Bug 560602 - Switch to EPL version 2.0

Update license declaration in extension schema definitions

Remove outdated extension point documentation and instead
make Tycho/PDE regenerate the extension point documentation
at build time, so it always contains up to date copyright
and license notices.

Use tycho javadoc plugin to generate javadoc and correct
table of contents for javadoc in the doc bundle

Misc other updates to doc bundle, including adding a link
to the copyright notices file and removing duplicate table
of contents entries, linking correctly to JDK types from
ECF javadoc, fix broken external links in infro pages and
pre-generating search indexes

Change-Id: Iec41face18b80b742889f43de846b26d9dce583d
Signed-off-by: Mat Booth <mat.booth@redhat.com>
100 files changed