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<title>Stepping into assembler functions</title>
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<h1>Stepping into assembler functions</h1>
<p>Disassembly mode lets you can examine your program as it steps into
functions that you do not have source code for [such as printf()]. When the
instruction pointer enters a function for which it does not have the source, the
function is displayed in the Assembly editor.</p>
<p>When disassembly mode is disabled, the
debugger steps over functions for which you do not have the source.</p>
<p>To step into assembler functions during debugging:</p>
<li>In the Debug view, right-click, and select <b>Disassembly Mode</b>.</li>
<p>As you step Into assembler functions, the execution trace is displayed in
the Assembly Editor.</p>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngconcepts.gif" ALT="Related concepts" width="143" height="21">
<a href="../concepts/cdt_c_over_cdt.htm">C/C++ Development perspective</a><br>
<a href="../concepts/cdt_o_projects.htm">Projects</a></p>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngtasks.gif" ALT="Related tasks" width="143" height="21">
<a href="cdt_o_debug.htm">Debugging</a></p>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngref.gif" ALT="Related reference" width="143" height="21">
<a href="../reference/cdt_o_dbg_view.htm">Debug views</a></p>
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