blob: 00521aecc7e16cfa4814a515cc0b4003e85b6256 [file] [log] [blame]
* Created on Nov 4, 2003
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.pst;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class BasicSymbol implements Cloneable, ISymbol
private final ParserSymbolTable _table;
public BasicSymbol( ParserSymbolTable table, String name ){
this._table = table;
_name = name;
_typeInfo = new TypeInfo();
public BasicSymbol( ParserSymbolTable table, String name, ISymbolASTExtension obj ){
this._table = table;
_name = name;
_object = obj;
_typeInfo = new TypeInfo();
public BasicSymbol( ParserSymbolTable table, String name, TypeInfo.eType typeInfo )
this._table = table;
_name = name;
_typeInfo = new TypeInfo( typeInfo, 0, null );
public ParserSymbolTable getSymbolTable(){
return _table;
public Object clone(){
BasicSymbol copy = null;
copy = (BasicSymbol)super.clone();
} catch ( CloneNotSupportedException e ){
//should not happen
return null;
copy._object = null;
return copy;
public String getName() { return _name; }
public void setName(String name) { _name = name; }
public ISymbolASTExtension getASTExtension() { return _object; }
public void setASTExtension( ISymbolASTExtension obj ) { _object = obj; }
public IContainerSymbol getContainingSymbol() { return _containingScope; }
public void setContainingSymbol( IContainerSymbol scope ){
_containingScope = scope;
_depth = scope.getDepth() + 1;
public void setType(TypeInfo.eType t){
getTypeInfo().setType( t );
public TypeInfo.eType getType(){
return getTypeInfo().getType();
public boolean isType( TypeInfo.eType type ){
return getTypeInfo().isType( type, TypeInfo.t_undef );
public boolean isType( TypeInfo.eType type, TypeInfo.eType upperType ){
return getTypeInfo().isType( type, upperType );
public ISymbol getTypeSymbol(){
ISymbol symbol = getTypeInfo().getTypeSymbol();
if( symbol != null && symbol.getTypeInfo().isForwardDeclaration() && symbol.getTypeSymbol() != null ){
return symbol.getTypeSymbol();
return symbol;
public void setTypeSymbol( ISymbol type ){
getTypeInfo().setTypeSymbol( type );
public TypeInfo getTypeInfo(){
return _typeInfo;
public void setTypeInfo( TypeInfo info ) {
_typeInfo = info;
public boolean isForwardDeclaration(){
return getTypeInfo().isForwardDeclaration();
public void setIsForwardDeclaration( boolean forward ){
getTypeInfo().setIsForwardDeclaration( forward );
* returns 0 if same, non zero otherwise
public int compareCVQualifiersTo( ISymbol symbol ){
int size = symbol.getTypeInfo().hasPtrOperators() ? symbol.getTypeInfo().getPtrOperators().size() : 0;
int size2 = getTypeInfo().hasPtrOperators() ? getTypeInfo().getPtrOperators().size() : 0;
if( size != size2 ){
return size2 - size;
} else if( size == 0 )
return 0;
else {
Iterator iter1 = symbol.getTypeInfo().getPtrOperators().iterator();
Iterator iter2 = getTypeInfo().getPtrOperators().iterator();
TypeInfo.PtrOp op1 = null, op2 = null;
for( int i = size; i > 0; i-- ){
op1 = (TypeInfo.PtrOp);
op2 = (TypeInfo.PtrOp);
if( op1.compareCVTo( op2 ) != 0 ){
return -1;
return 0;
public List getPtrOperators(){
return getTypeInfo().getPtrOperators();
public void addPtrOperator( TypeInfo.PtrOp ptrOp ){
getTypeInfo().addPtrOperator( ptrOp );
public int getDepth(){
return _depth;
public boolean isTemplateMember(){
return _isTemplateMember;
public void setIsTemplateMember( boolean isMember ){
_isTemplateMember = isMember;
public ISymbol getTemplateInstance(){
return _templateInstance;
public void setTemplateInstance( TemplateInstance instance ){
_templateInstance = instance;
public Map getArgumentMap(){
return null;
public boolean getIsInvisible(){
return _isInvisible;
public void setIsInvisible( boolean invisible ){
_isInvisible = invisible ;
private String _name; //our name
private ISymbolASTExtension _object; //the object associated with us
private TypeInfo _typeInfo; //our type info
private IContainerSymbol _containingScope; //the scope that contains us
private int _depth; //how far down the scope stack we are
private boolean _isInvisible = false; //used by friend declarations (11.4-9)
private boolean _isTemplateMember = false;
private TemplateInstance _templateInstance;