blob: e223f85e5c3553c7c757ae3a11c883a132bced61 [file] [log] [blame]
*(c) Copyright QNX Software Systems Ltd. 2002.
* All Rights Reserved.
package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.model;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.CDebugCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.ICDebugConstants;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.CDIException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.ICDIFormat;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIDestroyedEvent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIEvent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIEventListener;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIResumedEvent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIArgumentObject;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIObject;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIStackFrame;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDITarget;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIValue;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariable;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariableObject;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.type.ICDIType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICDebugElementErrorStatus;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICValue;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICVariable;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICastToArray;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICastToType;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugEvent;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunch;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IDebugTarget;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IValue;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IVariable;
* A superclass for all variable classes.
* @since Aug 9, 2002
public abstract class CVariable extends CDebugElement
implements ICVariable,
* The instance of this class is created when the 'getCDIVariable' call throws an exception.
* @since Jul 22, 2003
public static class ErrorVariable implements ICDIVariable
private ICDIVariableObject fVariableObject;
private Exception fException;
public ErrorVariable( ICDIVariableObject varObject, Exception e )
fVariableObject = varObject;
fException = e;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariable#getStackFrame()
public ICDIStackFrame getStackFrame() throws CDIException
return null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariableObject#getName()
public String getName()
return ( fVariableObject != null ) ? fVariableObject.getName() : "";
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariable#getTypeName()
public String getTypeName() throws CDIException
return ( fVariableObject != null ) ? fVariableObject.getTypeName() : "";
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariable#getType()
public ICDIType getType() throws CDIException
return ( fVariableObject != null ) ? fVariableObject.getType() : null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariable#getValue()
public ICDIValue getValue() throws CDIException
return null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariable#isEditable()
public boolean isEditable() throws CDIException
return false;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariable#setValue(java.lang.String)
public void setValue( String expression ) throws CDIException
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariable#setValue(org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIValue)
public void setValue( ICDIValue value ) throws CDIException
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariable#setFormat(int)
public void setFormat( int format ) throws CDIException
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIObject#getTarget()
public ICDITarget getTarget()
return ( fVariableObject != null ) ? fVariableObject.getTarget() : null;
public Exception getException()
return fException;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariableObject#sizeof()
public int sizeof() throws CDIException
return 0;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariableObject#getQualifiedName()
public String getQualifiedName() throws CDIException
return ( fVariableObject != null ) ? fVariableObject.getQualifiedName() : null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariableObject#equals(org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.model.ICDIVariableObject)
public boolean equals( ICDIVariableObject varObject )
return ( fVariableObject != null ) ? fVariableObject.equals( varObject ) : false;
class InternalVariable
private ICDIVariableObject fCDIVariableObject;
private ICDIVariable fCDIVariable;
private Boolean fEditable = null;
private ICType fType = null;
private String fQualifiedName = null;
public InternalVariable( ICDIVariableObject varObject )
setCDIVariableObject( varObject );
setCDIVariable( ( varObject instanceof ICDIVariable ) ? (ICDIVariable)varObject : null );
protected synchronized ICDIVariable getCDIVariable() throws CDIException
if ( fCDIVariable == null )
if ( getCDIVariableObject() instanceof ICDIArgumentObject )
fCDIVariable = getCDISession().getVariableManager().createArgument( (ICDIArgumentObject)getCDIVariableObject() );
else if ( getCDIVariableObject() != null )
fCDIVariable = getCDISession().getVariableManager().createVariable( getCDIVariableObject() );
catch( CDIException e )
fCDIVariable = new ErrorVariable( getCDIVariableObject(), e );
setStatus( ICDebugElementErrorStatus.ERROR,
MessageFormat.format( "not available: {0}", new String[] { e.getMessage() } ) );
return fCDIVariable;
protected ICDIVariableObject getCDIVariableObject()
return fCDIVariableObject;
protected ICType getType() throws CDIException
if ( fType == null )
ICDIVariableObject varObject = getCDIVariableObject();
if ( varObject != null )
fType = new CType( varObject.getType() );
return fType;
protected boolean isEditable() throws CDIException
if ( fEditable == null )
ICDIVariableObject varObject = getCDIVariableObject();
if ( varObject != null && !(varObject instanceof ErrorVariable) )
fEditable = new Boolean( varObject.isEditable() );
return ( fEditable != null ) ? fEditable.booleanValue() : false;
protected boolean hasChildren() throws CDIException
CType type = (CType)getType();
return ( type != null ) ? type.hasChildren() : false;
private void setCDIVariable( ICDIVariable variable )
fCDIVariable = variable;
private void setCDIVariableObject( ICDIVariableObject object )
fCDIVariableObject = object;
protected synchronized void invalidate()
if ( fCDIVariable != null && !(fCDIVariable instanceof ErrorVariable) )
getCDISession().getVariableManager().destroyVariable( fCDIVariable );
catch( CDIException e )
logError( e.getMessage() );
setCDIVariable( null );
if ( fType != null )
fType = null;
fEditable = null;
protected void dispose()
setCDIVariableObject( null );
protected boolean isSameVariable( ICDIVariable cdiVar )
return ( fCDIVariable != null ) ? fCDIVariable.equals( cdiVar ) : false;
protected int sizeof()
if ( getCDIVariableObject() != null )
return getCDIVariableObject().sizeof();
catch( CDIException e )
return 0;
protected String getQualifiedName() throws CDIException
if ( fQualifiedName == null )
fQualifiedName = ( fCDIVariableObject != null ) ? fCDIVariableObject.getQualifiedName() : null;
return fQualifiedName;
* The parent object this variable is contained in.
