566139 fixes for latest Eclipse

fix invalid char / typo / bad encoding

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>

566139 switch from org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert to org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>

bump plugins and containing features

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>

bump to update site version 1.14.200-SNAPSHOT

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>

use newer tycho 1.5 and emf 2.22

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>

566139 switch from org.eclipse.jface.text.Asset to org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>

566139 replace Platform.getJobManager with Job.getJobManager in org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.sqleditor/src/org/eclipse/datatools/sqltools/sqleditor/plan/GroupPlanSupportRunnable.java

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>

566139 replace org.eclipse.ui.internal.misc.StringMatcher with java.util.regex.Pattern in plugins/enablement/org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.sybase.asa.schemaobjecteditor.examples/src/org/eclipse/datatools/enablement/sybase/asa/schemaobjecteditor/examples/utils/FilterUtil.java

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>

bump plugin version

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>

bump feature version

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <nboldt@redhat.com>
45 files changed
tree: 7b2b4f2ca374dc1428cf88d736c98fd8620dc0ea
  2. examples/
  3. features/
  4. plugins/
  5. site/
  6. tests/
  7. .gitignore
  8. .project
  9. description
  10. pom.xml
  11. README.md

Eclipse Data Tools

As of January 2018, Eclipse Data Tools (DTP) is now build with Maven 3.5 & Tycho 1.0.

Building locally

First, fetch the code:

git clone ssh://{YOUR-ECLIPSE-USER}@git.eclipse.org:29418/datatools/org.eclipse.datatools


git clone http://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/datatools/org.eclipse.datatools.git/


cd org.eclipse.datatools

To build:

mvn clean install

To build without tests:

mvn clean install -DskipTests


To contribute, submit a gerrit request against this repo:


You can then see your submitted requests here:


Continuous Builds

The master branch is currently built here:


Therefore the latest CI build can be found here:


Deprecated Code

Note that this repo is now the combination of the other 18 org.eclipse.datatools.*.git repos, which means the other repos are deprecated. Should you want to run the old Ant-based build, check out the 19 repos and then run the build in org.eclipse.datatools, from the DTP_1_14_1_Release tag, not from the master branch.