| EASE SignAndVerify Readme |
| ========================= |
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| Table of contents: |
| ------------------ |
| 1. Introduction |
| 2. Overview |
| 3. Code Explanation |
| 3.1. Classes |
| 3.1.1. PerformSignature |
| 3.1.2. VerifySignature |
| 3.1.3. SignatureHelper |
| 3.1.4. SignatureInfo |
| 3.1.5. ScriptSignatureException |
| 3.1.6. SignatureCheck |
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| 1. Introduction |
| --------------- |
| The purpose of this document is to give an overview on the current Digital Signature and Verification features of EASE. |
| It gives an overview of the involved classes and how to perform signature, and perform verification. |
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| 2. Overview |
| ----------- |
| Using EASE, one can run scripts hosted on remote places such as servers, other pc or server on LAN or downloaded script on pc. |
| Such scripts can be harmful for direct execution since using EASE, these scripts can modify anything on pc. |
| Hence, mechanism such as digital signature is required to check the credibility of such scripts similar to one being used on emails. |
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| Eclipse does have a mechanism to sign JAR files and it is getting used while giving a new update. |
| These files are compressed in a JAR file and JAR is signed before release of new software. |
| EASE currently does not have any mechanism to sign scripts. |
| After addition of such a mechanism, using EASE, any user can sign script with his private key and can place that signed script on server for others to use so that his credibility is maintained. |
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| Main classes related to signature are 'PerformSignature' and 'VerifySignature'. |
| As name suggests, 'PerformSignature' class contains methods to perform signature and 'VerifySignature' contains methods for verifying signature. |
| Using this feature, user can sign a script file using his private key, update it as file gets modified and then extracts that file to get a script file appended with signature. |
| At the time of execution of remote scripts, depending upon preferences of user, signature check will take place and user will be informed appropriately. |
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| 3. Code Explanation |
| ------------------- |
| The following sections will be excerpts from the code documentation or short descriptions of code. |
| They should help explain what the involved parties are, what they are intended to do and most of all they should help understand the other parts of this document. |
| Note that they are meant as short introductions and that further documentation is available via the JavaDocs. |
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| 3.1. Classes |
| ```````````` |
| The following list will give short introductions to the involved classes. |
| It will quickly describe the most relevant methods that will hopefully help clarify the completion flow later. |
| Again, for further information please refer to the JavaDocs. |
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| 3.1.1. PerformSignature |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| Package: |
| org.eclipse.ease.sign |
| Description: |
| This class contains methods to perform signature. |
| In addition, this class also handles loading of keystore and getting aliases, and certificates from keystore. |
| Methods of interest: |
| - KeyStore loadKeyStore(InputStream, String, String, String) throws ScriptSignatureException, UnrecoverableKeyException, IOException |
| Loads keystore using given configuration from inputstream using given password. |
| - Collection<String> getAliases(KeyStore) |
| Gets all alias from keystore which contain private key. |
| - String getCertificate(KeyStore, String, boolean) throws ScriptSignatureException |
| Get certificate corresponding to provided alias from provided keystore and can also specify whether certificate must be self-signed or not. |
| - byte[] getSignature(Signature, InputStream) throws ScriptSignatureException |
| Using initialized instance of java.security.Signature, this method returns signature of data in inputstream |
| - String createSignature(KeyStore, InputStream, String, String, String, String) throws ScriptSignatureException, UnrecoverableKeyException |
| Takes input of valid keystore instance, data stream on which to perform signature, alias name, private key password, and parameters to perform signature and returns signature in Base64 format. |
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| 3.1.2. VerifySignature |
| '''''''''''''''''''''' |
| Package: |
| org.eclipse.ease.sign |
| Description: |
| This class contains methods to verify signature. |
| In addition, this class also contains methods to check validity of attached certificate, tell whether attached certificate is self-signed, and tell whether certificate is signed by a trusted certificate authority. |
| Constructor: |
| - VerifySignature(SignatureInfo) |
| This private constructor is used by getInstance methods described below to get instance of this class by setting signature information. |
| Methods of interest: |
| - VerifySignature getInstance(ScriptType, InputStream) throws ScriptSignatureException |
| Returns an instance of this class if contents of inputstream contains a signature. |
| - VerifySignature getInstance(ScriptType, InputStream, InputStream) throws ScriptSignatureException |
