blob: 90d0c019e07919fc2e6b6acc3d80485db86e986c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model;
* (c) Copyright QNX Software Systems Ltd. 2002.
* All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.BufferChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.CModelException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IBuffer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IBufferChangedListener;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICElement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICModelStatusConstants;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
public abstract class Openable extends Parent implements IOpenable, IBufferChangedListener {
protected IResource resource;
public Openable (ICElement parent, IPath path, int type) {
// Check if the file is under the workspace.
this (parent, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFileForLocation (path),
path.lastSegment(), type);
public Openable (ICElement parent, IResource resource, int type) {
this (parent, resource, resource.getName(), type);
public Openable (ICElement parent, IResource res, String name, int type) {
super (parent, name, type);
resource = res;
public IResource getResource() {
return resource;
* The buffer associated with this element has changed. Registers
* this element as being out of synch with its buffer's contents.
* If the buffer has been closed, this element is set as NOT out of
* synch with the contents.
* @see IBufferChangedListener
public void bufferChanged(BufferChangedEvent event) {
if (event.getBuffer().isClosed()) {
} else {
CModelManager.getDefault().getElementsOutOfSynchWithBuffers().put(this, this);
* Updates the info objects for this element and all of its children by
* removing the current infos, generating new infos, and then placing
* the new infos into the C Model cache tables.
protected void buildStructure(OpenableInfo info, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException {
if (monitor != null && monitor.isCanceled()) return;
// remove existing (old) infos
HashMap newElements = new HashMap(11);
info.setIsStructureKnown(generateInfos(info, monitor, newElements, getResource()));
for (Iterator iter = newElements.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ICElement key = (ICElement);
Object value = newElements.get(key);
CModelManager.getDefault().putInfo(key, value);
// add the info for this at the end, to ensure that a getInfo cannot reply null in case the LRU cache needs
// to be flushed. Might lead to performance issues.
CModelManager.getDefault().putInfo(this, info);
* Close the buffer associated with this element, if any.
protected void closeBuffer(OpenableInfo info) {
if (!hasBuffer()) return; // nothing to do
IBuffer buffer = null;
buffer = getBufferManager().getBuffer(this);
if (buffer != null) {
* Builds this element's structure and properties in the given
* info object, based on this element's current contents (i.e. buffer
* contents if this element has an open buffer, or resource contents
* if this element does not have an open buffer). Children
* are placed in the given newElements table (note, this element
* has already been placed in the newElements table). Returns true
* if successful, or false if an error is encountered while determining
* the structure of this element.
protected abstract boolean generateInfos(OpenableInfo info, IProgressMonitor pm, Map newElements, IResource underlyingResource) throws CModelException;
//protected boolean generateInfos(OpenableInfo info, IProgressMonitor pm, Map newElements, IResource underlyingResource) throws CModelException {
// return false;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable#getBuffer()
public IBuffer getBuffer() throws CModelException {
if (hasBuffer()) {
// ensure element is open
if (!isOpen()) {
IBuffer buffer = getBufferManager().getBuffer(this);
if (buffer == null) {
// try to (re)open a buffer
buffer = openBuffer(null);
return buffer;
} else {
return null;
* Answers the buffer factory to use for creating new buffers
public IBufferFactory getBufferFactory(){
return getBufferManager().getDefaultBufferFactory();
* Returns the buffer manager for this element.
protected BufferManager getBufferManager() {
return BufferManager.getDefaultBufferManager();
* Returns true if this element may have an associated source buffer,
* otherwise false. Subclasses must override as required.
protected boolean hasBuffer() {
return false;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable#hasUnsavedChanges()
public boolean hasUnsavedChanges() throws CModelException{
if (isReadOnly() || !isOpen()) {
return false;
IBuffer buf = this.getBuffer();
if (buf != null && buf.hasUnsavedChanges()) {
return true;
// for roots and projects must check open buffers
// to see if they have an child with unsaved changes
if (fType == C_MODEL ||
fType == C_PROJECT) {
Enumeration openBuffers= getBufferManager().getOpenBuffers();
while (openBuffers.hasMoreElements()) {
IBuffer buffer= (IBuffer)openBuffers.nextElement();
if (buffer.hasUnsavedChanges()) {
ICElement owner= (ICElement)buffer.getOwner();
if (isAncestorOf(owner)) {
return true;
return false;
* Subclasses must override as required.
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable#isConsistent()
public boolean isConsistent() throws CModelException {
return true;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable#isOpen()
public boolean isOpen() {
return CModelManager.getDefault().getInfo(this) != null;
* Returns true if this represents a source element.
* Openable source elements have an associated buffer created
* when they are opened.
protected boolean isSourceElement() {
return false;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable#makeConsistent(IProgressMonitor)
public void makeConsistent(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CModelException {
makeConsistent(pm, false);
public void makeConsistent(IProgressMonitor pm, boolean forced) throws CModelException {
if (!isConsistent() || forced) {
buildStructure((OpenableInfo)getElementInfo(), pm);
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable#open(IProgressMonitor)
public void open(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CModelException {
if (!isOpen()) {
* Opens a buffer on the contents of this element, and returns
* the buffer, or returns <code>null</code> if opening fails.
* By default, do nothing - subclasses that have buffers
* must override as required.
protected IBuffer openBuffer(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CModelException {
return null;
* Open the parent element if necessary
protected void openParent(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CModelException {
Openable openableParent = (Openable)getOpenableParent();
if (openableParent != null) {
if (!openableParent.isOpen()){
* Open a <code>IOpenable</code> that is known to be closed (no check for
* <code>isOpen()</code>).
protected void openWhenClosed(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CModelException {
try {
// 1) Parent must be open - open the parent if necessary
// 2) create the new element info and open a buffer if needed
OpenableInfo info = (OpenableInfo) createElementInfo();
IResource resource = getResource();
if (resource != null && isSourceElement()) {
// 3) build the structure of the openable
buildStructure(info, pm);
// if any problems occuring openning the element, ensure that it's info
// does not remain in the cache (some elements, pre-cache their info
// as they are being opened).
} catch (CModelException e) {
throw e;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable#save(IProgressMonitor, boolean)
public void save(IProgressMonitor pm, boolean force) throws CModelException {
if (isReadOnly() || this.getResource().isReadOnly()) {
throw new CModelException(new CModelStatus(ICModelStatusConstants.READ_ONLY, this));
IBuffer buf = getBuffer();
if (buf != null) {, force);
this.makeConsistent(pm); // update the element info of this element