| # Edit this if/when the release number changes |
| release.version=2.7.1 |
| |
| # Edit this property to "true" to enable debug attributes like lines, variables and source-filename |
| javac.debug=true |
| javac.debuglevel=lines,vars,source |
| |
| # Edit this property when you would like to override the java version during testing |
| javac.version=1.8 |
| |
| tmp.dir=tmp |
| src.dir=src |
| classes.dir=classes |
| resource.dir=resource |
| report.dir=reports |
| |
| asm.jar=org.eclipse.persistence.asm_6.0.0.v201710052159.jar |
| persistence22.jar=javax.persistence_2.2.0.v201708071007.jar |
| json.jar=org.glassfish.javax.json_1.0.4.v201311181159.jar |
| jmh-core.jar=jmh-core-0.9.3.jar |
| jmh-generator-annprocess.jar=jmh-generator-annprocess-0.9.3.jar |
| commons-math.jar=commons-math3-3.3.jar |
| |
| # JSR-303/349 Dependency Definitions |
| ---------------------------------------------- |
| javax.validation.jar=javax.validation_1.1.0.v201304101302.jar |
| validation-impl.jar=hibernate-validator-5.1.0.Final.jar |
| jboss-logging.jar=jboss-logging-3.1.4.GA.jar |
| javax.el-api.jar=javax.el-api-2.2.jar |
| javax.el.jar=javax.el-2.2.2.jar |
| classmate.jar=classmate-1.0.0.jar |
| |
| warmup.iterations=20 |
| run.iterations=20 |
| jmh.resultFile=jmh-result.csv |
| jmh.resultFormat=csv |