| Used when file contents and signature are at different place. |
| Returns an instance of this class if signature content is proper. |
| - Certificate getCertificate(byte[]) throws ScriptSignatureException |
| This private method is used to get java.security.cert.Certificate object from bytes. |
| - List<Certificate> getCertificateChain() throws ScriptSignatureException |
| This private method is used to get certificate chain attached with signature. |
| - boolean isSelfSignedCertificate() throws ScriptSignatureException |
| Checks whether attached signature with which this constructor is initialized, contains self-signed certificate. |
| It extracts first certificate from certificate chain and perform check. |
| - boolean isCertChainValid(InputStream, char[]) throws ScriptSignatureException |
| Using truststore provided as inputstream and its password, this method checks whether certificate chain in signature is valid certificate chain. |
| In other words, whether user certificate is signed by a trusted authority. |
| - boolean isCertChainValid() throws ScriptSignatureException |
| Using default truststore "path_to_jre/lib/security/cacerts" as truststore and "changeit" as password checks whether certificate chain in signature is valid certificate chain. |
| In other words, whether user certificate is signed by a trusted authority. |
| - boolean verify() throws ScriptSignatureException |
| Confirms that signature is of corresponding file only. |
| In other words, if file is modified after application of signature, signature verification will return false and file is considered harmful to execute. |
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| 3.1.3. SignatureHelper |
| '''''''''''''''''''''' |
| Package: |
| org.eclipse.ease.sign |
| Description: |
| This class contains helper methods for performing signature. |
| Methods of interest: |
| - String convertBytesToBase64(byte[]) |
| Converts provided bytes to Base64 String. |
| - byte[] convertBase64ToBytes(String) |
| Converts provided Base64 string to bytes. |
| - boolean getSignatureInFormat(ScriptType, String, String, String, String) throws ScriptSignatureException |
| This method returns signature block in proper format with provided parameters. |
| - boolean containSignature(ScriptType, InputStream) throws ScriptSignatureException |
| This method checks whether provided inputstream contain signature in proper format for which it uses org.eclipse.ease.service.ScriptType class to get code specific comments. |
| - boolean isSelfSignedCertificate(Certificate) throws ScriptSignatureException |
| This method tells whether provided certificate is self-signed or not. |
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| 3.1.4. SignatureInfo |
| '''''''''''''''''''' |
| Package: |
| org.eclipse.ease.sign |
| Description: |
| This class is used to store and transfer information regarding signature. |
| Constructor: |
| - SignatureInfo(String, String, String, String[], String) |
| Use this constructor when signature, provider, messageDigestAlgo, certificates and content of file are known. |
| - SignatureInfo(String, String, String, String[]) |
| Use this constructor when signature, provider, messageDigestAlgo and certificates are known. |
| - SignatureInfo(String, String, String) |
| Use this constructor when signature, provider, messageDigestAlgo are known. |
| Methods of interest: |
| - setContentOnly(String) |
| This method is used to set contents of file explicitly on which signature was applied. |
| Use of this method must be done when signature and original contents of file are stored at different locations and it is guaranteed that signature corresponds to the contents being set. |
| - String getSignature() |
| Use this method to get signature, set using constructor |
| - String getProvider() |
| Use this method to get provider of signature, set using constructor |
| - String getMessageDigestAlgo() |
| Use this method to get message digest algorithm of signature, set using constructor |
| - String[] getCertificateChain() |
| Use this method to get certificate chain of alias, set using constructor |
| - String getContentOnly() |
| Use this method to get contents of file on which signature was applied, set using constructor |
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| 3.1.5. ScriptSignatureException |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| Package: |
| org.eclipse.ease.sign |
| Description: |
| This is a custom exception class used to throw exception caught while creation and verification of signature. |
| Custom exception is used so that it is easy to handle exception and interpret its cause. |
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| 3.1.6. SignatureCheck |
| ''''''''''''''''''''' |
| Package: |
| org.eclipse.ease.ui.launching |
| Description: |
| This class contains methods that are used to verify signature in scripts before execution of scripts. |
| It handles various cases like no signatures, invalid signatures and invalid certificate chains. |
| It uses user preferences to check scripts with or without signatures can be executed or not. |
| Methods of interest: |
| - boolean canExecute(ScriptType, InputStream, boolean) |
| Use this method to know signature can be executed or not. |
| It takes into account the user preferences also. |
| - boolean checkSignature(VerifySignature) |
| This method uses signature verification libraries to check for signature. |
| - boolean showErrorMessage(String) |
| This method takes string input to show error message to get response from user whether to execute script. |