blob: 71e3df3653154ebf15fb29615a6d4ccb1760cc51 [file] [log] [blame]
orion.Export = function(header, exportingBundle) {
if (header === null)
throw "header cannot be null";
if (exportingBundle === null)
throw "exportingBundle cannot be null";
this._name = null;
this._version = orion.Version.EMPTY_VERSION;
this._attributes = {};
this._mandatory = [];
this._exportingBundle = exportingBundle;
orion.Export.prototype = {
_parseExport : function(header) {
if (typeof header == "string") {
this._name = header;
this._name =;
if (header.version)
this._version = orion.Version.parseVersion(header.version);
if (header.mandatory)
var attributeName;
for (attributeName in header) {
if (header.hasOwnProperty(attributeName))
this._attributes[attributeName] = header[attributeName];
_parseMandatory : function(mandatory) {
for ( var i = 0; i < mandatory.length; i++) {
getName : function() {
return this._name;
getVersion : function() {
return this._version;
getBundleId : function() {
return this._exportingBundle.getBundleId();
getBundleName : function() {
return this._exportingBundle.getName();
getBundleVersion : function() {
return this._exportingBundle.getVersion();
getAttributes : function() {
return this._attributes;
getExportingBundle : function() {
return this._exportingBundle;
getMandatory : function() {
return this._mandatory;
addToScope : function (scope) {
var value = this._exportingBundle.load(this._name);
var tokens = this._name.split(".");
var _Wrapper = function() {};
var i = 0;
while (true) {
var token = tokens[i++];
var current = null;
if (scope.hasOwnProperty(token)) {
current = scope[token];
if (i === tokens.length) {
if (current === null || current === undefined) {
if (typeof value === "object") {
_Wrapper.prototype = value;
value = new _Wrapper();
scope[token]= value;
throw "Resolve error: " + this._name + " already exists for " + this.toString();
if (current === null || current === undefined) {
current = scope[token];
if (current === null || current === undefined) {
current = {};
} else if (typeof current === "object") {
_Wrapper.prototype = current;
current = new _Wrapper();
} else
throw "Resolve error: " + this._name + "-" + token + " already exists for " + this.toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
scope[token] = current;
scope = current;