blob: fab89127969a8a42401bc516930d37432a804500 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
#macro ( banner $banner $id )
#if ( $banner )
#if( $banner.href )
<a href="$banner.href" id="$id">
<span id="$id">
#if( $banner.src )
#set ( $src = $banner.src )
#if ( ! ( $src.toLowerCase().startsWith("http") || $src.toLowerCase().startsWith("https") ) )
#set ( $src = $PathTool.calculateLink( $src, $relativePath ) )
#set ( $src = $src.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
#if ( $banner.alt )
#set ( $alt = $banner.alt )
#set ( $alt = "" )
<img src="$src" alt="$alt" />
#if( $banner.href )
#macro ( links $links )
#set ( $counter = 0 )
#foreach( $item in $links )
#set ( $counter = $counter + 1 )
#set ( $currentItemHref = $PathTool.calculateLink( $item.href, $relativePath ) )
#set ( $currentItemHref = $currentItemHref.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
<a href="$currentItemHref">$</a>
#if ( $links.size() > $counter )
#macro ( breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs )
#set ( $counter = 0 )
#foreach( $item in $breadcrumbs )
#set ( $counter = $counter + 1 )
#set ( $currentItemHref = $PathTool.calculateLink( $item.href, $relativePath ) )
#set ( $currentItemHref = $currentItemHref.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
#if ( $currentItemHref == $alignedFileName || $currentItemHref == "" )
<a href="$currentItemHref">$</a>
#if ( $breadcrumbs.size() > $counter )
#macro ( displayTree $display $item )
#if ( $item && $item.items && $item.items.size() > 0 )
#foreach( $subitem in $item.items )
#set ( $subitemHref = $PathTool.calculateLink( $subitem.href, $relativePath ) )
#set ( $subitemHref = $subitemHref.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
#if ( $alignedFileName == $subitemHref )
#set ( $display = true )
#displayTree( $display $subitem )
#macro ( menuItem $item )
#set ( $collapse = "none" )
#set ( $currentItemHref = $PathTool.calculateLink( $item.href, $relativePath ) )
#set ( $currentItemHref = $currentItemHref.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
#if ( $item && $item.items && $item.items.size() > 0 )
#if ( $item.collapse == false )
#set ( $collapse = "expanded" )
## By default collapsed
#set ( $collapse = "collapsed" )
#set ( $display = false )
#displayTree( $display $item )
#if ( $alignedFileName == $currentItemHref || $display )
#set ( $collapse = "expanded" )
<li class="$collapse">
#if ( $item.img )
#if ( ! ( $item.img.toLowerCase().startsWith("http") || $item.img.toLowerCase().startsWith("https") ) )
#set ( $src = $PathTool.calculateLink( $item.img, $relativePath ) )
#set ( $src = $item.img.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
<img src="$src"/>
<img src="$item.img" align="absbottom" style="border-width: 0"/>
#if ( $alignedFileName == $currentItemHref )
<a href="$currentItemHref">$</a>
#if ( $item && $item.items && $item.items.size() > 0 )
#if ( $collapse == "expanded" )
#foreach( $subitem in $item.items )
#menuItem( $subitem )
#macro ( mainMenu $menus )
#foreach( $menu in $menus )
#if ( $ )
#foreach( $item in $menu.items )
#menuItem( $item )
#macro ( copyright )
#if ( $project )
#set ( $currentYear = ${currentDate.year} + 1900 )
#if ( ${project.inceptionYear} && ( ${project.inceptionYear} != ${currentYear.toString()} ) )
#if ( ${project.organization} && ${} )
#macro ( publishDate $position $publishDate $version )
#if ( $publishDate && $publishDate.format )
#set ( $format = $publishDate.format )
#set ( $format = "MM/dd/yyyy" )
$dateFormat.applyPattern( $format )
#set ( $dateToday = $dateFormat.format( $currentDate ) )
#if ( $publishDate && $publishDate.position )
#set ( $datePosition = $publishDate.position )
#set ( $datePosition = "left" )
#if ( $version )
#if ( $version.position )
#set ( $versionPosition = $version.position )
#set ( $versionPosition = "left" )
#set ( $breadcrumbs = $decoration.body.breadcrumbs )
#if ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
#if ( ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "right" ) ) || ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "bottom" ) ) )
&nbsp;| $i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.lastpublished" ): $dateToday
#if ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
&nbsp;| $i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}
#elseif ( ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "navigation-bottom" ) ) || ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "navigation-top" ) ) )
<div id="lastPublished">
