blob: c942047b651ca9aa858ecf05f3225dd32ef2e89b [file] [log] [blame]
to update ASM library:
-obtain a CQ
-get ASM sources and unpack them to some <tmp> folder
-create a properties file '' with following content:
java -cp $eclipselink_home/utils/eclipselink.utils.rename/package-rename.jar \
org.eclipse.persistence.utils.rename.MigrateTopLinkToEclipseLink <tmp>/org/objectweb <dst>
-copy <dst>/* to $eclipselink_home/plugins/org.eclipse.persistence.asm/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/libraries
-update 'release.version' property in 'antbuild.xml'
-update release version in 'about.html' and 'readme.html'
-commit changes
-build final artifact with:
ant -f antbuild.xml -Dbuild.type=RELEASE bld
-commit & push changes
-rebuild compdeps
-update asm version in the source tree, ie on OSX:
grep -rl "201702131300" * | xargs sed -i '' 's/201702131300/201710052159/g'
-commit and push the change