| <!--/******************************************************************************* |
| * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the |
| * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 |
| * which accompanies this distribution. |
| * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at |
| * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. |
| * |
| * Ant naming conventions: |
| * - regardless of the actual OS platform,'/' is the directory separator |
| * (Ant will convert as appropriate). |
| * - multi-word properties use periods '.' |
| * - multi-word targets use hyphens '-' |
| * - multi-word macros use underscores '_' |
| * - multi-word macro attributes are concatenated |
| * e.g. 'runpathref' |
| * - multi-word tasks (taskdef) names are concatenated |
| * e.g. 'validateconnection' |
| * - OS environment variables are in ALLCAPS and have 'env' as a prefix |
| * e.g. ${env.XXX}. |
| * - Ant properties are lower case. |
| * |
| * Contributors: |
| * ??? - initial implementation |
| #******************************************************************************/--> |
| |
| <!-- This ant project includes the following tasks: |
| - netweaver-setup : packs an application containing eclipselink.jar and other required libraries and deploys it to the server |
| - netweaver-reset : undeploys the application containing eclipselink.jar |
| - netweaver-deploy : adds NetWeaver specific resources and deploys ear |
| - netweaver-undeploy : undeploys ear |
| --> |
| |
| <project name="Eclipse Persistence Services JPA NetWeaver Testing" basedir="."> |
| |
| <!-- Allows a user to overide certain user specific properties. --> |
| <property file="${user.home}/netweaver.properties"/> |
| <property file="${jpatest.basedir}/netweaver.properties"/> |
| |
| <property name="cpath" value="${netweaver.deployment.ant.dir}/tc~je~dc_ant.jar: |
| ${netweaver.clientlib.dir}/sap.com~tc~exception~impl.jar: |
| ${netweaver.clientlib.dir}/sap.com~tc~je~clientlib~impl.jar: |
| ${netweaver.clientlib.dir}/sap.com~tc~logging~java~impl.jar: |
| ${netweaver.deployment.dir}/lib/sap.com~tc~je~deployment14~impl.jar"/> |
| |
| <taskdef name="sapdeploy" classname="com.sap.engine.services.dc.ant.deploy.SAPDeploy" classpath="${cpath}"/> |
| <taskdef name="sapundeploy" classname="com.sap.engine.services.dc.ant.undeploy.SAPUndeploy" classpath="${cpath}"/> |
| |
| <condition property="netweaver.deployment.script.suffix" value="csh" else="${suffix}"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="is.unix"/> |
| <available file="${netweaver.deployment.dir}/scripts/make_SDA.csh"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <echo message="suffix=${suffix}"/> |
| |
| <macrodef name="make_sda"> |
| <attribute name="source" /> |
| <attribute name="target" /> |
| <sequential> |
| <exec executable="${netweaver.deployment.dir}/scripts/make_SDA.${netweaver.deployment.script.suffix}" dir="${netweaver.deployment.dir}/scripts" failonerror="true"> |
| <arg value="@{source}"/> |
| <arg value="-d"/> |
| <arg value="@{target}"/> |
| </exec> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| |
| <target name="netweaver-install"> |
| <echo message="*** build target netweaver-install - nothing done ***"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <target name="netweaver-start"> |
| <echo message="*** build target netweaver-start - nothing done ***"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <target name="netweaver-setup"> |
| <mkdir dir="${jpatest.basedir}/${build.dir}"/> |
| <dirname property="basedir" file="${jpatest.basedir}"/> |
| |
| <!-- pack EAR file containing eclipselink.jar and other required libraries and convert it to SDA --> |
| <zip destfile="${jpatest.basedir}/${build.dir}/${netweaver.eclipselink.app}.ear"> |
| <fileset dir="${eclipselink.home}" includes="eclipselink.jar"/> |
| <fileset file="${junit.lib}"/> |
| </zip> |
| <make_sda source="${basedir}/${build.dir}/${netweaver.eclipselink.app}.ear" target="${basedir}/${build.dir}/${netweaver.eclipselink.app}.sda" /> |
| |
| <!-- pack EAR file containing the test datasource and convert it to SDA --> |
| <copy overwrite="true" todir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/setup/META-INF"> |
| <fileset dir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/templates/setup/META-INF" includes="*.*"/> |
| </copy> |
| <replace file="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/setup/META-INF/data-sources.xml" token='@data-source-name@' value="${netweaver.datasource.name}"/> |
| <replace file="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/setup/META-INF/data-sources.xml" token='@driver-name@' value="${netweaver.datasource.driver.deployname}"/> |
| <replace file="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/setup/META-INF/data-sources.xml" token='@driver-class-name@' value="${netweaver.datasource.driver.class}"/> |
