blob: 2fbb96494afb588e37ed3e9cecd56cfcef861ea6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.ASTClassKind;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTClassSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTEnumerationSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTEnumerator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTField;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTFunction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTInclusion;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTMacro;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTMethod;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTNamespaceDefinition;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTParameterDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTypeSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTTypedefDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ast.IASTVariable;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.index.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.index.IIndexer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.index.IIndexerOutput;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
public abstract class AbstractIndexer implements IIndexer, IIndexConstants, ICSearchConstants {
IIndexerOutput output;
final static int CLASS = 1;
final static int STRUCT = 2;
final static int UNION = 3;
final static int ENUM = 4;
final static int VAR = 5;
final static int TYPEDEF = 6;
public static boolean VERBOSE = false;
public AbstractIndexer() {
public static void verbose(String log) {
System.out.println("(" + Thread.currentThread() + ") " + log); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
public void addClassSpecifier(IASTClassSpecifier classSpecification){
if (classSpecification.getClassKind().equals(ASTClassKind.CLASS))
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(classSpecification.getFullyQualifiedName(),CLASS, ICSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS));
else if (classSpecification.getClassKind().equals(ASTClassKind.STRUCT))
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(classSpecification.getFullyQualifiedName(),STRUCT, ICSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS));
else if (classSpecification.getClassKind().equals(ASTClassKind.UNION))
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(classSpecification.getFullyQualifiedName(),UNION, ICSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS));
public void addEnumerationSpecifier(IASTEnumerationSpecifier enumeration) {
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(enumeration.getFullyQualifiedName(), ENUM, ICSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS));
Iterator i = enumeration.getEnumerators();
while (i.hasNext())
IASTEnumerator en = (IASTEnumerator);
String[] enumeratorFullName =
this.output.addRef(encodeEntry( enumeratorFullName, FIELD_DECL, FIELD_DECL_LENGTH ));
protected String[] createEnumeratorFullyQualifiedName(IASTEnumerator en) {
String name = en.getName();
IASTEnumerationSpecifier parent = en.getOwnerEnumerationSpecifier();
String[] parentName = parent.getFullyQualifiedName();
//See spec 7.2-10, the the scope of the enumerator is the same level as the enumeration
String[] enumeratorFullName = new String[ parentName.length ];
System.arraycopy( parentName, 0, enumeratorFullName, 0, parentName.length);
enumeratorFullName[ parentName.length - 1 ] = name;
return enumeratorFullName;
public void addEnumeratorReference(IASTEnumerator enumerator) {
public void addMacro(IASTMacro macro) {
String[] macroName = new String[1];
macroName[0] = macro.getName();
public void addEnumerationReference(IASTEnumerationSpecifier enumeration) {
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(enumeration.getFullyQualifiedName(), ENUM, ICSearchConstants.REFERENCES));
public void addVariable(IASTVariable variable) {
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(variable.getFullyQualifiedName(), VAR, ICSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS));
public void addVariableReference(IASTVariable variable) {
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(variable.getFullyQualifiedName(), VAR, ICSearchConstants.REFERENCES));
public void addParameterReference( IASTParameterDeclaration parameter ){
this.output.addRef( encodeTypeEntry( new String [] { parameter.getName() }, VAR, ICSearchConstants.REFERENCES));
public void addTypedefDeclaration(IASTTypedefDeclaration typedef) {
this.output.addRef(encodeEntry(typedef.getFullyQualifiedName(), TYPEDEF_DECL, TYPEDEF_DECL_LENGTH));
public void addFieldDeclaration(IASTField field) {
public void addFieldReference(IASTField field) {
public void addMethodDeclaration(IASTMethod method) {
public void addMethodReference(IASTMethod method) {
public void addElaboratedForwardDeclaration(IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier elaboratedType) {
if (elaboratedType.getClassKind().equals(ASTClassKind.CLASS))
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(elaboratedType.getFullyQualifiedName(),CLASS, ICSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS));
else if (elaboratedType.getClassKind().equals(ASTClassKind.STRUCT))
