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package org.eclipse.cdt.core.model;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
* Represent the root C element corresponding to the workspace.
* Since there is only one such root element, it is commonly referred to as
* <em>the</em> C model element.
* The C model element needs to be opened before it can be navigated or manipulated.
* The C model element has no parent (it is the root of the C element
* hierarchy). Its children are <code>ICProject</code>s.
* <p>
* This interface provides methods for performing copy, move, rename, and
* delete operations on multiple C elements.
* </p>
* @see CCore#create(org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot)
public interface ICModel extends ICElement, IParent, IOpenable {
* Copies the given elements to the specified container(s).
* If one container is specified, all elements are copied to that
* container. If more than one container is specified, the number of
* elements and containers must match, and each element is copied to
* its associated container.
* <p>
* Optionally, each copy can positioned before a sibling
* element. If <code>null</code> is specified for a given sibling, the copy
* is inserted as the last child of its associated container.
* </p>
* <p>
* Optionally, each copy can be renamed. If
* <code>null</code> is specified for the new name, the copy
* is not renamed.
* </p>
* <p>
* Optionally, any existing child in the destination container with
* the same name can be replaced by specifying <code>true</code> for
* force. Otherwise an exception is thrown in the event that a name
* collision occurs.
* </p>
* @param elements the elements to copy
* @param containers the container, or list of containers
* @param siblings the list of siblings element any of which may be
* <code>null</code>; or <code>null</code>
* @param renamings the list of new names any of which may be
* <code>null</code>; or <code>null</code>
* @param replace <code>true</code> if any existing child in a target container
* with the target name should be replaced, and <code>false</code> to throw an
* exception in the event of a name collision
* @param monitor a progress monitor
* @exception CModelException if an element could not be copied. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li> A specified element, container, or sibling does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)</li>
* <li> A <code>CoreException</code> occurred while updating an underlying resource
* <li> A container is of an incompatible type (<code>INVALID_DESTINATION</code>)
* <li> A sibling is not a child of it associated container (<code>INVALID_SIBLING</code>)
* <li> A new name is invalid (<code>INVALID_NAME</code>)
* <li> A child in its associated container already exists with the same
* name and <code>replace</code> has been specified as <code>false</code> (<code>NAME_COLLISION</code>)
* <li> A container or element is read-only (<code>READ_ONLY</code>)
* </ul>
void copy(ICElement[] elements, ICElement[] containers, ICElement[] siblings, String[] renamings, boolean replace, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException;
* Deletes the given elements, forcing the operation if necessary and specified.
* @param elements the elements to delete
* @param force a flag controlling whether underlying resources that are not
* in sync with the local file system will be tolerated
* @param monitor a progress monitor
* @exception CModelException if an element could not be deleted. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li> A specified element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)</li>
* <li> A <code>CoreException</code> occurred while updating an underlying resource
* <li> An element is read-only (<code>READ_ONLY</code>)
* </ul>
void delete(ICElement[] elements, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException;
* Moves the given elements to the specified container(s).
* If one container is specified, all elements are moved to that
* container. If more than one container is specified, the number of
* elements and containers must match, and each element is moved to
* its associated container.
* <p>
* Optionally, each element can positioned before a sibling
* element. If <code>null</code> is specified for sibling, the element
* is inserted as the last child of its associated container.
* </p>
* <p>
* Optionally, each element can be renamed. If
* <code>null</code> is specified for the new name, the element
* is not renamed.
* </p>
* <p>
* Optionally, any existing child in the destination container with
* the same name can be replaced by specifying <code>true</code> for
* force. Otherwise an exception is thrown in the event that a name
* collision occurs.
* </p>
* @param elements the elements to move
* @param containers the container, or list of containers
* @param siblings the list of siblings element any of which may be
* <code>null</code>; or <code>null</code>
* @param renamings the list of new names any of which may be
* <code>null</code>; or <code>null</code>
* @param replace <code>true</code> if any existing child in a target container
* with the target name should be replaced, and <code>false</code> to throw an
* exception in the event of a name collision
* @param monitor a progress monitor
* @exception CModelException if an element could not be moved. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li> A specified element, container, or sibling does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)</li>
* <li> A <code>CoreException</code> occurred while updating an underlying resource
* <li> A container is of an incompatible type (<code>INVALID_DESTINATION</code>)
* <li> A sibling is not a child of it associated container (<code>INVALID_SIBLING</code>)
* <li> A new name is invalid (<code>INVALID_NAME</code>)
* <li> A child in its associated container already exists with the same
* name and <code>replace</code> has been specified as <code>false</code> (<code>NAME_COLLISION</code>)
* <li> A container or element is read-only (<code>READ_ONLY</code>)
* </ul>
* @exception IllegalArgumentException any element or container is <code>null</code>
void move(ICElement[] elements, ICElement[] containers, ICElement[] siblings, String[] renamings, boolean replace, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException;
* Renames the given elements as specified.
* If one container is specified, all elements are renamed within that
* container. If more than one container is specified, the number of
* elements and containers must match, and each element is renamed within
* its associated container.
* @param elements the elements to rename
* @param destinations the container, or list of containers
* @param names the list of new names
* @param replace <code>true</code> if an existing child in a target container
* with the target name should be replaced, and <code>false</code> to throw an
* exception in the event of a name collision
* @param monitor a progress monitor
* @exception CModelException if an element could not be renamed. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li> A specified element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)</li>
* <li> A <code>CoreException</code> occurred while updating an underlying resource
* <li> A new name is invalid (<code>INVALID_NAME</code>)
* <li> A child already exists with the same name and <code>replace</code> has been specified as <code>false</code> (<code>NAME_COLLISION</code>)
* <li> An element is read-only (<code>READ_ONLY</code>)
* </ul>
void rename(ICElement[] elements, ICElement[] destinations, String[] names, boolean replace, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException;
* Returns the C project with the given name. This is a handle-only method.
* The project may or may not exist.
ICProject getCProject(String name);
* Returns the C projects.
ICProject[] getCProjects();
* Returns an array of non-C resources (i.e. non-C projects) in
* the workspace.
* <p>
* Non-C projects include all projects that are closed (even if they have the
* C nature).
* </p>
* @return an array of non-C projects contained in the workspace.
* @throws CModelException if this element does not exist or if an
* exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
* @since 2.1
Object[] getNonCResources() throws CModelException;
* Returns the workspace associated with this C model.
IWorkspace getWorkspace();