blob: 010cd6f6c6b515073788d9196b42e155a9b0a667 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.text;
* (c) Copyright QNX Software Systems Ltd. 2002.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region;
* This is a helper class for the text editor to be able to determine,
* given a particular offset in a document, various candidates segments
* for things like context help, proposals and hovering.
public class CWordFinder
* This method determines for a given offset into a given document
* what the region is which defines the current word. A word is
* defined as the set of non "C" identifiers. So assuming that !
* indicated the current cursor postion:
* !afunction(int a, int b) --> word = length 0
* afunc!tion(int a, int b) --> word = afunction
* afunction!(int a, int b) --> word = afunction
* afunction(!int a, int b) --> word = length 0
* afunction(int a,! int b) --> word = length 0
* afunction(!) --> word = length 0
* @param document The document to be examined
* @param offset The offset into the document where a word should
* be idendified.
* @return The region defining the current word, which may be a
* region of length 0 if the offset is not in a word, or null if
* there is an error accessing the docment data.
public static IRegion findWord( IDocument document, int offset )
int start = -1;
int end = -1;
int pos = offset;
char c;
while( pos >= 0 )
c = document.getChar( pos );
if ( !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart( c ) )
start = pos;
pos = offset;
int length = document.getLength();
while( pos < length )
c = document.getChar( pos );
if ( !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart( c ) )
end = pos;
catch( BadLocationException x )
if ( start > -1 && end > -1 )
if ( start == offset && end == offset )
return new Region( offset, 0 );
else if ( start == offset )
return new Region( start, end - start );
return new Region( start + 1, end - start - 1 );
return null;
* This method will determine the region for the name of the function
* within which the current offset is contained.
* @param document The document to be examined
* @param offset The offset into the document where a word should
* be idendified.
* @return The region defining the current word, which may be a
* region of length 0 if the offset is not in a function, or null if
* there is an error accessing the docment data.
public static IRegion findFunction( IDocument document, int offset )
int leftbracket = -1;
int leftbracketcount = 0;
int rightbracket = -1;
int rightbracketcount = 0;
int functionstart = -1;
int functionend = -1;
int length = document.getLength();
int pos;
char c;
//Find most relevant right bracket from our position
pos = offset;
rightbracketcount = leftbracketcount = 0;
while(pos < length) {
c = document.getChar( pos );
if( c == ')') {
if(rightbracketcount >= leftbracketcount) {
rightbracket = pos;
if(c == '(') {
if(c == ';') {
if ( rightbracket == -1 ) {
return new Region(offset, 0);
//Now backtrack our way from the rightbracket to the left
pos = rightbracket;
rightbracketcount = leftbracketcount = 0;
while(pos >= 0) {
c = document.getChar( pos );
if( c == ')') {
if(c == '(') {
if(leftbracketcount >= rightbracketcount) {
leftbracket = pos;
if(c == ';') {
if ( leftbracket == -1 ) {
return new Region(offset, 0);
//Now work our way to the function name
pos = leftbracket - 1;
while(pos >= 0) {
c = document.getChar( pos );
if(functionend == -1 && c == ' ' ) {
if(!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) {
functionstart = pos;
if(functionend == -1) {
functionend = pos;
} catch( BadLocationException x ) {
/* Ignore */
if (functionstart > -1 && functionend > -1) {
return new Region(functionstart, functionend - functionstart + 1);
return null;