| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| |
| ############################################################################### |
| JavascriptPerspectiveName=Javascript |
| pluginProvider=Eclipse DLTK |
| pluginName=Dynamic Languages Toolkit Javascript UI |
| HideInnerPycFiles.label=Hide Javascript Compiled Files |
| HideInnerPycFiles.description= Hides all Javascript Compiled files |
| HideInnerPyoFiles.label=Hide Javascript Compiled Optimized Files |
| HideInnerPyoFiles.description= Hides all Javascript Compiled Optimized files |
| DLTKSearchPage.label=JavaScript Search |
| JavaScriptTemplateContextName=JavaScript |
| JavaScriptExpressionTemplateContextName=JavaScript Expression |
| JSDocTemplateContextName=JSDoc |
| context.editingJavascriptSource.name = Editing Javascript Source |
| context.editingJavascriptSource.description = Editing Javascript Source Context |
| SourceMenu.label= &Source |
| NewJsFile.label=New JavaScript File |
| CommentAction.label= Co&mment |
| |
| UncommentAction.label= &Uncomment |
| |
| ToggleCommentAction.label= Togg&le Comment |
| |
| IndentAction.label= Correct &Indentation |
| |
| AddBlockCommentAction.label= Add &Block Comment |
| |
| documentSetupParticipantName=JavaScript Document Setup Participant |
| |
| RemoveBlockCommentAction.label= Remove Bloc&k Comment |
| |
| ShiftRightAction.label= &Shift Right |
| |
| ShiftLeftAction.label= S&hift Left |
| |
| FormatAction.label=&Format |
| |
| FormatElementAction.label= Format Eleme&nt |
| |
| SortMembersAction.label= S&ort Members... |
| #--- Source menu |
| ActionDefinition.sourceQuickMenu.name= Show Source Quick Menu |
| ActionDefinition.sourceQuickMenu.description= Shows the source quick menu |
| ActionDefinition.comment.name= Comment |
| ActionDefinition.comment.description= Turn the selected lines into DLTK comments |
| ActionDefinition.uncomment.name= Uncomment |
| ActionDefinition.uncomment.description= Uncomment the selected DLTK comment lines |
| ActionDefinition.toggleComment.name= Toggle Comment |
| ActionDefinition.toggleComment.description= Toggle comment the selected lines |
| ActionDefinition.addBlockComment.name= Add Block Comment |
| ActionDefinition.addBlockComment.description= Enclose the selection with a block comment |
| ActionDefinition.removeBlockComment.name= Remove Block Comment |
| ActionDefinition.removeBlockComment.description= Remove the block comment enclosing the selection |
| ActionDefinition.format.name= Format |
| ActionDefinition.format.description= Format the selected text |
| ActionDefinition.copyQualifiedName.name= Copy Qualified Name |
| ActionDefinition.copyQualifiedName.description= Copy a fully qualified name to the system clipboard |
| ActionDefinition.quickformat.name= Format Element |
| ActionDefinition.quickformat.description= Format enclosing text element |
| |
| ScriptCodingActionSet.label = Script Coding |
| ScriptCodingActionSet.description = Action set containing script coding related actions |
| |
| JavaScriptActionSet.label= JavaScript Navigation |
| JavaScriptActionSet.description= JavaScript Navigation Action Set |
| |
| OpenMethodAction.label=Open Method... |
| OpenMethodAction.tooltip=Open Method |
| |
| ActionDefinition.OpenMethod.name= Open Method |
| ActionDefinition.OpenMethod.description= Open a method in a JavaScript editor |
| |
| # Preference Pages |
| JavaScriptPreferencePage.name = JavaScript |
| JavaScriptEditorPreferencePage.name = Editor |
| JavaScriptEditorSyntaxColoringPreferencePage.name = Syntax Coloring |
| JavaScriptEditorSmartTypingPreferencePage.name = Typing |
| JavaScriptEditorFoldingPreferencePage.name = Folding |
| JavaScriptEditorHoversPreferencePage.name = Hovers |
| JavaScriptEditorTemplatesPreferencePage.name = Templates |
| JavaScriptEditorAssistancePreferencePage.name = Content Assist |
| ErrorWarningPreferencePage.name = Errors/Warnings |
| |
| TaskTagsPreferencePage.name = Task Tags |
| TaskTagsPropertyPagePage.name = Task Tags |
| |
| JavaScriptBuildPathPropertyPage.name = Build Path |
| JavaScriptPropertyPage.name = JavaScript |
| |
| JavaScriptFormatterPreferencePage.name=Formatter |
| Formatter.PropertyPage=Formatter |
| |
| EditorPreferencePage.name=Editor |
| EditorSaveActionsPreferencePage.name=Save Actions |
| |
| # Refactoring |
| Refactoring.Actions.ExtractTemp = Extract &Local Variable... |
| Refactoring.Actions.ModifyParameters = &Change Method Signature... |
| Refactoring.Actions.ExtractMethod = E&xtract Method... |
| Refactoring.Actions.IntroduceParameter = Introduce &Parameter... |
| Refactoring.Actions.InlineAction=&Inline... |
| |
| AddJavaDocCommentAction.label= Generate Element Comm&ent |
| ActionDefinition.addJavadocComment.name=Add Javadoc Comment |
| ActionDefinition.addJavadocComment.description=Add a Javadoc comment stub to the member element |
| ActionDefinition.modifyMethodParameters.name= Change Method Signature |
| ActionDefinition.modifyMethodParameters.description= Change method signature includes parameter names and parameter order |
| ActionDefinition.extractLocalVariable.name= Extract Local Variable |
| ActionDefinition.extractLocalVariable.description= Extracts an expression into a new local variable and uses the new local variable |
| ActionDefinition.introduceParameter.name= Introduce Parameter |
| ActionDefinition.introduceParameter.description= Introduce a new method parameter based on the selected expression |
| ActionDefinition.extractMethod.name= Extract Method |
| ActionDefinition.extractMethod.description= Extract a set of statements or an expression into a new method and use the new method |
| ActionDefinition.inlineMethod.name= Inline Method |
| ActionDefinition.inlineMethod.description= Inline method in place of a single call or everywhere and (optionally) remove declaration |
| |
| target.name.javascriptEditor=JavaScript Editor |
| hyperlinkDetector.name.jsdoc_type=JSDoc Type hyperlink detector |
| |
| AddBookmark.label=Add Boo&kmark |
| AddBookmark.tooltip=Add Bookmark... |
| |
| AddTask.label=Add &Task |
| AddTask.tooltip=Add Task... |
| |
| JavaScriptProblemMarkerCategory.name = JavaScript Problems |