blob: 63d47972a16ebec93d977e99b2d4e87c6a592a9f [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) Copyright QNX Software Systems Ltd. 2002.
* All Rights Reserved.
package org.eclipse.cdt.utils.coff;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
public class Coff {
public static final String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");
FileHeader filehdr;
OptionalHeader opthdr;
RandomAccessFile rfile;
long startingOffset;
byte[] string_table;
SectionHeader[] scnhdrs;
Symbol[] symbols;
public static class FileHeader {
public final static int FILHSZ = 20;
public final static int F_RELFLG = 0x0001; // relocation info stripped from file
public final static int F_EXEC = 0x0002; // file is executable
// (no unresolved external references)
public final static int F_LNNO = 0x0004; // line numbers stripped from file
public final static int F_LSYMS = 0x0008; // local symbols stripped from file
public final static int F_AR16WR = 0x0080; // file is 16-bit little-endian
public final static int F_AR32WR = 0x0100; // file is 32-bit little-endian
public final static int F_AR32W = 0x0200; // file is 32-bit big-endian
public final static int F_DYNLOAD = 0x1000;// rs/6000 aix: dynamically
// loadable w/imports & exports
public final static int F_SHROBJ = 0x2000; // rs/6000 aix: file is a shared object
public final static int F_DLL = 0x2000; // PE format DLL.
public int f_magic; /* 00-01 2 bytes: magic number */
public int f_nscns; /* 02-03 2 bytes: number of sections: 2 bytes */
public int f_timdat; /* 04-07 4 bytes: time & date stamp */
public int f_symptr; /* 08-11 4 bytes: file pointer to symtab */
public int f_nsyms; /* 12-15 4 bytes: number of symtab entries */
public int f_opthdr; /* 16-17 2 bytes: sizeof(optional hdr) */
public int f_flags; /* 18-19 2 bytes: flags */
public FileHeader (RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException {
this(file, file.getFilePointer());
public FileHeader (RandomAccessFile file, long offset) throws IOException {;
byte[] hdr = new byte[FILHSZ];
ReadMemoryAccess memory = new ReadMemoryAccess(hdr, true);
f_magic = memory.getUnsignedShort();
f_nscns = memory.getUnsignedShort();
f_timdat = memory.getInt();
f_symptr = memory.getInt();
f_nsyms = memory.getInt();
f_opthdr = memory.getUnsignedShort();
f_flags = memory.getUnsignedShort();
public boolean isStrip() {
return (f_flags & F_RELFLG) == F_RELFLG;
public boolean isExec() {
return (f_flags & F_EXEC) == F_EXEC;
public boolean isDebug() {
return !((f_flags & F_LNNO) == F_LNNO);
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("FILE HEADER VALUES").append(NL);
buffer.append("f_magic = ").append(f_magic).append(NL);
buffer.append("f_nscns = ").append(f_nscns).append(NL);
buffer.append("f_timdat = ");
buffer.append(DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date(f_timdat)));
buffer.append("f_symptr = ").append(f_symptr).append(NL);
buffer.append("f_nsyms = ").append(f_nsyms).append(NL);
buffer.append("f_opthdr = ").append(f_opthdr).append(NL);
buffer.append("f_flags = ").append(f_flags).append(NL);
return buffer.toString();
public static class OptionalHeader {
public final static int AOUTHDRSZ = 28;
public short magic; /* 2 bytes: type of file */
public short vstamp; /* 2 bytes: version stamp */
public int tsize; /* 4 bytes: text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
public int dsize; /* 4 bytes: initialized data " " */
public int bsize; /* 4 bytes: uninitialized data " " */
public int entry; /* 4 bytes: entry pt. */
public int text_start; /* 4 bytes: base of text used for this file */
public int data_start; /* 4 bytes: base of data used for this file */
public OptionalHeader(RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException {
this(file, file.getFilePointer() + FileHeader.FILHSZ);
public OptionalHeader(RandomAccessFile file, long offset) throws IOException {;
byte[] hdr = new byte[AOUTHDRSZ];
ReadMemoryAccess memory = new ReadMemoryAccess(hdr, true);
magic = memory.getShort();
vstamp = memory.getShort();
tsize = memory.getInt();
dsize = memory.getInt();
bsize = memory.getInt();
entry = memory.getInt();
text_start = memory.getInt();
data_start = memory.getInt();
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("OPTIONAL HEADER VALUES").append(NL);
