blob: ebf6c6d1b86a6fd011358519c46d4f3130b25e83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
* Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems)
* Bryan Wilkinson (QNX)
* Andrew Ferguson (Symbian)
* Sergey Prigogin (Google)
* Nathan Ridge
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics;
import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CVQualifier.CONST;
import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CVQualifier.CONST_RESTRICT;
import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CVQualifier.CONST_VOLATILE;
import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CVQualifier.CONST_VOLATILE_RESTRICT;
import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CVQualifier.NONE;
import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CVQualifier.RESTRICT;
import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CVQualifier.VOLATILE;
import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.CVQualifier.VOLATILE_RESTRICT;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.CCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.DOMException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.EScopeKind;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTEqualsInitializer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializerClause;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTranslationUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IArrayType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBasicType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBasicType.Kind;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumeration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumerator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IFunctionType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IPointerType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IProblemBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IQualifierType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IScope;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ISemanticProblem;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ITypedef;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IValue;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTConstructorInitializer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTInitializerList;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBase;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassTemplatePartialSpecialization;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethod;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespace;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespaceAlias;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPPointerToMemberType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPReferenceType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPSpecialization;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateArgument;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPUnaryTypeTransformation;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.index.IIndexBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.Keywords;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.CharArraySet;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.CharArrayUtils;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.ObjectSet;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ASTTranslationUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ITypeContainer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.IntegralValue;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ValueFactory;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTTranslationUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPClosureType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPFunctionType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPPointerToMemberType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPPointerType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPQualifierType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPTemplateTypeArgument;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ClassTypeHelper;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPDeferredClassInstance;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.OverloadableOperator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.index.IIndexScope;
* Collection of static methods operating on C++ bindings.
public class SemanticUtil {
private static final char[] OPERATOR_CHARS = Keywords.OPERATOR.toCharArray();
// Cache of overloadable operator names for fast lookup. Used by isConversionOperator.
private static final CharArraySet cas = new CharArraySet(OverloadableOperator.values().length);
// Resolve typedefs.
public static final int TDEF = 0x01;
// Resolve typedefs, but only if necessary for a nested type transformation.
public static final int COND_TDEF = 0x02;
public static final int REF = 0x04;
public static final int CVTYPE = 0x08;
public static final int ALLCVQ = 0x10;
public static final int PTR = 0x20;
public static final int MPTR = 0x40;
public static final int ARRAY = 0x80;
static {
final int OPERATOR_SPC = OPERATOR_CHARS.length + 1;
for (OverloadableOperator op : OverloadableOperator.values()) {
char[] name = op.toCharArray();
cas.put(CharArrayUtils.subarray(name, OPERATOR_SPC, name.length));
* Returns an array of ICPPMethod objects representing all conversion operators
* declared by the specified class, and the implicitly generated conversion
* operator for a closure type. This does not include inherited methods.
* @param clazz
* @return an array of conversion operators.
public static final ICPPMethod[] getDeclaredConversionOperators(ICPPClassType clazz) throws DOMException {
ICPPMethod[] conversionOps = ICPPMethod.EMPTY_CPPMETHOD_ARRAY;
if (clazz instanceof ICPPDeferredClassInstance) {
clazz = (ICPPClassType) ((ICPPDeferredClassInstance) clazz).getTemplateDefinition();
ICPPMethod[] methods;
// For a closure type, getDeclaredMethods() does not return the conversion
// operator because it is implicitly generated. We can use getMethods()
// however as a closure type does not have base classes.
// A new API ICPPClosureType.getNoninheritedMethods() might be more
// appropriate here.
if (clazz instanceof CPPClosureType) {
methods = ClassTypeHelper.getMethods(clazz);
} else {
methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
if (methods != null) {
for (ICPPMethod method : methods) {
if (isConversionOperator(method)) {
conversionOps = ArrayUtil.append(conversionOps, method);
return conversionOps;
* Returns an array of ICPPMethod objects representing all conversion operators
* declared by the specified class and its ancestors. This includes inherited
* methods, and the implicitly generated conversion operator for a closure type.
