isParent(elementType, enclosingType)
|| isAutomaticCasting(enclosingType, elementType)
|| isReferenceTo(enclosingType, elementType) || isReferenceTo(elementType,
enclosingType))) {
int variableType = Variable.GLOBAL;
if (element instanceof ICPPField) {
variableType = Variable.FIELD;
} else if (element instanceof IVariable) {
try {
if (element instanceof ICPPBinding && ((ICPPBinding) element).isGloballyQualified()) {
variableType = Variable.GLOBAL;
} else {
variableType = Variable.LOCAL;
} catch (DOMException e) {
// Handle reference case
if (isReferenceTo(enclosingType, elementType))
elementName = "&" + elementName; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (isReferenceTo(elementType, enclosingType))
elementName = "*" + elementName; //$NON-NLS-1$
return new Variable(elementType, elementName, variableType, positionScore, NO_TRIGGERS,
return null;
private boolean isReferenceTo(IType ref, IType val) {
if (ref instanceof IPointerType) {
IType ptr = ((IPointerType) ref).getType();
if (ptr.toString().equals(val.toString()) || ptr.isSameType(val))
return true;
return false;
* Returns true, if the parent type is a direct/indirect parent of the child type
private boolean isParent(IType child, IType parent) {
if (child != null && parent != null && child instanceof ICPPClassType
&& parent instanceof ICPPClassType) {
ICPPBase[] bases = ((ICPPClassType) child).getBases();
for (ICPPBase base : bases) {
IType tmpType = base.getBaseClassType();
if (tmpType.toString().equals(parent.toString()) || tmpType.isSameType(parent)
|| isParent(tmpType, parent))
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the orginType can be automatically casted to the candidateType
private boolean isAutomaticCasting(IType orginType, IType candidateType) {
try {
Cost cost = Conversions.checkImplicitConversionSequence(orginType, candidateType,
ValueCategory.LVALUE, UDCMode.ALLOWED, Context.ORDINARY, fTranslationUnit);
if (cost.converts())
return true;
} catch (DOMException e) {
return false;
return false;
private ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptor(IBinding binding) {
ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor = null;
if (binding instanceof ITypedef) {
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getTypedefImageDescriptor();
} else if (binding instanceof ICompositeType) {
if (((ICompositeType) binding).getKey() == ICPPClassType.k_class
|| binding instanceof ICPPClassTemplate)
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getClassImageDescriptor();
else if (((ICompositeType) binding).getKey() == ICompositeType.k_struct)
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getStructImageDescriptor();
else if (((ICompositeType) binding).getKey() == ICompositeType.k_union)
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getUnionImageDescriptor();
} else if (binding instanceof ICPPMethod) {
switch (((ICPPMethod) binding).getVisibility()) {
case ICPPMember.v_private:
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getMethodImageDescriptor(ASTAccessVisibility.PRIVATE);
case ICPPMember.v_protected:
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getMethodImageDescriptor(ASTAccessVisibility.PUBLIC);
} else if (binding instanceof IFunction) {
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getFunctionImageDescriptor();
} else if (binding instanceof ICPPField) {
switch (((ICPPField) binding).getVisibility()) {
case ICPPMember.v_private:
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getFieldImageDescriptor(ASTAccessVisibility.PRIVATE);
case ICPPMember.v_protected:
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getFieldImageDescriptor(ASTAccessVisibility.PUBLIC);
} else if (binding instanceof IField) {
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getFieldImageDescriptor(ASTAccessVisibility.PUBLIC);
} else if (binding instanceof IVariable) {
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getVariableImageDescriptor();
} else if (binding instanceof IEnumeration) {
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getEnumerationImageDescriptor();
} else if (binding instanceof IEnumerator) {
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getEnumeratorImageDescriptor();
} else if (binding instanceof ICPPNamespace) {
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getNamespaceImageDescriptor();
} else if (binding instanceof ICPPFunctionTemplate) {
imageDescriptor = CElementImageProvider.getFunctionImageDescriptor();
} else if (binding instanceof ICPPUsingDeclaration) {
IBinding[] delegates = ((ICPPUsingDeclaration) binding).getDelegates();
if (delegates.length > 0)
return getImageDescriptor(delegates[0]);
return imageDescriptor;
* Returns the matches for the type and name argument, ordered by match quality.