private CDebugElement fParent;
* The original internal variable.
private InternalVariable fOriginal;
* The shadow internal variable used for casting.
private InternalVariable fShadow = null;
* Cache of current value - see #getValue().
protected ICValue fValue;
* The name of this variable.
private String fName = null;
* Change flag.
protected boolean fChanged = false;
* The current format of this variable.
protected int fFormat = ICDIFormat.NATURAL;
private boolean fIsEnabled = true;
* Temporary solution to avoid NPE in VariablesView.
* This is fixed in the Eclipse 2.1.1 Maintenance Build.
static private IValue fDisabledValue = new IValue()
public String getReferenceTypeName() throws DebugException
return null;
public String getValueString() throws DebugException
return null;
public boolean isAllocated() throws DebugException
return false;
public IVariable[] getVariables() throws DebugException
return null;
public boolean hasVariables() throws DebugException
return false;
public String getModelIdentifier()
return CDebugCorePlugin.getUniqueIdentifier();
public IDebugTarget getDebugTarget()
return null;
public ILaunch getLaunch()
return null;
public Object getAdapter( Class adapter )
return null;
* Constructor for CVariable.
* @param target
public CVariable( CDebugElement parent, ICDIVariableObject cdiVariableObject )
super( (CDebugTarget)parent.getDebugTarget() );
fParent = parent;
fIsEnabled = !enableVariableBookkeeping();
fOriginal = createOriginal( cdiVariableObject );
fShadow = null;
if ( cdiVariableObject instanceof ErrorVariable )
setStatus( ICDebugElementErrorStatus.ERROR,
MessageFormat.format( "not available: {0}", new String[] { ((ErrorVariable)cdiVariableObject).getException().getMessage() } ) );
fFormat = CDebugCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().getInt( ICDebugConstants.PREF_DEFAULT_VARIABLE_FORMAT );
getCDISession().getEventManager().addEventListener( this );
private InternalVariable createOriginal( ICDIVariableObject varObject )
return new InternalVariable( varObject );
* Returns the current value of this variable. The value
* is cached, but on each access we see if the value has changed
* and update if required.
* @see org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IVariable#getValue()
public IValue getValue() throws DebugException
if ( !isEnabled() )
return fDisabledValue;
if ( fValue == null )
if ( getType() != null && getType().isArray() )
ICDIVariable var = null;
var = getInternalVariable().getCDIVariable();
catch( CDIException e )
requestFailed( "", e );
int[] dims = getType().getArrayDimensions();
if ( dims.length > 0 && dims[0] > 0 )
fValue = CValueFactory.createArrayValue( this, var, 0, dims[0] - 1 );
ICDIValue cdiValue = getCurrentValue();
if ( cdiValue != null )
fValue = CValueFactory.createValue( this, cdiValue );
return fValue;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IVariable#hasValueChanged()
public boolean hasValueChanged() throws DebugException
return fChanged;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IValueModification#setValue(String)
public void setValue( String expression ) throws DebugException
notSupported( "Variable does not support value modification." );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IValueModification#setValue(IValue)
public void setValue( IValue value ) throws DebugException
notSupported( "Variable does not support value modification." );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IValueModification#supportsValueModification()
public boolean supportsValueModification()
return false;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IValueModification#verifyValue(String)
public boolean verifyValue( String expression ) throws DebugException
return false;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IValueModification#verifyValue(IValue)
public boolean verifyValue( IValue value ) throws DebugException
return false;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable#getAdapter(Class)
public Object getAdapter( Class adapter )
if ( adapter.equals( ICastToType.class ) )
return this;
if ( adapter.equals( IVariable.class ) )
return this;
if ( adapter.equals( ICVariable.class ) )
return this;
return super.getAdapter( adapter );
* Returns this variable's current underlying CDI value.