buffer.append("magic = ").append(magic).append(NL);
buffer.append("vstamp = ").append(vstamp).append(NL);
buffer.append("tsize = ").append(tsize).append(NL);
buffer.append("dsize = ").append(dsize).append(NL);
buffer.append("bsize = ").append(bsize).append(NL);
buffer.append("entry = ").append(entry).append(NL);
buffer.append("text_start = ").append(text_start).append(NL);
buffer.append("data_start = ").append(data_start).append(NL);
return buffer.toString();
public static class SectionHeader {
public final static int SCNHSZ = 40;
/* names of "special" sections */
public final static String _TEXT = ".text";
public final static String _DATA = ".data";
public final static String _BSS = ".bss";
public final static String _COMMENT = ".comment";
public final static String _LIB = ".lib";
/* s_flags "type". */
public final static int STYP_REG = 0x0000; /* "regular": allocated, relocated,
loaded */
public final static int STYP_DSECT = 0x0001; /* "dummy": relocated only */
public final static int STYP_NOLOAD = 0x0002; /* "noload": allocated, relocated,
not loaded */
public final static int STYP_GROUP = 0x0004; /* "grouped": formed of input
sections */
public final static int STYP_PAD = 0x0008; /* "padding": not allocated, not
relocated, loaded */
public final static int STYP_COPY = 0x0010; /* "copy": for decision function
used by field update;
not allocated, not relocated,
loaded; reloc & lineno entries
processed normally */
public final static int STYP_TEXT = 0x0020; /* section contains text only. */
public final static int S_SHRSEG = 0x0020; /* In 3b Update files (output of
ogen), sections which appear in
SHARED segments of the Pfile
will have the S_SHRSEG flag set
by ogen, to inform dufr that
updating 1 copy of the proc. will
update all process invocations. */
public final static int STYP_DATA = 0x0040; /* section contains data only */
public final static int STYP_BSS = 0x0080; /* section contains bss only */
public final static int S_NEWFCN = 0x0100; /* In a minimal file or an update
file, a new function (as
compared with a replaced
function) */
public final static int STYP_INFO = 0x0200; /* comment: not allocated not
relocated, not loaded */
public final static int STYP_OVER = 0x0400; /* overlay: relocated not allocated
or loaded */
public final static int STYP_LIB = 0x0800; /* for .lib: same as INFO */
public final static int STYP_MERGE = 0x2000; /* merge section -- combines with
text, data or bss sections only */
public final static int STYP_REVERSE_PAD = 0x4000; /* section will be padded
with no-op instructions
wherever padding is necessary
and there is a word of
contiguous bytes beginning on a
word boundary. */
public final static int STYP_LIT = 0x8020; /* Literal data (like STYP_TEXT) */
public byte[] s_name= new byte[8]; // 8 bytes: section name
public int s_paddr; // 4 bytes: physical address, aliased s_nlib
public int s_vaddr; // 4 bytes: virtual address
public int s_size; // 4 bytes: section size
public int s_scnptr; // 4 bytes: file ptr to raw data for section
public int s_relptr; // 4 bytes: file ptr to relocation
public int s_lnnoptr; // 4 bytes: file ptr to line numbers
public int s_nreloc; // 2 bytes: number of relocation entries
public int s_nlnno; // 2 bytes: number of line number entries
public int s_flags; // 4 bytes: flags
RandomAccessFile sfile;
public SectionHeader(RandomAccessFile file, long offset) throws IOException {
sfile = file;;
byte[] hdr = new byte[SCNHSZ];
ReadMemoryAccess memory = new ReadMemoryAccess(hdr, true);
s_paddr = memory.getInt();
s_vaddr = memory.getInt();
s_size = memory.getInt();
s_scnptr = memory.getInt();
s_relptr = memory.getInt();
s_lnnoptr = memory.getInt();
s_nreloc = memory.getUnsignedShort();
s_nlnno = memory.getUnsignedShort();
s_flags = memory.getInt();
public byte[] getRawData() throws IOException {
byte[] data = new byte[s_size];;
return data;
public Reloc[] getRelocs() throws IOException {
Reloc[] relocs = new Reloc[s_nreloc];;
for (int i = 0; i < s_nreloc; i++) {
relocs[i] = new Reloc(sfile);
return relocs;
public Lineno[] getLinenos() throws IOException {
Lineno[] lines = new Lineno[s_nlnno];;
for (int i = 0; i < s_nlnno; i++) {
lines[i] = new Lineno(sfile);
return lines;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("SECTION HEADER VALUES").append(NL);