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(elaboratedType.getFullyQualifiedName(),STRUCT, ICSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS));
else if (elaboratedType.getClassKind().equals(ASTClassKind.UNION))
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(elaboratedType.getFullyQualifiedName(),UNION, ICSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS));
public void addConstructorDeclaration(){
public void addConstructorReference(){
public void addMemberDeclaration(){
public void addMemberReference(){
public void addFunctionDeclaration(IASTFunction function){
public void addFunctionReference(IASTFunction function){
public void addNameReference(){
public void addNamespaceDefinition(IASTNamespaceDefinition namespace){
public void addNamespaceReference(IASTNamespaceDefinition namespace) {
public void addTypedefReference( IASTTypedefDeclaration typedef ){
this.output.addRef( encodeTypeEntry( typedef.getFullyQualifiedName(), TYPEDEF, ICSearchConstants.REFERENCES) );
private void addSuperTypeReference(int modifiers, char[] packageName, char[] typeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames, char classOrInterface, char[] superTypeName, char superClassOrInterface){
public void addTypeReference(char[] typeName){
//this.output.addRef(CharOperation.concat(TYPE_REF, CharOperation.lastSegment(typeName, '.')));
public void addClassReference(IASTTypeSpecifier reference){
String[] fullyQualifiedName = null;
ASTClassKind classKind = null;
if (reference instanceof IASTClassSpecifier){
IASTClassSpecifier classRef = (IASTClassSpecifier) reference;
fullyQualifiedName = classRef.getFullyQualifiedName();
classKind = classRef.getClassKind();
else if (reference instanceof IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier){
IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier typeRef = (IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) reference;
fullyQualifiedName = typeRef.getFullyQualifiedName();
classKind = typeRef.getClassKind();
if (classKind.equals(ASTClassKind.CLASS))
this.output.addRef(encodeTypeEntry(fullyQualifiedName,CLASS, ICSearchConstants.REFERENCES));
else if (classKind.equals(ASTClassKind.STRUCT))
else if (classKind.equals(ASTClassKind.UNION))
* Type entries are encoded as follow: 'typeDecl/' ('C' | 'S' | 'U' | 'E' ) '/' TypeName ['/' Qualifier]*
protected static final char[] encodeTypeEntry( String [] fullTypeName, int typeType, LimitTo encodeType){
int pos = 0, nameLength = 0;
for (int i=0; i<fullTypeName.length; i++){
String namePart = fullTypeName[i];
nameLength+= namePart.length();
char [] result = null;
if( encodeType == REFERENCES ){
//char[] has to be of size - [type decl length + length of the name + separators + letter]
result = new char[TYPE_REF_LENGTH + nameLength + fullTypeName.length + 1 ];
System.arraycopy(TYPE_REF, 0, result, 0, pos = TYPE_REF_LENGTH);
} else if( encodeType == DECLARATIONS ){
//char[] has to be of size - [type decl length + length of the name + separators + letter]
result = new char[TYPE_DECL_LENGTH + nameLength + fullTypeName.length + 1 ];
System.arraycopy(TYPE_DECL, 0, result, 0, pos = TYPE_DECL_LENGTH);
switch (typeType)
result[pos++] = CLASS_SUFFIX;
result[pos++] = STRUCT_SUFFIX;
result[pos++] = UNION_SUFFIX;
result[pos++] = ENUM_SUFFIX;
case (VAR):
result[pos++] = VAR_SUFFIX;
case (TYPEDEF):
result[pos++] = TYPEDEF_SUFFIX;
result[pos++] = SEPARATOR;
//Encode in the following manner
// [typeDecl info]/[typeName]/[qualifiers]
if (fullTypeName.length > 0){
//Extract the name first
char [] tempName = fullTypeName[fullTypeName.length-1].toCharArray();
System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, result, pos, tempName.length);
pos += tempName.length;
//Extract the qualifiers
for (int i=fullTypeName.length - 2; i >= 0; i--){
result[pos++] = SEPARATOR;
char [] tempName = fullTypeName[i].toCharArray();
System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, result, pos, tempName.length);
if (AbstractIndexer.VERBOSE)
AbstractIndexer.verbose(new String(result));
return result;
* Namespace entries are encoded as follow: '[prefix]/' TypeName ['/' Qualifier]*
protected static final char[] encodeEntry(String[] elementName, char[] prefix, int prefixSize){
int pos, nameLength = 0;
for (int i=0; i<elementName.length; i++){
String namePart = elementName[i];
nameLength+= namePart.length();
//char[] has to be of size - [type length + length of the name (including qualifiers) +
//separators (need one less than fully qualified name length)
char[] result = new char[prefixSize + nameLength + elementName.length - 1 ];
System.arraycopy(prefix, 0, result, 0, pos = prefix.length);
if (elementName.length > 0){
//Extract the name first
char [] tempName = elementName[elementName.length-1].toCharArray();
System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, result, pos, tempName.length);
pos += tempName.length;
//Extract the qualifiers
for (int i=elementName.length - 2; i>=0; i--){
result[pos++] = SEPARATOR;
char [] tempName = elementName[i].toCharArray();
System.arraycopy(tempName, 0, result, pos, tempName.length);
if (AbstractIndexer.VERBOSE)
AbstractIndexer.verbose(new String(result));
return result;
* Returns the file types the <code>IIndexer</code> handles.
