| <!-- |
| - Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |
| - This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the |
| - terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 |
| - which accompanies this distribution. |
| - The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| - and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at |
| - http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. |
| - |
| - Contributors: |
| - tkraus - initial API and implementation |
| --> |
| |
| <!-- This ant project includes following common tasks: |
| - wls-config-partition Configure WebLogic partitions for tests |
| - wls-create-domain Create WebLogic domain for tests |
| - wls-create-partition Create WebLogic partitions for tests |
| - wls-delete-domain Delete WebLogic domain for tests |
| - wls-deploy Deploy application to WebLogic |
| - wls-download Download WebLogic server. |
| - wls-install Install WebLogic server. |
| - wls-start-domain Start WebLogic domain for tests |
| - wls-stop-domain Stop WebLogic domain for tests |
| - wls-undeploy Undeploy application from WebLogic |
| |
| and tasks to support JPA tests ant tasks: |
| - weblogic-mt-deploy Deploy an application into multitenant environment |
| in WebLogic domain. |
| - weblogic-mt-install Download and install WebLogic and initialize domain. |
| - weblogic-mt-reset Reset multitenant environment in WebLogic domain |
| (stop server, re-create domain, start server, setup server). |
| - weblogic-mt-setup Setup multitenant environment on WebLogic domain. |
| - weblogic-mt-start Start WebLogic domain. |
| - weblogic-mt-stop Stop WebLogic domain. |
| - weblogic-mt-undeploy Undeploy an application from multitenant environment |
| in WebLogic domain. |
| --> |
| <project name="Eclipse Persistence Services JPA WLS Testing" basedir="."> |
| |
| <!-- Environment properties. --> |
| <property environment="sysenv"/> |
| |
| <!-- Customized properties from user home directory are loaded first. --> |
| <property file="${user.home}/weblogic.properties"/> |
| <property file="${user.home}/weblogic-mt.properties"/> |
| |
| <!-- Default properties are loaded later. --> |
| <property file="${test.properties}"/> |
| <property file="./weblogic-mt.properties"/> |
| |
| <!-- Internal properties derived from property files. --> |
| <!-- Full path to EclipseLink library --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.eclipselink.lib" location="${eclipselink.lib}"/> |
| <!-- Full path to jUnit library. --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.junit.lib" location="${junit.lib}"/> |
| <!-- Full path to JDBC driver JAR. --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar" location="${jdbc.driver.jar}"/> |
| <!-- Full path to Oracle products installation directory. --> |
| <property name="oracle.mt.install.dir" location="${oracle.installdir}"/> |
| <!-- Full path to WebLogic installation directory. --> |
| <property name="weblogic.mt.install.dir" location="${weblogic.installdir}"/> |
| |
| <property name="wls.mt.generic.jar.url" value="${weblogic.mt.builds.url}/${weblogic.mt.generic.jar}"/> |
| <property name="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.url" value="${weblogic.mt.builds.url}/${weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar}"/> |
| <property name="wls.mt.generic.jar.file" location="${weblogic.mt.packages.dir}/${weblogic.mt.generic.jar}"/> |
| <property name="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file" location="${weblogic.mt.packages.dir}/${weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar}"/> |
| <property name="wls.mt.response.wls.file" location="${oracle.mt.install.dir}/response-wls"/> |
| <property name="wls.mt.response.wls.type" value="WebLogic Server"/> |
| <property name="wls.mt.response.jrf.file" location="${oracle.mt.install.dir}/response-jrf"/> |
| <property name="wls.mt.response.jrf.type" value="Fusion Middleware Infrastructure"/> |
| <!-- Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (FMI) installation directory full path. --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.install.orainv" location="${oracle.mt.install.dir}/oraInventory"/> |
| <property name="wls.mt.install.orainst.loc" location="${oracle.mt.install.dir}/oraInst.loc"/> |
| <!-- WebLogic installation directory full path. --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.install.wl.home" location="${weblogic.mt.install.dir}/wlserver"/> |
| <!-- Full path to WebLogic modules under installation directory. --> |
| <property name="weblogic.mt.modules.dir" location="${weblogic.mt.install.dir}/oracle_common/modules"/> |
| <!-- Full path to WebLogic toplink module. --> |
| <property name="weblogic.mt.toplink.dir" location="${weblogic.mt.modules.dir}/oracle.toplink"/> |
| <!-- Full (absolute) domain directory path. --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.domain.full.path" location="${weblogic.mt.domain.path}"/> |
| <!-- Full (absolute) domain libraries directory path. --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path" location="${wls.mt.domain.full.path}/lib"/> |
| <!-- Domain template path relative to WebLogic installation directory (wls.mt.install.wl.home). --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.domain.template" value="common/templates/wls/wls.jar"/> |
| <!-- JRF template path relative to FMI installation directory (weblogic.mt.install.dir). --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.domain.jrf.template" value="oracle_common/common/templates/wls/oracle.jrf_template.jar"/> |
| |
| <!-- WebLogic configuration utility. --> |
| <property name="wls.mt.config.tool" location="./weblogic-mt.py"/> |
| |
| <!-- WebLogic classpath. --> |
| <path id="wls.mt.path"> |
| <pathelement location="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/> |
| <pathelement location="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}/modules/features/wlst.wls.classpath.jar"/> |
| <pathelement location="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}/common/derby/lib/derby.jar"/> |
| </path> |
| |
| <!-- JPA tests interface: Download and install WebLogic and initialize domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-install" |
| description="JPA tests interface: Download and install WebLogic and initialize domain." |
| depends="wls-create-domain"/> |
| |
| <!-- JPA tests interface: Start WebLogic domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-start" |
| description="JPA tests interface: Start WebLogic domain." |
| depends="wls-start-domain"/> |
| |
| <!-- JPA tests interface: Stop WebLogic domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-stop" |
| description="JPA tests interface: Stop WebLogic domain." |
| depends="wls-stop-domain"/> |
| |
| <!-- JPA tests interface: Setup multitenant environment in WebLogic domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-setup" |
| description="JPA tests interface: Setup multitenant environment on WebLogic domain." |
| depends="wls-create-partition,wls-config-partition,wls-start-partitions"/> |
| |
| <!-- JPA tests interface: Reset multitenant environment in WebLogic domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-reset" |
| description="JPA tests interface: Reset multitenant environment in WebLogic domain (stop server, re-create domain, start server, setup server)." |
| depends="wls-stop-domain,wls-delete-domain,wls-create-domain,wls-start-domain"/> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Translate deployment properties from EclipseLink JPA build file. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-deploy-translate"> |
| <property name="weblogic.mt.application.name" value="${application.name}"/> |
| <property name="weblogic.mt.application.path" location="${jpatest.basedir}/${application.name}.ear"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- JPA tests interface: Deploy an application into multitenant environment in WebLogic domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-deploy" |
| description="JPA tests interface: Deploy an application into multitenant environment in WebLogic domain." |
| depends="weblogic-mt-deploy-translate,wls-deploy"/> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Translate undeployment properties from EclipseLink JPA build file. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-undeploy-translate"> |
| <property name="weblogic.mt.application.name" value="${application.name}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- JPA tests interface: Undeploy an application from multitenant environment in WebLogic domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-undeploy" |
| description="JPA tests interface: Undeploy an application from multitenant environment in WebLogic domain." |
| depends="weblogic-mt-undeploy-translate,wls-undeploy"/> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Translate test properties from EclipseLink JPA build file. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-test-translate"> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.platform" value="server.platform"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.libs" value="server.depend"/> |
| <property name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.lib" location="${server.lib}"/> |
| <property name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.base" location="${jpatest.basedir}"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.build" value="build.dir"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.run" value="run.dir"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.report" value="report.dir"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.test.name" value="TEST_NAME"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.model.name" value="MODEL_NAME"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.srv.user" value="server.user"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.srv.pwd" value="server.pwd"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.proxy.user" value="oracle.proxy.user"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.suite" value="TEST_SUITE"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.runner" value="SERVER.TESTRUNNER"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.runner1" value="SERVER.TESTRUNNER1"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.runner2" value="SERVER.TESTRUNNER2"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.runner3" value="SERVER.TESTRUNNER3"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.runner4" value="SERVER.TESTRUNNER4"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.runner5" value="SERVER.TESTRUNNER5"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.t1.target" value="weblogic.mt.tenant1.virtual.target.name"/> |