* @param clazz
* @return an array of conversion operators.
public static ICPPMethod[] getConversionOperators(ICPPClassType clazz) throws DOMException {
ObjectSet<ICPPClassType> ancestry = inheritanceClosure(clazz);
for (int i = 0; i < ancestry.size(); i++) {
methods = ArrayUtil.addAll(methods, getDeclaredConversionOperators(ancestry.keyAt(i)));
return methods;
* @param root the class to start at
* @return the root and all its ancestor classes
* @throws DOMException
public static ObjectSet<ICPPClassType> inheritanceClosure(ICPPClassType root) throws DOMException {
ObjectSet<ICPPClassType> done = new ObjectSet<>(2);
ObjectSet<ICPPClassType> current = new ObjectSet<>(2);
for (int count = 0; count < CPPSemantics.MAX_INHERITANCE_DEPTH && !current.isEmpty(); count++) {
ObjectSet<ICPPClassType> next = new ObjectSet<>(2);
for (int i = 0; i < current.size(); i++) {
ICPPClassType clazz = current.keyAt(i);
for (ICPPBase base : clazz.getBases()) {
IBinding binding = base.getBaseClass();
if (binding instanceof ICPPClassType && !(binding instanceof IProblemBinding)) {
ICPPClassType ct = (ICPPClassType) binding;
if (!done.containsKey(ct)) {
current = next;
return done;
* @param method
* @return true if the specified method is a conversion operator
public static final boolean isConversionOperator(ICPPFunction method) {
if (method instanceof ICPPMethod) {
final char[] name = method.getNameCharArray();
if (name.length > OPERATOR_CHARS.length + 1 && name[OPERATOR_CHARS.length] == ' '
&& CharArrayUtils.equals(name, 0, OPERATOR_CHARS.length, OPERATOR_CHARS)) {
return !cas.containsKey(name, OPERATOR_CHARS.length + 1, name.length - (OPERATOR_CHARS.length + 1));
return false;
public static CVQualifier getCVQualifier(IType t) {
if (t instanceof IQualifierType) {
IQualifierType qt = (IQualifierType) t;
return qt.isConst() ? qt.isVolatile() ? CONST_VOLATILE : CONST : qt.isVolatile() ? VOLATILE : NONE;
if (t instanceof IPointerType) {
IPointerType pt = (IPointerType) t;
return pt.isConst()
? pt.isVolatile() ? pt.isRestrict() ? CONST_VOLATILE_RESTRICT : CONST_VOLATILE
: pt.isRestrict() ? CONST_RESTRICT : CONST
: pt.isVolatile() ? pt.isRestrict() ? VOLATILE_RESTRICT : VOLATILE
: pt.isRestrict() ? RESTRICT : NONE;
if (t instanceof IArrayType) {
return getCVQualifier(((IArrayType) t).getType());
return NONE;
* Descends into type containers, stopping at pointer-to-member types if
* specified.
* @param type the root type
* @param stopAtPointerToMember if true, do not descend into ICPPPointerToMember types
* @return the deepest type in a type container sequence
public static IType getUltimateType(IType type, boolean stopAtPointerToMember) {
final int options = TDEF | ALLCVQ | PTR | ARRAY | REF;
return getNestedType(type, stopAtPointerToMember ? options : (options | MPTR));
* Descends into type containers, stopping at array, pointer or
* pointer-to-member types.
* @param type
* @return the ultimate type contained inside the specified type
public static IType getUltimateTypeUptoPointers(IType type) {
return getNestedType(type, TDEF | REF | CVTYPE);
* Descends into typedefs, references, etc. as specified by options.