* Subclasses must implement #retrieveValue() and do not
* need to guard against CDIException, as this method
* handles them.
* @exception DebugException if unable to access the value
protected final ICDIValue getCurrentValue() throws DebugException
return retrieveValue();
catch( CDIException e )
targetRequestFailed( e.getMessage(), null );
return null;
* Returns the last known value for this variable
protected ICDIValue getLastKnownValue()
return ( fValue instanceof CValue ) ? ((CValue)fValue).getUnderlyingValue() : null;
protected void dispose()
if ( fValue != null )
getCDISession().getEventManager().removeEventListener( this );
if ( getShadow() != null )
protected synchronized void setChanged( boolean changed ) throws DebugException
if ( getValue() != null && getValue() instanceof CValue )
fChanged = changed;
((CValue)getValue()).setChanged( changed );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.cdi.event.ICDIEventListener#handleDebugEvent(ICDIEvent)
public void handleDebugEvent( ICDIEvent event )
ICDIObject source = event.getSource();
if (source == null)
if ( source.getTarget().equals( getCDITarget() ) )
if ( event instanceof ICDIChangedEvent )
if ( source instanceof ICDIVariable && isSameVariable( (ICDIVariable)source ) )
handleChangedEvent( (ICDIChangedEvent)event );
else if ( event instanceof ICDIDestroyedEvent )
if ( source instanceof ICDIVariable && isSameVariable( (ICDIVariable)source ) )
handleDestroyedEvent( (ICDIDestroyedEvent)event );
else if ( event instanceof ICDIResumedEvent )
handleResumedEvent( (ICDIResumedEvent)event );
private void handleResumedEvent( ICDIResumedEvent event )
if ( getCDIVariable() instanceof ErrorVariable )
setStatus( ICDebugElementErrorStatus.OK, null );
catch( CDIException e )
private void handleChangedEvent( ICDIChangedEvent event )
setChanged( true );
fireChangeEvent( DebugEvent.STATE );
catch( DebugException e )
logError( e );
private void handleDestroyedEvent( ICDIDestroyedEvent event )
if ( fOriginal != null )
if ( getShadow() != null )
* Returns the stack frame this variable is contained in.
* @return the stack frame
protected CDebugElement getParent()
return fParent;
* Returns the underlying CDI variable.
* @return the underlying CDI variable
protected ICDIVariable getCDIVariable() throws CDIException
if ( getShadow() != null )
return getShadow().getCDIVariable();
return getOriginalCDIVariable();
* Returns this variable's underlying CDI value.
protected ICDIValue retrieveValue() throws DebugException, CDIException
return ( getParent().getDebugTarget().isSuspended() && getCDIVariable() != null ) ?
getCDIVariable().getValue() : getLastKnownValue();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IVariable#getName()
public String getName() throws DebugException
if ( fName == null )
fName = ( fOriginal != null ) ? fOriginal.getCDIVariableObject().getName() : null;
return fName;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IVariable#getReferenceTypeName()
public String getReferenceTypeName() throws DebugException
return ( getType() != null ) ? getType().getName() : null;
protected void updateParentVariable( CValue parentValue ) throws DebugException
parentValue.getParentVariable().setChanged( true );
parentValue.getParentVariable().fireChangeEvent( DebugEvent.STATE );
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICVariable#getFormat()
public int getFormat()
return fFormat;
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICVariable#setFormat(int)
public void setFormat( int format ) throws DebugException
doSetFormat( format );
protected void doSetFormat( int format )
fFormat = format;
protected void reset() throws DebugException
fireChangeEvent( DebugEvent.STATE );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICastToType#cast(java.lang.String)
public void cast( String type ) throws DebugException
InternalVariable newVar = createShadow( getOriginalCDIVariable().getStackFrame(), type );
if ( getShadow() != null )
setShadow( newVar );
catch( CDIException e )
targetRequestFailed( e.getMessage(), null );
fireChangeEvent( DebugEvent.STATE );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICastToType#getCurrentType()
public String getCurrentType()
return getReferenceTypeName();
catch( DebugException e )
logError( e );
return "";
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICastToType#restoreDefault()
public void restoreDefault() throws DebugException
InternalVariable oldVar = getShadow();
setShadow( null );
if ( oldVar != null )
fireChangeEvent( DebugEvent.STATE );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICastToType#supportsCasting()
public boolean supportsCasting()
