Bug 335792 - fix testEntrySet_Add which now fails because the test was passing an object of the wrong type which generics does not allow
1 file changed
tree: 30d272b1dd742cc8c3dc45512295f40fd80fd191
  1. build/
  2. bundles/
  3. examples/
  4. features/
  5. tests/
  6. .gitignore
  7. pom.xml
  8. README.md

Platform UI - Databinding

This repo is the e4 fork of the Platform UI Databinding support.

It had all of the projects filtered from git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.ui.git

For more information, refer to the [Platform UI wiki page] 1.


Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0