public static IType getNestedType(IType type, int options) {
final boolean tdef = (options & TDEF) != 0;
final boolean cond_tdef = (options & COND_TDEF) != 0;
final boolean ptr = (options & PTR) != 0;
final boolean mptr = (options & MPTR) != 0;
final boolean allcvq = (options & ALLCVQ) != 0;
final boolean cvtype = (options & CVTYPE) != 0;
IType beforeTypedefs = null;
while (true) {
IType t = null;
if (type instanceof ITypedef) {
if (tdef || cond_tdef) {
if (beforeTypedefs == null && cond_tdef) {
beforeTypedefs = type;
t = ((ITypedef) type).getType();
} else if (type instanceof IPointerType) {
final boolean isMbrPtr = type instanceof ICPPPointerToMemberType;
if ((ptr && !isMbrPtr) || (mptr && isMbrPtr)) {
t = ((IPointerType) type).getType();
beforeTypedefs = null;
} else if (allcvq) {
IPointerType pt = (IPointerType) type;
if (pt.isConst() || pt.isVolatile() || pt.isRestrict()) {
if (pt instanceof ICPPPointerToMemberType) {
final IType memberOfClass = ((ICPPPointerToMemberType) pt).getMemberOfClass();
return new CPPPointerToMemberType(pt.getType(), memberOfClass, false, false, false);
} else {
return new CPPPointerType(pt.getType(), false, false, false);
} else if (type instanceof IQualifierType) {
final IQualifierType qt = (IQualifierType) type;
final IType qttgt = qt.getType();
if (allcvq || cvtype) {
t = qttgt;
beforeTypedefs = null;
} else if (tdef || cond_tdef) {
t = getNestedType(qttgt, options);
if (t == qttgt)
return qt;
return addQualifiers(t, qt.isConst(), qt.isVolatile(), false);
} else if (type instanceof IArrayType) {
final IArrayType atype = (IArrayType) type;
if ((options & ARRAY) != 0) {
t = atype.getType();
beforeTypedefs = null;
} else if (allcvq) {
IType nested = atype.getType();
IType newNested = getNestedType(nested, ALLCVQ);
if (nested == newNested)
return type;
return replaceNestedType((ITypeContainer) atype, newNested);
} else if (type instanceof ICPPReferenceType) {
final ICPPReferenceType rt = (ICPPReferenceType) type;
if ((options & REF) != 0) {
t = rt.getType();
beforeTypedefs = null;
} else if (tdef) {
// A typedef within the reference type can influence whether the reference is lvalue or rvalue
IType nested = rt.getType();
IType newNested = getNestedType(nested, TDEF);
if (nested == newNested)
return type;
return replaceNestedType((ITypeContainer) rt, newNested);
// Pack expansion types are dependent types, there is no need to descend into those.
if (t == null) {
if (beforeTypedefs != null) {
return beforeTypedefs;
return type;
type = t;
* Simplifies type by resolving typedefs within the given type.
public static IType getSimplifiedType(IType type) {
if (type instanceof ICPPFunctionType) {
final ICPPFunctionType ft = (ICPPFunctionType) type;
IType ret = null;
IType[] params = null;
final IType r = ft.getReturnType();
ret = getSimplifiedType(r);
IType[] ps = ft.getParameterTypes();
params = getSimplifiedTypes(ps);
if (ret == r && params == ps) {
return type;
return new CPPFunctionType(ret, params, ft.getNoexceptSpecifier(), ft.isConst(), ft.isVolatile(),
ft.hasRefQualifier(), ft.isRValueReference(), ft.takesVarArgs());
if (type instanceof ITypedef) {
IType t = ((ITypedef) type).getType();
if (t != null)
return getSimplifiedType(t);
return type;
if (type instanceof ITypeContainer) {
final ITypeContainer tc = (ITypeContainer) type;
final IType nestedType = tc.getType();
if (nestedType == null)
return type;
IType newType = getSimplifiedType(nestedType);
if (newType != nestedType) {
return replaceNestedType(tc, newType);
return type;
return type;
static boolean isSimplified(IType type) {
if (type instanceof ICPPFunctionType) {
final ICPPFunctionType ft = (ICPPFunctionType) type;
if (!isSimplified(ft.getReturnType()))
return false;
IType[] ps = ft.getParameterTypes();
for (IType p : ps) {
if (!isSimplified(p))
return false;
return true;
if (type instanceof ITypedef) {
return false;
if (type instanceof ITypeContainer) {
return isSimplified(((ITypeContainer) type).getType());
return true;
public static IType replaceNestedType(ITypeContainer type, IType newNestedType) {
if (newNestedType == null)
return type;
// Do not to add unnecessary qualifications (bug 24908).
if (type instanceof IQualifierType) {
IQualifierType qt = (IQualifierType) type;
return addQualifiers(newNestedType, qt.isConst(), qt.isVolatile(), false);
type = (ITypeContainer) type.clone();
return type;
* Replaces the given type or its nested type with a typedef if that type is the same as
* the type the typedef resolves to.
