blob: 4282ee1bf4114c78571ac8e041636cabf7b4dbf2 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.CCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.CModelException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IBuffer;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICElement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IInclude;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IParent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ISourceRange;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ISourceReference;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ITranslationUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IUsing;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
* @see ITranslationUnit
public class TranslationUnit extends Openable implements ITranslationUnit {
IPath location = null;
SourceManipulationInfo sourceManipulationInfo = null;
public TranslationUnit(ICElement parent, IFile file) {
super(parent, file, ICElement.C_UNIT);
public TranslationUnit(ICElement parent, IPath path) {
super(parent, path, ICElement.C_UNIT);
public ITranslationUnit getTranslationUnit () {
return this;
public IInclude createInclude(String name, ICElement sibling, IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws CModelException {
return null;
public IUsing createUsing(String name, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException {
return null;
public ICElement getElementAtLine(int line) throws CModelException {
ICElement[] celements = getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < celements.length; i++) {
ISourceRange range = ((ISourceReference)celements[i]).getSourceRange();
int startLine = range.getStartLine();
int endLine = range.getEndLine();
if (line >= startLine && line <= endLine) {
return celements[i];
return null;
public ICElement getElement(String name ) {
ICElement[] celements = getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < celements.length; i++) {
if (name.equals(celements[i].getElementName())) {
return celements[i];
return null;
public IInclude getInclude(String name) {
ICElement[] celements = getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < celements.length; i++) {
if (celements[i].getElementType() == ICElement.C_INCLUDE) {
if (name.equals(celements[i].getElementName())) {
return (IInclude)celements[i];
return null;
public IInclude[] getIncludes() throws CModelException {
ICElement[] celements = getChildren();
ArrayList aList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < celements.length; i++) {
if (celements[i].getElementType() == ICElement.C_INCLUDE) {
return (IInclude[])aList.toArray(new IInclude[0]);
public IUsing getUsing(String name) {
ICElement[] celements = getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < celements.length; i++) {
if (celements[i].getElementType() == ICElement.C_USING) {
if (name.equals(celements[i].getElementName())) {
return (IUsing)celements[i];
return null;
public IUsing[] getUsings() throws CModelException {
ICElement[] celements = getChildren();
ArrayList aList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < celements.length; i++) {
if (celements[i].getElementType() == ICElement.C_USING) {
return (IUsing[])aList.toArray(new IUsing[0]);
public void setLocation(IPath loc) {
location = loc;
public IPath getLocation() {
if (location == null) {
IFile file = getFile();
if (file != null) {
location = file.getLocation();
} else {
return getPath();
return location;
protected IFile getFile() {
IResource res = getResource();
if (res instanceof IFile) {
return (IFile)res;
return null;
* @see ISourceManipulation
public void copy(ICElement container, ICElement sibling, String rename, boolean force,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException {
getSourceManipulationInfo().copy(container, sibling, rename, force, monitor);
* @see ISourceManipulation
public void delete(boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException {
getSourceManipulationInfo().delete(force, monitor);
* @see ISourceManipulation
public void move(ICElement container, ICElement sibling, String rename, boolean force,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException {
getSourceManipulationInfo().move(container, sibling, rename, force, monitor);
* @see ISourceManipulation
public void rename(String name, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws CModelException {
getSourceManipulationInfo().rename(name, force, monitor);
* @see ISourceReference
public String getSource() throws CModelException {
return getSourceManipulationInfo().getSource();
* @see ISourceReference
public ISourceRange getSourceRange() throws CModelException {
return getSourceManipulationInfo().getSourceRange();
protected TranslationUnitInfo getTranslationUnitInfo() {
return (TranslationUnitInfo)getElementInfo();
protected SourceManipulationInfo getSourceManipulationInfo() {
if (sourceManipulationInfo == null) {
sourceManipulationInfo = new SourceManipulationInfo(this);
return sourceManipulationInfo;
protected CElementInfo createElementInfo () {
return new TranslationUnitInfo(this);
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model.CFile#buildStructure(CFileInfo, IProgressMonitor)
protected void buildStructure(OpenableInfo info, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CModelException {
if (monitor != null && monitor.isCanceled()) return;
// remove existing (old) infos
HashMap newElements = new HashMap(11);
info.setIsStructureKnown(generateInfos(info, monitor, newElements, getResource()));
for (Iterator iter = newElements.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ICElement key = (ICElement);
Object value = newElements.get(key);
CModelManager.getDefault().putInfo(key, value);
// problem detection
if (monitor != null && monitor.isCanceled()) return;
//IProblemRequestor problemRequestor = this.getProblemRequestor();
//if (problemRequestor != null && problemRequestor.isActive()){
// problemRequestor.beginReporting();
// CompilationUnitProblemFinder.process(this, problemRequestor, monitor);
// problemRequestor.endReporting();
// add the info for this at the end, to ensure that a getInfo cannot reply null in case the LRU cache needs
// to be flushed. Might lead to performance issues.
CModelManager.getDefault().putInfo(this, info);
* Returns true if this handle represents the same Java element
* as the given handle.
* <p>Compilation units must also check working copy state;
* @see Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return super.equals(o) && !((ITranslationUnit)o).isWorkingCopy();
* @see IWorkingCopy#findSharedWorkingCopy(IBufferFactory)
public IWorkingCopy findSharedWorkingCopy(IBufferFactory factory) {
// if factory is null, default factory must be used
if (factory == null) factory = BufferManager.getDefaultBufferManager();
// In order to be shared, working copies have to denote the same translation unit
// AND use the same buffer factory.
