blob: c3a8e0f903e37e2f3a6e229cd87aaa5e7fb9f67c [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) Downloads - for Committers and Early Testers</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="downloads.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<div id="container">
<div class="grad">
<div id="summary">
<div id="header">
<h1>Dynamic Languages Toolkit downloads</h1>
<h4>Latest early trial downloads from the Dynamic Languages Toolkit project</h4>
<p>This is the starting page for where you can find the latest <a href="">continuous build</a> produced by the <a href="">Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) Project</a>.</p>
<p>Please note that each build page details the pre-reqs for that particular build.</p>
<p>If you got here to this continuous-build site by accident or casual browsing, please be aware that <a href="">declared builds</a> are available!</p>
$contents = substr(file_get_contents('dlconfig.txt'),0,-1);
$contents = str_replace("\n", "", $contents);
#split the content file by & and fill the arrays
$elements = explode("&",$contents);
$t = 0;
$p = 0;
for ($c = 0; $c < count($elements); $c++) {
$tString = "dropType";
$pString = "dropPrefix";
if (strstr($elements[$c],$tString)) {
$temp = preg_split("/=/",$elements[$c]);
$dropType[$t] = trim($temp[1]);
if (strstr($elements[$c],$pString)) {
$temp = preg_split("/=/",$elements[$c]);
$dropPrefix[$p] = trim($temp[1]);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($dropType); $i++) {
$dt = $dropType[$i];
$dt = trim($dt);
$typeToPrefix[$dt] = $dropPrefix[$i];
$buildBranches = array();
include 'report.php';
include 'report2.php';
$latestFile = array();
foreach ($buildBranches as $buildBranch ) {
$aBranchDirectoryName = "drops/".$buildBranch;
$latestFile[$buildBranch] = array(); //moved here from inside the loop
if (file_exists($aBranchDirectoryName) && is_dir($aBranchDirectoryName)) {
$aDirectory = dir($aBranchDirectoryName);
$latestTimeStamp[$buildBranch] = array();
while (false !== ($anEntry = $aDirectory->read())) {
if ($anEntry != "." && $anEntry!="..") {
$aDropDirectoryName = "drops/".$buildBranch."/".$anEntry;
if (is_dir($aDropDirectoryName) && is_Readable($aDropDirectoryName)) {
$aDropDirectory = dir($aDropDirectoryName);
$fileCount = 0;
while ($aDropEntry = $aDropDirectory->read()) {
if ( (stristr($aDropEntry, ".tar.gz")) || (stristr($aDropEntry, ".zip")) ) {
$fileCount = $fileCount + 1;
$countFile = "drops/".$buildBranch."/".$anEntry."/files.count";
$indexFile = "drops/".$buildBranch."/".$anEntry."/index.html";
if (!file_exists($indexFile)) {
$indexFile = "drops/".$buildBranch."/".$anEntry."/index.php";
if (file_exists($countFile) && file_exists($indexFile)) {
$anArray = file($countFile);
if ($anArray[0] <= $fileCount) {
$entryParts = explode("-", $anEntry);
if (count($entryParts) == 3) {
$buildTypePart = $entryParts[0];
$buckets[$buildBranch][$buildTypePart][] = $anEntry;
$timePart = $entryParts[2];
$year = substr($timePart, 0, 4);
$month = substr($timePart, 4, 2);
$day = substr($timePart, 6, 2);
$hour = substr($timePart,8,2);
$minute = substr($timePart,10,2);
$newTimePart = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$minute UTC";
$timeStamp = strtotime($newTimePart);
$timeStamps[$anEntry] = gmdate("D, j M Y -- H:i \(\U\T\C\)", $timeStamp);
if ((sizeof($latestTimeStamp[$buildBranch]) > 0) &&
(isset($latestTimeStamp[$buildBranch][$buildTypePart]))) {
if ($timeStamp > $latestTimeStamp[$buildBranch][$buildTypePart]) {
$latestTimeStamp[$buildBranch][$buildTypePart] = $timeStamp;
$latestFile[$buildBranch][$buildTypePart] = $anEntry;
}else {
$latestTimeStamp[$buildBranch][$buildTypePart] = $timeStamp;
$latestFile[$buildBranch][$buildTypePart] = $anEntry;
<?php $dropTypesOrdered = array();
$dropTypesOrdered[0] = "Maintenance";
$dropTypesOrdered[1] = "Released";
$dropTypesOrdered[2] = "Stable";
$dropTypesOrdered[3] = "Integration";
echo "<div class=\"blue\">";
echo "<div id=\"latest\">";
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>";
$value = $dropTypesOrdered[$j+$i*2];
echo "<td id=\"$value[0]\">";
echo "<h3>$value</h3>";
$alreadyFound = 0;
foreach($buildBranches as $bValue) {
if (array_key_exists($prefix, $latestFile[$bValue]) && ($alreadyFound==0)) {
$fileName = $latestFile[$bValue][$prefix];
$fileNameParts = explode("-", $fileName);
if (sizeof($fileNameParts) > 1) {
$alreadyFound = 1;
echo "<p>Stream: $bValue</p>";
echo "<p>Build Name: $fileNameParts[1]</p>";
echo "<p>$timeStamps[$fileName]</p>";
echo "<a href=\"drops/$bValue/$fileName/\">Download</a>";