| <translate-property name="weblogic.mt.test.t2.target" value="weblogic.mt.tenant2.virtual.target.name"/> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.test.t1.url" |
| value="t3://${weblogic.host}:${weblogic.port}/${weblogic.mt.tenant1.virtual.target.prefix}/${weblogic.mt.test.model.name}"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.host"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.port"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.model.name"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.tenant1.virtual.target.prefix"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.test.t2.url" |
| value="t3://${weblogic.host}:${weblogic.port}/${weblogic.mt.tenant2.virtual.target.prefix}/${weblogic.mt.test.model.name}"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.host"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.port"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.model.name"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.tenant2.virtual.target.prefix"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- JPA tests interface: Undeploy an application from multitenant environment in WebLogic domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-test" |
| description="JPA tests interface: Run test suite on WebLogic." |
| depends="weblogic-mt-test-translate,wls-test"/> |
| |
| <!-- Download WebLogic installation packages from builds URL. --> |
| <target name="wls-download" description="Download WebLogic server." |
| depends="weblogic-mt-download-print-all-properties,weblogic-mt-download-verify-all-properties"> |
| <mkdir dir="${weblogic.mt.packages.dir}"/> |
| <get src="${wls.mt.generic.jar.url}" |
| dest="${wls.mt.generic.jar.file}" verbose="false" usetimestamp="true"/> |
| <get src="${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.url}" |
| dest="${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file}" verbose="false" usetimestamp="true"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Install WebLogic from installation packages. --> |
| <target name="wls-install" |
| depends="wls-mt-packages-exists,wls-mt-packages-download,wls-install-weblogic,wls-install-fusion-middleware" |
| description="Install WebLogic server."> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Create WebLogic domain for tests. --> |
| <target name="wls-create-domain" |
| description="Create WebLogic domain for tests" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-create-domain-print-properties,weblogic-mt-create-domain-verify-properties"> |
| <java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="yes"> |
| <env key="WL_HOME" value="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}"/> |
| <classpath> |
| <path refid="wls.mt.path"/> |
| </classpath> |
| <arg value="${wls.mt.config.tool}"/> |
| <arg value="create-domain"/> |
| <arg value="--domain=${wls.mt.domain.full.path}"/> |
| <arg value="--wls-home=${wls.mt.install.wl.home}"/> |
| <arg value="--template=${wls.mt.domain.template}"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.server.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--host=${weblogic.mt.host}"/> |
| <arg value="--port=${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| <arg value="--ssl-port=${weblogic.mt.ssl.port}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-user=${weblogic.mt.admin.user}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-password=${weblogic.mt.admin.password}"/> |
| <arg value="add-template"/> |
| <arg value="--domain=${wls.mt.domain.full.path}"/> |
| <arg value="--template=${weblogic.mt.install.dir}/${wls.mt.domain.jrf.template}"/> |
| </java> |
| <wls-install-libraries/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Copy EclipseLink, jUnit and JDBC driver libraries into domain's lib directory --> |
| <macrodef name="wls-install-libraries"> |
| <sequential> |
| <copy file="${wls.mt.eclipselink.lib}" todir="${weblogic.mt.toplink.dir}" overwrite="true"/> |
| <copy file="${wls.mt.eclipselink.lib}" todir="${wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path}" overwrite="true"/> |
| <copy file="${wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar}" todir="${wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path}" overwrite="true"/> |
| <copy file="${wls.mt.junit.lib}" todir="${wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path}" overwrite="true"/> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- Create WebLogic domain for tests. --> |
| <target name="wls-delete-domain" |
| description="Delete WebLogic domain for tests"> |
| <delete dir="${wls.mt.domain.full.path}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Start WebLogic domain for tests. --> |
| <target name="wls-start-domain" |
| description="Start WebLogic domain for tests" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-start-domain-print-properties,weblogic-mt-start-domain-verify-properties"> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.can.start" value="true"> |
| <socket server="${weblogic.mt.host}" port="${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Could not start WebLogic server: ${weblogic.mt.host}:${weblogic.mt.port} is not free" |
| if="wls.mt.can.start"/> |
| <antcall target="wls-start-domain-platform"/> |
| <echo message="Waiting for WebLogic to start listening on ${weblogic.mt.host}:${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| <waitfor maxwait="120" maxwaitunit="second"> |
| <socket server="${weblogic.mt.host}" port="${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| </waitfor> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="wls-start-domain-platform" depends="wls-start-domain-unix, wls-start-domain-win"/> |
| |
| <condition property="windows.os" value="true"> |
| <contains string="${os.name}" substring="Win"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <target name="wls-start-domain-win" if="windows.os"> |
| <exec executable="${wls.mt.domain.full.path}/startWebLogic.cmd" spawn="true"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="wls-start-domain-unix" unless="windows.os"> |
| <exec executable="${wls.mt.domain.full.path}/startWebLogic.sh" spawn="true"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Stop WebLogic domain for tests. --> |
| <target name="wls-stop-domain" |
| description="Stop WebLogic domain for tests" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-stop-domain-print-properties,weblogic-mt-stop-domain-verify-properties"> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.can.stop" value="true"> |
| <socket server="${weblogic.mt.host}" port="${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <fail message="Could not stop WebLogic server: Server is not listening on ${weblogic.mt.host}:${weblogic.mt.port}" |
| unless="wls.mt.can.stop"/> |
| <java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="yes"> |
| <env key="WL_HOME" value="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}"/> |
| <classpath> |
| <path refid="wls.mt.path"/> |
| </classpath> |
| <arg value="${wls.mt.config.tool}"/> |
| <arg value="--host=${weblogic.mt.host}"/> |
| <arg value="--port=${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-user=${weblogic.mt.admin.user}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-password=${weblogic.mt.admin.password}"/> |
| <arg value="stop-domain"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Create WebLogic partitions for tests. --> |
| <target name="wls-create-partition" |
| description="Create WebLogic partitions for tests"> |
| <java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="yes"> |
| <env key="WL_HOME" value="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}"/> |
| <classpath> |
| <path refid="wls.mt.path"/> |
| </classpath> |
| <arg value="${wls.mt.config.tool}"/> |
| <arg value="--host=${weblogic.mt.host}"/> |
| <arg value="--port=${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-user=${weblogic.mt.admin.user}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-password=${weblogic.mt.admin.password}"/> |
| <arg value="set-jpa-provider"/> |
| <arg value="--provider=${weblogic.mt.persistence.provider}"/> |
| <arg value="create-resource-group-template"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.template.name}"/> |
| <arg value="create-virtual-target"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.global.virtual.target.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--prefix=${weblogic.mt.global.virtual.target.prefix}"/> |
| <arg value="create-virtual-target"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.tenant1.virtual.target.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--prefix=${weblogic.mt.tenant1.virtual.target.prefix}"/> |
| <arg value="create-virtual-target"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.tenant2.virtual.target.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--prefix=${weblogic.mt.tenant2.virtual.target.prefix}"/> |
| <arg value="create-resource-group"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--targets=${weblogic.mt.global.virtual.target.name}:VirtualTarget"/> |
| <arg value="--template=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.template.name}"/> |
| <arg value="activate"/> |
| <arg value="create-partition"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.tenant1.partition.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--virtual-target=${weblogic.mt.tenant1.virtual.target.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--resource-group=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--resource-group-template=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.template.name}"/> |
| <arg value="create-partition"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.tenant2.partition.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--virtual-target=${weblogic.mt.tenant2.virtual.target.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--resource-group=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--resource-group-template=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.template.name}"/> |
| <arg value="create-proxy-resource"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.proxy.resource.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--targets=${weblogic.mt.server.name}:Server"/> |
| <arg value="--jndi-name=${weblogic.mt.proxy.resource.jndi.name}"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Start the WebLogic partitions for tests. --> |
| <target name="wls-start-partitions" |
| description="Start the WebLogic partitions for tests"> |
| <antcall target="wls-start-partition" inheritrefs="true"> |
