| # Testing environment properties |
| # Set your target database properties here or give it by -Dtest.properties=file option |
| |
| |
| # jdbc.driver.jar=../../../extension.oracle.lib.external/ojdbc7.jar |
| # db.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver |
| # db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:DB |
| # db.user=user |
| # db.pwd=password |
| # db.platform=org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.OraclePlatform |
| |
| ## Symfoware |
| #jdbc.driver.jar=${extensions.depend.dir}/fjsymjdbc4.jar |
| #db.driver=com.fujitsu.symfoware.jdbc.SYMDriver |
| #db.url=jdbc:symford://symfodb:56001/TESTDB01;ctuneparam='CLI_ISOLATION_WAIT=(REJECT)' |
| #db.user=symfouser |
| #db.pwd=symfopwd |
| #db.platform=org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.SymfowarePlatform |
| #additional.jvmargs=-Declipselink.test.toggle-fast-table-creator=true |
| |
| # Logging option for debugging |
| logging.level=info |
| # logging.level=finest |
| # logging.level=off |
| # This is used to translate the 9.0.4 format sessions.xml resources. |
| logging.boolvalue=false |
| |
| # Security manager options, switch from ignore to use a security manager |
| test.security-manager=-Dignore |
| # test.security-manager=-Djava.security.manager |
| test.security-manager.policy=-Dignore |
| # test.security-manager.policy=-Djava.security.policy=./java.policy.allpermissions |
| |
| # Test class to be run. |
| test.class=org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.TestRunModel |
| # test.class=org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.feature.FeatureTestModel |
| # test.class=org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.simultaneous.SimultaneousTestsModel |
| # test.class=org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.SRGTestModel |
| |
| # Test runner properties. |
| run.dir=run |
| report.dir=reports |
| |
| # A property specifying if PromptTestRunner should save the test results to the database |
| should.save.results=false |
| |
| # The baseline version that the performance tests will compare this version with. |
| # By default, it is the version that the last success runs were against. |
| # To this version as a baseline, you can specify a non-existing baseline version and run the performance tests. |
| # performance.baseline.version=1.0_:SNAPSHOT_-_20080403 |