public abstract String[] getFileTypes();
* Returns the file types being indexed.
public abstract IFile getResourceFile();
* @see IIndexer#index(IDocument document, IIndexerOutput output)
public void index(IDocument document, IIndexerOutput output) throws IOException {
this.output = output;
if (shouldIndex(document)) indexFile(document);
protected abstract void indexFile(IDocument document) throws IOException;
* @see IIndexer#shouldIndex(IDocument document)
public boolean shouldIndex(IDocument document) {
String type = document.getType();
String[] supportedTypes = this.getFileTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < supportedTypes.length; ++i) {
if (supportedTypes[i].equals(type))
return true;
return false;
* Type entries are encoded as follow: 'typeDecl/' ('C' | 'S' | 'U' ) '/' TypeName '/'
* Current encoding is optimized for queries: all classes
public static final char[] bestTypePrefix( SearchFor searchFor, LimitTo limitTo, char[] typeName, char[][] containingTypes, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSensitive) {
char [] prefix = null;
if( limitTo == DECLARATIONS ){
prefix = TYPE_DECL;
} else if( limitTo == REFERENCES ){
prefix = TYPE_REF;
} else {
return TYPE_ALL;
char classType = 0;
if( searchFor == ICSearchConstants.CLASS ){
classType = CLASS_SUFFIX;
} else if ( searchFor == ICSearchConstants.STRUCT ){
classType = STRUCT_SUFFIX;
} else if ( searchFor == ICSearchConstants.UNION ){
classType = UNION_SUFFIX;
} else if ( searchFor == ICSearchConstants.ENUM ){
classType = ENUM_SUFFIX;
} else if ( searchFor == ICSearchConstants.TYPEDEF ){
} else {
//could be TYPE or CLASS_STRUCT, best we can do for these is the prefix
return prefix;
return bestPrefix( prefix, classType, typeName, containingTypes, matchMode, isCaseSensitive );
public static final char[] bestNamespacePrefix(LimitTo limitTo, char[] namespaceName, char[][] containingTypes, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSensitive) {
char [] prefix = null;
if( limitTo == REFERENCES ){
} else if ( limitTo == DECLARATIONS ) {
} else {
return bestPrefix( prefix, (char) 0, namespaceName, containingTypes, matchMode, isCaseSensitive );
public static final char[] bestVariablePrefix( LimitTo limitTo, char[] varName, char[][] containingTypes, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSenstive ){
char [] prefix = null;
if( limitTo == REFERENCES ){
prefix = TYPE_REF;
} else if( limitTo == DECLARATIONS ){
prefix = TYPE_DECL;
} else {
return TYPE_ALL;
return bestPrefix( prefix, VAR_SUFFIX, varName, containingTypes, matchMode, isCaseSenstive );
public static final char[] bestFieldPrefix( LimitTo limitTo, char[] fieldName,char[][] containingTypes, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSensitive) {
char [] prefix = null;
if( limitTo == REFERENCES ){
prefix = FIELD_REF;
} else if( limitTo == DECLARATIONS ){
prefix = FIELD_DECL;
} else {
return FIELD_ALL;
return bestPrefix( prefix, (char)0, fieldName, containingTypes, matchMode, isCaseSensitive );
public static final char[] bestMethodPrefix( LimitTo limitTo, char[] methodName,char[][] containingTypes, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSensitive) {
char [] prefix = null;
if( limitTo == REFERENCES ){
prefix = METHOD_REF;
} else if( limitTo == DECLARATIONS ){
prefix = METHOD_DECL;
} else if( limitTo == DEFINITIONS ){
//TODO prefix = METHOD_DEF;
return METHOD_ALL;
} else {
return METHOD_ALL;
return bestPrefix( prefix, (char)0, methodName, containingTypes, matchMode, isCaseSensitive );
public static final char[] bestFunctionPrefix( LimitTo limitTo, char[] functionName, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSensitive) {
char [] prefix = null;
if( limitTo == REFERENCES ){
prefix = FUNCTION_REF;
} else if( limitTo == DECLARATIONS ){
} else if ( limitTo == DEFINITIONS ){
} else {
return bestPrefix( prefix, (char)0, functionName, null, matchMode, isCaseSensitive );
public static final char[] bestPrefix( char [] prefix, char optionalType, char[] name, char[][] containingTypes, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSensitive) {
char[] result = null;
int pos = 0;
int wildPos, starPos = -1, questionPos;
//length of prefix + separator
int length = prefix.length;
//add length for optional type + another separator
if( optionalType != 0 )
length += 2;
if (!isCaseSensitive){
//index is case sensitive, thus in case attempting case insensitive search, cannot consider
//type name.