buffer.append(new String(s_name)).append(NL);
buffer.append("s_paddr = ").append(s_paddr).append(NL);
buffer.append("s_vaddr = ").append(s_vaddr).append(NL);
buffer.append("s_size = ").append(s_size).append(NL);
buffer.append("s_scnptr = ").append(s_scnptr).append(NL);
buffer.append("s_relptr = ").append(s_relptr).append(NL);
buffer.append("s_lnnoptr = ").append(s_lnnoptr).append(NL);
buffer.append("s_nreloc = ").append(s_nreloc).append(NL);
buffer.append("s_nlnno = ").append(s_nlnno).append(NL);
buffer.append("s_flags = ").append(s_flags).append(NL);
try {
Reloc[] rcs = getRelocs();
for (int i = 0; i < rcs.length; i++) {
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
Lineno[] nos = getLinenos();
for (int i = 0; i < nos.length; i++) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return buffer.toString();
public static class Reloc {
public static final int RELSZ = 16;
public int r_vaddr; /* 4 byte: Pointer to an area in raw data that represents a
referenced address. */
public int r_symndx; /* 4 byte: Index into symbol table. */
public int r_type; /* 2 byte(unsigned short): Type of address reference. */
public Reloc(RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException {
this(file, file.getFilePointer());
public Reloc(RandomAccessFile file, long offset) throws IOException {;
byte[] bytes = new byte[RELSZ];
ReadMemoryAccess memory = new ReadMemoryAccess(bytes, true);
r_vaddr = memory.getInt();
r_symndx = memory.getInt();
r_type = memory.getUnsignedShort();
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("RELOC VALUES").append(NL);
buffer.append("r_vaddr = ").append(r_vaddr);
buffer.append(" r_symndx = ").append(r_symndx).append(NL);
return buffer.toString();
public static class Lineno {
public final static int LINESZ = 6;
public int l_addr; /* long. Index into symbol table if l_linn0 == 0.
Break-pointable address if l_lnno > 0. */
public int l_lnno; /* unsigned short. Line number */
public Lineno(RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException {
this(file, file.getFilePointer());
public Lineno(RandomAccessFile file, long offset) throws IOException {;
byte[] bytes = new byte[LINESZ];
ReadMemoryAccess memory = new ReadMemoryAccess(bytes, true);
l_addr = memory.getInt();
l_lnno = memory.getUnsignedShort();
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (l_lnno == 0) {
buffer.append("Function address = ").append(l_addr).append(NL);
} else {
buffer.append("line# ").append(l_lnno);
buffer.append(" at address = ").append(l_addr).append(NL);
return buffer.toString();
public static class Symbol {
public final static int SYMSZ = 18;
public final static int SYMNMLEN = 8;
/* Derived types, in n_type. */
public final static int DT_NON = 0; /* no derived type */
public final static int DT_PTR = 1; /* pointer */
public final static int DT_FCN = 2; /* function */
public final static int DT_ARY = 3; /* array */
public final static int N_TMASK = 0x30;
public final static int N_BTSHFT = 4;
public final static int N_TSHIFT = 2;
public byte[] _n_name = new byte[SYMNMLEN]; /* Symbol name, or pointer into
string table if symbol name
is greater than SYMNMLEN. */
public int n_value; /* long. Symbol;s value: dependent on section number,
storage class and type. */
public short n_scnum; /* short, Section number. */
public int n_type; /* Unsigned short. Symbolic type. */
public byte n_sclass; /* char, Storage class. */
public byte n_numaux; /* char. Nuymber of auxiliary enties. */
public Symbol(RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException {
this(file, file.getFilePointer());
public Symbol(RandomAccessFile file, long offset) throws IOException {;
byte[] bytes = new byte[SYMSZ];
ReadMemoryAccess memory = new ReadMemoryAccess(bytes, true);
n_value = memory.getInt();
n_scnum = memory.getShort();
n_type = memory.getUnsignedShort();
n_sclass = memory.getByte();
n_numaux = memory.getByte();
public boolean isLongName() {
return (_n_name[0] == 0);
public String getName() {
for (int i = 0; i < _n_name.length; i++) {
if (_n_name[i] == 0) {
return new String(_n_name, 0, i);
return "";
public String getName(byte[] table) {
if (table.length > 0 && isLongName()) {
ReadMemoryAccess memory = new ReadMemoryAccess(_n_name, true);
memory.getInt(); // pass over the first 4 bytes.