| <param name="partition" value="${weblogic.mt.tenant1.partition.name}"/> |
| </antcall> |
| <antcall target="wls-start-partition" inheritrefs="true"> |
| <param name="partition" value="${weblogic.mt.tenant2.partition.name}"/> |
| </antcall> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Start a WebLogic partition for tests. --> |
| <target name="wls-start-partition" |
| description="Starts a Weblogic partition"> |
| <java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="yes"> |
| <env key="WL_HOME" value="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}"/> |
| <classpath> |
| <path refid="wls.mt.path"/> |
| </classpath> |
| <arg value="${wls.mt.config.tool}"/> |
| <arg value="--host=${weblogic.mt.host}"/> |
| <arg value="--port=${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-user=${weblogic.mt.admin.user}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-password=${weblogic.mt.admin.password}"/> |
| <arg value="start-partition"/> |
| <arg value="--partition=${partition}"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Configure data source for two tenants. --> |
| <macrodef name="wls-create-datasource"> |
| <attribute name="ds.name"/> |
| <attribute name="ds.jndi.name"/> |
| <attribute name="ds.url"/> |
| <attribute name="ds.driver"/> |
| <attribute name="ds.user.name"/> |
| <attribute name="ds.user.password"/> |
| <attribute name="ds.transactions"/> |
| <attribute name="ds.query"/> |
| <attribute name="override1.name"/> |
| <attribute name="override1.url"/> |
| <attribute name="override1.user.name"/> |
| <attribute name="override1.user.password"/> |
| <attribute name="override2.name"/> |
| <attribute name="override2.url"/> |
| <attribute name="override2.user.name"/> |
| <attribute name="override2.user.password"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="yes"> |
| <env key="WL_HOME" value="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}" /> |
| <classpath> |
| <path refid="wls.mt.path" /> |
| </classpath> |
| <arg value="${wls.mt.config.tool}" /> |
| <arg value="--host=${weblogic.mt.host}" /> |
| <arg value="--port=${weblogic.mt.port}" /> |
| <arg value="--admin-user=${weblogic.mt.admin.user}" /> |
| <arg value="--admin-password=${weblogic.mt.admin.password}" /> |
| <arg value="create-jdbc-resource" /> |
| <arg value="--name=@{ds.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--jndi-name=@{ds.jndi.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--url=@{ds.url}" /> |
| <arg value="--driver=@{ds.driver}" /> |
| <arg value="--user=@{ds.user.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--password=@{ds.user.password}" /> |
| <arg value="--transactions-protocol=@{ds.transactions}" /> |
| <arg value="--test-query=@{ds.query}" /> |
| <arg value="--resource-group-template=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.template.name}" /> |
| <arg value="activate" /> |
| <arg value="create-resource-override" /> |
| <arg value="--name=@{override1.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--partition=${weblogic.mt.tenant1.partition.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--resource=@{ds.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--url=@{override1.url}" /> |
| <arg value="--user=@{override1.user.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--password=@{override1.user.password}" /> |
| <arg value="create-resource-override" /> |
| <arg value="--name=@{override2.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--partition=${weblogic.mt.tenant2.partition.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--resource=@{ds.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--url=@{override2.url}" /> |
| <arg value="--user=@{override2.user.name}" /> |
| <arg value="--password=@{override2.user.password}" /> |
| </java> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- Configure WebLogic partitions for tests. --> |
| <target name="wls-config-partition" |
| description="Configure WebLogic partitions for tests"> |
| <wls-create-datasource |
| ds.name="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.jta.resource.name}" |
| ds.jndi.name="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.jta.resource.jndi.name}" |
| ds.url="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.url}" |
| ds.driver="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.driver}" |
| ds.user.name="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.user.name}" |
| ds.user.password="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.user.password}" |
| ds.transactions="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.jta.resource.transactions}" |
| ds.query="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.test.query}" |
| override1.name="${weblogic.mt.tenant1.jdbc.resource.override.prefix}${weblogic.mt.jdbc.jta.resource.name}" |
| override1.url="${weblogic.mt.tenant1.jdbc.resource.url}" |
| override1.user.name="${weblogic.mt.tenant1.jdbc.resource.user.name}" |
| override1.user.password="${weblogic.mt.tenant1.jdbc.resource.user.password}" |
| override2.name="${weblogic.mt.tenant2.jdbc.resource.override.prefix}${weblogic.mt.jdbc.jta.resource.name}" |
| override2.url="${weblogic.mt.tenant2.jdbc.resource.url}" |
| override2.user.name="${weblogic.mt.tenant2.jdbc.resource.user.name}" |
| override2.user.password="${weblogic.mt.tenant2.jdbc.resource.user.password}" |
| /> |
| <wls-create-datasource |
| ds.name="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.non.jta.resource.name}" |
| ds.jndi.name="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.non.jta.resource.jndi.name}" |
| ds.url="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.url}" |
| ds.driver="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.driver}" |
| ds.user.name="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.user.name}" |
| ds.user.password="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.user.password}" |
| ds.transactions="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.non.jta.resource.transactions}" |
| ds.query="${weblogic.mt.jdbc.resource.test.query}" |
| override1.name="${weblogic.mt.tenant1.jdbc.resource.override.prefix}${weblogic.mt.jdbc.non.jta.resource.name}" |
| override1.url="${weblogic.mt.tenant1.jdbc.resource.url}" |
| override1.user.name="${weblogic.mt.tenant1.jdbc.resource.user.name}" |
| override1.user.password="${weblogic.mt.tenant1.jdbc.resource.user.password}" |
| override2.name="${weblogic.mt.tenant2.jdbc.resource.override.prefix}${weblogic.mt.jdbc.non.jta.resource.name}" |
| override2.url="${weblogic.mt.tenant2.jdbc.resource.url}" |
| override2.user.name="${weblogic.mt.tenant2.jdbc.resource.user.name}" |
| override2.user.password="${weblogic.mt.tenant2.jdbc.resource.user.password}" |
| /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Deploy application to WebLogic. --> |
| <target name="wls-deploy" |
| description="Deploy application to WebLogic" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-deploy-print-properties,weblogic-mt-deploy-verify-properties"> |
| <java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="yes"> |
| <env key="WL_HOME" value="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}" /> |
| <classpath> |
| <path refid="wls.mt.path"/> |
| </classpath> |
| <arg value="${wls.mt.config.tool}"/> |
| <arg value="--host=${weblogic.mt.host}"/> |
| <arg value="--port=${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-user=${weblogic.mt.admin.user}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-password=${weblogic.mt.admin.password}"/> |
| <arg value="deploy"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.application.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--path=${weblogic.mt.application.path}"/> |
| <arg value="--template=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.template.name}"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Deploy application to WebLogic. --> |
| <target name="wls-undeploy" |
| description="Undeploy application from WebLogic" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-undeploy-print-properties,weblogic-mt-undeploy-verify-properties"> |
| <java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="yes"> |
| <env key="WL_HOME" value="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}" /> |
| <classpath> |
| <path refid="wls.mt.path"/> |
| </classpath> |
| <arg value="${wls.mt.config.tool}"/> |
| <arg value="--host=${weblogic.mt.host}"/> |
| <arg value="--port=${weblogic.mt.port}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-user=${weblogic.mt.admin.user}"/> |
| <arg value="--admin-password=${weblogic.mt.admin.password}"/> |
| <arg value="undeploy"/> |
| <arg value="--name=${weblogic.mt.application.name}"/> |
| <arg value="--template=${weblogic.mt.resource.group.template.name}"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Run test suite on WebLogic. --> |
| <target name="wls-test" |
| description="Run test suite on WebLogic" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-test-call-print-properties,check-test-type,weblogic-mt-test-call-verify-properties,server-run-test-partition"> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Translate property. |
| - param name Name of new property to be set. |
| - param value Name of property to be used as new property value. |
| --> |
| <macrodef name="translate-property"> |
| <attribute name="name"/> |
| <attribute name="value"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <condition property="@{name}" value="${@{value}}"> |
| <isset property="@{value}"/> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Translate path property. |
| - param name Name of new property to be set. |
| - param value Name of property to be used as new property value. |
| --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-translate-path"> |
| <attribute name="name"/> |
| <attribute name="value"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <property name="tmp.@{value}.expanded" location="${@{value}}"/> |
| <condition property="@{name}" value="${tmp.@{value}.expanded}"> |
| <isset property="@{value}"/> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Switch between runing test on a single partition or two partitions in parallel. |
| - Both server-run-test-partition-single and server-run-test-partition-parallel tasks execution depends |
| - on is.test.with.second.tenant property: |
| - * server-run-test-partition-single runs when is.test.with.second.tenant property is not set |
| - * server-run-test-partition-parallel runs when is.test.with.second.tenant property is set |
| --> |
| <target name="server-run-test-partition" if="is.test.with.tenant" |