* @param expectedType the qualified type of the parameter we are trying to match
* @param paramName the name of the parameter (used to find similarly named matches)
* @param pos the position
* @param suggestions the suggestions or <code>null</code>
* @param fillBestGuess <code>true</code> if the best guess should be filled in
* @param isLastParameter <code>true</code> iff this proposal is for the last parameter of a method
* @return returns the name of the best match, or <code>null</code> if no match found
public ICompletionProposal[] parameterProposals(IType expectedType, String paramName, Position pos,
ArrayList<IBinding> suggestions, boolean fillBestGuess, boolean isLastParameter)
throws CModelException {
List<Variable> typeMatches = evaluateVisibleMatches(expectedType, suggestions);
typeMatches = removeDuplicates(typeMatches);
orderMatches(typeMatches, paramName);
ICompletionProposal[] ret = new ICompletionProposal[typeMatches.size()];
int i = 0;
int replacementLength = 0;
for (Iterator<Variable> it = typeMatches.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Variable v =;
if (i == 0) {
replacementLength =;
String displayString =;
final char[] triggers;
if (isLastParameter) {
triggers = v.triggerChars;
} else {
triggers = new char[v.triggerChars.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(v.triggerChars, 0, triggers, 0, v.triggerChars.length);
triggers[triggers.length - 1] = ',';
ret[i++] = new PositionBasedCompletionProposal(, pos, replacementLength,
getImage(v.descriptor), displayString, null, null, triggers);
if (ret.length == 0) {
// Add the parameter name
return new ICompletionProposal[] { new PositionBasedCompletionProposal(paramName, pos,
replacementLength, null, paramName, null, null,
isLastParameter ? null : new char[] { ',' }) };
return ret;
private static class MatchComparator implements Comparator<Variable> {
private String fParamName;
MatchComparator(String paramName) {
fParamName = paramName;
public int compare(Variable one, Variable two) {
return score(two) - score(one);
private static String getLongestCommonSubstring(String first, String second) {
// Now only considering the case where shorter string is part of longer string.
// TODO: Use a more smart technique to get the common string (i.e. suffix tree).
String shorterStr = (first.length() < second.length()) ? first : second;
String longerStr = (first == shorterStr) ? second : first;
if (longerStr.contains(shorterStr)) {
return shorterStr;
} else {
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* The four order criteria as described below - put already used into bit 10, all others into bits
* 0-9, 11-20, 21-30; 31 is sign - always 0
* @param v the variable
* @return the score for <code>v</code>
private int score(Variable v) {
int variableScore = 100 - v.variableType; // since these are increasing with distance
int subStringScore = getLongestCommonSubstring(, fParamName).length();
// Substring scores under 60% are not considered.
// This prevents marginal matches like a - ba and false - isBool that will
// destroy the sort order.
int shorter = Math.min(, fParamName.length());
if (subStringScore < 0.6 * shorter)
subStringScore = 0;
int positionScore = v.positionScore;
int matchedScore = v.alreadyMatched ? 0 : 1;
int score = variableScore << 21 | subStringScore << 11 | matchedScore << 10 | positionScore;
return score;
* Determines the best match of all possible type matches. The input into this method is all possible
* completions that match the type of the argument. The purpose of this method is to choose among them
* based on the following simple rules:
* 1) Local Variables > Instance/Class Variables > Inherited Instance/Class Variables
* 2) A longer case insensitive substring match will prevail
* 3) Variables that have not been used already during this completion will prevail over those that have
* already been used (this avoids the same String/int/char from being passed in for multiple arguments)
* 4) A better source position score will prevail (the declaration point of the variable, or
* "how close to the point of completion?"
* @param typeMatches
* the list of type matches
* @param paramName
* the parameter name
private static void orderMatches(List<Variable> typeMatches, String paramName) {
if (typeMatches != null)
Collections.sort(typeMatches, new MatchComparator(paramName));
* Removes the duplicates from the list if any.
private static List<Variable> removeDuplicates(List<Variable> typeMatches) {
HashSet<Variable> set = new HashSet<>();
return Arrays.asList(set.toArray(new Variable[set.size()]));
private Image getImage(ImageDescriptor descriptor) {
return (descriptor == null) ? null : CUIPlugin.getImageDescriptorRegistry().get(descriptor);