blob: 4a0cb58a0d2b7a13a12becf606c5a3c5f612b86f [file] [log] [blame]
# * Copyright (c) 2006, 2011 Eclipse Foundation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * Ward Cunningham, Bjorn Freeman-Benson (Eclipse Foundation)
# * - initial API and implementation
# * Karl Matthias (Eclipse Foundation)
# * Wayne Beaton (Eclipse Foundation) - Bug 334531, Bug 351584
# *******************************************************************************/
# usage:
echo 'Starting Dash batch ' `date`
# prep for full batch
rm words/*
rm -f last.time
# CVS is no longer supported.
# continue similar to incremental
#touch start.time
#cat roots-cvs.txt | ./ --ignoretime | sed 's/author: ibull/author: irbull/' | ./ | ./
#mv start.time last.time
#touch finish.time
# svn
echo '- SVN ' `date`
cat roots-svn.txt | ./ --ignoretime | ./ | ./
# git
echo '- Git ' `date`
php ./git-roots.php | php ./git-extract.php | php ./git-parse.php | ./ ./
# Scan clones of repositories on GitHub
find /home/data/gitmirrors/github -name *.git | awk -F/ '{printf("%s\t%s\n", $6,$0)}' | php ./git-extract.php | php ./git-parse.php | ./ ./
# Add PolarSys
php ./git-roots-polarsys.php | php ./git-extract.php | php ./git-parse.php | ./ ./
find /home/data/gitmirrors/github -name *.git | awk -F/ '{printf("%s\t%s\n", $6,$0)}' |php ./git-extract.php | php ./git-parse.php | ./ ./
echo '- Renaming ' `date`
# finish up after the full batch
echo '- Generating commits index table ' `date`
echo '- Rebuilding the query tables ' `date`
# Rebuild the query tables.
/usr/bin/mysql --user=dashboard --password=`cat dbpass` dashboard < create_query_tables.sql
echo '-Done!' `date`