name = null;
} else if( matchMode == PATTERN_MATCH && name != null ){
int start = 0;
char [] temp = new char [ name.length ];
boolean isEscaped = false;
int tmpIdx = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < name.length; i++ ){
if( name[i] == '\\' ){
if( !isEscaped ){
isEscaped = true;
isEscaped = false;
} else if( name[i] == '*' && !isEscaped ){
starPos = i;
temp[ tmpIdx++ ] = name[i];
name = new char [ tmpIdx ];
System.arraycopy( temp, 0, name, 0, tmpIdx );
//starPos = CharOperation.indexOf( '*', name );
questionPos = CharOperation.indexOf( '?', name );
if( starPos >= 0 ){
if( questionPos >= 0 )
wildPos = ( starPos < questionPos ) ? starPos : questionPos;
wildPos = starPos;
} else {
wildPos = questionPos;
switch( wildPos ){
case -1 : break;
case 0 : name = null; break;
default : name = CharOperation.subarray( name, 0, wildPos ); break;
//add length for name
if( name != null ){
length += name.length;
} else {
//name is null, don't even consider qualifications.
result = new char [ length ];
System.arraycopy( prefix, 0, result, 0, pos = prefix.length );
if( optionalType != 0){
result[ pos++ ] = optionalType;
result[ pos++ ] = SEPARATOR;
return result;
//add the total length of the qualifiers
//we don't want to mess with the contents of this array (treat it as constant)
//so check for wild cards later.
if( containingTypes != null ){
for( int i = 0; i < containingTypes.length; i++ ){
if( containingTypes[i].length > 0 ){
length += containingTypes[ i ].length;
length++; //separator
//because we haven't checked qualifier wild cards yet, this array might turn out
//to be too long. So fill a temp array, then check the length after
char [] temp = new char [ length ];
System.arraycopy( prefix, 0, temp, 0, pos = prefix.length );
if( optionalType != 0 ){
temp[ pos++ ] = optionalType;
temp[ pos++ ] = SEPARATOR;
System.arraycopy( name, 0, temp, pos, name.length );
pos += name.length;
if( containingTypes != null ){
for( int i = containingTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ){
if( matchMode == PATTERN_MATCH ){
starPos = CharOperation.indexOf( '*', containingTypes[i] );
questionPos = CharOperation.indexOf( '?', containingTypes[i] );
if( starPos >= 0 ){
if( questionPos >= 0 )
wildPos = ( starPos < questionPos ) ? starPos : questionPos;
wildPos = starPos;
} else {
wildPos = questionPos;
if( wildPos >= 0 ){
temp[ pos++ ] = SEPARATOR;
System.arraycopy( containingTypes[i], 0, temp, pos, wildPos );
pos += starPos;
if( containingTypes[i].length > 0 ){
temp[ pos++ ] = SEPARATOR;
System.arraycopy( containingTypes[i], 0, temp, pos, containingTypes[i].length );
pos += containingTypes[i].length;
if( pos < length ){
result = new char[ pos ];
System.arraycopy( temp, 0, result, 0, pos );
} else {
result = temp;
return result;
* @param _limitTo
* @param simpleName
* @param _matchMode
* @param _caseSensitive
* @return
public static final char[] bestMacroPrefix( LimitTo limitTo, char[] macroName, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSenstive ){
//since we only index macro declarations we already know the prefix
char [] prefix = null;
if( limitTo == DECLARATIONS ){
prefix = MACRO_DECL;
} else {
return null;
return bestPrefix( prefix, (char)0, macroName, null, matchMode, isCaseSenstive );
* @param _limitTo
* @param simpleName
* @param _matchMode
* @param _caseSensitive
* @return
public static final char[] bestIncludePrefix( LimitTo limitTo, char[] incName, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSenstive ){
//since we only index macro declarations we already know the prefix
char [] prefix = null;
if( limitTo == REFERENCES ){
prefix = INCLUDE_REF;
} else {
return null;
return bestPrefix( prefix, (char)0, incName, null, matchMode, isCaseSenstive );
public void addInclude(IASTInclusion inclusion, IASTInclusion parent){
this.output.addRelatives(inclusion.getFullFileName(),(parent != null ) ? parent.getFullFileName() : null);
//Add Dep Table entry
String[] incName = new String[1];
incName[0] = inclusion.getFullFileName();
this.output.addRef(encodeEntry(incName, INCLUDE_REF, INCLUDE_REF_LENGTH));