// The first for bytes of the string table represent the
// number of bytes in the string table.
int offset = memory.getInt() - 4;
if (offset > 0) {
for (int i = offset; i < table.length; i++) {
if (table[i] == 0) {
return new String(table, offset, i - offset);
return getName();
public boolean isPointer() {
return (n_type & N_TMASK) == (DT_PTR << N_BTSHFT);
public boolean isFunction() {
return (n_type & N_TMASK) == (DT_FCN << N_BTSHFT);
public boolean isArray() {
return (n_type & N_TMASK) == (DT_ARY << N_BTSHFT);
public String toString() {
return getName();
public FileHeader getFileHeader() throws IOException {
return filehdr;
public OptionalHeader getOptionalHeader() throws IOException {
return opthdr;
public SectionHeader[] getSectionHeaders() throws IOException {
if (scnhdrs == null) {
scnhdrs = new SectionHeader[getFileHeader().f_nscns];
long sec = FileHeader.FILHSZ + getFileHeader().f_opthdr;
for (int i = 0; i < scnhdrs.length; i++, sec += SectionHeader.SCNHSZ) {
scnhdrs[i] = new SectionHeader(rfile, sec);
return scnhdrs;
public Symbol[] getSymbols() throws IOException {
if (symbols == null) {
long offset = getFileHeader().f_symptr;;
symbols = new Symbol[getFileHeader().f_nsyms];
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
symbols[i] = new Symbol(rfile);
return symbols;
public byte[] getStringTable() throws IOException {
if (string_table == null) {
long symbolsize = Symbol.SYMSZ * getFileHeader().f_nsyms;
long offset = getFileHeader().f_symptr + symbolsize;;
byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
int str_len = ReadMemoryAccess.getIntLE(bytes);
if (str_len > 4) {
str_len -= 4;
string_table = new byte[str_len]; + 4);
} else {
string_table = new byte[0];
return string_table;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
try {
FileHeader header = null;
header = getFileHeader();
if (header != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
OptionalHeader opt = null;
opt = getOptionalHeader();
if (opt != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
SectionHeader[] sections = getSectionHeaders();
for (int i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
Symbol[] table = getSymbols();
for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// try {
// String[] strings = getStringTable(getStringTable());
// for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
// buffer.append(strings[i]);
// }
// } catch (IOException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
return buffer.toString();
public static String[] getStringTable(byte[] bytes) {
List aList = new ArrayList();
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
if (bytes[i] == 0) {
aList.add(new String(bytes, offset, i - offset));
offset = i + 1;
return (String[])aList.toArray(new String[0]);
public Coff(String filename) throws IOException {
this(new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r"), 0);
public Coff(RandomAccessFile file, long offset) throws IOException {
commonSetup(file, offset);
void commonSetup(RandomAccessFile file, long offset) throws IOException {
startingOffset = offset;
rfile = file;
try {
filehdr = new FileHeader(rfile, offset);
if (filehdr.f_opthdr > 0) {
opthdr = new OptionalHeader(rfile, startingOffset + 20);
} finally {
if (filehdr == null) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Coff coff = new Coff(args[0]);
} catch (IOException e) {