| depends="server-run-test-partition-single,server-run-test-partition-parallel"/> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Runs single test suite on single partition (with multitenancy enabled). --> |
| <target name="server-run-test-partition-single" unless="is.test.with.second.tenant"> |
| <weblogic-mt-test-call |
| platform="${weblogic.mt.test.platform}" |
| libs="${weblogic.mt.test.libs}" |
| target="${weblogic.mt.test.t1.target}" |
| dir.lib="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.lib}" |
| dir.base="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.base}" |
| dir.build="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.build}" |
| dir.run="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.run}" |
| dir.report="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.report}" |
| test.name="${weblogic.mt.test.test.name}" |
| model.name="${weblogic.mt.test.model.name}" |
| srv.user="${weblogic.mt.test.srv.user}" |
| srv.pwd="${weblogic.mt.test.srv.pwd}" |
| proxy.user="${weblogic.mt.test.proxy.user}" |
| url="${weblogic.mt.test.t1.url}" |
| suite="${weblogic.mt.test.suite}" |
| runner="${weblogic.mt.test.runner}" |
| runner1="${weblogic.mt.test.runner1}" |
| runner2="${weblogic.mt.test.runner2}" |
| runner3="${weblogic.mt.test.runner3}" |
| runner4="${weblogic.mt.test.runner4}" |
| runner5="${weblogic.mt.test.runner5}" |
| /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Runs two instances of test suite on two partitions (with multitenancy enabled) in parallel. --> |
| <target name="server-run-test-partition-parallel" if="is.test.with.second.tenant"> |
| <!--parallel--> |
| <weblogic-mt-test-call |
| platform="${weblogic.mt.test.platform}" |
| libs="${weblogic.mt.test.libs}" |
| target="${weblogic.mt.test.t1.target}" |
| dir.lib="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.lib}" |
| dir.base="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.base}" |
| dir.build="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.build}" |
| dir.run="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.run}" |
| dir.report="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.report}" |
| test.name="${weblogic.mt.test.test.name}" |
| model.name="${weblogic.mt.test.model.name}" |
| srv.user="${weblogic.mt.test.srv.user}" |
| srv.pwd="${weblogic.mt.test.srv.pwd}" |
| proxy.user="${weblogic.mt.test.proxy.user}" |
| url="${weblogic.mt.test.t1.url}" |
| suite="${weblogic.mt.test.suite}" |
| runner="${weblogic.mt.test.runner}" |
| runner1="${weblogic.mt.test.runner1}" |
| runner2="${weblogic.mt.test.runner2}" |
| runner3="${weblogic.mt.test.runner3}" |
| runner4="${weblogic.mt.test.runner4}" |
| runner5="${weblogic.mt.test.runner5}" |
| /> |
| <weblogic-mt-test-call |
| platform="${weblogic.mt.test.platform}" |
| libs="${weblogic.mt.test.libs}" |
| target="${weblogic.mt.test.t2.target}" |
| dir.lib="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.lib}" |
| dir.base="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.base}" |
| dir.build="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.build}" |
| dir.run="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.run}" |
| dir.report="${weblogic.mt.test.dir.report}" |
| test.name="${weblogic.mt.test.test.name}" |
| model.name="${weblogic.mt.test.model.name}" |
| srv.user="${weblogic.mt.test.srv.user}" |
| srv.pwd="${weblogic.mt.test.srv.pwd}" |
| proxy.user="${weblogic.mt.test.proxy.user}" |
| url="${weblogic.mt.test.t2.url}" |
| suite="${weblogic.mt.test.suite}" |
| runner="${weblogic.mt.test.runner}" |
| runner1="${weblogic.mt.test.runner1}" |
| runner2="${weblogic.mt.test.runner2}" |
| runner3="${weblogic.mt.test.runner3}" |
| runner4="${weblogic.mt.test.runner4}" |
| runner5="${weblogic.mt.test.runner5}" |
| /> |
| <!--/parallel--> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Execute junit test suite on WebLogic server. --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-test-call"> |
| <attribute name="platform"/> |
| <attribute name="libs"/> |
| <attribute name="target"/> |
| <attribute name="dir.lib"/> |
| <attribute name="dir.base"/> |
| <attribute name="dir.build"/> |
| <attribute name="dir.run"/> |
| <attribute name="dir.report"/> |
| <attribute name="test.name"/> |
| <attribute name="model.name"/> |
| <attribute name="srv.user"/> |
| <attribute name="srv.pwd"/> |
| <attribute name="proxy.user"/> |
| <attribute name="url"/> |
| <attribute name="suite"/> |
| <attribute name="runner"/> |
| <attribute name="runner1"/> |
| <attribute name="runner2"/> |
| <attribute name="runner3"/> |
| <attribute name="runner4"/> |
| <attribute name="runner5"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <property name="server.lib.full" location="@{dir.lib}"/> |
| <path id="run.path"> |
| <pathelement path="@{dir.base}/@{dir.build}/@{test.name}_client.jar"/> |
| <pathelement path="@{dir.base}/@{dir.build}/@{model.name}_ejb.jar"/> |
| <fileset dir="${server.lib.full}" includes="@{libs}"/> |
| <path refid="compile.server.path"/> |
| </path> |
| <mkdir dir="@{dir.base}/@{dir.report}"/> |
| <echo message="Tenant URL: @{url}"/> |
| <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes" failureproperty="junit.failed" fork="yes" |
| forkmode="once" showoutput="true" maxmemory="256m" dir="@{dir.run}"> |
| <sysproperty key="proxy.user.name" value="@{proxy.user}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.platform" value="@{platform}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.user" value="@{srv.user}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.password" value="@{srv.pwd}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.url" value="@{url}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.testrunner" value="@{runner}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.testrunner1" value="@{runner1}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.testrunner2" value="@{runner2}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.testrunner3" value="@{runner3}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.testrunner4" value="@{runner4}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.testrunner5" value="@{runner5}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="server.run" value="TRUE"/> |
| <sysproperty key="com.ibm.SSL.ConfigURL" value="${com.ibm.SSL.ConfigURL}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="com.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL" value="${com.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL}"/> |
| <sysproperty key="run.metadata.cache.test.suite" value="${run.metadata.cache.test.suite}"/> |
| <classpath refid="run.path"/> |
| <formatter type="xml"/> |
| <test name="@{suite}" haltonfailure="no" outfile="@{dir.report}/@{suite}-@{target}-test-results"/> |
| </junit> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print property check message. --> |
| <macrodef name="property-check-message"> |
| <attribute name="name"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <condition property="@{name}.msg" |
| value=" + @{name} = ${@{name}}" |
| else=" - @{name} is not set"> |
| <isset property="@{name}"/> |
| </condition> |
| <echo message="${@{name}.msg}"/> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Build message to print depending on property value. --> |
| <macrodef name="build-property-message"> |
| <attribute name="name"/> |
| <attribute name="property"/> |
| <attribute name="value"/> |
| <attribute name="else"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <condition property="@{name}" value="@{value}" else="@{else}"> |
| <isset property="@{property}"/> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Prepare properties messages for connecting to server and executing admin commands. --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-server-access-properties-messages"> |
| <sequential> |
| <!-- External properties messages --> |
| <condition property="oracle.mt.install.dir.message" |
| value=" + oracle.mt.install.dir = ${oracle.mt.install.dir}" |
| else=" - oracle.mt.install.dir is missing"> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.host.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.host = ${weblogic.mt.host}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.host is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.port.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.port = ${weblogic.mt.port}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.port is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.admin.user.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.admin.user = ${weblogic.mt.admin.user}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.admin.user is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.user"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.admin.password.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.admin.password = ${weblogic.mt.admin.password}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.admin.password is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.password"/> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print properties messages for connecting to server and executing admin commands. --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-server-access-properties-print"> |
| <sequential> |
| <echo message="${oracle.mt.install.dir.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.host.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.port.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.admin.user.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.admin.password.message}"/> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Prepare WebLogic installation directory full path property message. --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-server.wl.home-property-message"> |
| <sequential> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.install.wl.home.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.install.wl.home = ${wls.mt.install.wl.home}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.install.wl.home is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.install.wl.home" /> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: WebLogic installation files check. --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-install-files-check"> |
| <sequential> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.generic.jar.file.exists" value="true"> |
| <available file="${wls.mt.generic.jar.file}" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.exists" value="true"> |
| <available file="${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file}" /> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: WebLogic installation files messages. Make sure to call 'weblogic-mt-install-files-check' before. --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-install-files-messages"> |
