blob: 3f7ead3b7a0930e8ab19c7f6ca9245ba77154a89 [file] [log] [blame]
// include
#include <stdio.h>
// macro
#define PRINT(string,msg) printf(string, msg)
namespace MyPackage
// check class
// class
class Hello
// protected visibility
// field
int x;
// method
inline void setX(int X)
x = X;
// check nested pachage
// nested namespace
namespace MyNestedPackage {
// check parent nested class
// nested class
class Y
{ // public visibility
// constructor
// virtual destructor
virtual ~Y();
// check derived nested class
// derived class
class X : public Y {
// private visibility
// private field
B b;
// constructor chain
X(int x) : yy(x) {
cout << "In consturctor\n";
// method declaration
int doNothing();
// check enums
// enum without name
enum {
// enum with name
enum MyEnum {
t };
// check variables
// variable
int v;
// unsigned long variable
unsigned long vuLong;
// unsigned short variable
unsigned short vuShort;
// check variable declarations
// variable declaration
extern int evar;
// function pointer
static void * (*orig_malloc_hook)(const char *file, int line, size_t size);
// check functions
// simple function declaration
void foo();
// function declaration with parameters
char* foo(int& x,
// simple function definition
void boo(){
int g = 0;
// check Structs
// struct
struct MyStruct{
int sint;
// typedef and elaborated types
typedef struct MyStruct myStruct;
// typedef
typedef struct{
int ss;
} myTypedef;
// unions
union U{
int U1;
// check templates
// template function
template<class A, typename B=C>
A aTemplatedFunction( B bInstance );
// template method
class enclosing {
// public visibility
template<class A, typename B=C>
A aTemplatedMethod( B bInstance );
// template class
template<class T, typename Tibor = junk>
class myarray { /* */ };
// template struct
template<class T, typename Tibor = junk>
struct mystruct { /* */ };
// template variable
// template <bool __threads, int __inst>
// char* default_alloc_template<__threads, __inst>::_S_start_free = 0;
// check arrays
// arrays
int myArray [5][];
int main(int argc, char * argv[])