| custom=true |
| # Edit this if/when the release number changes |
| release.version=3.0.0 |
| |
| # Edit these properties to point to your local jars. |
| tools.lib=${env.JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar |
| eclipselink.jar=eclipselink.jar |
| |
| # Edit this property to "true" to enable debug attributes like lines, variables and source-filename |
| javac.debug=true |
| javac.debuglevel=lines,vars,source |
| |
| # Edit this property when you would like to override the java version during testing |
| javac.version=1.8 |
| |
| # Edit this property to increase the maxMemory heap memory used by the tests if you get an OutOfMemoryException - use JConsole.exe to triage the memory spike at the end of the test |
| # 282012: On a 64-bit JVM - The XML processing at the end of the testing requires at least 1536 |
| # Note: on a legacy XP OS with 4GB ram - the max is 1536 - use of 2048 will cause [junit] [WARN ] Unable to acquire some virtual address space - reduced from 2048 to 1908MB. |
| # The current default is 1024m = 1GB (the LC "m" is required") |
| max.heap.memory=1024m |
| |
| # Do not edit the properties below. |
| eclipselink.plugins=../../plugins |
| eclipselink.core.depend.without.connector=javax.ejb_3.1.0.v201205171433.jar,javax.jms_1.1.0.v200906010428.jar,javax.transaction_1.1.0.v201002051055.jar,javax.mail_1.4.0.v201005080615.jar |
| connector.jar=javax.resource_1.6.0.v201204270900.jar |
| |
| eclipselink.core.depend=${eclipselink.core.depend.without.connector},${connector.jar} |
| eclipselink.core.test=. |
| eclipselink.core=../org.eclipse.persistence.core |
| eclipselink.extension.oracle=../org.eclipse.persistence.oracle |
| |
| coretest.framework.jar=eclipselink-coretest-framework.jar |
| core.test.jar=eclipselink-core-tests.jar |
| test.properties=test.properties |
| asm=org.eclipse.persistence.asm |
| antlr=org.eclipse.persistence.antlr |
| persistence10.jar=javax.persistence_1.0.0.v200905011740.jar |
| unsigned.persistence10.jar=javax.persistence_unsigned_for_testing_1.0.0.jar |
| jgroups.jar=jgroups.jar |
| persistence.extension=org.eclipse.persistence.extension |
| classes.dir=classes |
| src.dir=src |
| resource.dir=resource |
| run.dir=run |
| |
| |
| # These are used for running using the prompt runner. |
| core.test.properties=automated.test.properties |
| core.test.regression.log=core.test.regression.log |
| |
| #JaCoCo |
| jacocoagent.jar=jacocoagent.jar |