| <sequential> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.generic.jar.file.check.message" |
| value=" + ${wls.mt.generic.jar.file} found" |
| else=" - ${wls.mt.generic.jar.file} is missing"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.generic.jar.file.exists"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.check.message" |
| value=" + ${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file} found" |
| else=" - ${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file} is missing"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.exists"/> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: WebLogic installation dependency files check. --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-domain-files-check"> |
| <sequential> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.eclipselink.lib.file.exists" value="true"> |
| <available file="${wls.mt.eclipselink.lib}"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar.file.exists" value="true"> |
| <available file="${wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar}"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.junit.lib.file.exists" value="true"> |
| <available file="${wls.mt.junit.lib}"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.all.dependency.files.exists" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.eclipselink.lib.file.exists"/> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar.file.exists"/> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.junit.lib.file.exists"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: WebLogic domaion creation dependency files messages. Make sure to call 'weblogic-mt-domain-files-check' before. --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-domain-files-messages"> |
| <sequential> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.eclipselink.lib.file.check.message" |
| value=" + ${wls.mt.eclipselink.lib} found" |
| else=" - ${wls.mt.eclipselink.lib} is missing"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.eclipselink.lib.file.exists"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar.file.check.message" |
| value=" + ${wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar} found" |
| else=" - ${wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar} is missing"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar.file.exists"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.junit.lib.file.check.message" |
| value=" + ${wls.mt.junit.lib} found" |
| else=" - ${wls.mt.junit.lib} is missing"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.junit.lib.file.exists"/> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: WebLogic connection properties check. --> |
| <macrodef name="weblogic-mt-connect-properties-check"> |
| <sequential> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.connect.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir" /> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host" /> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port" /> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.user" /> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.password" /> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Verify properties for download. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-download-verify-properties"> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.download.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.generic.jar" /> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar" /> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.packages.dir"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Missing Weblogic download properties" unless="wls.mt.download.properties.valid"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Verify properties for download. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-download-verify-all-properties"> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.download.all.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.builds.url"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.generic.jar"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.packages.dir"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Missing Weblogic download properties" unless="wls.mt.download.all.properties.valid"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Prepare printing of properties for download. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-download-print-prepare"> |
| <!-- External properties messages --> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.builds.url.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.builds.url = ${weblogic.mt.builds.url}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.builds.url is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.builds.url" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.generic.jar.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.generic.jar = ${weblogic.mt.generic.jar}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.generic.jar is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.generic.jar"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar = ${weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.packages.dir.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.packages.dir = ${weblogic.mt.packages.dir}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.packages.dir is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.packages.dir"/> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Internal properties messages --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.generic.jar.url.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.generic.jar.url = ${wls.mt.generic.jar.url}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.generic.jar.url is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.generic.jar.url"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.generic.jar.file.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.generic.jar.file = ${wls.mt.generic.jar.file}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.generic.jar.file is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.generic.jar.url"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.url.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.url = ${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.url}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.url is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.url"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file = ${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.url"/> |
| </condition> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print properties without URL for download. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-download-print-properties" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-download-print-prepare"> |
| <!-- External properties header --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.download.properties.header" |
| value="Weblogic download properties passed:" |
| else="Some of Weblogic download properties are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.generic.jar"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.packages.dir"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.download.properties.header}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.generic.jar.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.packages.dir.message}"/> |
| <echo message="File properties generated:"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.generic.jar.file.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.message}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print all properties for download. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-download-print-all-properties" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-download-print-prepare"> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.download.all.properties.header" |
| value="Weblogic download properties passed:" |
| else="Some of Weblogic download properties are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.builds.url"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.generic.jar"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.packages.dir"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.download.all.properties.header}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.builds.url.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.generic.jar.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.jrf_generic.jar.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.packages.dir.message}"/> |
| <echo message="URL and file properties generated:"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.generic.jar.url.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.generic.jar.file.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.url.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.message}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Verify properties for installation. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-install-verify-properties"> |
| <weblogic-mt-install-files-check/> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.install.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir"/> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.generic.jar.file.exists"/> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.exists"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Missing Weblogic installation properties or files" |
| unless="wls.mt.install.properties.valid"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print properties for installation. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-install-print-properties"> |
| <weblogic-mt-install-files-check/> |
| <!-- External properties header --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.install.properties.header" |
| value="Weblogic installation properties passed:" |
| else="Some of Weblogic installation properties are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Files header --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.install.files.header" |
| value="Weblogic installation files:" else="Some of Weblogic installation files are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.generic.jar.file.exists"/> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.exists"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- External properties messages --> |
| <condition property="oracle.mt.install.dir.message" |
| value=" + oracle.mt.install.dir = ${oracle.mt.install.dir}" |