| <replace file="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/setup/META-INF/data-sources.xml" token='@url@' value="${netweaver.datasource.url}"/> |
| <replace file="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/setup/META-INF/data-sources.xml" token='@user-name@' value="${netweaver.datasource.user}"/> |
| <replace file="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/setup/META-INF/data-sources.xml" token='@password@' value="${netweaver.datasource.password}"/> |
| <zip destfile="${jpatest.basedir}/${build.dir}/${netweaver.datasource.app}.ear"> |
| <fileset dir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/setup"/> |
| </zip> |
| <make_sda source="${basedir}/${build.dir}/${netweaver.datasource.app}.ear" target="${basedir}/${build.dir}/${netweaver.datasource.app}.sda" /> |
| |
| <!-- deploy the SDA --> |
| <sapdeploy versionrule="all"> |
| <saperrorhandling erroraction="prerequisites" errorstrategy="stop"/> |
| <saperrorhandling erroraction="deploy" errorstrategy="stop"/> |
| <fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="${netweaver.eclipselink.app}.sda,${netweaver.datasource.app}.sda"/> |
| <sapj2eeengine serverhost="${netweaver.host}" serverport="${netweaver.port}" username="${server.user}" userpassword="${server.pwd}"/> |
| </sapdeploy> |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <target name="netweaver-reset"> |
| <!-- undeploy the application containing eclipselink.jar --> |
| <copy overwrite="true" todir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}"> |
| <fileset dir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/templates/" includes="undeploy_eclipselink.txt"/> |
| </copy> |
| <replace file="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/undeploy_eclipselink.txt" token='@eclipselink_app@' value="${netweaver.eclipselink.app}"/> |
| <replace file="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/undeploy_eclipselink.txt" token='@datasource_app@' value="${netweaver.datasource.app}"/> |
| <sapundeploy undeploystrategy="IfDependingStop"> |
| <saperrorhandling erroraction="prerequisites" errorstrategy="stop"/> |
| <saperrorhandling erroraction="undeploy" errorstrategy="stop"/> |
| <sapundeploylist listfilepath="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/undeploy_eclipselink.txt"/> |
| <sapj2eeengine serverhost="${netweaver.host}" serverport="${netweaver.port}" username="${server.user}" userpassword="${server.pwd}"/> |
| </sapundeploy> |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <target name="netweaver-stop"> |
| <echo message="*** build target netweaver-stop - nothing done ***"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <!-- add NetWeaver specific resources to the test application ear and deploy it to the server --> |
| <target name="netweaver-deploy"> |
| <!-- add NetWeaver specific resources to the application EAR and convert it to SDA --> |
| <copy overwrite="true" todir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/META-INF"> |
| <fileset dir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/templates/META-INF" includes="*.*"/> |
| </copy> |
| <replace dir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/META-INF" token='@eclipselinklib@' value="${netweaver.eclipselink.app}"/> |
| <replace dir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/META-INF" token='@datasourcename@' value="${netweaver.datasource.name}"/> |
| <ear destfile="${basedir}/${ear.name}" update="true"> |
| <fileset dir="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}" includes="META-INF/*.*"/> |
| </ear> |
| <dirname property="basedir" file="${jpatest.basedir}"/> |
| <echo message="ear.name=${ear.name}"/> |
| <echo message="application.name=${application.name}"/> |
| <make_sda source="${basedir}/${ear.name}" target="${basedir}/${build.dir}/${application.name}.sda"/> |
| |
| <!-- deploy the SDA --> |
| <sapdeploy versionrule="all"> |
| <saperrorhandling erroraction="prerequisites" errorstrategy="stop"/> |
| <saperrorhandling erroraction="deploy" errorstrategy="stop"/> |
| <fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes ="${application.name}.sda"/> |
| <sapj2eeengine serverhost="${netweaver.host}" serverport="${netweaver.port}" username="${server.user}" userpassword="${server.pwd}"/> |
| </sapdeploy> |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <!-- undeploy the test application from the server --> |
| <target name="netweaver-undeploy"> |
| <sapundeploy undeploystrategy="IfDependingStop"> |
| <saperrorhandling erroraction="prerequisites" errorstrategy="stop"/> |
| <saperrorhandling erroraction="undeploy" errorstrategy="stop"/> |
| <sapundeploylist listfilepath="${jpatest.basedir}/resource/${server.name}/undeploy.txt"/> |
| <sapj2eeengine serverhost="${netweaver.host}" serverport="${netweaver.port}" username="${server.user}" userpassword="${server.pwd}"/> |
| </sapundeploy> |
| </target> |
| |
| </project> |