blob: d567d541ff6cbbe948ce2e3e1a8844f11d53c18c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Place this file in the target project and call it with "External Tools > Run As > Ant Build" -->
<!-- You have to change the MODEL and the TARGET values -->
<project basedir="." default="attackTemplateSample" name="org.polarsys.chess.mobiusSample">
<import file="../../org.polarsys.chess.mobius/tasks/attackTemplate.xml"/>
<!-- Change the values of MODEL and TARGET to point to your model and output folder -->
<property name="MODEL" value="${basedir}/model/file.xmi"/>
<property name="TARGET" value="${basedir}/src-gen"/>
<target name="attackTemplateSample" description="Generate files in 'TARGET'">
<antcall target="attackTemplate" >
<param name="model" value="${MODEL}"/>
<param name="target" value="${TARGET}"/>