blob: 779bc417d74c34891661b10cf2632242dc6d02b4 [file] [log] [blame]
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** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2001,2003
** All Rights Reserved * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
<context id ="default_cs_help">
<description>Click below to see help.</description>
<topic href="default_cs_help.htm"
label="Default Context Sensitive Help"/>
<context id ="cdt_make_builder_page">
<description>Define the build settings for the current project. </description>
<topic href="reference/cdt_u_newproj_buildset.htm"
label="Make Builder page, C/C++ Properties window"/>
<context id ="cdt_paths_symbols_page">
<description>Enter include paths and symbols. </description>
<topic href="reference/cdt_u_newproj_pathsymb.htm"
label="Paths and Symbols page, C/C++ Properties window"/>