CDebugTarget target = (CDebugTarget)getDebugTarget().getAdapter( CDebugTarget.class );
return ( target != null && isEditable() );
protected ICDIVariable getOriginalCDIVariable() throws CDIException
return ( fOriginal != null ) ? fOriginal.getCDIVariable() : null;
private InternalVariable getShadow()
return fShadow;
private void setShadow( InternalVariable shadow )
fShadow = shadow;
private InternalVariable createShadow( ICDIStackFrame cdiFrame, String type ) throws DebugException
return new InternalVariable( getCDISession().getVariableManager().getVariableObjectAsType( getOriginalCDIVariable(), type ) );
catch( CDIException e )
targetRequestFailed( e.getMessage(), null );
return null;
private InternalVariable createShadow( ICDIStackFrame cdiFrame, int start, int length ) throws DebugException
return new InternalVariable( getCDISession().getVariableManager().getVariableObjectAsArray( getCDIVariable(), start, length ) );
catch( CDIException e )
targetRequestFailed( e.getMessage(), null );
return null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICastToType#isCasted()
public boolean isCasted()
return ( getShadow() != null );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICastToArray#castToArray(int, int)
public void castToArray( int startIndex, int length ) throws DebugException
InternalVariable newVar = createShadow( getOriginalCDIVariable().getStackFrame(), startIndex, length );
if ( getShadow() != null )
setShadow( newVar );
catch( CDIException e )
targetRequestFailed( e.getMessage(), null );
fireChangeEvent( DebugEvent.STATE );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICastToArray#supportsCastToArray()
public boolean supportsCastToArray()
CDebugTarget target = (CDebugTarget)getDebugTarget().getAdapter( CDebugTarget.class );
return ( target != null && isEditable() && hasChildren() );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICVariable#hasChildren()
public boolean hasChildren()
if ( !isEnabled() )
return false;
boolean result = false;
InternalVariable var = getInternalVariable();
if ( var != null )
result = var.hasChildren();
catch( CDIException e )
logError( e );
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICVariable#isEditable()
public boolean isEditable()
if ( !isEnabled() )
return false;
boolean result = false;
InternalVariable var = getInternalVariable();
if ( var != null )
result = var.isEditable();
catch( CDIException e )
logError( e );
return result;
protected String getQualifiedName() throws DebugException
String result = null;
result = getInternalVariable().getQualifiedName();
catch( CDIException e )
requestFailed( "Qualified name is not available.", e );
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICVariable#getType()
public ICType getType() throws DebugException
ICType type = null;
if ( isEnabled() )
InternalVariable iv = getInternalVariable();
if ( iv != null )
type = iv.getType();
catch( CDIException e )
requestFailed( "Type is not available.", e );
return type;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICVariable#isEnabled()
public boolean isEnabled()
return ( canEnableDisable() ) ? fIsEnabled : true;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICVariable#setEnabled(boolean)
public void setEnabled( boolean enabled ) throws DebugException
setEnabled0( enabled );
fireChangeEvent( DebugEvent.STATE );
private synchronized void setEnabled0( boolean enabled )
if ( fOriginal != null )
if ( getShadow() != null )
fIsEnabled = enabled;
private void invalidateValue()
if ( fValue != null )
fValue = null;
public boolean isArgument()
return ( fOriginal != null ) ? ( fOriginal.getCDIVariableObject() instanceof ICDIArgumentObject ) : false;
protected boolean sameVariableObject( ICDIVariableObject object )
return ( object != null && fOriginal != null ) ? ( object.equals( fOriginal.getCDIVariableObject() ) ) : false;
private boolean enableVariableBookkeeping()
boolean result = false;
result = getLaunch().getLaunchConfiguration().getAttribute( ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_DEBUGGER_ENABLE_VARIABLE_BOOKKEEPING, false );
catch( CoreException e )
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.model.ICVariable#canEnableDisable()
public boolean canEnableDisable()
return ( getParent() instanceof CStackFrame );
protected boolean isSameVariable( ICDIVariable cdiVar )
return ( ( getShadow() != null && getShadow().isSameVariable( cdiVar ) ) ||
( fOriginal != null && fOriginal.isSameVariable( cdiVar ) ) );
private InternalVariable getInternalVariable()
return ( getShadow() != null ) ? getShadow() : fOriginal;
protected int sizeof()
return getInternalVariable().sizeof();