| else=" - oracle.mt.install.dir is missing"> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir"/> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Internal properties messages --> |
| <weblogic-mt-server.wl.home-property-message/> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.install.dir.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.install.dir = ${weblogic.mt.install.dir}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.install.dir is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.install.dir"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.response.wls.file.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.response.wls.file = ${wls.mt.response.wls.file}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.response.wls.file is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.response.wls.file"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.response.wls.type.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.response.wls.type = ${wls.mt.response.wls.type}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.response.wls.type is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.response.wls.type"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.response.jrf.file.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.response.jrf.file = ${wls.mt.response.jrf.file}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.response.jrf.file is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.response.jrf.file"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.response.jrf.type.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.response.jrf.type = ${wls.mt.response.jrf.type}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.response.jrf.type is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.response.jrf.type"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.install.orainv.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.install.orainv = ${wls.mt.install.orainv}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.install.orainv is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.install.orainv"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.install.orainst.loc.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.install.orainst.loc = ${wls.mt.install.orainst.loc}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.install.orainst.loc is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.install.orainst.loc"/> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Files verification --> |
| <weblogic-mt-install-files-messages/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.install.properties.header}"/> |
| <echo message="${oracle.mt.install.dir.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.install.files.header}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.generic.jar.file.check.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.check.message}"/> |
| <echo message="Installation paths generated:"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.response.wls.file.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.response.wls.type.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.response.jrf.file.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.response.jrf.type.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.install.dir.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.install.wl.home.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.install.orainv.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.install.orainst.loc.message}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Verify properties for domain creation. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-create-domain-verify-properties"> |
| <weblogic-mt-domain-files-check/> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.create.domain.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.domain.path"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.server.name"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.ssl.port"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.user"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.password"/> |
| <isset property="eclipselink.lib"/> |
| <isset property="jdbc.driver.jar"/> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.all.dependency.files.exists"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Missing Weblogic domain creation properties or files" |
| unless="wls.mt.create.domain.properties.valid"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print properties for domain creation. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-create-domain-print-properties"> |
| <weblogic-mt-domain-files-check/> |
| <!-- External properties header --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.create.domain.properties.header" |
| value="Weblogic domain creation properties passed:" |
| else="Some of Weblogic domain creation properties are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.domain.path"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.server.name"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.ssl.port"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.user"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.password"/> |
| <isset property="eclipselink.lib"/> |
| <isset property="jdbc.driver.jar"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Files header --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.domain.files.header" |
| value="Weblogic domain initialization files:" |
| else="Some of Weblogic domain initialization files are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.all.dependency.files.exists"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- External properties messages --> |
| <condition property="oracle.mt.install.dir.message" |
| value=" + oracle.mt.install.dir = ${oracle.mt.install.dir}" |
| else=" - oracle.mt.install.dir is missing"> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.domain.path.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.domain.path = ${weblogic.mt.domain.path}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.domain.path is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.domain.path"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.server.name.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.server.name = ${weblogic.mt.server.name}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.server.name is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.server.name"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.host.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.host = ${weblogic.mt.host}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.host is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.port.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.port = ${weblogic.mt.port}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.port is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.ssl.port.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.ssl.port = ${weblogic.mt.ssl.port}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.ssl.port is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.ssl.port"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.admin.user.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.admin.user = ${weblogic.mt.admin.user}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.admin.user is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.user"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.admin.password.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.admin.password = ${weblogic.mt.admin.password}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.admin.password is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.password"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.admin.password.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.admin.password = ${weblogic.mt.admin.password}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.admin.password is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.password"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.admin.password.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.admin.password = ${weblogic.mt.admin.password}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.admin.password is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.password"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="eclipselink.lib.message" |
| value=" + eclipselink.lib = ${eclipselink.lib}" |
| else=" - eclipselink.lib is missing"> |
| <isset property="eclipselink.lib" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="jdbc.driver.jar.message" |
| value=" + jdbc.driver.jar = ${jdbc.driver.jar}" |
| else=" - jdbc.driver.jar is missing"> |
| <isset property="jdbc.driver.jar" /> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Internal properties messages --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.install.wl.home.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.install.wl.home = ${wls.mt.install.wl.home}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.install.wl.home is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.install.wl.home"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.toplink.dir.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.toplink.dir = ${weblogic.mt.toplink.dir}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.toplink.dir is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.toplink.dir"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.config.tool.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.config.tool = ${wls.mt.config.tool}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.config.tool is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.config.tool" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.domain.full.path.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.domain.full.path = ${wls.mt.domain.full.path}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.domain.full.path is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.domain.full.path" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path = ${wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.domain.template.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.domain.template = ${wls.mt.domain.template}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.domain.template is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.domain.template" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.domain.jrf.template.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.domain.jrf.template = ${wls.mt.domain.jrf.template}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.domain.jrf.template is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.domain.jrf.template" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.eclipselink.lib.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.eclipselink.lib = ${wls.mt.eclipselink.lib}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.eclipselink.lib is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.eclipselink.lib"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar = ${wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.junit.lib.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.junit.lib = ${wls.mt.junit.lib}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.junit.lib is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.junit.lib"/> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Files verification --> |