* @param type the type subject to substitution
* @param typedefType the type possibly containing the typedef as its nested type.
* @return the given type with the nested type replaced by the typedef, or {@code null} if
* the typedefType doesn't contain a typedef or the nested type doesn't match the typedef.
public static IType substituteTypedef(IType type, IType typedefType) {
typedefType = getNestedType(typedefType, REF | ALLCVQ | PTR | ARRAY);
if (!(typedefType instanceof ITypedef))
return null;
IType nestedType = type;
IType typedefTarget = ((ITypedef) typedefType).getType();
while (!nestedType.isSameType(typedefTarget)) {
if (nestedType instanceof IQualifierType) {
nestedType = ((IQualifierType) nestedType).getType();
} else if (nestedType instanceof IPointerType) {
nestedType = ((IPointerType) nestedType).getType();
} else if (nestedType instanceof IArrayType) {
nestedType = ((IArrayType) nestedType).getType();
} else if (nestedType instanceof ICPPReferenceType) {
nestedType = ((ICPPReferenceType) nestedType).getType();
} else {
// The typedef's target could itself be a (pointer or reference
// to, or qualified version of) a typedef. Try substituting that too.
return substituteTypedef(type, typedefTarget);
IType result = null;
ITypeContainer containerType = null;
for (IType t = type;; t = containerType.getType()) {
IType newType = t == nestedType ? typedefType : (IType) t.clone();
if (result == null)
result = newType;
if (containerType != null) {
if (t == nestedType)
return result;
if (!(t instanceof ITypeContainer))
return null;
containerType = (ITypeContainer) t;
* Checks if the given type is problem-free.
public static boolean isValidType(IType t) {
while (true) {
if (t instanceof ISemanticProblem) {
return false;
} else if (t instanceof IFunctionType) {
IFunctionType ft = (IFunctionType) t;
for (IType parameterType : ft.getParameterTypes()) {
if (!isValidType(parameterType))
return false;
t = ft.getReturnType();
} else if (t instanceof ICPPPointerToMemberType) {
ICPPPointerToMemberType mptr = (ICPPPointerToMemberType) t;
if (!isValidType(mptr.getMemberOfClass()))
return false;
t = mptr.getType();
} else if (t instanceof ITypeContainer) {
t = ((ITypeContainer) t).getType();
} else {
return true;
public static IType mapToAST(IType type) {
IASTNode point = CPPSemantics.getCurrentLookupPoint();
if (point != null && type instanceof IIndexBinding && type instanceof ICPPClassType) {
IASTTranslationUnit ast = point.getTranslationUnit();
if (ast instanceof CPPASTTranslationUnit) {
return ((CPPASTTranslationUnit) ast).mapToAST((ICPPClassType) type);
return type;
public static ICPPTemplateArgument[] mapToAST(ICPPTemplateArgument[] args) {
if (CPPSemantics.getCurrentLookupPoint() == null)
return args;
// Don't create a new array until it's really needed.
