| custom=true |
| # Edit this if/when the release number changes |
| release.version=3.0.0 |
| |
| # Link to dependencies not in SVN, assumes default location, if you store elsewhere you need to edit these. |
| junit.lib=../../../extension.lib.external/junit.jar |
| eclipselink.jar=eclipselink.jar |
| |
| # Edit this property to "true" to enable debug attributes like lines, variables and source-filename. |
| javac.debug=true |
| javac.debuglevel=lines,vars,source |
| |
| # Edit this property when you would like to override the java version during testing |
| javac.version=1.6 |
| |
| # Edit this property to increase the maxMemory heap memory used by the tests if you get an OutOfMemoryException - use JConsole.exe to triage the memory spike at the end of the test |
| # The current default is 768m (the LC "m" is required") |
| max.heap.memory=768m |
| |
| # Do not edit the properties below. |
| |
| # General Infrastructure Definitions |
| -------------------------------------- |
| test.properties=./test.properties |
| src.dir=src |
| classes.dir=classes |
| classes21.dir=classes21 |
| build.dir=build |
| resource.dir=resource |
| plugins.dir=plugins |
| eclipselink.external.libs=../../../extension.lib.external |