| <weblogic-mt-domain-files-messages/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.create.domain.properties.header}"/> |
| <echo message="${oracle.mt.install.dir.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.domain.path.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.domain.lib.full.path.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.server.name.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.host.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.port.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.ssl.port.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.admin.user.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.admin.password.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${eclipselink.lib.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${jdbc.driver.jar.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.junit.lib.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.domain.files.header}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.eclipselink.lib.file.check.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar.file.check.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.junit.lib.file.check.message}"/> |
| <echo message="Domain creation properties generated:"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.install.wl.home.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.toplink.dir.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.config.tool.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.domain.full.path.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.domain.template.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.domain.jrf.template.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.eclipselink.lib.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.jdbc.driver.jar.message}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Verify properties for strating a domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-start-domain-verify-properties"> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.start.domain.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.domain.path"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Missing Weblogic domain startup properties" |
| unless="wls.mt.start.domain.properties.valid"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print properties for strating a domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-start-domain-print-properties"> |
| <!-- External properties header --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.start.domain.properties.header" |
| value="Weblogic domain startup properties passed:" |
| else="Some of Weblogic domain startup properties are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.domain.path"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- External properties messages --> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.domain.path.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.domain.path = ${weblogic.mt.domain.path}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.domain.path is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.domain.path"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.host.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.host = ${weblogic.mt.host}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.host is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.port.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.port = ${weblogic.mt.port}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.port is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port"/> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Internal properties messages --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.domain.full.path.message" |
| value=" + wls.mt.domain.full.path = ${wls.mt.domain.full.path}" |
| else=" - wls.mt.domain.full.path is not initialized"> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.domain.full.path" /> |
| </condition> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.start.domain.properties.header}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.domain.path.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.host.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.port.message}"/> |
| <echo message="Domain path:"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.domain.full.path.message}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Verify properties for stopping a domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-stop-domain-verify-properties"> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.stop.domain.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.user"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.password"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Missing Weblogic domain stopping properties" |
| unless="wls.mt.stop.domain.properties.valid"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print properties for stopping a domain. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-stop-domain-print-properties"> |
| <!-- External properties header --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.stop.domain.properties.header" |
| value="Weblogic domain stopping properties passed:" |
| else="Some of Weblogic domain stopping properties are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="oracle.mt.install.dir"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.host"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.port"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.user"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.admin.password"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- External properties messages --> |
| <weblogic-mt-server-access-properties-messages/> |
| <!-- Internal properties messages --> |
| <weblogic-mt-server.wl.home-property-message/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.stop.domain.properties.header}"/> |
| <echo message="${oracle.mt.install.dir.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.host.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.port.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.admin.user.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.admin.password.message}"/> |
| <echo message="Weblogic path:"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.install.wl.home.message}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Verify properties for deployment. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-deploy-verify-properties"> |
| <weblogic-mt-connect-properties-check/> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.deploy.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.connect.properties.valid"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.application.name"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.application.path"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Missing Weblogic deployment properties" |
| unless="wls.mt.deploy.properties.valid"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print properties for deployment. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-deploy-print-properties"> |
| <weblogic-mt-connect-properties-check/> |
| <!-- External properties header --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.deploy.properties.header" |
| value="Weblogic deployment properties passed:" |
| else="Some of Weblogic deployment properties are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.connect.properties.valid"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.application.name"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.application.path"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- External properties messages --> |
| <weblogic-mt-server-access-properties-messages/> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.application.name.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.application.name = ${weblogic.mt.application.name}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.application.name is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.application.name"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.application.path.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.application.path = ${weblogic.mt.application.path}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.application.path is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.application.path"/> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Internal properties messages --> |
| <weblogic-mt-server.wl.home-property-message/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.deploy.properties.header}"/> |
| <weblogic-mt-server-access-properties-print/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.application.name.message}"/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.application.path.message}"/> |
| <echo message="Weblogic path:"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.install.wl.home.message}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Verify properties for undeployment. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-undeploy-verify-properties"> |
| <weblogic-mt-connect-properties-check/> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.undeploy.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.connect.properties.valid"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.application.name"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Missing Weblogic undeployment properties" |
| unless="wls.mt.undeploy.properties.valid"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print properties for undeployment. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-undeploy-print-properties"> |
| <weblogic-mt-connect-properties-check/> |
| <!-- External properties header --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.undeploy.properties.header" |
| value="Weblogic undeployment properties passed:" |