ICPPTemplateArgument[] result = args;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
final ICPPTemplateArgument arg = args[i];
ICPPTemplateArgument newArg = arg;
if (arg != null) {
newArg = mapToAST(arg);
if (result != args) {
result[i] = newArg;
} else if (arg != newArg) {
result = new ICPPTemplateArgument[args.length];
if (i > 0) {
System.arraycopy(args, 0, result, 0, i);
result[i] = newArg;
return result;
public static ICPPTemplateArgument mapToAST(ICPPTemplateArgument arg) {
IType type = arg.getTypeValue();
if (type != null) {
IType mappedType = mapToAST(type);
IType originalType = arg.getOriginalTypeValue();
IType mappedOriginalType = originalType == type ? mappedType : mapToAST(originalType);
if (mappedType != type || mappedOriginalType != originalType) {
return new CPPTemplateTypeArgument(mappedType, mappedOriginalType);
return arg;
public static IScope mapToAST(IScope scope, IASTNode point) {
if (scope instanceof IIndexScope) {
if (point != null) {
IASTTranslationUnit ast = point.getTranslationUnit();
if (ast instanceof ASTTranslationUnit) {
return ((ASTTranslationUnit) ast).mapToASTScope(scope);
} else if (scope.getKind() == EScopeKind.eGlobal) {
.log(new Exception("The point argument was not provided. Returning the global index scope.")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return scope;
public static void recordPartialSpecialization(ICPPClassTemplatePartialSpecialization indexSpec,
ICPPClassTemplatePartialSpecialization astSpec, IASTNode point) {
if (point != null) {
IASTTranslationUnit ast = point.getTranslationUnit();
if (ast instanceof CPPASTTranslationUnit) {
((CPPASTTranslationUnit) ast).recordPartialSpecialization(indexSpec, astSpec);
public static ICPPClassTemplatePartialSpecialization mapToAST(ICPPClassTemplatePartialSpecialization indexSpec) {
IASTNode point = CPPSemantics.getCurrentLookupPoint();
if (point != null) {
IASTTranslationUnit ast = point.getTranslationUnit();
if (ast instanceof CPPASTTranslationUnit) {
return ((CPPASTTranslationUnit) ast).mapToAST(indexSpec);
return indexSpec;
public static IType[] getSimplifiedTypes(IType[] types) {
// Don't create a new array until it's really needed.
IType[] result = types;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
final IType type = types[i];
final IType newType = getSimplifiedType(type);
if (result != types) {
result[i] = newType;
} else if (type != newType) {
result = new IType[types.length];
if (i > 0) {
System.arraycopy(types, 0, result, 0, i);
result[i] = newType;
return result;
public static ICPPTemplateArgument[] getSimplifiedArguments(ICPPTemplateArgument[] args) {
// Don't create a new array until it's really needed.
ICPPTemplateArgument[] result = args;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
final ICPPTemplateArgument arg = args[i];
ICPPTemplateArgument newArg = arg;
if (arg != null) {
newArg = getSimplifiedArgument(arg);
if (result != args) {
result[i] = newArg;
} else if (arg != newArg) {
result = new ICPPTemplateArgument[args.length];
if (i > 0) {
System.arraycopy(args, 0, result, 0, i);
result[i] = newArg;
return result;
public static ICPPTemplateArgument getSimplifiedArgument(final ICPPTemplateArgument arg) {
if (arg.isTypeValue()) {
final IType type = arg.getTypeValue();
final IType newType = getSimplifiedType(type);
if (newType != type) {
return new CPPTemplateTypeArgument(newType, arg.getOriginalTypeValue());
return arg;
public static IType constQualify(IType baseType) {
return addQualifiers(baseType, true, false, false);
public static IType addQualifiers(IType baseType, boolean cnst, boolean vol, boolean restrict) {
if (cnst || vol || restrict) {
if (baseType instanceof IQualifierType) {
IQualifierType qt = (IQualifierType) baseType;
if ((cnst && !qt.isConst()) || (vol && !qt.isVolatile())) {
return new CPPQualifierType(qt.getType(), cnst || qt.isConst(), vol || qt.isVolatile());
return baseType;
} else if (baseType instanceof ICPPPointerToMemberType) {
ICPPPointerToMemberType pt = (ICPPPointerToMemberType) baseType;
if ((cnst && !pt.isConst()) || (vol && !pt.isVolatile()) || (restrict && !pt.isRestrict())) {
return new CPPPointerToMemberType(pt.getType(), pt.getMemberOfClass(), cnst || pt.isConst(),
vol || pt.isVolatile(), restrict || pt.isRestrict());
return baseType;
} else if (baseType instanceof IPointerType) {
IPointerType pt = (IPointerType) baseType;
if ((cnst && !pt.isConst()) || (vol && !pt.isVolatile()) || (restrict && !pt.isRestrict())) {
return new CPPPointerType(pt.getType(), cnst || pt.isConst(), vol || pt.isVolatile(),
restrict || pt.isRestrict());
return baseType;
} else if (baseType instanceof IArrayType) {
IArrayType at = (IArrayType) baseType;
IType nested = at.getType();
IType newNested = addQualifiers(nested, cnst, vol, restrict);
if (newNested != nested && at instanceof ITypeContainer) {
return replaceNestedType((ITypeContainer) at, newNested);
return at;
} else if (baseType instanceof ICPPReferenceType) {
return baseType;
} else if (baseType == null) {
return null;
return new CPPQualifierType(baseType, cnst, vol);
return baseType;
* Returns {@code true} if two bindings have the same owner.