$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.lastpublished" ): $dateToday
#if ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
&nbsp;| $i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}
#elseif ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase("left") )
<div class="xleft">
$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.lastpublished" ): $dateToday
#if ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
&nbsp;| $i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}
#if ( $breadcrumbs && $breadcrumbs.size() > 0 )
| #breadcrumbs( $breadcrumbs )
#elseif ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
#if ( ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "right" ) ) || ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "bottom" ) ) )
&nbsp;| $i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}
#elseif ( ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "navigation-bottom" ) ) || ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "navigation-top" ) ) )
<div id="lastPublished">
$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}
#elseif ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase("left") )
<div class="xleft">
$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}
#if ( $breadcrumbs && $breadcrumbs.size() > 0 )
| #breadcrumbs( $breadcrumbs )
#elseif ( $position.equalsIgnoreCase( "left" ) )
#if ( $breadcrumbs && $breadcrumbs.size() > 0 )
<div class="xleft">
#breadcrumbs( $breadcrumbs )
#macro ( poweredByLogo $poweredBy )
#if( $poweredBy )
#foreach ($item in $poweredBy)
#if( $item.href )
#set ( $href = $PathTool.calculateLink( $item.href, $relativePath ) )
#set ( $href = $href.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
#set ( $href="" )
#if( $ )
#set ( $name = $ )
#set ( $name = $i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" ) )
#set ( $name = "${name} Maven" )
#if( $item.img )
#set ( $img = $item.img )
#set ( $img = "images/maven-feather.png" )
<a href="$href" title="$name" id="poweredBy">
#set ( $img = $PathTool.calculateLink( $img, $relativePath ) )
#set ( $img = $img.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
<img alt="$name" src="$img" />
#if( $poweredBy.isEmpty() )
<a href="" title="$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" ) Maven" id="poweredBy">
<img alt="$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" ) Maven" src="$relativePath/images/maven-feather.png"></img>
<a href="">
<img src=";type=3" border="0" alt="sf logo"/>
<!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var sc_project=1666943;
var sc_invisible=1;
var sc_partition=11;
var sc_security="1d05fd8a";
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><div class="statcounter"><a class="statcounter" href=""><img class="statcounter" src="" alt="counter easy hit" /></a></div></noscript>
<!-- End of StatCounter Code -->
<a href="" title="$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" ) Maven" id="poweredBy">
<img alt="$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" ) Maven" src="$relativePath/images/maven-feather.png"></img>
<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import url("$relativePath/css/maven-base.css");
@import url("$relativePath/css/maven-theme.css");
@import url("$relativePath/css/site.css");
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$relativePath/css/print.css" type="text/css" media="print" />
#foreach( $author in $authors )
<meta name="author" content="$author" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=${outputEncoding}" />
#if ( $decoration.body.head )
#foreach( $item in $decoration.body.head.getChildren() )
#if ( $ == "script" )
<body class="composite">
<div id="banner">
#banner( $decoration.bannerLeft "bannerLeft" )
#banner( $decoration.bannerRight "bannerRight" )
<div class="clear">
<div id="breadcrumbs">
#publishDate( "left" $decoration.publishDate $decoration.version )
<div class="xright">#links( $decoration.body.links )#publishDate( "right" $decoration.publishDate $decoration.version )</div>
<div class="clear">
<div id="leftColumn">
<div id="navcolumn">
#publishDate( "navigation-top" $decoration.publishDate $decoration.version )
#mainMenu( $decoration.body.menus )
#poweredByLogo( $decoration.poweredBy )
#publishDate( "navigation-bottom" $decoration.publishDate $decoration.version )
<div id="bodyColumn">
<div id="contentBox">
<div class="clear">
<div id="footer">
<div class="xright">&#169;#copyright()#publishDate( "bottom" $decoration.publishDate $decoration.version )</div>
<div class="clear">