//Not found in any branch
if ($alreadyFound == 0){
echo "<p>Stream: ---</p>";
echo "<p>Build Name: ---</p>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
<div class="white">
<div id="list">
foreach($dropTypesOrdered as $value) {
echo "<div id=\"$value[0]_list\">";
echo "<table><tr>";
echo "<th width=\"162\">Build Name</th>";
echo "<th width=\"107\">Stream</th>";
echo "<th width=\"190\">Build Date</th>";
echo "<th width=\"36\">&nbsp;</th>";
echo "<th width=\"36\">&nbsp;</th>";
echo "<th width=\"36\">&nbsp;</th>";
echo "<th width=\"36\">&nbsp;</th>";
echo "<th width=\"36\">&nbsp;</th>";
echo "<th width=\"90\">&nbsp;</th>";
echo "</tr>";
foreach($buildBranches as $bValue) {
if (array_key_exists($bValue, $buckets) && $buckets[$bValue] != NULL
&& array_key_exists($prefix, $buckets[$bValue])) {
$aBucket = $buckets[$bValue][$prefix];
if (isset($aBucket)) {
$i = 0;
$ts = array();
$ts2iv = array();
foreach($aBucket as $iv) {
$ivParts = explode("-", $iv);
$ts[$i] = $ivParts[2];
$ts2iv[$ts[$i]] = $iv;
$i = 0;
$aBucket = array();
foreach($ts as $tsvalue) {
$aBucket[$i] = $ts2iv[$tsvalue];
foreach($aBucket as $innerValue) {
$innerValueParts = explode("-", $innerValue);
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><a href=\"drops/$bValue/$innerValue/\">$innerValueParts[1]</a></td>";
echo "<td>$bValue</td>";
echo "<td>$timeStamps[$innerValue]</td>";
if (file_exists("drops/$bValue/$innerValue/compilelogsSummary.xml"))
$filename = "drops/$bValue/$innerValue/compilelogsSummary.xml";
$prefix = "code_";
$compileSummary = simplexml_load_file($filename);
foreach ($compileSummary->summaryItem as $summaryItem) {
$name = $summaryItem->name;
$value = $summaryItem->value;
$code= "\$" . $prefix . $name . " = " . $value . ";";
$filename = "drops/$bValue/$innerValue/testcompilelogsSummary.xml";
$prefix = "test_";
$compileSummary = simplexml_load_file($filename);
foreach ($compileSummary->summaryItem as $summaryItem) {
$name = $summaryItem->name;
$value = $summaryItem->value;
$code= "\$" . $prefix . $name . " = " . $value . ";";
if (file_exists("drops/$bValue/$innerValue/unitTestsSummary.xml")) {
$filename = "drops/$bValue/$innerValue/unitTestsSummary.xml";
$prefix = "unittest_";
$unitTestsSummary = simplexml_load_file($filename);
foreach ($unitTestsSummary->summaryItem as $summaryItem) {
$name = $summaryItem->name;
$value = $summaryItem->value;
$code= "\$" . $prefix . $name . " = " . $value . ";";
else {
unset($unittest_grandTotalErrors, $unittest_grandTotalTests);
$totalCommpileErrors = $code_totalErrors + $test_totalErrors;
$totalCompileOtherWarnings = $code_totalWarnings;
$totalBundles = $code_totalBundles + $test_totalBundles;
$totalForbidden = $code_totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount + $test_totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount;
$totalDiscouraged = $code_totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount + $test_totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount;
echo "<td><img src=\"plugins.png\"/>$totalBundles";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<img src=\"compile_err";
if ($totalCommpileErrors <= 0) echo "_false";
echo ".png\"/>$totalCommpileErrors";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<img src=\"compile_warn";
if ($totalCompileOtherWarnings <= 0) echo "_false";
echo ".png\"/>$totalCompileOtherWarnings";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<img src=\"access_err";
if ($totalForbidden <= 0) echo "_false";
echo ".png\"/>$totalForbidden";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<img src=\"access_warn";
if ($totalDiscouraged <= 0) echo "_false";
echo ".png\"/>$totalDiscouraged";
echo "</td><td>";
if (isset($unittest_grandTotalErrors)) {
echo "<img src=\"junit_err";
if ($unittest_grandTotalErrors <= 0) echo "_false";
echo ".png\"/>$unittest_grandTotalErrors ($unittest_grandTotalTests)";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
<div id="legend">
<td><img src="plugins.png"/>- Plug-Ins</td>
<td><img src="compile_err.png"/>- Compilation Errors</td>
<td><img src="compile_warn.png"/>- Compilation Warnings</td>
<td><img src="access_err.png"/>- Access Violation</td>
<td><img src="access_warn.png"/>- Access Warning</td>
<td><img src="junit_err.png"/>- JUnit Failures</td>
<div style="clear:both;height:30px"/>
<div class="blue">
<div id="footer">
<p>All downloads are provided under the terms and conditions of the Software User Agreement unless otherwise specified.</p>
<p>If you have problems downloading the drops, contact the webmaster.</p>