public static boolean haveSameOwner(IBinding b1, IBinding b2) {
if (b1 == b2)
return true;
b1 = b1.getOwner();
b2 = b2.getOwner();
if (b1 == b2)
return true;
if (b1 instanceof IType) {
if (b2 instanceof IType)
return ((IType) b1).isSameType((IType) b2);
return false;
if (b1 instanceof ICPPNamespace && b2 instanceof ICPPNamespace)
return isSameNamespace((ICPPNamespace) b1, (ICPPNamespace) b2);
return false;
* Returns {@code true} if the two given bindings represent the same type or namespace.
public static boolean isSameNamespace(ICPPNamespace ns1, ICPPNamespace ns2) {
IBinding b1 = ns1;
IBinding b2 = ns2;
while (true) {
for (int i = 0; b1 instanceof ICPPNamespaceAlias && i < 20; i++)
b1 = ((ICPPNamespaceAlias) b1).getBinding();
for (int i = 0; b2 instanceof ICPPNamespaceAlias && i < 20; i++)
b2 = ((ICPPNamespaceAlias) b2).getBinding();
if (b1 == null)
return b2 == null;
if (b2 == null)
return false;
if (!(b1 instanceof ICPPNamespace) || !(b2 instanceof ICPPNamespace))
return false;
if (!CharArrayUtils.equals(b1.getNameCharArray(), b2.getNameCharArray()))
return false;
b1 = b1.getOwner();
b2 = b2.getOwner();
public static boolean isVoidType(IType ptype) {
while (ptype instanceof ITypedef) {
ptype = ((ITypedef) ptype).getType();
if (ptype instanceof IBasicType) {
return ((IBasicType) ptype).getKind() == Kind.eVoid;
return false;
public static boolean isAutoOrDecltype(String code) {
if (code == null)
return false;
return (code.equals(Keywords.AUTO) || code.equals(Keywords.TYPEOF) || code.equals(Keywords.DECLTYPE));
public static boolean isEmptyParameterList(IType[] parameters) {
if (parameters.length == 0) {
return true;
if (parameters.length == 1 && isVoidType(parameters[0])) {
return true;
return false;
* Calculates the number of edges in the inheritance path of {@code type} to
* {@code ancestorToFind}, returning -1 if no inheritance relationship is found.
* @param type the class to search upwards from
* @param baseClass the class to find in the inheritance graph
* @return the number of edges in the inheritance graph, or -1 if the specified classes have
* no inheritance relation
public static final int calculateInheritanceDepth(IType type, IType baseClass) {
return calculateInheritanceDepth(CPPSemantics.MAX_INHERITANCE_DEPTH, new HashSet<>(), type, baseClass);
private static final int calculateInheritanceDepth(int maxdepth, Set<Object> hashSet, IType type, IType baseClass) {
if (type == baseClass || type.isSameType(baseClass)) {
return 0;
if (maxdepth > 0 && type instanceof ICPPClassType && baseClass instanceof ICPPClassType) {
ICPPClassType clazz = (ICPPClassType) type;
if (clazz instanceof ICPPDeferredClassInstance) {
clazz = (ICPPClassType) ((ICPPDeferredClassInstance) clazz).getSpecializedBinding();
// The base classes may have changed since the definition of clazz was indexed.
clazz = (ICPPClassType) mapToAST(clazz);
for (ICPPBase cppBase : clazz.getBases()) {
IBinding base = cppBase.getBaseClass();
if (base instanceof IType && hashSet.add(base)) {
IType tbase = (IType) base;
if (tbase.isSameType(baseClass) || (baseClass instanceof ICPPSpecialization && // Allow some flexibility with templates.