| else="Some of Weblogic undeployment properties are missing:"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.connect.properties.valid"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.application.name"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- External properties messages --> |
| <weblogic-mt-server-access-properties-messages/> |
| <condition property="weblogic.mt.application.name.message" |
| value=" + weblogic.mt.application.name = ${weblogic.mt.application.name}" |
| else=" - weblogic.mt.application.name is missing"> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.application.name"/> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Internal properties messages --> |
| <weblogic-mt-server.wl.home-property-message/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.undeploy.properties.header}"/> |
| <weblogic-mt-server-access-properties-print/> |
| <echo message="${weblogic.mt.application.name.message}"/> |
| <echo message="Weblogic path:"/> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.install.wl.home.message}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Check tenant related test properties. --> |
| <target name="check-test-type"> |
| <!-- Check whether there is at least one tenant defined. --> |
| <condition property="is.test.with.tenant" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.t1.target"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.t1.url"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- Check whether there are two tenants set. --> |
| <condition property="is.test.with.second.tenant" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.t2.target"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.t2.url"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Verify junit test suite execution arguments. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-test-call-verify-properties" depends="check-test-type"> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.undeploy.properties.valid" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="is.test.with.tenant"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.platform"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.libs"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.dir.lib"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.dir.base"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.dir.build"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.dir.run"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.dir.report"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.test.name"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.model.name"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.srv.user"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.srv.pwd"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.suite"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.runner"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.runner1"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.runner2"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.runner3"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.runner4"/> |
| <isset property="weblogic.mt.test.runner5"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <fail message="Missing Weblogic undeployment properties" |
| unless="wls.mt.undeploy.properties.valid"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print junit test suite execution arguments. --> |
| <target name="weblogic-mt-test-call-print-properties"> |
| <echo message="Properties passed to test call:"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.platform"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.libs"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.lib"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.base"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.build"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.run"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.dir.report"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.test.name"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.model.name"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.srv.user"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.srv.pwd"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.proxy.user"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.suite"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.runner"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.runner1"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.runner2"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.runner3"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.runner4"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.runner5"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.t1.target"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.t1.url"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.t2.target"/> |
| <property-check-message name="weblogic.mt.test.t2.url"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Check if WebLogic installation packages are available locally. --> |
| <target name="wls-mt-packages-exists"> |
| <weblogic-mt-install-files-check/> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.packages.exists" value="true"> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.generic.jar.file.exists"/> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file.exists"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Download WebLogic installation packages from builds URL only when they do not exist locally. --> |
| <target name="wls-mt-packages-download" |
| depends="wls-mt-builds-url-msg,wls-mt-builds-url-print,wls-mt-is-builds-url-and-not-packages" |
| if="wls.mt.is.builds.not.packages"> |
| <antcall target="wls-download"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Build message about missing builds URL when wls.mt.builds.url.set.msg property is set. --> |
| <target name="wls-mt-builds-url-msg" unless="wls.mt.packages.exists" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-download-print-properties,weblogic-mt-download-verify-properties"> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Print message about missing builds URL when such a message is set |
| as wls.mt.builds.url.set.msg property. --> |
| <target name="wls-mt-builds-url-print" if="wls.mt.builds.url.set.msg"> |
| <echo message="${wls.mt.builds.url.set.msg}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Download condition for installation target: |
| weblogic.mt.builds.url != null && !wls.mt.packages.exists --> |
| <target name="wls-mt-is-builds-url-and-not-packages"> |
| <!-- echo message="weblogic.mt.builds.url=${weblogic.mt.builds.url}"/ --> |
| <!-- echo message="wls.mt.packages.exists=${wls.mt.packages.exists}"/ --> |
| <condition property="wls.mt.is.builds.not.packages" value="true"> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="wls.mt.packages.exists"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| <!-- echo message="wls.mt.is.builds.not.packages=${wls.mt.is.builds.not.packages}"/ --> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Write response file for WebLogic installator. --> |
| <target name="wls-write-response-file"> |
| <delete file="${RESPONSE.FILE}" failonerror="false" verbose="true"/> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">[ENGINE] |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">Response File Version= |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">[GENERIC] |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">INSTALL_TYPE=${RESPONSE.TYPE} |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME=some.user@some.org |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD= |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=true |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT=false |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">PROXY_HOST= |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">PROXY_PORT= |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">PROXY_USER= |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">PROXY_PWD= |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">COLLECTOR_SUPPORTHUB_URL= |
| </echo> |
| <echo append="true" file="${RESPONSE.FILE}">ORACLE_HOME=${RESPONSE.HOME} |
| </echo> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Write oraInst.loc file for WebLogic installator. --> |
| <target name="wls-write-orainst-file"> |
| <delete file="${ORAINST.FILE}" failonerror="false" verbose="true"/> |
| <echo append="true" file="${ORAINST.FILE}">inventory_loc=${ORAINST.INVENTORY} |
| </echo> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Create directory structure for WebLogic installation. --> |
| <target name="wls-install-create-dirs"> |
| <mkdir dir="${oracle.mt.install.dir}"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${weblogic.mt.install.dir}"/> |
| <!--mkdir dir="${wls.mt.install.wl.home}"/--> |
| <mkdir dir="${wls.mt.install.orainv}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Create directory structure and install WebLogic packages. --> |
| <target name="wls-install-weblogic" |
| depends="weblogic-mt-install-print-properties,weblogic-mt-install-verify-properties,wls-install-create-dirs"> |
| <antcall target="wls-write-response-file"> |
| <param name="RESPONSE.FILE" value="${wls.mt.response.wls.file}"/> |
| <param name="RESPONSE.TYPE" value="${wls.mt.response.wls.type}"/> |
| <param name="RESPONSE.HOME" value="${weblogic.mt.install.dir}"/> |
| </antcall> |
| <antcall target="wls-write-orainst-file"> |
| <param name="ORAINST.FILE" value="${wls.mt.install.orainst.loc}"/> |
| <param name="ORAINST.INVENTORY" value="${wls.mt.install.orainv}"/> |
| </antcall> |
| <echo message="Installing WebLogic 12c"/> |
| <java jar="${wls.mt.generic.jar.file}" fork="true"> |
| <arg value="-silent"/> |
| <arg line="-responseFile ${wls.mt.response.wls.file}"/> |
| <arg line="-invPtrLoc ${wls.mt.install.orainst.loc}"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- INTERNAL: Create directory structure and install Fusion Middleware Infrastructure packages. --> |
| <target name="wls-install-fusion-middleware" depends="wls-install-create-dirs"> |
| <antcall target="wls-write-response-file"> |
| <param name="RESPONSE.FILE" value="${wls.mt.response.jrf.file}"/> |
| <param name="RESPONSE.TYPE" value="${wls.mt.response.jrf.type}"/> |
| <param name="RESPONSE.HOME" value="${weblogic.mt.install.dir}"/> |
| </antcall> |
| <echo message="Installing Fusion Middleware 12c Infrastructure"/> |
| <java jar="${wls.mt.jrf_generic.jar.file}" fork="true"> |
| <arg value="-silent"/> |
| <arg line="-responseFile ${wls.mt.response.jrf.file}"/> |
| <arg line="-invPtrLoc ${wls.mt.install.orainst.loc}"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| </project> |