// Assuming there is a little set of buffer factories, then use a 2 level Map cache.
Map sharedWorkingCopies = CModelManager.getDefault().sharedWorkingCopies;
Map perFactoryWorkingCopies = (Map) sharedWorkingCopies.get(factory);
if (perFactoryWorkingCopies == null) return null;
return (WorkingCopy)perFactoryWorkingCopies.get(this);
* To be removed with the new model builder in place
* @param newElements
* @param element
private void getNewElements(Map newElements, CElement element){
Object info = element.getElementInfo();
if(info != null){
if(element instanceof IParent){
ICElement[] children = ((CElementInfo)info).getChildren();
int size = children.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
CElement child = (CElement) children[i];
getNewElements(newElements, child);
newElements.put(element, info);
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model.Openable#generateInfos(OpenableInfo, IProgressMonitor, Map, IResource)
protected boolean generateInfos(OpenableInfo info, IProgressMonitor pm, Map newElements, IResource underlyingResource) throws CModelException {
// put the info now, because getting the contents requires it
CModelManager.getDefault().putInfo(this, info);
TranslationUnitInfo unitInfo = (TranslationUnitInfo) info;
// generate structure
Map mapping = this.parse();
// this is temporary until the New Model Builder is implemented
if(mapping == null) {
getNewElements(newElements, this);
} else {
if (isWorkingCopy()) {
ITranslationUnit original = (ITranslationUnit) ((IWorkingCopy)this).getOriginalElement();
// might be IResource.NULL_STAMP if original does not exist
IResource r = original.getResource();
if (r != null && r instanceof IFile) {
unitInfo.fTimestamp = ((IFile) r).getModificationStamp();
return unitInfo.isStructureKnown();
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ITranslationUnit#getContents()
public char[] getContents() {
try {
IBuffer buffer = this.getBuffer();
return buffer == null ? null : buffer.getCharacters();
} catch (CModelException e) {
return new char[0];
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ITranslationUnit#getSharedWorkingCopy(IProgressMonitor, IBufferFactory)
public IWorkingCopy getSharedWorkingCopy(IProgressMonitor monitor,IBufferFactory factory)
throws CModelException {
// if factory is null, default factory must be used
if (factory == null) factory = BufferManager.getDefaultBufferManager();
CModelManager manager = CModelManager.getDefault();
// In order to be shared, working copies have to denote the same translation unit
// AND use the same buffer factory.
// Assuming there is a little set of buffer factories, then use a 2 level Map cache.
Map sharedWorkingCopies = manager.sharedWorkingCopies;
Map perFactoryWorkingCopies = (Map) sharedWorkingCopies.get(factory);
if (perFactoryWorkingCopies == null){
perFactoryWorkingCopies = new HashMap();
sharedWorkingCopies.put(factory, perFactoryWorkingCopies);
WorkingCopy workingCopy = (WorkingCopy)perFactoryWorkingCopies.get(this);
if (workingCopy != null) {
return workingCopy;
} else {
workingCopy = (WorkingCopy)this.getWorkingCopy(monitor, factory);
perFactoryWorkingCopies.put(this, workingCopy);
// report added java delta
// CElementDelta delta = new CElementDelta(this.getCModel());
// delta.added(workingCopy);
return workingCopy;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ITranslationUnit#getWorkingCopy()
public IWorkingCopy getWorkingCopy()throws CModelException{
return this.getWorkingCopy(null, null);
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ITranslationUnit#getWorkingCopy()
public IWorkingCopy getWorkingCopy(IProgressMonitor monitor, IBufferFactory factory)throws CModelException{
WorkingCopy workingCopy = new WorkingCopy(getParent(), getFile(), factory);
// open the working copy now to ensure contents are that of the current state of this element;
return workingCopy;
* Returns true if this element may have an associated source buffer.
protected boolean hasBuffer() {
return true;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable#isConsistent()
public boolean isConsistent() throws CModelException {
return CModelManager.getDefault().getElementsOutOfSynchWithBuffers().get(this) == null;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model.Openable#isSourceElement()
protected boolean isSourceElement() {
return true;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ITranslationUnit#isWorkingCopy()
public boolean isWorkingCopy() {
return false;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IOpenable#makeConsistent(IProgressMonitor)
public void makeConsistent(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CModelException {
makeConsistent(pm, false);
public void makeConsistent(IProgressMonitor pm, boolean forced) throws CModelException {
if (!isConsistent() || forced) {
// create a new info and make it the current info
OpenableInfo info = (OpenableInfo) createElementInfo();
buildStructure(info, pm);
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model.Openable#openBuffer(IProgressMonitor)
protected IBuffer openBuffer(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CModelException {
// create buffer - translation units only use default buffer factory
BufferManager bufManager = getBufferManager();
IBuffer buffer = getBufferFactory().createBuffer(this);
if (buffer == null)
return null;
// set the buffer source
if (buffer.getCharacters() == null){
IResource file = this.getResource();
if (file != null && file.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
// add buffer to buffer cache
// listen to buffer changes
return buffer;
* Parse the buffer contents of this element.
public Map parse(){
try {
CModelBuilder modelBuilder = new CModelBuilder(this);
boolean quickParseMode = ! (CCorePlugin.getDefault().useStructuralParseMode());
return modelBuilder.parse(quickParseMode);
} catch (Exception e) {
// FIXME: use the debug log for this exception.
return null;