((IType) ((ICPPSpecialization) baseClass).getSpecializedBinding()).isSameType(tbase))) {
return 1;
if (tbase instanceof ICPPClassType) {
int n = calculateInheritanceDepth(maxdepth - 1, hashSet, tbase, baseClass);
if (n > 0)
return n + 1;
return -1;
public static boolean isUniqueTypeForParameterPack(IType type) {
if (type instanceof UniqueType) {
return ((UniqueType) type).isForParameterPack();
return false;
public static long computeMaxValue(IEnumeration enumeration) {
long maxValue = Long.MIN_VALUE;
IEnumerator[] enumerators = enumeration.getEnumerators();
for (IEnumerator enumerator : enumerators) {
IValue value = enumerator.getValue();
if (value != null) {
Number val = value.numberValue();
if (val != null) {
long v = val.longValue();
if (v > maxValue) {
maxValue = v;
return maxValue;
public static long computeMinValue(IEnumeration enumeration) {
long minValue = Long.MAX_VALUE;
IEnumerator[] enumerators = enumeration.getEnumerators();
for (IEnumerator enumerator : enumerators) {
IValue value = enumerator.getValue();
if (value != null) {
Number val = value.numberValue();
if (val != null) {
long v = val.longValue();
if (v < minValue) {
minValue = v;
return minValue;
public static int findSameType(IType type, IType[] types) {
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (type.isSameType(types[i]))
return i;
return -1;
* Returns the value of the initializer of a variable.
* @param init the initializer's AST node
* @param type the type of the variable
public static IValue getValueOfInitializer(IASTInitializer init, IType type) {
IASTInitializerClause clause = null;
try {
if (init instanceof IASTEqualsInitializer) {
clause = ((IASTEqualsInitializer) init).getInitializerClause();
} else if (init instanceof ICPPASTConstructorInitializer) {
IASTInitializerClause[] args = ((ICPPASTConstructorInitializer) init).getArguments();
if (args.length == 1 && args[0] instanceof IASTExpression) {
IType typeUpToPointers = SemanticUtil.getUltimateTypeUptoPointers(type);
if (typeUpToPointers instanceof IPointerType || typeUpToPointers instanceof IBasicType) {
clause = args[0];
} else if (init instanceof ICPPASTInitializerList) {
ICPPASTInitializerList list = (ICPPASTInitializerList) init;
switch (list.getSize()) {
case 0:
return IntegralValue.create(0);
case 1:
clause = list.getClauses()[0];
return ((ICPPASTInitializerList) init).getEvaluation().getValue();
if (clause instanceof IASTExpression) {
return ValueFactory.create((IASTExpression) clause);
if (clause instanceof ICPPASTInitializerList) {
return ((ICPPASTInitializerList) clause).getEvaluation().getValue();
return IntegralValue.UNKNOWN;
} finally {
* Returns whether a type is const or a reference to a const type.
* @param type the type to be checked
* @return true if the type is const, otherwise false
public static boolean isConst(IType type) {
if (type instanceof ICPPReferenceType) {
ICPPReferenceType refType = (ICPPReferenceType) type;
return isConst(refType.getType());
return ExpressionTypes.isConst(type);
* Returns whether a type is volatile or a reference to a volatile type.
* @param type the type to be checked
* @return true if the type is volatile, otherwise false
public static boolean isVolatile(IType type) {
if (type instanceof ICPPReferenceType) {
ICPPReferenceType refType = (ICPPReferenceType) type;
return isVolatile(refType.getType());
return ExpressionTypes.isVolatile(type);
static IType[] addImplicitParameterType(IType[] types, ICPPMethod m) {
IType t = CPPSemantics.getImplicitParameterType(m);
return concatTypes(t, types);
static IType[] concatTypes(final IType t, IType[] types) {
IType[] result = new IType[types.length + 1];
result[0] = t;
System.arraycopy(types, 0, result, 1, types.length);
return result;
public static IType[] getParameterTypesIncludingImplicitThis(ICPPFunction function) {
IType[] result = function.getType().getParameterTypes();
if (function instanceof ICPPMethod && !function.isStatic()) {
result = addImplicitParameterType(result, (ICPPMethod) function);
return result;
public static IType applyTypeTransformation(ICPPUnaryTypeTransformation.Operator operator, IType type) {
switch (operator) {
case underlying_type:
return TypeTraits.underlyingType(type);
return null; // shouldn't happen